amortenia-fail-blog · 8 years
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Read more about your Zodiac sign here
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amortenia-fail-blog · 8 years
Let’s talk about Ilvermorny houses
So I did a lot of talking about this on twitter but I’m going to try to dive into more on it here. People keep asking a lot about how these houses relate to Hogwarts houses and the real fact of the matter is that they don’t. There are patterns, definitely. I asked and got many, many answers re: peoples’ Hogwarts vs. Ilvermorny houses. There are definitely some patterns. 
But what I noticed, more significantly, especially form looking at the two different sortings of people I know, is that there can be a relationship between Hogwarts and Ilvermorny houses. In a way, your Hogwarts house can help you understand why you’re in your Ilvermorny house and vice versa. As I phrased it on twitter, it almost seems as though Ilvermorny tells you what “kind” of Ravenclaw/Gryffindor/Slytherin you are. 
With Hogwarts sorting, I talk a lot about Sorting Hat Chats and their amazing Primary/Secondary system; a “primary” house is why you do things. The secondary house is how. This lends to the idea that your Hogwarts house is chosen based on what you value. Not necessarily how you act or what your personality traits are (at least not always). In some ways, it seems that Ilvermorny focuses more on the “how.” But in reality, I actually think Ilvermorny just focuses more on personality. It’s a bit more of an even mix between how and why. If Hogwarts is your “this is what I stand for” house, Ilvermorny is your “aesthetic” house. I’ve found myself all day explaining Ilvermorny houses in terms of “vibes” or personalities. 
So to start, I’ll break down how I feel about those. Please keep in mind this is just my analysis of stuff and what I gathered based on the people I saw sorted where, what their Hogwarts houses were, the questions/answers on the quiz (that I took 8 times) and the descriptions JK provided. 
Thunderbirds seem to be your blaring lights. They’re ambitious and aggressive but righteous and accomplished. These are the people looking to try new things and get out and explore. Maybe they want to change the world or maybe they just want to change themselves. But they leave marks and make legacies. Creative, inspired, leaders, etc. 
Chadwick, the character who chose Thunderbirds is noted as being the first in a very prominent family. He wrote books and travelled. He also married a healer, indicating his preference toward softness and goodness. 
“Can create storms as it flies.” 
You may find your Slytherins here that embody the ambitious element of the house over the cunning side. You may find your Ravenclaws here that tend to be more creative or idealist than other claws in their house. You may find Gryffindors here that are soldiers but only for good, slightly more chaotic good and less lawful good. You may find your Hufflepuffs here that are not quite as level as others in their house but posses the same idealistic nature as Gryffindors. 
Horned Serpents are darker, in a way they’re a counterpart to the Thunderbirds. Similarly intelligent and ambitious and creative but more realistic, rational, even bitter. They’re more quiet, more focused, more internal. These are maybe writers or artists, even lawyers or mathematicians. They’re broody or guarded. They know what the world is because they’re smart. They aren’t fooled. 
It’s important to note that Isolt chose the Horned Serpent and she so badly wanted to be a Ravenclaw if she could attend Hogwarts. That’s where Horned Serpent’s preference toward scholars comes in. 
The snake element makes this a bit different than your typical knowledge based house though. Snakes are cunning, often associated with quieter, darker spaces. 
Slytherins you’ll find here are the smarter, rational side of their own house, the side that may be good at strategy and deceit. Ravenclaws here are the more jaded side of their house. It seems that Gryffindor and Hufflepuff horned serpents are a bit more of a rarity, but could perhaps be the members of those houses that are not so focused on goodness. The fact that goodness is so important to both of those houses, may be why finding Gryffindor/Hufflepuff Horned Serpents seems less common. But there is still some goodness here. Remember Isolt’s dedication to saving the boys, her loving relationship with her family. Strangely, it was the Pukwudgie that wanted to turn his back. 
Wampuses are similarly dark. Like Horned Serpents they’re realistic and logical. They’re the law, following duty and command with steadfast brashness. That doesn’t necessarily mean heroics. They’re even and smart. They’re focus on strength and physicality, being unstoppable and strong. Gone wrong, they’d take you out without hesitation, because they can. Because they’re strong. Chaos that values order. When there was no wizarding law enforcement, Webster became the law. 
It was Webster who chose the Wampus and if you remember, Webster was afraid that nothing called “Webster Boot” would be picked to win. He wanted a name that would win. An animal that would win. 
The creature Wampus is noted as being almost impossible to kill, strong and fast. 
