amongashes-rp · 11 years
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Admin R here. I'm afraid with a major family crisis's I have to go on a hiatus. I'm not sure for how long honestly. If you would like to know the full story you can reach me on skype or send me a message on my Huntress account.  Skype: Kittykatkey I'm sorry for the people I'm roleplaying with.
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amongashes-rp · 11 years
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Please unfollow Circe for the person has put her up as an open character and will be available. 
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amongashes-rp · 11 years
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This character is taken.
"Ah,the thrill of the hunt -- there's no feeling in the world like it"
NAME: Thomas Blake AGE: 25 -30 OCCUPATION: Professional Mercenary SECOND IDENTITY: Catman RECOMMENDED FCS: Charlie Hunnam
Thomas Blake was a world-famous trapper of jungle cats, who turned to crime because he had grown bored with hunting and had squandered most of his fortune. He became a burglar who committed his crimes in a catsuit made out of an ancient African cloth believed to give its wielder a cat's nine lives. His costume was modeled after Catwoman's.
Catwoman was none too pleased to have her modus operandi copied, and initially helped Batman apprehend him. The two costumed criminals would have a competitive, love/hate relationship for many years afterward, which included Selina Kyle being wrongly implicated for Catman's crimes at least once. As with many Batman villains of the era, Catman originally operated largely around gimmicks, and stole items along a "cat" theme, such as cat statues, "cat's eyes" emeralds, etc. His weapon of choice was a cat-o-nine-tails.
At one point, Catman saved the life of Batwoman, licked her ear, and convinced her to become his partner, a new Catwoman. Soon though, she gave up the Catwoman role and returned to the Batman Family fed up with the way he treated woman.
The man disappeared and upon his return her revealed that as he had gone back to his roots in an attempt to remake himself as a man. After a failed attempt at suicide, he returned to Africa and began living with a pride of lions. He lost weight, and regained his sense of self-worth and fighting skills, becoming even more than the warrior he had previously been. This 'perfect existence' however, would be shattered by the arrival of recruiters from the Secret Society of Super-Villains, who were attempting to unite all of Earth's super-villains under their control.
Catman was one of very few villains who refused, and as it was embarrassing to have a "nobody" like Catman refuse them, they slaughtered his entire family of lions. It was later revealed that although Catman had thought Deathstroke the Terminator had done the job (under orders from the faux Lex Luthor), it had actually been Deadshot under orders from Mockingbird to coerce Catman into joining his team.
Catman vowed revenge against The Society, and was subsequently recruited into the Secret Six. Together, the Secret Six waged war against The Society under the direction of "Mockingbird" - who would later be revealed to be the actual Alexander Luthor. When he found out it had been Deadshot who had performed the hit on his pride, he was furious. But Deadshot would later apologize, and Catman forgave him. Although the two were reluctant allies at first, they soon bonded and became what one could loosely call friends.
Cheshire, A companion within the Secret Six.  Thomas has a slight facination with the woman and her methods of getting things done.
Lex Luthor, enemy.
None as of this moment
CITY: Other AFFILIATION: Villains; Secret Six.
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amongashes-rp · 11 years
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this character is taken.
"The vegetable twit got the better of me. That's a bloody first. Got to find him before there's a bloody second"
NAME: John Constantine AGE: 30 -35 OCCUPATION: Occult hunter SECOND IDENTITY: Constantine RECOMMENDED FCS: Paul Bettany
As a younger man, John had been learning all he could of the occult and magical in Europe when he decided to travel to New York City, and learn under one of the greatest mages in the world: Nick Necro, who had himself studied under the great Zatara and Baron Winters. Nick's girlfriend at the time was Zatara's daughter, Zatara, who was herself a powerful magician. When John first laid eyes on her, he fell in love, too.
The three of them studied together, battling occult threats like the Cult of the Cold Flame. Nick, however, soon became obsessed with the search for the fabled Books of Magic. His obsession drove Zatanna into John's arms, and by the time Nick realized it, he cared more about the Books. He was not, however, above revenge. He allied with the Cold Flame in order to send John to Hell, in exchange for help finding the Books of Magic. Thanks to John's wiles, though, it was Nick who was sent to Hell.
