amourcratez · 4 days
Put Love on the pedestal of religious and political life. Love is the goal, desire and hope of all and is not a decorative heart or something in the background. In Love there is victory. And our Mama said: my name is Love (...) https://www.medjugorje.ws/pl/messages/070302s/
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amourcratez · 4 days
🌹Treaty of peace & reconciliation https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcGjc1XOc3E2JlqnKB4tnVd18pUIEl-av&si=qSEn-1-LhygzGouh
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amourcratez · 5 days
🌹Treaty of peace & reconciliation
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amourcratez · 9 days
Litany to the Holy Spirit
The promises of God the Father, for those who fervently recite this Litany at least three times a week:
1. I will visibly deliver you from the hands of your adversaries.
2. I will remove the obstacles that stand in your way to perfection.
3. I will add another Angel to you, so that he will protect you from temptations to sin with special inspirations.
4. You will persevere in the path of virtue.
5. You will get to know your shortcomings and shortcomings well.
6. You will receive the power to free yourself from sinful habits.
7. I will strengthen your faith, hope and love.
8. I will save you from financial problems.
9. Your family will live in harmony and mutual love.
10. If someone wants to help his neighbor, he should recite this Litany every day, at least for half a year.
Promises of the Holy Spirit: This litany will expand like an avalanche. If one gives it to another person, he will share in his prayers. If someone does not want to keep the fruits of this prayer for themselves, they can tell the Holy Spirit for what intentions they want to offer them.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit...Praised be you! (repeated after each invocation)
Holy Spirit, descend from the throne of Your glory and pitch Your tent in the hearts of Your servants
Be praised
Holy Spirit, who comes from the Father and the Son, teach me to live in the constant presence of God
Holy Spirit, who comes from the Father and the Son, teach me to live in accordance with the will of the Most High
Holy Spirit, who dwells in the hearts of the sons of God, teach me so that I can know You and truly love You.
Holy Spirit, who cares about the Glory of the Father, teach me to live in total devotion and trust in God
Holy Spirit, in the sign of tongues of fire, ignite the fire of Your love in my heart
Holy Spirit, mysterious Dove, teach me to understand the Holy Scriptures well
Holy Spirit, who has neither face nor name, teach me to pray well
Holy Spirit, who speaks through the mouth of the prophets, teach me to live in a balanced spirit and maintain peace of heart
Holy Spirit, burning fire of love, teach me wisdom of life and patience
Holy Spirit, Giver of all gifts, teach me to live in humility and modesty
Holy Spirit, most abundant treasury of graces, teach me to understand the value of suffering
Holy Spirit, bottomless treasury of graces, teach me to make good use of my precious time
Holy Spirit, inexhaustible treasury of graces, defend me from any lack of love and from haughtiness
Holy Spirit, whose riches no one can comprehend, teach me to reject useless ideas and thoughts
Holy Spirit, Giver of many gifts, teach me to give up useless actions and avoid unnecessary conversations
Holy Spirit, from whose fullness we have all received, teach me to be silent and to speak at the right time
Holy Spirit, eternal love, teach me to set a good example for others
Holy Spirit, eternal Goodness, give me perseverance in goodness
Holy Spirit, sweet Teacher, teach me how to properly deal with people
Holy Spirit, dearest friend of souls, teach me not to judge anyone and not to remember the wrongs I have suffered
Holy Spirit, beatifying light of the soul, guide me so that I can see the needs of others and not neglect good works.
Holy Spirit, Father of the poor, make me recognize my mistakes
Holy Spirit, who performs your miracles in souls, teach me to take care of myself and lead me to perfection
Holy Spirit, from whom nothing is hidden, teach me how to avoid the deception of the evil spirit
Holy Spirit, who knows the future of the universe, help me free myself from the dominion of the flesh and Satan
Holy Spirit, who also knows my future, I entrust my family, friends, benefactors and all people to your care
Holy Spirit, thanks to Your divine help, teach me to live for the glory of God, for the salvation of souls and in honor of the Mother of God, so that I can die as a faithful servant.
"I am the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Holy Trinity. Listen to My Words, man, listen carefully. Today I want to ask you, My creatures, to begin to honor Me in a special way. I want every 3rd day of the month to be celebrated as a day dedicated to the honor of the Holy Spirit. The main holiday is still the Feast of Pentecost. Moreover, I am asking everyone who is able, and their state of affairs allows, to pray to My Person - the Holy Spirit, at 9:00 a.m. When it is impossible to pray, even a short sigh is enough. I promise to all those who will honor Me, My special Graces and Gifts and My care for this soul and the entire family. I forgive the sins of my ancestors, punished to the fourth generation. I want your soul to prepare for each holiday with a Novena and the Chaplet to the Holy Spirit." http://parafiaswjadwigi.pl/index.php/2021/05/16/litania-do-ducha-swietego-i-obietnice/
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amourcratez · 1 month
I am the Lady, Your Mother, who leads you from the land of orphans, from the house of disbelief, to the house and land of Your Father.
