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UBI needs to happen. via antiwork
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there is something so darkly comical about tumblr potentially outliving twitter
tumblr, which is held together with duct tape and madness, run by three raccoons in blood stained Yahoo! hats and a handful of crabs, its only discernible source of income the sale of shoelaces from an inside joke so inside no one knows the original source anymore and fake blue checkmarks... that website still lives on
truly the cockroach of social media and I love it for that
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The World of Peter Rabbit and Friends: The Tailor of Gloucester
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enjoy these rabbits
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I adore Mr. Rogers
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there is no “trans debate.” you either believe in the rights of all people to personal freedom, bodily autonomy, privacy, and self-identification, or you’re just a bad person.
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The history of corporate propaganda.
'Nobody wants to work' fails to mention the poverty wages and horrible workplaces.
Reframe the narrative: Capitalists refuse to pay thriving wages.
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I’m not a classicist, but I suspect one of the reasons so many of the Greek gods are portrayed so unflatteringly was less because they were seen as villains than because they represented their domains.  Of course Zeus sometimes misuses his power, that’s what a king does.  Of course Artemis’s wrath is wild and painful, that’s what nature can be.  Of course Hades snatched away a young girl from her mother’s arms, that’s what death does.  This is one of the reasons callout posts for some gods comparing them negatively to ‘nicer’ gods are kind of missing the point.
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Sapphomanteia (or ‘Sapphomancy’) is a divination system performed by casting dice to identify one of sixty-four possible number combinations, each referencing a fragment of Sappho’s lyrical poetry. This line of poetry can then be interpreted to answer the posed question, or as a guide to think over.
I have carefully selected sixty-four fragments from various translations of Sappho’s work – Diane Rayor, Anne Carson, Aaron Poochigan, and Mary Barnard. The end of each fragment is marked with its relevant reference number as per E. W. Voigt’s numbering system.
To perform Sapphomanteia:
Roll 3 four-sided dice (or roll one dice three times) and use the three digits rolled to reference the corresponding fragment in bold below.
(Online dice rollers here or here).
As with many forms of divination, you could say a prayer to Sappho or another god for guidance in your reading before you start.
111 - Yes, we did many things, then - all beautiful (24a)
112 - Golden-crowned Aphrodite, may I draw this lot (33)
113 - I hunger and I struggle (36)
114 - In the dripping of my pain may winds and anguish take him who condemns (37)
121 - You scorch us (38)
122 - To you I sacrifice on the altar a white goat and I will leave for you (40)
123 - My lovely friends, how could I change towards you who are so beautiful? (41)
124 - Their hearts grow cold and their wings fell slack (42)
131 - As long as you want (45)
132 - On a soft cushion I will lay my body down (46)
133 - Without warning as a whirlwind swoops on an oak, Love shakes my heart (47)
134 - You came and I was crazy for you, and you cooled my mind that burned with longing (48)
141 - The gorgeous man presents a gorgeous view; the good man will in time be gorgeous, too (50)
142 - I don’t know what to do - I am of two minds (51)
143 - I don’t expect to touch heaven (52)
144 - Having come from heaven wrapped in a purple cloak (54)
211 - Dead you will lie and never memory of you will there be (55 partial)
212 - I think no woman of such skill will ever again see the light of day (56)
213 - What country girl seduces your wits wearing a country dress not knowing how to pull the cloth to her ankles? (57)
214 - Yet I love the finer things … this and passion for the light of life have granted me brilliance and beauty (58)
221 - Because the blessed Graces grant gifts to the garlanded and snub the worshipper with no flowers on her head (81)
222 - I will love you … as long as breath is in me … will care (88a)
223 - Clothed her well in delicate linen (100)
224 - The evening star is the most beautiful of all stars (104b)
231 - The sweet apple reddens on a high branch, high upon highest, missed by the applepickers: No, they didn’t miss, so much as couldn’t touch (105a)
