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                                             The dark knight who woke to justice
- Independent Sparda RP Blog
- Semi-Selective
- 5 year rp experience (2 on tumblr). 
- Crossover/AU/OC Friendly 
- One liner, Para, Multi-Para 
- Mun is always open to chats! 
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His smile was kept until she had asked him how he was. A light sigh was let out. "Ah, I am rather tired to be honest. I have been gone from home for so long." 
Finally letting go, she stood back still smiling brightly. “Fine overall. But you kind of looked down. What’s up?”
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Sparda's smile grew upon Dante's remark. "Is that so?" His hands were placed behind his back before he responded. "Well, I returned home after taking much needed time out of town." 
"Old man."
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"Dante. I am honestly rather surprised by your sudden appearance. It is very well appreciated nonetheless." 
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Sparda simply gave a heavy sigh, rubbing his temples. "I know that." He then looked back up to his son with much concern. "I cannot stop you so please just be careful. That is all I ask for." 
"….." Dante shrugged. "You don’t make a good liar." He grinned. "Do you forget that I’m your son? I can clearly sense the demons around here, but don’t worry I understand, as long as I’m here I’ll take them down easily."
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He couldn't help but let out a light chuckle. Her cheerful gleam was much missed during his time out. "I am just fine. And yourself?"
She grinned and hugged her friend tighter, happy to see him around again. “It’s great to see you Sparda! Doing good?"
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Okay so first of all I still SOMEHOW have the same number of followers as before... which is nuts. However with all of the time that has past, my Sparda is not as he was before. Honestly I feel pretty rusty with him right now. I find myself unable to make him more cynical rather than the polite teddy bear I portrayed before. It may change overtime depending if I can really get back into this muse. 
Relationships will stay the same however I will do some much needed changes with his information when I have the time. For now I can't really do much else with him I actually came on today because someone convinced me to get on this blog. 
Honestly... I was pretty afraid of starting this blog again. So much has changed (oh boy, trust me, I've seen what's been going on) and I thought I'd just abandon Sparda forever. But with the welcome I got, I remembered how much this blog means to me. 
Bleh I got sappy for a bit sorry. Anyway thank you for following and I hope to rp with you all soon! 
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The old man simply waved his hand back and forth. "It is nothing to be of concern over I assure you. My senses are not as good as they were before anyway." Besides, he's gonna need to go on some patrol before jumping ahead into something dangerous again. 
"…..?" He crossed his arms and sighed. "What kind of odd feeling? Is it dangerous? Is your senses picking up on anything?" He let out a bunch of questions.
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"Dante." Sparda noticed his son right away though a pause was taken before speaking. Much could have been said, however he'd rather not cause any worry. "I simply have had a rather odd feeling arise ever since returning home. It is not be bothered with however." 
"….? What do you mean by that?" He tilted his head as he questioned his father.
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"Old man."
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"Dante. I am honestly rather surprised by your sudden appearance. It is very well appreciated nonetheless." 
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"Ah, Ivory. Pay me no mind. I was simply pondering to myself." 
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❝ What do you mean, Master’s Father? ❞
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"Goodness!" Same old Crisis it would seem. As soon as he noticed it was her he lightened up and smiled warmly. "Good to see you once more Crisis." 
His senses were right, fir in just a few more seconds — one, two, three…Pounce! An old friend was tackling him from behind in a hug. “Hello, Sparda!" So much for peace!
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"Such a peaceful evening. Yet a sense of foreboding still lingers..." 
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*Hugs* I'm alright. You? 
//clings to
How are you~? ;u;
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I am serious about this one...
I am really awkward and shy when I meet people for the first time so: please reblog this if I can just act like I have known you for 4000 years, be super clingy, call you names, send you gifts and even bully you. I really want to skip this ‘nice to meet you’ part.
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