1 You will love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength and mind; Now and ever and forever and ever, Amen.
You will love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets. Now and ever and forever and ever, Amen.
Mother of the Holy Church
Mother of all People, all Nations & all Creation
Queen President of Heaven & Earth
Queen President of Peace & Reconcillation
Co-Redeemer & our Messenger
Love, she who once was Mary
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amourcratez · 1 month
Love is the living air that descended from heaven
If someone breathes it, they will live forever,
Love, she who once was Mary,
Lady, Mother of All People and Nations,
President, Queen of Heaven, Earth, Peace and Reconciliation,
There is no end of Your Loving
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amourcratez · 1 month
The end of ALL wars: in the Middle East, in Ukraine and the war that Satan has launched against God, will come when man revokes the lawful killing of unborn, conceived life. Like a mushroom that is reborn in the other hemisphere, so sin comes out in another nation
The Queen adorned in gold stands at your right hand • Psalm
Listen, daughter, look and incline your ear, forget about your nation, about your Father's house
The Queen adorned in gold stands at your right hand
The King will desire your beauty, he is your Lord, to him bow down.
The Queen adorned in gold stands at your right hand
They lead the virgins with joy and exultation, they bring them to the palace of the King
The Queen adorned in gold stands at your right hand
The Queen adorned in gold stands at your right hand
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amourcratez · 7 months
Hail Love - according to revelations
Mirjana said that Our Lady was resolute and She said:
“Today I will speak to you about what you have forgotten: Dear children, My name is Love. That I am among you for so much of your time is love, because the Great Love sends me. I am asking the same of you. I am asking for love in your families. I am asking that you recognize love in your brother. Only in this way, through love, will you see the face of the Greatest Love. May fasting and prayer be your guiding star. Open your hearts to love, namely, salvation. Thank you. ”
Medjugorje Message, March 2, 2007 - Apparitions to Mirjana
Hail Love, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Love, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
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amourcratez · 9 months
“Therefore, dear children, pray that from your heart would flow a fountain of love to every person both to the one who hates you and to the one who despises you…. ( From message, November 25, 1991 ) https://www.medjugorje.ws/
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amourcratez · 9 months
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amourcratez · 10 months
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This World Would be so beautiful if People would Love. Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic asked: Mary, why You are so Beautiful? Mary Answered: Im beautiful because I Love
Therefore, Jesus made love the first and greatest commandment: You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind; the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself
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amourcratez · 10 months
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whoever has won the heart of a man has won the whole man. – Saint Francis de Sales
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amourcratez · 10 months
Such love, such a man - Saint Augustine
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amourcratez · 10 months
🔥 “A saint is one who is most interested in love.” - Saint Therese of Lisieux 🔥
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amourcratez · 11 months
- I especially loved Poland, and if it obeys My will, I will exalt it in power and holiness. From it will come a spark that will prepare the world for My final coming (Diary 1732) Diary of Saint Faustina
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amourcratez · 11 months
Litany of St. Pio of Pietrelcina
Kyrie elejson, Christe elejson, Kyrie elejson.
Christ hear us, Christ hear us.
Heavenly Father God, have mercy on us.
Son, Redeemer of the world, God, have mercy on us.
Holy Spirit of God, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, One God, have mercy on us.
Holy Mary, pray for us.
Holy Padre Pio,
Faithful to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit,
In love with the humility and poverty of Jesus Christ,
Zealous priest of Jesus Christ,
A faithful follower of St. Francis of Assisi,
Bearing in his body the marks of the Savior's passion,
Enjoying supernatural gifts,
Ornament of the Franciscan Order,
Bringing goodness and peace to the world,
A chosen vessel of holiness and grace,
Tireless in reconciling sinners with God,
Dread of hell spirits,
Winning hearts with the simplicity and power of the Word of God,
Teaching more by example than by words,
A model of love for God and neighbor,
Encountering Christ in every person,
Protector of the suffering,
Comfort of the unhappy,
Enduring humiliation with patience,
Courageous amidst adversity,
A model of Franciscan poverty,
A model of priestly purity,
Man of perfect obedience,
Lover of hidden life,
Man of prayer, concentration and contemplation,
Teacher of prayer of those who flock to Christ,
Our Mighty Advocate with God.
K. Pray for us, Saint Padre Pio.
R. That we may become worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray: God, You made Saint Padre Pio lived in poverty and humility to become like Your Son, Jesus Christ; grant, we beg You, that by following the same path, with His help, we may imitate Your Son and unite with You in the fullness of joy and love. Amen. https://youtu.be/sJXcEU-mozQ?feature=shared
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amourcratez · 3 years
Armia .  Duch - [Duh] polsk. Something between Ghost and Spirit. Someone.Soul In mean, Also Duch Nam
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