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The Great Wall of Vagina - Jamie McCartney (x) Jamie made molds of the vaginas of women between 18 and 76 years. Among others, they include twins and transgender women. Women are often confused about their vagina, because they think it looks different: with this project he demonstrates that vaginas are as different as faces. McCartney hopes that his work will help to stop the increasing growth of labia corrections in recent years.
(Yes these are vulvas, the title of the work is a play on words, The Great Wall of China/Vagina rhymes, Vulva doesn’t.)
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having a little jingly keychain is all fun and games, until you’re walking around somewhere that’s dead quiet…..like oh i’m sorry i just my trinkets are jangling around……n suddenly your the court jester and everyone is pointing and laughing at you for your noisey fucking keychain…..bobo the clowncore
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perhaps ripping this one little piece of skin off my lips will at last render them plump and moisturized
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this soggy doggy thinks he's allowed to ride in the luggage when we go to Kanto... he got huffy and gorped about it when i tried to move him
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Model of a decomposing Tyrannosaurus rex at the Altmühltal Museum by Aart Walen. Bavarian Forest, Germany
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boss texted me "i appreciate you staying out of the drama in the office"
i literally have no idea what she's talking about
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girl realising they’re a lesbian call that 💡yurika  
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Also average tumblr user does not know what a chaser is (hint: it isn't when you are attracted to trans women)
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Gustav Klimt, The Kiss // Robert Winthrop Chanler, Leopard and Deer
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A trans person was assaulted for trying to comply to transphobic demands on going to the "correct" bathroom. And the response from transphobes was merely that she deserved it. That it's "boys just fighting". That this is so that women are kept safe.
I know this site is full of TERFs. And so, I want to focus the attention towards you. Your belief system is just very disjointed. Women should have their own spaces and defeat the patriarchy. Yet somehow men are inherently powerful and violent. We should dismantle the patriarchal system. Yet "boys fighting" is acceptable, even as one person is a trans femme that was attacked. No matter how patient and compassionate people can be towards you, you vilify us and support men that do this to us. You are not fighting for women's rights. Likely your movement will hinge back to racism if we ever get wiped out as you seek us to be. Your ideas won't protect lesbians. They won't protect black women. They won't even protect you.
We can't use a public restroom. We can't use locker rooms. Are we going to be a threat to you just for existing publicly at some point? As cis men and women murder us and rape us?
And I want to know, where does that help you? If we get killed off are you going to be safer from cis men? Is this fun to you? Trying to ruin our lives? To tell us how we're supposed to feel and identity? Do you know why we start having violent responses to our abusers? Do you not realize you are behaving like the said men you despise?
Your movement is rotten. It's protecting men. And it's endangering us. All I can say is go fuck yourselves for all of this.
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fine . I’ ll lick the Spider this time . What the hell
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I don’t care what the Founding Fathers would have wanted, I don’t care if Jesus was a hippie or not, I don’t care what Marx prescribed. I can’t take living in a world where we’re all servants of long-dead men. You know what happens if you make a law the Founding Fathers wouldn’t like? Nothing, they’re dead and they’re never coming back. I’m genuinely envious of countries that can just make whatever laws they want without worrying about how 18th century agrarian noblemen would have seen it. Stop arguing that Jesus loved the poor too, what he loved or didn’t love is irrelevant, he doesn’t get a say in any of this. We could have a country that isn’t shackled to these ghosts if we collectively wanted to.
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