You’ll find your soldier-type Gryffindor and Hufflepuffs here. The ones that can take orders and follow command. You’ll find your lawful Ravenclaws here, ones that value order and firm rules. The Slytherins here are the more aggressive Slytherins, the ones that would mow you over with sheer strength to win the fight. The Slytherdors, if you will. 
Pukwudgies are anomalies. They’re light and caregivers, heart and healing. But they can be begrudging in their loyalty, bitter or tricksters. As such, their intelligence should not be overlooked. There can be a manipulative or self serving element that is combatted by their softness and sense of fun and charm. It makes them good at dealing with people. They can be caregivers or teachers. They’re tolerance and patience even when they hate it. They’re glowy and shine even if overlooked. 
The Pukwudgie was chosen by the only No-maj in the family. But a Pukwudgie was an important part to Isolt’s journey. 
The Pukwudgie creature is known to hate man kind and be a trickster and yet it was a normal, non magic man that chose the house, and is noted as being the house that values healers. 
In Pukwudgie you’ll find most of your Hufflepuffs. These are the puffs that value community and people. The Gryffindors you’ll find here are the ones that aren’t so aggressive with their morality but instead more fluid and understanding. Ravenclaws that are Pukwudgie are your more eccentric claws, ones that value individuality and uniqueness. And you’ll find your very loyal Slytherins here, the ones who can be jaded and pragmatic at times but who still value loyalty first, because although William was turned away by Isolt, he came back and was dedicated to her legacy. 
In a way, I’ve almost found that there’s a more direct relationship between hybrid Hogwarts houses and these houses. For example, I’ve found lots of Gryffinclaw Thunderbirds, lots of Slytherclaw Horned Serpents, lots of Slytherdor Horned Serpents and lots of Ravenpuff Pukwudgies. (There are moer correlations than just those but those were some examples). You might say “yeah okay Layne but I’m a Slytherclaw and I got Thunderbird!” Well, that’s what I mean when I say these houses could help show you what kind of Slytherin you are. Slytherins value ambition. So do Thunderbirds. That’s the place where the venn diagram overlaps. You don’t have to look at your sorting here and think it’s wrong or it doesn’t add up. Just use it as a deeper understanding. Another layer to who you are. 
Now again, this isn’t to say there needs to be a correlation between Hogwarts/and Ilvermorny. Really there isn’t. In my opinion, it’s a matter of looking at what each of these houses says about you in addition to your Hogwarts House. I hope you find these explanations interesting or helpful. Or not. I accidentally left my notes at the office so I did this from memory. If you have thoughts please send them in message form instead of reblog. 
Also I just want to note that I intentionally didn’t read anyone else’s discourse because I wanted to do this just from my own thoughts first. 
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amortenia-fail-blog · 8 years
It’s quite fitting that a kkk hood resembles a dunce cap.
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amortenia-fail-blog · 8 years
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 C H A R A C T E R   D E V E L O P M E N T
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amortenia-fail-blog · 8 years
Tinder and Spotify should pair up and match you with people who listen to the same music as you.
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amortenia-fail-blog · 8 years
I am a small, cute flower of disgust and hatred.
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amortenia-fail-blog · 8 years
“DO NOT TOUCH” has got to be one of the scariest things to read in braille
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amortenia-fail-blog · 8 years
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MARAUDERS, NO QUESTIONS ASKED. But since you did ask, let’s jump on that….
Okay so - five seasons, BBC produced OR HBO in Game of Thrones style, keeping it British (JKR would insist, as she should). 12-14 episodes a season, potential Christmas special at the end of season 4. The first three seasons are MWPP’s fifth, sixth and seventh years, starting about midway through their 5th. 
The pilot uses Harry as a framing device - it’s needed to establish the world and time period etc etc - maybe in third year, when Snape is digging in to Papa Potter? Harry then walks along the Hogwarts corridors, thinking about his father, and everything Dumbledore and Lupin have said about him, until he finds himself in the trophy room looking at one of James’ Quidditch medals. Harry says “my dad didn’t strut”, and we close in on the medal…
….only to pan out on James, strutting along the same corridor. Remus, Sirius and Peter fall in, and we watch them as they head in to class. James is your typical asshole of a 15yo, eating an apple and accidentally bumping into people, only to grin and give them fingerguns instead of apologising as he keeps on walking. Remus has his nose in a book, Sirius is poking at his ear with a quill, and Peter’s trying get Sugar Quill residue off his fingers. They walk into Transfiguration, their usual boisterous selves, not noticing a red headed girl rolling her eyes and turning away from them to talk to her friends, or a skulking boy in a group of Slytherins behind her, glaring at them.