John and Zatanna were together for a time after that, until they were driven apart by the fact that John's occult activities resulted in her own father's burning to death before their eyes. It would be some time before they would see each other again.
  John Constantine had a long history with the Swamp Thing, who had long since disappeared. But on the Brightest Day, the Entity resurrected Alec Holland from death, which in turn lead to the return of the Swamp Thing
Zatanna Zatara, John met her when she was Nick Necro’s girlfriend and fell in love with her almost immediately.  
None at this moment.
CITY: Star City. AFFILIATION: Justice league
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amongashes-rp · 11 years
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Lucky you, this character is open.
"I don’t want you hurting any more Earth people. That wouldn’t be nice."
NAME: M’gann M’orzz AGE: 18 -22 OCCUPATION: Student SECOND IDENTITY: Miss. Martian RECOMMENDED FCS:  Emma Watson
There are two different races of Martians, distinguished by their differing world-views. The Green Martians are peaceful philosophers, while the White Martians are vicious warriors.When the White Martians began massacring their Green cousins, M’gann’s parents sent her on a rocket to the Vega system to escape the civil war. M’gann learned that another Green Martian refugee, J’onn J’onzz, had escaped the White Martian tyranny, establishing himself on Earth, and came to Earth herself.
While almost correct, this leaves out at least one significant detail, M’gann’s true form is that of a White Martian, creatures believed to live only for war and conquest. Questioned on whether or not she was actually a White Martian, M’gann said it was a “long story".Whatever her true origins might be, M’gann eventually came to Earth along with her parents. Details of this period are sketchy, but it is known that M’gann’s parents, along with dozens of other White Martians, were captured by the United States government, many of whom, including M’gann’s parents were subsequently executed. After separating from her parents, M’gann adopted two new names during her time on this world: “Megan Morse", the English transliteration of her Martian name, and “Miss Martian", her chosen superhero identity.
Megan met the Teen Titans. She joined the team during a rocky interim period and shared a room with the reformed villain Ravager.Her initial stint with the Titans was brief, however. One day, she watched an episode of The Three Stooges, and decided to imitate their vaudeville antics by throwing a pie into Ravager’s face. Ravager failed to appreciate Megan’s attempt at humor and began calling her names. Hyper-sensitized to other people’s thoughts, Megan fled in tears and quit the team.
Nearly a year later, the Teen Titans discovered that Megan had relocated to Australia, basing herself in the Tanami Desert. She liked the arid terrain because it reminded her of her Martian homeworld. The Titans approached Megan in the city of Brisbane shortly after she apprehended an armored villain known as Gunshot. The Titans’ leader, Robin, asked Megan’s help in locating one of their missing teammates – Raven. Megan admitted to having recently met with Raven, who had asked her to use her telepathy to scan the minds of former Titans in search of a “secret". Megan refused however, as reading the minds of “good people" violated her personal code of ethics. She didn’t reveal Raven’s location, but instead directed Robin’s team towards another neophyte hero – Bombshell.
Shortly thereafter, Megan encountered her future counterpart - an older, evil version of Miss Martian who embraced her more predatory White Martian instincts. Calling herself the Martian Manhunter, the older Megan was a member of the so-called “Titans Tomorrow".
After a protracted battle with her future self, trace elements of the Martian Manhunter’s personality merged with that of M’gann’s own persona. She began to develop a condition akin to multiple personality disorder, and frequently found herself warring with her older, darker self. The alternate personality began assuming control of M’gann’s body and performing actions independent of M’gann’s will. She even forged legal documents establishing that “Megan Morse" was a legal citizen of the State of Arizona. As Megan Morse, Miss Martian began attending classes at Wolfman and Perez High School.
J’onn J’onzz: M'gann views him as her father figure and mentor.  They have a loving relationship because of their past as refugees. 
None at this moment.
CITY: Star City          AFFILIATION: Young Justice.
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amongashes-rp · 11 years
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Lucky you, this character is open.
