amethyst-mcl ¡ 4 years
Do you think Armin, Lys, and Kentin will ever be added as routes again? :c
I’m just going to forward you to this post from the blog I had before reopening this one. 
Because of that, unfortunately, at least in the scope of the game itself, no, I don’t think so.
I don’t think it’s even possible for them to with the new current schedule (especially considering they have strict word counts) and it genuinely feels like they are choosing quantity over quality with picking any kind of easy common drama or things they can do quickly for brownie points. The charm isn’t there and it feels like they are trying to copy whatever is popular right now. And while this doesn’t apply to everything, it does feel kind of cheap to me now.
I’m not saying doing certain things is bad though-- more representation is always a good thing, but I also don’t expect it to be done as well as it could and especially recently, the English translation has felt incredibly awkward/stiff. 
I think at most, if they decide to do anything, it could give us an option to break-up with whoever we are with at the end (or sooner) and get back together with our HSL ex (or even a different UL/LL love interest) at the very end. If they felt particularly generous, maybe with an illustration (we still have only one kiss illustration with Armin T__T). 
Depending on what’s “next” after Love Life, we could maybe see more spin-offs or even a secondary run of University Life and Love Life with just Armin, Lysander, and Kentin as dateable characters, but still going through the same plot as UL and Love Life with just a few adjustments for these three being there now too. 
But in all honesty, as much as I would happily take that (or heck, just take them removing the “flash forward” from Episode 40 and saying UL and LL are AUs), I don’t think it’s likely.
From a Business head and just from what I’ve personally seen, I know not many people played the spin-offs because “it wasn’t what they wanted” and as far as a business is concerned, they just see people not playing content they made for those characters which very likely means to them that people won’t play ANY content for those characters, or at least not enough. It doesn’t matter that that isn’t true. I know tons of people who didn’t play the spin-off but would come back in the heartbeat for the route. It’s not how Beemoov will see it. 
It’s part of why I put money to playing each one, even though I only played Armin’s route. But I’m absolutely the minority in that. 
There’s also the fact that yes, a lot of people did leave due to the changes and they never seem to use their newsletter function to let people know about updates and new content. 
I feel like we’d have a better chance of Beemoov doing some kind of fundraiser for us to pay for the routes than them ever considering their community’s feelings on this because in all honesty, they seem too stubborn to stick to this new routine even if it takes away everything that made them special and unique in the first place. 
(That said, if Beemoov *did* do some kind of thing like Kickstarter or Indiegogo or whatever, I’d absolutely pay. Especially considering it’d be a good way for them to get merchandise out again too.)
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amethyst-mcl ¡ 5 years
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⚠️ Sweet Love⚠️ (#FANART)
 The Sweet Love at the University will start and are you prepared for the great adventures? Or … are you ready to find your old love? Will you be able to get along with your classmates? Or are you ready to move on and forget your first love?
 Follow the small project made by Miih arts, which will be launched on March 25! 
💫Profile: Armin
 Armin is living his life as a game developer, it was not what he expected for his life but he had a great opportunity and decided to hold on to it. He lives in a small apartment that he shares with his twin brother Alexy who is studying sociology at Anteros Academy .But Armin has a big secret that only Alexy knows, will this change with the arrival of Lynn? Or will the relationship just get worse?
 (This synopsis about Armin was made by me, it will be very different from sweet love at the University, the main characters are the same as the sweet love at school. flirting that were left aside that we still miss and I hope you like it and support the small project, I will dedicate myself a lot to this small project!)
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amethyst-mcl ¡ 5 years
"We have been attentively reading your feedback--" You don't read shit, Beemoov. I don't know why you even bother lying to our faces.
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amethyst-mcl ¡ 5 years
I'm sad to say I was boo boo the fool, hoping the boys will be back for LL after the backlash from UL... I really was thinking to play again 😔 I think it would've been very profitable for beemoov, I really don't understand why they don't want to listen.
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amethyst-mcl ¡ 5 years
Wow !
It wasn’t worth the wait at all ! :D
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amethyst-mcl ¡ 5 years
This game is gonna flop so hard xD
This is by far the worst system I've ever seen and I've played quite a few visual novels by now lmao
Beemoov really does think they're the shit.
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amethyst-mcl ¡ 5 years
beemoov be like
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amethyst-mcl ¡ 5 years
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Really, that’s all I want 😭😭
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amethyst-mcl ¡ 5 years
I miss him so much ffs
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From Beemoov’s instagram page:
“Armin was unable to stand still during Super-Con! We had such great costumes, thanks to Rosa and her talent! ”
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amethyst-mcl ¡ 5 years
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From beemoovs Instagram !
Finally something on his spinoff 😭😭 I am already crying not ready for this .
Also it doesn’t seem like we are going to get a a kissing illustration in my opinion which I really wanted :( but we’ll see .
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amethyst-mcl ¡ 5 years
We really should do something.
Few days ago,Beemoov released the beta of Moonlight Lovers but after that they deleted it.
I’ve got enough of them. I’ve got enough of them not communicating with us. Is that hard to tell us a release date?
The game is already for a year now.
I can understand that they probably released the beta by mistake. But they wrote a Facebook post where they announced us that the beta was released. That post you need to manually write it. And i’m 100% sure they didn’t typed it by mistake.
I asked Chino last month when the beta will come out. And she totally ignored my comment. They are literally making fun of us.
“Coming soon”. How “soon”? How many months do we still need to wait?
We really should do something. I don’t know what,but we should do. We waited for so long already. And Beemoov keeps the silence without any shame.
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amethyst-mcl ¡ 5 years
I really hope we get the beta test tomorrow.
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amethyst-mcl ¡ 5 years
True colors
That’s the message Chinomiko wrote when she told us three routes had been removed (Lysander, Kentin and Armin’s).[She deleted it a few months ago] Maybe it was Beemoov’s idea, but she agreed, so she is guilty too. She doesn’t care about the players. If you want to support her and that  company, it’s your decision, it’s completely up to you. 
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amethyst-mcl ¡ 5 years
Where is fucking beta jfhfjridjrifjeid
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amethyst-mcl ¡ 5 years
*plays every university life episode pretending my candy won't ever get over armin and slowly waiting for him to come back*
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amethyst-mcl ¡ 5 years
So where are the updates from Beemoov?
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amethyst-mcl ¡ 5 years
Apparently there is a new otome-gate in the fandom (ha! I'm so clever). It seems that if you're in your thirties and a mother you can't play otome games anymore.
Do you really think that the day after you're 29 years and 364 days old your hobbies are magically going to change? That if you push a baby out of your vagina it's going to take your personality away from you on the way out?
Girls I'm going to tell you a secret... it doesn't and it won't.
The reason why these games even exist is because some people spend real money on them, and the ones who can afford to do this are older people with jobs and salaries not young teens, that's why themes are getting more and more mature, companies target the audience that actually allow to pay their salaries.
I'm not a mother, but I'm in my thirties, and I still have exactly the same hobbies I had when I was 15.
I'm 31.
Feel free to send me hateful messages now, I've never received anon hate I must be doing something wrong with my blog.
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