amosdeleon · 4 days
"Nothing against you, I've been in hiding. Between retiring, Cece, then breaking up with my now ex...it's been a whirlwind." Amos admitted slowly. He hadn't been in the mood to see a lot of people, so it wasn't because of Shivani. It was just his defense mechanism working on overdrive. "Cece is doing great. She started a new school year, I had fun spoiling her with a bunch of new things." He grinned back at his friend, taking a bite of his waffles. "You been okay? I ran into Axel recently...he seemed a little out of it."
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closed for @amosdeleon location: rizzo's diner
Shivani glanced down at the laminated menu in front of her before looking back at her companion for the moment with a wide smile. "This is nice--I'm glad you had time to hang out with me...I feel like I haven't seen you in pretty much forever." She looked back at Amos as she put the menu down and clasped her hands in front of her on the table. "How's Cece doing?" There were things she needed to tell Amos, but more than that she was eager to know how he was faring with the appearance of his daughter in his life. She recalled that drunken night oh to well but it had been awhile since that so she was sure things must've improved since then.
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amosdeleon · 5 days
Amos acted like he was ignoring her for all of three seconds before he turned to look at Jo. "Someone's in a nice mood." He teased as he adjusted his shopping bags in his hands and smirked back at her. "Close enough though. I actually started raising a child. What do you think about that?" He looked ahead again, grinning. "You should give me tips about retirement though."
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closed starter for @amosdeleon location: the streets of wilmington
Noticing Amos walking a few meters ahead of her, Josephine quickly caught up to him, slowing down to catch his pace before aligning herself with him. She hadn't seen him since their friendly match or she had, it wasn't the time to catch up. "Hello, old man!" She greeted, her tone already in a teasing mood. "Did you pick up some sort of calming hobby like gardening or collecting old things already?" Though, despite months passing after his retirement, he still seemed fit and perhaps he'd make a good gardener.
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amosdeleon · 5 days
Amos smiled warmly at her question, getting his phone out of his pocket and showing her his lockscreen; a photo of Cece. "She's got my eyes. Her mom says she's as creative as I am, whatever she could mean by that." He had to admit, talking to Alara like this was good, it felt like they were reaching a healthy place in their relationship, or friendship now and she meant the world to him. "Enough about me though. How's your life? Did you see that Armi and Kian started dating?"
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alara nodded slowly. she wasn't going to judge the other for what the woman was. she was ultimately just curious to know if they dated at some point, like she had with amos. "i get it. i think you two will be able to work things out at some point, at least enough to be civil for your daughter. does she look like you?" at one point, she'd assumed that she'd be having a baby with the man. funny how things changed. "good. i'm really happy to hear you're adjusting well. maybe the whole retirement thing came at the right time. now you can spend your time with cece."
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amosdeleon · 5 days
"Myself. I need them all for myself. Going through a break up in your thirties is actually fucking miserable, I don't know if you know this." Amos explained playfully, rolling his eyes at himself and then waved her off, clearly not wanting to ruin her night. "Nah, your parents are more important than this. I'll get some Don Julio and maybe get a new convertible as retail therapy. I'll be fine. You and your parent shave great taste though."
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"That makes two of us." Sofia smiled in amusement at his claim. "I didn't say it. You did. What do you need 'a few' bottles of this for anyway?" It was a special occasion at her place. Her parents were here and her step dad was a bit of a wine connoisseur. It's why she couldn't just pick up any old bottle off the shelf. "How about this..." Sofia trailed off, rummaging through her purse before eventually handing the bottle to the man before her so she could get a proper look. She fished around before precuring a quarter. "We flip for it."
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amosdeleon · 5 days
Truthfully, Amos was in his own little world too. Between his last conversation with Camila and his breakup with Seyda, he'd been a little out of it recently. He hated to admit weakness, but he'd been so happy recently and things had changed again, in a matter of a few days, he couldn't do anything but wait until things calmed down. A glass of scotch and Kian's company while watching a game had always worked as a pick me up, but it was clear they were both very distracted. Amos snapped out of it though when his friend spoke up, moving to mute the TV when he noticed how serious his best friend was. "Dude, if you tell me that you and my sister are getting married already I'm gonna lose my mind." He joked before shaking his head. "What is it? Why so serious?"