"I wasn’t always a monster, Kid"
NAME: Waylon Jones AGE: 30 - 35 OCCUPATION: Full Time Criminal SECOND IDENTITY: Killer Croc RECOMMENDED FCS:
Waylon Jones, is a criminal and nemesis of Batman. He was born with a medical condition that caused him to grow progressively more like a crocodile, hence his name. His mother died in childbirth, and his father abandoned him. Waylon was raised by his aunt, but her persistent drinking prevented him from growing up in an ideal household.  As a teenager, Croc had no friends, and was the object of ridicule of those who knew him. By the time he reached adulthood, Waylon found work wrestling alligators. It was at this point that he began referring to himself as Killer Croc. Even then, his strength level was greatly beyond that of a normal human. Croc soon realized that there was more money to be made in crime, so he set out to become Gotham’s most powerful underground figure. One of the most significant of atrocities that Croc committed was the murder of Joseph and Trina Todd. Their deaths would inspire their adoptive son Jason to take up the costumed role of the second Robin. Ultimately, Killer Croc’s criminal lifestyle brought him into conflict with Gotham’s guardian the Batman. After a protracted battle, Croc was defeated and sent to Arkham Asylum. There, he suffered from intense electroshock therapy, which resulted in intense recurring nightmares.
Some time later, notorious sociopath Ra’s al Ghul engineered a massive breakout of Arkham Asylum, freeing all of the patients, including Killer Croc. In exchange for their freedom, the prisoners agreed to help Ra’s with a scheme to confound the Batman. Croc’s roll in the plan was to break into Wayne Manor and abduct Bruce Wayne’s butler Alfred Pennyworth. Croc had no idea what connection Pennyworth had to Batman, but he executed the deed without question, and brought Alfred back to Poison Ivy’s Exotica Emporium where four other hostages were being held. Batman soon arrived to rescue the hostages and fought with Croc once again. As time was of the essence, Batman wasted little of it fighting Croc, and quickly subdued him with a gas pellet from his utility belt. Afterwards, Killer Croc was returned to Arkham Asylum. 
Like many do, Croc eventually escaped from Arkham and began running criminal operations again. After robbing a shopping store, Croc discovered a secret stairwell that led into an old unfinished subterranean highway. The tunnel had since become a shelter for many of Gotham’s homeless. Croc became friends with the homeless people and attempted to make a new life for himself. Croc’s newfound lifestyle was short-lived however. Batman investigated the store robbery, and the trail led him right to Killer Croc’s shelter. The two began fighting one another, but at midnight, the city flushed the tunnels with water from the river, and Croc was washed away. His friends believed that he had died in the flood.  Croc survived however, and six months later had taken to living out of the Gotham City alleyways. He was tormented by visions of his past, calling to mind hurtful incidents where his peers would routinely comment about his physical features. In combination with his natural, instinctive rage, Croc’s emotional state erupted into a wave of violence and he began going berserk throughout the city streets. News crews captured his latest rampage, as he began terrorizing the district known as Eden Park. An aspiring foreign crime lord known as Bane witnessed Croc’s rampage, and determined that defeating him would be a stepping stone on his personal path towards destroying Batman. Before Bane could catch up with him though, Croc found himself facing neophyte vigilante Jean Paul Valley (who was masquerading in a Batman costume at the time), as well Batman’s young sidekick Robin. Bane interrupted the fight and demonstrated his raw power by breaking both of Croc’s arms. 
Croc soon healed and returned to Gotham in an effort to re-establish himself in the criminal underworld. He went on a brutal murder spree that claimed the lives of several members of the Paretti crime family operating out of Gotham’s waterfront district. At this point in time, Bruce Wayne had relinquished the role of Batman to his first ward Dick Grayson. As the new Batman, Dick and Robin (Tim Drake) fought with Croc at a warehouse. Surviving members of the Paretti gang were present and opened fire on Croc severely wounding him. Croc survived once again however and evaded capture. 
Years later, Killer Croc was summoned by some strange paranormal force to break out of Arkham Asylum and make his way to the Lousiana swamps. Batman followed him there only to find that the mysterious force was actually the Swamp Thing, who offered Croc a place in the swampland where he could finally give in to his animal side and live free from human persecution. There he stayed, and Batman returned to Gotham City.
