amongxthexcrowd · 3 months
• • Max• •
"Yeah we totally are." She certainly liked to think so. But there was a part of Max that always worried something bad would happen to Henry, and that she'd have to dust off her powers. And that was something she had sworn never to do again...
"But let's go get that coffee, then we can go find a spot to sit in the park."
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[ ✎ ]
"That's good."
The artist was really glad that he met Max. She was the first person who didn't see him as that pale, skinny kid. She saw him for who he really is.
"Thanks. We're just good for each other."
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amongxthexcrowd · 3 months
• • Panam • •
"Hey no problem, V. Figured having an expiration date after all you've been through is the last thing you need. You're part of the family now- so happy to help."
Panam figured V's girlfriend wouldn't need any convincing. Hell she would probably relish living closer to some where she could get steadier solo gigs.
"Yeah, talk to her and keep me posted. But I'll text you the details after we hang up."
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[ 📱 ]
V took in what Panem found out. Vegas really wasn't that far, honestly. They should probably check with Emma to see if she'd want to go there with them. They knew she would in a heartbeat, but they still wanted to ask her before deciding anything.
"Yeah okay... Let me run it by Emma, but I think we both know her answer," They smiled even though she wouldn't be able to see it. "Thanks Panem. You're literally a lifesaver."
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amongxthexcrowd · 4 months
• • Erica • •
“Yeah…something like that.”
As she got to the truck, she knew it would be nothing like old times; there would be no hand holding, no flirting or sly smirks on the way. No promises of time together when they got home. She wondered now, if it would’ve been better if she hadn’t ran out to get his attention when she first saw him…if he could’ve just gone on being happy instead of her throwing a wrench into the works.
As far as Erica was concerned, he’d been lucky til she showed up.
“Well, looks pretty lucky from here.”
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[ ⌖ ]
Flagstaff could already tell how his friend was feeling. He's been around him long enough to know when Albuquerque was trying to play it cool.
"Not at all, it'll just be like old times."
Albuquerque wouldn't admit it, but he had a feeling this would feel weird. He didn't want Erica to know though, so he decided to be level-headed about this. At least he was trying too.
"Maybe just a little."
He replied, feeling that wasn't the case until now. Running into Erica was both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because she was alive and a curse because he didn't bother to go looking for her, and now he feels so much guilt.
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amongxthexcrowd · 4 months
• •April• •
“Fair enough. Is he vegan or vegetarian or something? Or just a health nut?”
Before April had died, she’d been close to her parents, but never had any siblings or cousins local to be close to. Not that it mattered…she died and could never go back to them anyways.
“That’s nice. You’re lucky you both have each other.”
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[ ⚝ ]
"Right? Try telling him that."
Sure, Dean can understand where Sam was coming from. Being in the hunter life, you had to be in shape otherwise, you're as good as dead. But that doesn't mean you can't enjoy unhealthy food now and then.
"Yeah, we're pretty close. I practically raised him."
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amongxthexcrowd · 4 months
• • Joey • •
"Absolutely. And if she's a the store...maybe she'll pick something up for me."
Joey quickly dug out their phone, and popped a quick text over to Emma. They set the phone down, hoping that she hadn't left the store yet.
"So are the potatoes napping or did she take them with her?"
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[ ⚝ ]
Dean smiled once more. He knew what Emma was like when she was determined to do something. Dean knew firsthand what she can be like. But he couldn't imagine what she was like when she had been pregnant. He felt sorry for Joey having to experience that on their own.
"Yes, I do. It's gonna be worth it."
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amongxthexcrowd · 4 months
• •Jude• •
He did as his uncle told him, took a few deep breaths and plopped down in the other chair of the room. Jude just didn't want to upset his mom, especially when he knew some of her favourite albums she ONLY had on vinyl.
"I know it's probably sounds dumb to get this worked up about it, but like- I just don't want mom to be disappointed..."
Jude was still processing a lot of the info he'd learned from his folks, about what happened to them before they wound up here. The last thing he wanted to do was cause more trouble.