Each of the first four seasons would use one of the Marauders as a viewpoint into the main plot:
Season 1 - Peter, as he feels like he belongs less than the others, and his practical hero-worshipping of his friends means that he views them outside of his relationship with them, and is thus a good starting point for the viewer. Season one also introduces us to the Marauders era Slytherins, and we follow their story in a parallel to MWPP. Lily and Snape’s friendship, their subsequent fall out, and Snape’s further immersion into the Dark Arts are the season’s main subplot. Snape’s Worst Memory happens in about episode 9.
Season 2 - Remus. Season 2 covers MWPP’s sixth year, as they grow older and the war outside of Hogwarts begins to impact more on their isolated world. Lily and James begin to become friends - well, she dislikes him less - and this impacts on Snape, who begins to write in the margins of his potions textbook. Sirius starts to feel more pressure from his family and moves out; this makes him wilder than ever, culminating in the Snape prank (about episode 11). This is filmed to be a cruel trick, and we see the full blow out afterwards between Sirius and Remus. Snape approaches Lily in the aftermath and attempts to tell her about Remus, villifying James in the process; she tells him that she knows about Remus, and that Snape cannot reveal the secret. The season ends with Remus and Sirius still at odds, although partially reconciled, and James saying he just assumed that Sirius would be moving in with him.
Season 3 - This year focuses more on James, beginning when he and Sirius decide to crash a pureblood party at the Malfoy’s. They make their getaway, running past three girls, on Sirius’ new bike, which still has some…. kinks to be smoothed out - they almost fall out of the sky more than once. They return home to the news that James has been made Head Boy; Sirius thinks it’s the most hilarious news he’s ever heard, but James is determined to use the opportunity to get closer to Lily (“I am TELLING you she’s Head Girl, Padfoot!”) The gang head back to Hogwarts - crossing paths with Narcissa Black - who had seen them run out at the Malfoy’s - on the train station. She becomes our focus Slytherin character for the season. Lily and James’ romance takes a front position in this season, with the mending of the Sirius/Remus relationship as a subplot. The season also has flashbacks to the group’s younger years, focusing on the Animagus process.
Season 4: TIME JUMP. We go forward two years into the middle of the war. I see the final two seasons as one whole arc, with the season 4 establishing the various dangers of the war and MWPP’s role in it - focusing on Sirius, as suspicion starts to take hold of the group and their lives get more and more perilous. Through Sirius we get the Regulus subplot and our view into the Death Eaters, following Snape, the Blacks and the Malfoys. Two of Lily and James’ “thrice defied” events happen throughout the season. Remus is sent undercover into the werewolf community and drifts apart from the Order, causing the others to confide in him less and less. Peter sees this and, in the season finale, meets up with a Death Eater.
Season 5: We begin with the announcement of Lily’s pregnancy. The fighting gets worse - there are battles and disappearances every day, both sides begin to lose friends and mentors. Narcissa’s pregnancy is played out as a parallel to Lily; she and Lucius grow closer and begin to resent the influence of Voldemort on their lives. They strengthen as a family unit and at the end of the season decide to break away from their Death Eater friends (and family). The prophecy is told, Harry is born, Lily and James go into hiding. Sirius continues to fight in the war, becoming friends with the Prewett brothers and eventually witnessing their deaths, Snape becomes worried for Lily, makes the deal with Dumbledore, and begins sabotaging Death Eater missions he thinks may harm her, Karkaroff flees England, the Longbottoms announce that they’re expecting, Peter begins passing information on to Voldemort himself, Remus is thrown out of a werewolf meetup when they discover he’s a spy. 