In recent years, Killer Croc has been portrayed as being much more reptilian than in past incarnations. In one incident, a virus forced Croc’s body to devolve into a more primal and reptilian state.  Croc later attempted to find a cure for his condition, but when this failed, Croc ate the scientist who tried to help him. Croc was later discovered feeding off the remains of the villain Orca. He was apprehended once again and taken back to Arkham Asylum. While being transferred from one prison cell to another, Croc wrestled free from his handlers and attacked visiting reporter Jimmy Olsen. Olsen spontaneously generated super-powers and was able to escape unharmed. Killer Croc soon escaped confinement however, and was one of many super-powered villains led by Deathstroke who crashed the wedding of Green Arrow and Black Canary. Fortunately, the wedding party was made up of members of the Justice League, the Justice Society, the Outsiders and the Teen Titans. By the end of the fight, most of the villains, including Croc, were apprehended.  The administrators of Checkmate later decided that Croc was too dangerous for them to safely contain him. He, along with many others, were exiled from the Earth via Boom Tube and taken to the “Salvation" World.  --
Batman: The main enemy to Croc whom he has sworn one day to devour. 
None at this moment.
CITY: Gotham.        AFFILIATION: Villains
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amongashes-rp · 11 years
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Lucky you, this character is open.
"Death is a subject with which I have become intimately familiar."
NAME: Louise Lincoln AGE: 20 - 25 OCCUPATION: Former Scientist SECOND IDENTITY: Killer Frost RECOMMENDED FCS: Kristen Bell
Dr. Louise Lincoln was a colleague and friend to Crystal Frost. After her friend died, she decided to repeat the experiment as a last respect to her former mentor, and became the new Killer Frost. She became just as ruthless as her predecessor and began her own personal vendetta against Firestorm, who she blamed for Frost’s death. She briefly served as a member of the Suicide Squad and sold her soul to Neron for more power.
During the Underworld Unleashed event, Killer Frost attacked Hawaii, freezing part of the islands before being stopped by Superboy and Knockout.
Killer Frost was later freed by Effigy and the two had a brief flirtatious partnership before she was apprehended by Green Lantern.
Killer Frost was one of many super-villains seeking to earn a $1 billion reward offered by President Lex Luthor to sanction Superman and Batman, whom he considered treasonous. She teamed with Mister Freeze, Icicle, and Captain Cold in an attempt to ambush the two heroes, but all four were defeated. It was later discover that this ice-themed team of villains was being mind controlled by Gorilla Grodd
Crystal Frost: Crystal Frost was Louise’s best friend and colleague before her death.  It was when she died that Louise decided to continue on with her friends dreams and became the new Killer Frost. 
None at this moment.
CITY: Central City AFFILIATION: Villains.
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amongashes-rp · 11 years
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Lucky you, this character is open.
"Don't think you know what's under here just because you know my name. You don't want to look in my eyes, Batgirl"
NAME: Charise Carnes AGE: 18 - 22 OCCUPATION: Anti Hero  SECOND IDENTITY: Knightfall RECOMMENDED FCS: Barbara Palvin
Charise Carnes was thrown into Arkham Asylum at the young age of 18 when she was framed by her ex-boyfriend for killing her whole family and peeling the skin off of their bodies in an almost barbaric fashion.
The young woman was given the name of ‘The Spoiled Slasher’ and while incarcerated she began to plot and create her team of ‘vigilantes’ that worked to right the wrongs of the people who stood against her starting with the Ex who killed her family. She is an eye for an eye kind of person, and her team made up of herself, Blithe Micheal, Sally the Crusher, and Katharsis each of which have a history at Arkham along with a meta gene believe the same.
Charise was rescued from Arkham during a prison riot by Barbara’s little brother James who protected her from the inmates that wanted to do “things" to her. She is one of Batgirl’s biggest enemies and threats
Batgirl: As her activities as Knightfall, the main hero that is always in her way is Batgirl.  She has sworn to kill her if she keeps getting in the way of her brand of justice.
None at this moment.
CITY: Gotham .        AFFILIATION: Anti-hero.
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amongashes-rp · 11 years
a place without hope, welcome to the madhouse
When we thought it was over, a little laughter sounded in the dark… Along with the ring of a coin in the air and the cold haze of the coldest ice. 
