amo-hlabaman · 7 years
I am an Afrikan Son of the Azanian soil who is passionate about Afrika and its native people. I subscribe completely to the philosophy of pan-Afrikanism and the ideology of Socialism (NOT Marxism). Afrika is my beginning and it is my ending.I cannot imagine any place i would rather be,whether to study or to take permanent residence. I will work for NGOs that seek to transform the lives of Afrikans.My strength lies in activist writing,which i believe is a powerful tool of conscientisation (Marxists are living proof of that).I live and breath politics.Pan-Afrikanism flows in my blood and i’m sure that if you were to stab me,a fusion of the Afrikan gods’ blood would spill out.I have this strange belief that i’m related to Mbuya Nehanda,a Zimbabwean spiritual medium who led the first Chimurenga and perhaps,even Thomas Sankara,the former leader of Burkina Faso. I draw my inspiration from great Afrikan leaders and writers.I particularly admire the founder of the Pan Afrikanist Congress of Azania (PAC),Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe; former Angolan leader Augustinho Neto; former president of Mozambique and leader of FRELIMO,Samora Machel,of whom i’m named after; Black Panther activists Assata Shakur and Mutulu Shakur; former ANCYL president Anton Lembede; Former Prime Minister of Congo,Patrice Emery Lumumba; Azanian People’s Liberation Army (APLA) generals,Gen Romero Daniels and Gen Fihla to name but a few. The sculptures of Azanian-born Pitika Ntuli are my favourite works of expressionistic arts. When it comes to literature,Afrikan literature tops my list.Chimamanda Ngozi Ardichie,Ayi Kwei Ama,Tsitsi Dangarembga,Michael Ngila Muendane,Mariama Ba,Chinua Achebe,Lesego Rampolokeng,Ngugi wa Thiong'o,Thando Mgqolozana,Zakes Mda,Dambudzo Marechera,Sello K Duiker,Onkgopotse Tiro,Bessie Head and Thabo Lehlongwa are my crème-de-la-crème. I am a very understanding person who rarely takes umbrage to anything.However,i am extremely impatient and easily frustrated by ignorant people who undermine the importance of knowledge on Afrikan history,economics,arts and politics. Although i am often branded a “racist”,i am merely an honest and unapologetic pan-Afrikanist belonging to no political party or student formation.I believe that party politics are counter-revolutionary.I am an independent thinker who refuses to subscribe to popular view or conform to blind-loyalty that is nurtured by parties that adhere to IEC rules and laws.My views will never be sponsored and they are uncensored. I laugh a lot and don’t easily become hurt.I am a people’s person who strangely,loves her solitude.I don’t go to parties,clubs,weddings and all such occasions and i’m not fond of the outdoors.I prefer being in the confinements of my home,in my own room,reading or writing down my most intimate thoughts.I think better when i am on my own.In as much as i like people,the truth is,i work better on my own. I am generally a sweet person even if i must say so myself.I am very open too.I just hate ignorance and apathy,particularly in regards to the Black condition.
HOBBIES: - Collecting teeth from a live tiger, - Catching bullets with bare hands, - Assassination, - Jogging up & down Mount Everest & - Collecting rock particles from the moon MY RECORD: - Fought with an elephant and broke its neck. - Skinned a crocodile alive. - Played Russian Roulette with a fully loaded clip and survived. - Killed Superman. - Held my breath under water for 2 months, 3 weeks, 6 hours, 51 minutes, 45 seconds! - Assassinated Adolf Hitler, John F. Kennedy, Tupac, B.I.G (the list is too long). GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT: - Surfed on hot lava while the volcano was still erupting - Outran a cheetah. - Fluent in 10,598 languages. - Killed twitter bird.. - First man to land on the sun. - Carried the pyramid of Giza for 2 days straight! SILLY THING DONE: - Surfing on a tsunami and hurricane Katrina. - Snow boarding on Mount Everest. - Sky diving from outer space. EMBARRASSING MOMENT: - Couldn’t kill 100 bears with a single punch, only 99 died instantly and the one that was left went to join the circus. PROUDEST MOMENTS: - when a cobra died after biting me. - When I saved the planet by diverting an asteroid with just one kick. SOMETHING ABOUT ME: - I really don’t like to brag.
1.i do it how she ask nd i come later 2. She came 1st, came twice. I came last, no regrets by B.I.G 3.I am proud of my heart. Its played, cheated, burned and broken. But somehow still works.♥ jvoxo Political 1. “Afrika is one,but Afrika is not for everyone.Afrika belongs to Afrikans.” ~ Patrice Lumumba 2. “The internal problems of Afrika will be solved by Afrikans themselves and not by any external forces.” ~ Thabo Mbeki 3. “Afrika my beginning Afrika my ending. Azania here i come From apartheid in tatters…” ~ Ingoapele Madingoane 4. “Let Bush keep his United States of America,and Blair keep his Britain.I will keep my Zimbabwe.” ~ Robert Mugabe 5. “From Cape to Cairo,Morocco to Madagascar…iAfrika izwe lethu!” ~ Mangaliso Robert Sobukwe 6. “My blood will nourish the tree that will bear the fruit of freedom.Mama,tell my people that they must continue with the struggle.” ~ Solomon Mahlangu 7. “Democracy is just a word when the people are starving.” ~ Immortal Technique 8. “Aluta continua!” ~ Samora Machel (FRELIMO) 9. “History will absolve me.” ~ Fidel Castro 10. “Those in power use violence to oppress us.Why can’t we use violence to free ourselves?” ~ Ernesto Che Guevara 11. “You have a Black male,living a third of his life in a jail cell because the world is controled by a White male.” ~ Dead Prez 12. “So long as the state exists there is no freedom.When there is freedom there will be no state.” ~ Vladimir Lenin 13. “For the Black man there is only one destiny.And it is White.” ~ Frantz Fanon 14. “I have one fear in my heart,that some day when Whites are turned to loving,they will find we Blacks are turned to hating.” ~ Alan Paton 15. “None dare challenge me when i say i am an Afrikan.” ~ Thabo Mbeki 16. “Political freedom without land and without economic freedom is no freedom.” ~ Robert Sobukwe 17. “When imperialists and colonisers want to collapse your government,they use NGOs.” ~ Julius Malema 18. “People do not eat votes.” ~ Moeletsi Mbeki 19. “Amanyoronyo azayi phuta phuta” (Dishonesty to the cause will never see light 20. “The hardest lesson of my life has come to me late. It is that a nation can win freedom without its people becoming free.” - Joshua Nkomo
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