The season finale is two hours long. It begins with Harry’s first birthday - Bathilda Bagshot is present, and speaks of Grindlewald. The scene changes, and Sirius is sitting with Kingsley and a few other Order members - they’ve just heard the news of the McKinnons. Moody comes in with blood everywhere; he’s lost an eye. Sirius can’t stand to look at the blood and begins to walk out - then catches sight of Remus in the hall. He confronts Remus, asking where he’s been - Remus can’t say, under Dumbledore’s orders. They end up in a fist fight, beating each other senseless until they’re separated. They don’t speak again for fourteen years. It’s a cold day, and windy - Lily goes outide and pulls the clothes off the line before they can blow away. She and James decorate their cottage with jack o’ lanterns and streamers, and dress Harry up as a little Merlin in a purple gown. They eat Halloween dinner together, the three of them, and James jokes about how “it’s nothing on a Hogwarts feast - just you wait and see, Harry!” Lily goes to put Harry to bed - we watch as she changed him into his pyjamas, lays him in the crib and sings to him - until she’s cut off mid song by a blast downstairs. She’s at the door when she hears James scream, and then there’s a green flash of light, bright and cold, and she runs back to the crib, too choked with fear to even cry for her dead husband. A hooded man steps in the doorway, blocking out all the light. The screen is still black when we hear the revving of a motorcycle as it touches down on the ground. Sirius stands in front of the ruined house, and there are no words for the look on his face. He makes a sound - more animal than human - and before even knowing why, he starts forward, searching among the rubble. He hears a sound, and digs underneath the debris, forgetting his wand entirely, until he finds Harry, crying, the scar still bleeding. Sirius doesn’t know how long he stands there, holding the baby, until suddenly Hagrid is behind him, saying something about Dumbledore, and argues for a while but hands Harry over anyway, saying Hagrid can take the bike. It’s only then that Sirius thinks of Peter. Hagrid says something else, but Sirius doesn’t hear him, doesn’t hear anything - he Apparates, and he’s not even landed before he’s running, up and into Peter’s apartment, banging through the door and making things explode like he did when he was young and couldn’t control his magic. We follow Sirius through the confrontation with Peter and his arrest. Sirius is dragged away, laughing and crying manicallay, cut in a montage to parties and celebrations, random wizards and the Order, a thousand people cheering and smiling and all whispering “For him! The Boy who Lived! Harry Potter!” And, finally, a baby and a letter, lying side by side in front of a Surrey door.
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amortenia-fail-blog · 9 years
Technically, we are all the centers of our own observable universes.
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amortenia-fail-blog · 9 years
Amazon’s streaming music service should be called “Jamazon.”
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amortenia-fail-blog · 9 years
My Anthem Be Like
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amortenia-fail-blog · 9 years
I think the phrase “in the closet” should be changed to “keeping a straight face”
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amortenia-fail-blog · 9 years
On Hogwarts Houses
Slytherin is fall evenings, the air crisp but not cold, the setting sun revealing autumn beauty before darkening to show a million billion stars in the indigo inky sky, when the air smells like cloves and cinnamon and smoke from the crackling bonfire. Slytherin is the faint trace of cigarette smoke curling from your lips. Slytherin is sushi, is apple pie with vanilla ice cream. Slytherin is a glass of golden scotch. Slytherin is finding comfort in jeans and a leather jacket, dying your hair and tattoos that are like artwork. Slytherin is pride in your heritage, in what it took to get you here. Slytherin is the warm blossom of accomplishment in your chest. Slytherin is tall boots and long scarves. Slytherin is the person you’d trust with anything and everything, the one you love above all else, the one you’d kill for. Slytherin is not being afraid of the dark, but remembering that night heals. Slytherin is musky forests and the steady soothing rainfall. Slytherin is sarcasm and wit. Slytherin is determination in the face of fear. Slytherin is talking your way out of situations to keep those you love safe. Slytherin is the love that shows itself quietly from day to day, with quiet brushes and unsaid favors, but that rears up in fury to defend if necessary.
And Slytherin is the dark side, the morally ambiguous, the race for whatever it is you desire, shoving others aside. Slytherin is locking yourself in a shadowed corner and curling up, because it’s too much it’s too much it’s too- and wiping the tears and standing anyway, because you can’t stop now, and you can’t show weakness.
Gryffindor is summer, cloudless blue skies and endless green fields. Gryffindor is adrenaline highs and truth or dare. Gryffindor is bright red lipstick and cologne that makes heads turn. Gryffindor is parties that go all night. Gryffindor is fireworks exploding in the sky. Gryffindor is standing up to anyone, friend, foe, or stranger, to tell them they’re wrong. Gryffindor is throwing your friend a beer and jumping on their lap to take a nap. Gryffindor is the love of horror games. Gryffindor is steak and burgers, Gryffindor is spicy curry. Gryffindor is taking the risk, making the leap, no matter the odds. Gryffindor is raising your hand in class. Gryffindor is passionate love, whether it be romantic, platonic, or otherwise, that sees no difference in a hand picked wildflower and a diamond necklace as long as it makes the recipient happy. Gryffindor is defending, even if it’s defending someone you hate against someone you love, because Gryffindor stands up for what is right.
And Gryffindor is recklessness, the uncontrollable emotion, the carelessness with laws and rules. Gryffindor is choosing the ‘morally correct’ option even if it means more are hurt. Gryffindor is solving things brashly, physically, and only making everything worse.