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closed starter @amosdeleon
location: Amos' house (backdated to the day after the mayoral ball)
His heart thundered as he sat on Amos' sofa, his fingers drumming nervously against his thigh. Ever since that night, Kian’s mind kept racing, replaying the recent events with Sean over and over. He barely registered the game playing on the TV, his gaze unfocused as he stared at the screen without really seeing it. His best friend could be telling him that the world was ending, and he wouldn’t have realized it.  Turning to the other, he said softly—as if worried someone was going to overhear, "I'm going to tell you something, and I need you to promise not to freak out."
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amosdeleon · 5 days
Amos smirked back at her, definitely understand what she meant. He could sweet talk just about anyone, and Sienna intrigued him so he'd put that information away for future use. "Yeah, I could tell. You seemed like you knew what you were doing on the court, but you didn't, so I understand. Although we don't have many actresses in town." He raised an eyebrow, clearly not expecting her admission about her actual profession. "A hacker? Tell me more." He moved closer, extending his hand to her. "How about you teach me how to play video games and I teach you tennis? Whoever wins both gets bragging rights?"
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"Even though I'm not whore, I am a whore for compliments. Keep them coming." Sienna was half serious. While she didn't expect him to keep complimenting her, she did enjoy being complimented in any fashion. "An actress? I can act and would be paid a lot, I think, but I prefer to be more low key than that. I dress nice every so often, and despite catching me on a good day, I'm usually wearing sweats and a t-shirt." Something more casual. "I'm an hacker." She flashed him a coy smile. "A bit too competitive for my own good but I win enough that I can be this way."
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amosdeleon · 5 days
Amos' eyebrows furrowed together, he wasn't ever the brightest or sharpest person. He wasn't dumb by any means, but his mind had always tended to fly away after any intrusion. Sports had always been easy because of this. Everything about Camila and Cece left him on edge though, he still didn't trust the mother of his child and that was an issue, they needed to work through it, but it was the cryptic words that made him spin a little. "I'll do it. I've been meaning to ask about it anyway." He let out a deep breath, knowing that it was time to open up to her. "Listen, you may think I'm great with her but I'm not, okay? I'm hardly an authority figure, she sees me and she sees us hanging out and having fun, but I haven't been there for her like you have. She needs you." Amos mumbled slowly, shoving his hands into his pockets. "We both need you. I am not a parent yet, okay?"
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Camila wasn't sure if she had any interest in doing this when she first told Amos about their daughter. Then again, she wasn't so sure he'd agree to meet the little girl. So the thought, of course, never crossed her mind. But after the last few weeks, and seeing how well he was adjusting to being a father, as well as how much Cece loved him -- the answer seemed obvious. She hadn't expected him to pick up on the undertone, however. "It's a long story." She replied, "I would prefer nothing to happen to either of us since she finally has both her parents." Was she deflecting? A little bit. "This isn't going to touch Cece --" At least, not physically. "And you've stepped up so well. That girl's eyes light up at just the mention of your name. I just want to make sure that if anything happens -- since you know, life is so unpredictable, that your rights are protected and there's no discussion what happens to her."
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amosdeleon · 5 days
"I-wow, shit." Amos was almost at a loss. She was a random, beautiful woman he'd met weeks ago but somehow now she was related to his own child. It really went to show just how little he knew of Camila and Cece's life, he didn't know how to go about changing that though. But maybe talking to Mahira was the right first step. "It's been fun. Cece is a cool kid, you know? I mean, you do, clearly. I'm still learning, I feel like I need to learn to be a good dad, not a cool dad, I guess?"
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"Yes, that's right," Mahi nodded. "I've known Cece since she was born. Cami and I go way back." They two grew up together. Funny how everyone seemed to be connected to each other these days. She shifted her weight, getting comfortable as they chatted. "It seems there's quite a bit we don't know about each other. How are you liking being a dad? It must have been a bit of a shock to find out after all these years."