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Negan was trying to keep up with what his nephew was saying. All he heard from Jude's ramble was a girl and his mother's record player. So Negan put two and two together.
"Take a breath there, champ," He paused for a moment just so Jude could do just that. "I'm sure we can find the part."
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amongxthexcrowd · 5 months
• • Joey• • 
With their ice cream in hand, Joey sat across from their foster dad, trying to think of how to word the stuff they wanted to talk about. Sure they knew that this was probably out of his realm of familiarity but Sebastian had more than proved himself to be safe in Joey's eyes. Even if he didn't have answers, at least it was nice they could TALK to someone bout this stuff.
"This is a pretty cool place...got that classic vintage vibe you like so much."
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[ ⚜ ]
"Not a problem."
He replied as he put his wallet in the back pocket of his pants. After a moment, their ice cream was ready, so Sebastian grabbed both and handed Joey's to them. He then started walking towards a secluded area in the store. He found a booth by the window and sat down.
"Well, here we are."
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amongxthexcrowd · 5 months
• • Erica • •
"Sure...only if that's not going to be too weird..."
Despite the fact that they had once shared a life together, she felt like the intruder here, like she didn't belong with him in this situation.
But nearly a decade was a long time to be out of touch with someone. Maybe that was just the way it was now between them? She'd just have to look fondly on the times they had together then, and just be grateful he was alive, well and thriving now.
"Sounds like you really lucked out, Al."
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[ ⌖ ]
Flagstaff could tell that something was bothering his friend, which made sense. He didn't know exactly how Al felt about this whole thing. Running into your ex when you're involved with another woman, not that Flagstaff had any experience of any of this. He was just assuming by how Albuquerque seemed to be deep in thought, which he's never seen him like that before.
"Yeah alright. If ya wanted ya can sit in the front?"
"Yeah, I don't mind." Flagstaff replied.
A tiny smile formed on Al's face as she commented about the truck. It was a nice topic change and it made him focus on other things besides screwing up their marriage.
"Found it in some fair grounds. Course the former owner was a zombie so I killed it and took the truck."
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amongxthexcrowd · 5 months
• •Vanessa• •
"Me too, honey."
The fame was nice, she wouldn't lie, and so many idolized it. Of course, it meant she often had zero privacy and very little downtime. But that was the bed she made, and she was happy to lay in it.
"Well, like everything, it has it's ups and downs. It's very interesting, don't get me wrong, but sometimes you have chemistry with people and it's fun to talk to them...and others..." She sneered every so slightly making a face, then smirked. "Not so much."
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[ ☠ ]
"Wow, that's so cool. I'm glad it worked out for you."
They smiled, they truly meant it. Some people weren't as lucky as Vanessa. But then again, she clearly put in the work and effort to be where she is today. Or that's what they took away from her story.
"And you get to meet all those celebrities. What's that like, if I may ask?"
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amongxthexcrowd · 5 months
• •April• •
She really appreciated the ability to be honest with him, considering so much of her afterlife was making up lies and stories to strangers. It was absolutely refreshing. Once he handed her the coat, April slid it on, and felt the life from the borrowed coat bring her back to a proper corporeal form.
"Thank you, that's much better."
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[ ♫ ]
Ross turned the blinker on and pulled into the gas station's parking lot. He pulled up to one of the gas pumps before parking and turning it off. Might as well as fuel up while he was here.
"Hey, it's really no trouble. Let me get that jacket for you too, it's just in the back."
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amongxthexcrowd · 5 months
• • Alexis • •
"Yeah, he can be a bit jealous." 
She chuckled, which wasn't far from the truth but they both knew she only had eyes for Jace. He'd never have to worry about her, she was crazy about it.
"But I mean, you're here on official family business..."
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[ ♠ ]
As she spoke about her sister, Jace remembered all the times Olivia and Jace would watch horrible movies together. It was a fun time. Plus it gave them something to bond over.
"Oh, I'm sure. I'll gladly take that. Hopefully, your boyfriend doesn't mind." He teased.