Warden Sharp is now Gotham’s mayor and has announced the imprisonment of the worst criminals and inmates in one place. Arkham City. The bloodiest wars are fought in this place’s streets. The Joker, Two-Face and the Penguin are the only qualified villains to start a dispute for the absolute power of the island. Cops of the Gotham City Police Department under Gordon’s orders, the few hostages and Asylum doctors try to step up for the little good that’s left in the doomed streets. 
You’re not safe here… no one is.
Rumor has it that Batman was seen lurking around the place, threatening and attempting to save the place. Who would have thought that the dark knight was going to be the only blink of light and hope in such a depressing place? 
Opening date is unknown.
All characters available.
Simple plot, no need to have played the games. 
First bios coming out today!
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amongashes-rp · 11 years
how active is this roleplay honestly?
We have our days, but all of our blogs have updated in the last hours, the dash flows most of the times and the paragraphs you'll find here are quality. Our roleplay is really entertaining and really active almost everyday. 
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amongashes-rp · 11 years
I will need a week hiatus. Family problems. I'll be here immediately in case the events start.
Of course, Ivan! Take your time.
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amongashes-rp · 11 years
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If you have voted please like this post!
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amongashes-rp · 11 years
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Please follow our newest member of the family. Shiera Sanders, Hawkgirl, played by Rex with the Face Claim of Jessica Chastain. She ships her character with Carter, perhaps John Stewart and enough chemisty. Please welcome her!
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amongashes-rp · 11 years
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Everyone please go follow Joker again  JOKER
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amongashes-rp · 11 years
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SHIERA SANDERS -- 1 application.
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amongashes-rp · 11 years
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Please follow our newest member of the family. Evelyn Crawford, Starling, played by Dani with the Face Claim of Olivia Wilde. She ships her character with anyone with enough chemistry. Please welcome her!
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amongashes-rp · 11 years
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This character is taken.
"I wonder how you might feel, father, if someone were to control your life, for even a moment. Stings a bit, doesn't it?"
NAME: Scandal Savage AGE: 20 -25 OCCUPATION: Mercenary  SECOND IDENTITY: None RECOMMENDED FCS:  Gina Torres.
 Scandal Savage is the daughter of immortal villain Vandal Savage and an unknown Brazilian woman, who apparently raised the child in her home country. She is also a part of the Secret Six.
Lex Luthor, under the alias Mockingbird, blackmailed Scandal and five other villains into antagonizing the Secret Society of Super Villains. Despite being severely outnumbered, Scandal and the rest of the Secret Six were able to thwart the Society on a number of occasions.
While working with the Six was originally all about saving her mother, Scandal eventually grew to care about her teammates, and is actually in an intimate lesbian relationship with one of the newest members.  Scandal positioned her lover Knockout as a mole in the Society.  During one of the attacks by the Society, Knockout revealed her true allegiances by saving Scandal during a fight with Talia al Ghul.  Knockout then became an official member of the Six.
While the two were vacationing in Bangkok, Knockout was almost killed when she was shot with a Thanagarian sniper rifle by Pistolera. The shot implanted a bomb in her skin and when Scandal refused to leave her side, she threw her from the blast range telling her they would meet again in the afterlife. After the bomb went off, Scandal scrambled through the rubble to find Knockout miraculously still alive. Scandal vowed revenge on Pistolera for hurting Knockout, and soon would have it. The Secret Six managed to capture Pistolera and Scandal took pleasure torturing the hired gun. Ultimately, Scandal could not kill the person who almost took her beloved from her, so her teammate, Deadshot, stepped in and did the deed for her. Knockout regenerated her injuries soon after.
It was later revealed that Vandal Savage was responsible for the attacks on Knockout and the rest of the Six, as a warning of what will happen if Scandal doesn't sire an heir for him. However, Scandal "killed" her father and escaped with the rest of the Six.
Vandal Savage, Her biological father, Scandal has a well maintained dislike for the man especially with his constant badgering of her giving him an heir. Knockout, Apart of the Secret Six, Knockout and Scandal grew close to one another forming a romantic bond. Bane, they have developed a bond similar to a dysfuntional father/daughter relationship.
None at this moment
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