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amosdeleon · 5 days
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JOSEPH MORGAN Taylor Miller ph. for Numéro Netherlands (2023)
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amosdeleon · 8 days
Being newly retired from a high maintenance and priority athlete career, Amos felt strange without his normal routine. It didn't help that his life had changed very quickly, very often the past few months. Being a dad was a blessing this summer, his newfound daughter had kept him busy during the summer, but now that fall was almost here, and he was going through a breakup, he found himself feeling a little lost about everything. With this in mind, Amos found himself slipping on his running shoes and going for a run. He'd been running for a long time when he finally stopped running, adjusting his running vest against his bare chest and taking a sip of water before he plopped himself down on the grass, trying to catch his breath, not too far from where she was sitting. "The bugs? That's why you're going to miss summer?" Amos chuckled lightly. "You're better than me. I can't wait until they're gone. Bees and I don't get along, in particular."
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LOCATION: Lincoln Park TIME: Friday afternoon
Malia stretched out on the grass, basking in the warm of the late summer sun. Her curly hair danced in the gentle breeze as she closed her eyes, inhaling deeply. It had been ages since she'd allowed herself such a simple pleasure. "This is exactly what the doctor ordered," she murmured, a smile playing on her lips. As a busy adult, Malia rarely found time for herself. But today, she'd impulsively called in for a personal day, desperate for a breather before autumn's chill set in. She opened her eyes, drinking in the view. A butterfly fluttered past, and Malia couldn't help but giggle. "Look at you, living your best life," she said to the insect. "I’m going to miss summer,” she turned her attention to her companion, a small sigh escaping.
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amosdeleon · 8 days
"You cannot be serious! I've been looking for this everywhere." Amos scoffed as he let go of the bottle of wine to let her have it, clearly distraught but for very different reasons. "Shit, now it looks like I'm broke? Chill out. I just didn't want to drive another twenty minutes to get a few bottles of that." With the way that things were going with his life in general, Amos wasn't even surprised he gave up so easily. "Whatever, I'll just keep fucking driving around."
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Status: OPEN starter (0/4)
Location: Waterworks Mall
“No! I was here first.” Sofia snatched the item from their hands as if it was hidden treasure that they discovered. “I was told this was the one I needed to get. You can’t have it. I need it.” She could see the way the other person was staring at her because she was acting like a psycho. “In fact, I will pay for whatever it is that you get so long as it’s not this. Deal?” A twinge of guilt began to bubble up for being so rude, but she had no choice. "My parents are in town. I need this. I've been running around all over town looking for this."
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amosdeleon · 20 days
"She's...a past fling, I guess. I just think of her as my baby momma." Amos admitted with a soft chuckle. "We don't have the best relationship now, but I'm hoping we can figure it out, you know? For Cece's sake." It felt almost strange to be talking to Alara like this, but at the end of the day, she had knew him better than most. Aside from his marriage, she'd been his longest relationship. His most recent one, as well. "I am. She's a lot like me, actually. So energetic. I didn't think I wanted to be a dad, but I think now...I'm very much into being a dad."
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nodding as her ex boyfriend spoke, she offered the man a smile. "well, i hope that things end up working out between the three of you, you know, as far as a relationship with your daughter goes and coparenting with your...ex? is she an ex or was it just a one time thing?" alara wouldn't judge him for whatever it was. she was past that. "that'll be good for you, both of you. are you excited to, you know, bond with her?"
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amosdeleon · 20 days
Amos had thought about this conversation for a few weeks now. A part of him knew that Cece not having his last name or the lack of DNA test didn't mean that she wasn't his daughter. He already loved her like it and that wasn't going to change. But the thought of being her dad legally had occurred to him a handful of times since he found out that Cece was his. He'd thought that he'd have to argue with Camila for this and now here she was, asking him for it instead. "In case anything happens to you?" Amos furrowed his eyebrows together, watching her intently. "Camila. What are you not telling me? I know...you're used to doing shit your way. But if there is something that could harm you or Cece...you're her mom. I don't want anything to happen to you, you know that right?"
