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;; Until further notice, all of my Rocket blogs are on hiatus. This applies then to here (@runaway-heiress,) @knifepointexecutive, @amorphousexecutive and @agentfavorite, who I know I just brought back, but I just need a break from all of them for a bit.
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Good. It was fuckin’ quiet. And Petrel usually liked a little background noise, but the sputtering of this little grunt here had already ground his nerves. Petrel leaned back, wasting his minutes with a cigarette to the lips, adding more fumes to the already smoky environment he somehow worked in.
Petrel didn’t even bother watching the changing area. He could hear the shuffling and frankly, was not one to devote more attention to a grunt than they deserved. It wasn’t until he heard that goddamned fucking stutter again that he cut his indigo eyes in what was now her direction, eyes narrowed slightly at the insufferable squeak she was making.
A schoolgirl. How absolutely standard. But this little thing he was presented with expressed the same obnoxious nervous tick as the boy who had conjured her. So now Petrel had the pleasure of figuring out just how intentional that stutter was.
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“Well, come over here cutie.” Leaning his head back, Petrel exhaled a stream of smoke, waiting until his lungs were empty to set his eyes back on the schoolgirl presented to him. “Sit down, make yourself comfortable.”
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Without a single word Ghost skedaddled off quickly to the changing area as directed. He didn’t want to disappoint the man..
Ah, well. This is his chance to do just that.. or at least try. Popping into his satchel he dug out some things and quickly got to work as fast as he could with a disguise. He would go for something more simple at first and then try something a bit more difficult for the second try.
Within a matter of minutes, and when he was happy with how he appeared, he finally stepped out …
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“..Uh.. U-Uhm..”
Fidgeting, looking away, and swaying slightly where he stood now. Ghost appeared to look like someone completely different. Looking like a young teenage girl straight from high school, complete with the small high-pitched voice and school uniform.
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Yo, if you play
and y’wanna get trolled by Peet
(happy birthday amirite)
like. this. post.
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;; So listen: my pain kicked up and it is hella distracting so I will be baaack when meds kick in. Which is hopefully within the hour. I’ll still be lurking tho.
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❝☣⇢ @glorificatore
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He knew he shouldn’t, but Petrel hated seeing the Boss. Maybe it was because he hardly ever smiled, couldn’t take a joke, and was fairly open about Peet being the least favorite; or maybe it was just because he had to stand up straight and act like he had some class for a while.
Frankly, there were only two reasons Petrel was ever called into the Boss’ office on his own. Either he was in fuckin’ trouble for something stupid, or he was getting a special assignment. And he damn well hoped it was the latter; he’d been pretty sure he’d been a good boy this quarter.
But. Petrel was an actor. And whenever he walked in, he knew best to keep his confidence up and not act as nervous as he was. So with a sigh and a knock, he waited for permission to enter, preparing himself for whatever was to come.
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The signs as legendary/mythical Pokémon
Aries: Victini
Taurus: Azelf
Gemini: Mew
Cancer: Mesprit
Leo: Arceus
Virgo: Shaymin
Libra: Jirachi
Scorpio: Giratina
Sagittarius: Latios
Capricorn: Cobalion
Aquarius: Kyogre
Pisces: Phione
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⚜ PLOT TWIST! It's not Proton or Sylvia.
Send ⚜ for a compliment from the mun about your muse/writing.
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You’re an amazing writer, ok? Like, seriously. I look up to you so fucking much. You’re brilliant, and some how you manage to paint pictures with your words. There’s a few other people I know who do that, and two of them also sent the symbol in.
Your Petrel is brilliant as well, by the way. One of the, if not the best I’ve seen. I absolutely love the a/u where Archer’s a musician and lPeet is all starstruck, omg.
Our styles mesh so well, and my creative juices flow when I read your works of art. You are a huge inspiration to me [like I said earlier] and I just feel the need to repeat that, because damn. Can I also say I love how you manage to get so much detail into your replies without it feeling like your posts drag on and shit? Because damn, that’s talent.
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❝☣⇢ @princepsdefectus
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The garden was drowning in smoke.
Yes, a casual, brunette of a Petrel had a hand in it with his joint, but mostly...? One could thank his Koffing and Weezing for that.
Damn, how long had it been since they’d been able to fuck up some fresh air?
Around them, flowers died; several rodent-type Pokémon had cleared the area, but Petrel was a bit too stoned to care; not that he would’ve anyway.
“You guys. You guys. It looks like a goddamn gay-bar in here. Haaa, you rock, I love ya’s.”
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❝☣⇢ @attitxde​
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        “Awww, c’mooon, yer not still mad about that, are you?”
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“Yeee-ah. Y’know I respect ya, Mini-Boss, but uh. The shit’s good for ya. ...Mostly.”
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        ❝This is going to take me a week to clean by myself. You made the mess, you pick up a cloth and start scrubbing too.❞
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❝☣⇢ Starter Call !
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I’ll make this my last ooc post, but apparentlyyyy I don’t have any more drafts. So this is medically necessary, see? cx
Anyway, mutuals, like this post for a starter. I’ll do no more than five, and as such may be selective.
Fire away~
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;; Petrel: low key likes Proton. ;; Proton: high key likes Petrel.
I could make my own muses date lmfao.
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Petrel looked the least bit thrown off by being shoved off of his shoulder. Actually, being shoved away was routine for him, but in this case, he knew well enough that teasing about it would distract from the big picture.
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‘Sides, Proton being all-in was enough to grin about. Convincing him to pull stupid shit was one of Petrel’s favorite hobbies, and he made it so easy, too.
“Y’damn well right we’re goin’ out for it, when I say ‘high quality’ I goddamn mean it.” What was a night out without stealing, anyway?
“Yeah chances are about a hundred-ten percent that those fuckers’ll either scream, break, or both. Damn you know what we oughta do, we need to set up some fuckin’ cameras so we can watch people wake up to fuckin murder.”
“That sounds stupid as hell, I’m all in.” Proton nods sagely. And thenshoves Petrel’s face away from his ear because that’s enough with that level of closeness, buddy.
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“I’ve got fancy wine and above-par whiskey on hand at my place, otherwise we’d haveta lift it.” Because paying for things? Nonsense. “Ya think exeggcute would make weird things to egg someone’s house with or what? Like I don’t think they’d break but they’d probably make some horrible screechin’ noise which’ll piss someone off just the same.”
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Yo, if you play
and y’wanna get trolled by Peet
(happy birthday amirite)
like. this. post.
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“Well first... we get us some top quality booze. I’m talkin’ high shelf shit. Only the best for an emergency such as this one. Then...” Petrel slouched, hanging his lips by Proton’s ear, as though it were a secret anyone were around to hear. “We steal the eggs offa a few Eggecute and see what happens. Purely for science, of course.”
Proton only makes a noise of irritation at the sudden contact, but just because it’s customary as opposed to because he’s that irritated. “Absolutely.” Proton is always up for running out and doing something probably-stupid. He straightens up and tugs a wrinkle out of his shirt. “Outta here and where to?”
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“Yeup. I knew it.” Without warning, Petrel slings his arm over the shorter executive’s shoulder. “It’s a goddamn emergency. We gotta get you outta here, Proty.”
“Yes.” Proton turns his head towards Petrel’s voice, one eye open. “It’s a major crisis. It’s called ‘I’m bored and it’s late.’”
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Hand on his chin, Petrel inspects the scene with a hint of drama to his actions. “Tch. Well, cap. Looks like we gotta crisis on our hands.”
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Flops on top of his crobat and whines aimlessly.
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