232 - Like a hyacinth in the mountains, trampled by shepherds until only a purple stain remains on the ground (105b)
233 - Superior as a singer from Lesbos to those of other lands (106)
234 - We shall give, says father (109)
241 - I can best compare you to a slender sapling (115)
242 - Come, divine lyre, speak to me and sing! (118)
243 - I have no spiteful temper but am calm in mind (120)
244 - A delicate young girl plucking flowers (122)
311 - I myself once wove garlands (125)
312 - May you sleep on the breast of a tender companion (126)
313 - Come close, you precious Graces and Muses with beautiful tresses (128)
314 - But you have forgotten me (129a)
321 - Once again Love, that loosener of limbs, bittersweet and inescapable, crawling thing, seizes me (130)
322 - I conversed with you in a dream Kyprogeneia (134)
323 - Messenger of spring, nightingale with enticing song (136)
324 - I want to tell you something but good taste restrains me (137)
331 - Stand before me as a friend and flaunt the charm in your eyes (138)
332 - Ambrosia mixed in a bowl that Hermes, flask in hand, poured for the gods (141)
333 - Golden chickpeas grew on the shores (143)
334 - Don’t move piles of pebbles (145)
341 - Neither the honey nor the bee for me (146)
342 - Someone will remember us, I say, even in another time (147)
343 - Wealth without virtue makes a dangerous neighbour, while their blend holds the pinnacle of happiness (148)
344 - When nightlong celebration closes their eyes (149)
411 - For it is not right in a house of the Muses that there be lament, this would not become us (150)
412 - As the full moon rose, women stood round the altar (154)
413 - Far sweeter in song than a lyre, more golden than gold (156)
414 - When anger spreads in the breast, guard against an idly barking tongue (158)
421 - Now I will sing this beautifully to delight my companions (160)
422 - With what eyes? (162)
423 - The Moon and Pleiades have set - half the night is gone. Time passes. I sleep alone (164b)
424 - Gaia, richly crowned, adorns herself in many hues (168c)
431 - I would lead (169)
432 - A vine that grows up trees (173)
433 - Easy passage (181)
434 - I might go (182)
441 – Danger (184)
442 – Honeyvoiced (185)
443 – Mythweaver (188)
444 – Manyskilled (190)
This has been a project of love and devotion, and I am very excited to share it with you all. Many, many, many thanks to @ofhoneyandflame​ and @thegrapeandthefig​ for all their help, guidance and input through this process <3
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In the wake of the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe V Wade the Resist Tee is available again with proceeds being donated to Elevated Access. Tees will be printed with soft touch, eco-conscious waterbased inks by Triple Stamp Press, who are generously printing this design at a discounted rate to maximize fundraising efforts. 
Let’s give ‘em hell!
This is a preorder which will run from July 4 - July 18th.
Available on two different hoodies, including a return of the terry hoodie that was previously used (yes, the one with thumb holes), as well as a unisex crew tee and a new crop top.
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This is sick.
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This is a Christian Nationalist judicial coup.
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Stole this from a friend with permission
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These “pro-life” people want 16 year old girls dropping out of high school to raise kids; they know these girls don’t have access to childcare.
These “pro-life” people want 19 year olds in college to have to stop earning their degree in order to raise a child from an accidental pregnancy; they know you can’t take an infant into your lecture halls.
These “pro-life” people want 22 and 23 year old unmarried women to have to take a low-wage job; they know it’s hard to advance in your career when you have to miss work to take a toddler to a doctor’s appointments and to preschool, and when you’re desperate for work that you can’t stand up for your rights or job hop to find something better. They know a 22 year old who gives up a child for adoption won’t be treated fairly by their coworkers, won’t get promoted by a disapproving boss.
These people want girls and women to suffer, to be punished for the rest of their lives for committing the Ultimate Sin: Having sex when they don’t approve of it.
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It’s not safe to have a uterus in this country. I don’t care if I live in a blue state and the right to abortion is protected in my state. I don’t feel safe in this country.
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Attn: Right Wing
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