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Cami stood aside and watched the sweet embrace between father and daughter. Her heart swelling at the sight, truly grateful for these turn of events. Once Cece rushed off to her own area, Amos stepping to the side to allow her in, Camila kept her hands planted in the back pockets of her jeans as she slowly turned to face the father of her child. They haven't really worked on whatever relationship they were supposed to have here. She knew he was still pissed about not telling him the truth, and well -- she was still struggling some with the shift of balance and power. "Uh -- I have a favor to ask." She spoke, "It's not for me, as much as it's for Celeste." She knew that would be the selling point. "I know you said you didn't want to do the DNA test, but I would like you to." She bite her lip, and shifted her weight from one foot to the other. "Not to prove to you or me that she's yours. Because she is yours." There was no doubt in her mind about that one. "But to show the courts that she is yours, so you can be added to the birth certificate." She paused and pressed her lips together, before sighing and continuing, "So, in case, anything happens to me, or whatever... your rights will be protected."
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amosdeleon · 20 days
"Look at you, trying to be humble. Okay, I see you." Amos grinned back at her, clearly just messing with her. Most people always wondered why Amos had chose to stay in Wilmington throughout his career and now in his retirement. But he loved WIlmington, even if it was a small city compared to other, more well-known ones. Their events were familiar and even better than some he'd attended out of state. His smile brightened at her question. "Wow. News travels fast." Amos murmured. "Thank you. It's been...amazing. Have you ever thought of having kids?"
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"In the flesh." She matched his cheers with a miniature lift of her own glass. "Well prepare to continue being surprised." Despite the multitude of events in Wilmington that existed as nothing more than agonizing networking events, this ball had, at least, been a shade different. Partially because of how most people supported Irza, no doubt. "Not all. Credit where credit's due, a lot of folks pitched in. I just know the space best and envisioned how to pull it off." A beat. Was it worth bringing up now? "So... I hear belated congratulations are in order."
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amosdeleon · 20 days
Amos actually laughed at her words, clearly curious about her statement as he looked her up and down. "Really? That's not the first thing that came to my mind. No offense, you are gorgeous." He said quickly before he smirked. "But I reckon you have more of a sophisticated look. I thought you'd be a socialite, maybe an actress." He admitted playfully, shrugging. "What is it that you do?" Amos asked curiously. "Oh, are you competitive? You have no idea what I am then."
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"I get that a lot" Sienna had a particular look to her so she figured that she couldn't blame people for making assumptions. "What did I look like? I think my family believes that the money that I make comes from something like only fans." Well, she knew that for a fact because they didn't bother to be specific about her job so they tended to make it up as they went. "I can do that. Better yet, that means I'll win because I have decent aim. It'll satiate my competitive side."
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amosdeleon · 20 days
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amosdeleon · 26 days
Amos smiled slightly, shrugging. "Thank you? I mean, I lost. But I guess I did it in a great way." He joked, not really feeling sad about it anymore. He had lost in the best way possible and luckily for him, he wasn't limping anymore. A part of him had worried that he'd done irreparable damage to his knee after playing against his doctor's orders. "Oh, I know Mahira. She's cool." He knew Mahira now as his own daughter's god mother, and judging by how highly Cece talked about the woman, he was sure that her relatives would be just as great. "Leaving the house is always great too. I'm glad you're getting, you know, time to yourself. Is it easier now that you're here?"
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"I did," she reaffirmed before nodding at his correct assumption. "Yeah Maya was the one who put it on and well I had to keep watching, it was...pretty surreal." She'd seen his tennis matches before since Maya did enjoy the sport, but now that she'd returned to Wilmington it was strange to actually know him once more. "She's seven," she told him happily, surprised at the sudden interest in her daughter but she figured he was being polite and keeping up with the conversation. When he explained who was the actual organizer, she simply waved a hand while she sipped her drink. "Okay okay, it's decent enough I suppose." She retorted before nodding at his words, "there are luckily a few people in town who Maya feels comfortable hanging out with. Tonight though she's hanging out at Mahira's parents place. They've been great with her, so it's been good. More than that though--it's been a good push to get me out of the house. Otherwise I'm far too content just chilling at home."
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