Ravenclaw is winter peace and blizzards. Ravenclaw is the beauty of white snow against evergreens and a baby blue sky. Ravenclaw is the sharpness and cutting edge of a cold breeze, the glint of a metal blade. Ravenclaw is the silence of a library, lost completely in a world of ink and screens and words. Ravenclaw is a glass of wine and an old friend. Ravenclaw is martial arts and street smarts, Ravenclaw is always asking why, Ravenclaw is pages filled with writing and doodles and diagrams. Ravenclaw is telling dirty jokes in code so no one can tell why you’re laughing so hard you can’t breathe and the teacher can’t read the notes you were passing in class. Ravenclaw is failing a class because you couldn’t be bothered to read or do homework, it was too boring and you had other things. Ravenclaw is challenging the status quo and ‘there’s always another option’. Ravenclaw is citrus and a stash of junk food that you always seem to eat right away. Ravenclaw is learning a new language because you want to. Ravenclaw is an innocent face that can hide the dirtiest mind. Ravenclaw is a pile of books that you’ll read - you will, you promise - one day. Ravenclaw is looking up and… hell, when did it get to be three thirty AM, you have classes in five hours, you… another half hour won’t hurt. Ravenclaw is love that happens slowly, like creeping ivy, till one day you wake up and realize it’s ensnared you tightly and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
And Ravenclaw is addiction, to coffee, to drugs, anything to get that clarity and that swooping feeling. Ravenclaw is coldness, is locking away resentment to fester, is ‘revenge is a dish best served cold’. Ravenclaw is shutting up and never asking for help, because you’re smart enough, capable enough to handle it. Because you have to.
Hufflepuff is tea and sweaters and punching someone in the face because they need to shut up, calm down, or get the sense knocked into them. Or just because the punch was really satisfying. Hufflepuff is spring, Hufflepuff is winter melting away and basking in the sunlight. Hufflepuff is singing loudly to Journey and Queen. Hufflepuff is having the messiest rooms and yet knowing exactly where to find everything. Hufflepuff is 'there’s no such thing as too much chocolate’. Hufflepuff is one too many glasses of champagne so the world feels like sunshine. Hufflepuff is honestly not giving a damn what anyone else thinks. Hufflepuff is 'you’re never too old for…“ Hufflepuff is beating the crap out of people who destroy what a Hufflepuff believes in. Hufflepuff is prank wars that spiral out of control. Hufflepuff is getting shit done while everyone else argues. Hufflepuff is refusing to fit into the mold, which results in hufflepunks as well as Hufflepuffs in every dormitory because they have friends in every house and no one minds a 'puff sleeping over now and then. Hufflepuff is honey badger don’t care and angry momma bear. Hufflepuff is staying up till three am to talk someone out of depression, out of suicide, out of something stupid, convincing them how amazing and how loved they are. Hufflepuff is enduring scorn. Hufflepuff is a bumblebee hat on a Slytherin’s head because, despite whatever your mascot may be, YOU are a human and humans have ears and just wear the damned hat you asshole; a plate of supper next to a Ravenclaw and if you don’t eat it I will shove it down your throat with my own claws; a tightly wrapped bandage around a Gryffindor’s sprained arm and a surprisingly painful punch to the other shoulder because you NEED to stop nearly dying, thank you. Hufflepuff is loyalty, is true friendship, not the plastic My Little Pony stuff but the true friendship. Hufflepuff is the first ones to get Netflix running at Hogwarts, despite magical interference.
And Hufflepuff is loneliness, is the intense desire for friendship. Hufflepuff is having to deal with derision and scorn. Hufflepuff is the sting of betrayal and abandonment that cuts so much more deeply then with others. Hufflepuff is loyalty placed in the wrong ideal, Hufflepuff is loving the wrong person. Hufflepuff is drowning in emotions that bring panic attacks.
Slytherins are NOT evil. Gryffindors are NOT assholes. Ravenclaws are NOT heartless. Hufflepuffs are NOT weak.
Thank you and have a nice day.
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amortenia-fail-blog · 9 years
Water is just a portal to a universe where you can fly, but you can’t breathe.
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amortenia-fail-blog · 9 years
Sia’s final album should be titled “Sia Later”
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amortenia-fail-blog · 9 years
Does anyone else just lay in bed for an hour or so before they fall asleep and generate their own fanfictions? And they are super elaborate and you just sit and go through it and wasting precious sleeping time. Reblog if u do.
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amortenia-fail-blog · 9 years
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This is the happiest day of my life I just...
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