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amongxthexcrowd · 5 months
• •Valentine• •
"¿En serio?"
Valentine considered the option; yes, it was secure, but their mind couldn't help but think of the base from that 28 days later. But if Matias said it was safe...and safe enough for him to leave Kat there, then it was legit.
"How'd you find that place?"
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[ ⌘ ]
"Tell me about it."
Matias knew how lucky he was that he still had Kat. Even luckier, they were reunited. He continued to lead his horse, Juan, as he walked along with his friend.
"It's very safe. It's an old military base."
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amongxthexcrowd · 6 months
• • Erica • •
She listened to them go back and forth; knowing that no matter how much Al was downplaying the connection to the other man, that there was clear signs of friendship there. Al seemed to have everything he needed now; a new woman, a friend and his dream truck. And although she was happy for him, she wondered if she'd ever see him again after they dropped her off. But she knew in her heart he didn't owe her shit.
"Sure, yeah...if I can ever get up into the damn thing." Erica tried to joke lightly. "Where did you even find this?"
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[ ⌖ ]
"Yes, they are!"
It's been a while since Flagstaff had run into anyone who shared his thoughts about clowns. In fact, the only person he's been around the last couple of years was Albuquerque, and he and Flagstaff were polar opposites.
"Yeah, I owe him for that, right, Boss?"
Albuquerque was just so confused about what he should be feeling. Erica had kept the ring all this time, and what had he been doing? Fucking around and finding a new woman. He's really messed up, and he has no idea how to fix it. But when Flagstaff addressed him, he cleared his throat.
"Yes ya do," He paused now trying to fake a smile to Erica once she mentioned his truck. "It is. If ya wanted, we could all fit in it and head to that community of yers."
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amongxthexcrowd · 6 months
• •Sparrow• •
"Well you don't open a jazz club and date my sister who is like- a walking musical encyclopedia, without loving music."
She teased him lightly, but it was facts. No one could survive entering into this family dynamic if you didn't have some passion for music.
"You'll get along just fine."
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[ ⚜ ]
The more information Sparrow gave to him, the more mental notes he took. Luckily for him, he had a very good memory and could remember minute details like this.
"Oh yeah? I also love music, as you probably already knew that."
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amongxthexcrowd · 6 months
• •Vanessa• •
"If you've got time, I got time."
She had eons before her show went live later, and it was important for her to have an air of casual comfort when it came to her and her guests. And it made for better interviews when everyone was at ease.
"So what's new and exciting?"
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[ ♪ ]
"Thank you, it means a lot to us."
He smiled again. Sky wouldn't lie, this is the happiest he's ever been. Sure, he's always optimistic, but this was true happiness. He was so proud of his bandmates and himself for being able to finally make it.
"If we've got time, we could catch up?"
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amongxthexcrowd · 6 months
• •April• •
It felt nice being open about things for a change, where she didn't have to make up some story or excuse. This Ross guy was a bit of a breath of fresh air...which was ironic considering neither of them were alive.
"You're the best. I owe you huge."
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[ ♫ ]
Ross happily replied. He didn't mind helping this girl out, he knew what it was like to miss things like that. And if he could help someone out, then maybe he wouldn't feel so bad about what he's become. Doing a good deed never hurt anyone.
"Awesome, of course. No problem."
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amongxthexcrowd · 6 months
• •Vanessa• •
"I mean, it's not that exciting. I just, wanted something different. I worked for a news station, and they had me doing only cute and fluffy pieces. Which, is fine, but I wanted something different. And because I was just a pretty face, they wanted to keep me there." She shrugged her shoulders, she held nothing against them; she just needed more than that channel could provide.
"But because I had a great social media presence, I got this fun little podcast started and worked on getting my name out there. Then I got job offers out the wazoo. But I wanted to share peoples stories and experiences..so that's why I followed that path."
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[ ☠ ]
"Oh, it was."
They replied. She was right; it was a wild ride for them, but honestly, they wouldn't change it. They enjoyed getting into trouble. They like being kept on their toes.
"So, how'd you get your own show?"
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