amratriad · 12 days
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// Holey Moley uhh sorry I dropped out from the face of this blog uhh I'm gonna edit those links and stuff and a lot of those are so outdated
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amratriad · 9 months
The Simple Visit
This is for the lovely TK Layla! I wrote a short story between our WOL/OCs! This is my lovely xmas gift for them! Happy reading everyone!
In the depths of the Central Black Shroud, a pair of laughter echoes throughout the silence. The leaves shiver from the autumn wind as a few of them fall down on the dirt path. A cottage resides in the deep wood. An empty teacup is poured for a pot of Ishgardian tea as the Viera takes a sip of the fresh brew. The host smiles at the sight of satisfaction and sets the teapot down. The cottage is rather small, but comforting that is filled with a tiny kitchen and across is a reading room with books unattended on the soft wool rug. 
The second floor is no better than the first, the bedroom is filled with scrolls, letters, trinkets and even small notes that are jotted down hastily and the worst of all the bed is left a mess, miqote fur and all. That is unfortunately the usual case of Amra Tinuviel. The man with a gentle smile, yet so fierce with his passion for botany and magicks. Yet he has a fondness for making tea and sweets for his friends.   
Avalon continues to talk about her treasure hunts and as usual Amra sometimes quips in as if Emet's spirit comes over to tease her. Amra grins at her with a mocking voice. “You see! The vegetables will not be denied.” He could not contain the sassy tone and burst into laughter. Avalon frown of dissaproval, but she can't deny that the miqote is not wrong. A chuckle escaped from her lips and was quite entertained at the sight of Amra can't contain his laughter and holding his stomach. The laughter eventually fades back into silence and Avalon continues to tell their stories andAmra told his adventures in exchange. 
He talks about the tales of possible hidden magicks on another continent, but even the old libraries of Sharlayan would not permit him to search further. “I strive to learn more. I am not afraid of my magicks any longer. X'rhun Tia taught me how to utilize both White and Black magicks and so much more. I cannot thank him enough.” Holding back the tears and pondering if his teacher is still adventuring around in Ala Mihgo. Amra knows that he is no longer a student, but an ever-learning Red Mage. The silence settles once again, Avalon understands Amra's concern. She does use Red Magicks as well, but the miqote shakes his head and puts his focus to continue to talk about more of his other adventures. 
As both of them sipped more tea and ate the delicious scones with cotted cream and jam that Amra struggles to create. The sweetness of the cream and jam and added to the earl grey scones were perfect. The sigh of relief as Amra takes a bite that the scones were not burnt into a crisp this time. He was not familiar with making desserts, but Tataru encouraged them to try. He loves to cook for others and he would never refuse the Lalafell's request. Then a thought crossed his mind, a habit that he never spoke of to anyone, not even to the Scions. 
“Avalon, have you ever....Dreamed of Venat?”
Avalon almost spat out her tea and coughed as she took the napkin to wipe off the mess. With a baffling look and slight concern that he asked such a question.
“I...Beg your pardon?” 
Amra pauses before he responds to her question, then a blush of pink rose on his cheeks. In a flurry of panic as he quickly sets down his cup. Shaking his head.  
“Oh! Sorry! I-I should have reworded the question!” 
Babbling along like a madman and apologizing several times, but Avalon felt a bit of guilt and knowing that Amra still retains a little bit of innocence inside him. “It's okay Amra, do not worry, I-I understand what you are saying.” The questionable phrasing still lingers in her mind, yet she starts to blush for a different reason. 
Amra tries to think of a different subject, but none comes to mind. The mention of the Mothercrystal reminds him of something. Taking one more bite of his scone and wipes his hands with a napkin and gets up.
“Avalon, I know this sounds even more stange, but I would like you to come with me.” 
Avalon's concerns is neverending after all, Amra is one of the Champions of Eorzea. Yet he is more than a warrior, but a traveller with the thirst of knowledge. Y'stola's horrible habits did seep into his mind and the chaotic mess in his cottage is the proof. Avalon nods in agreement and decides to follow him. He leads the way through the back door and leading into a precious small garden that is filled with florals and vegetables.
 It was absolutely made of love and his younger brother and even his mother helped out tending the garden when he was away to travel. But this wasn't the surprise Amra wanted her to see. He opens the back gate of the fence which leads further into the woods of Central Shroud. The Viera brims with curiosity and walks with him. As the two go into the woods and the path seems neverending, but on the end of the path is a small clearing. Avalon continues to speculate as Amra looks at her back with a rather nevous look. Avalon notices this.
“Amra, are you okay?” 
He broke out a small meek laugh. “I-I'm fine, it's just a little further ahead.” 
As both of them reach to the end of the path, a welcoming warm of light shines through their vision. Avalon covers her face for a moment. Her vision clears away and looks down at a familiar sight with a gasp.
It was a huge patch of Elplis Blooms.
Amra knew that there was a connection with Elpis and Avalon, yet not knowing how much of a deep connection what Avalon was a part of. Not even Venat would tell him, not even in his dreams. Even in his last encounter with her when spending the night in Old Sharlyan, Amra no longer sees the Crystal, it was a familar sight. He was seen before the beginning of the Final Days in Etheirys. It was an Ancient dressed in a white robe surrounded by the fields of the white blooms. The words were soft, but yet Amra still remembers those words by heart.
'You are not alone. Remember that.'
And he never was, Amra was never alone. He carefully walked forward and to not step on a bloom and stood in the middle of the field to see the work he had produced. He takes a deep breath and sighs and looks back at his friend with the same bright smile that he always has. 
”Well, here it is....This was a long project I have been working on after I took care of the Final Days.“ 
The Viera's shock wore off, yet the confusion still lingers. She finally blurted off a question. “How in Etheirys did you even produce these blossoms?” 
Amra laughs once again nervously. “Well I had to beg for approval from the Forum if I can take a few seedlings of the Elpis blooms for a personal study. Well, after many trials and errors, this is the best result I have made. I just wanted to share with you Avalon and I hope you appreciate this.“ He beams a proud smile back at her.
Avalon sighs and smiles in a bit of relief that he wasn't in trouble this time. But as she blinks....
....Something else happens.
Instead of a Miqote, there is a Hyur, dressed in a greenish gray robe and a white mask. It was a rather wild looking man, yet there are still feminine features from their green and white highlighted hair and a pitch joy of laughter. Then looks back at Avalon with those big bright brown eyes and freckled face. 
She started to remember clearly who this Ancient is and called out to them.
“.....A-Azem? Chloris?”
The Azem's smile faded too quickly as if something bad happened. An expression that is too familiar for her as if the Final Days we're upon them.
“...Avalon? Avalon? Are you okay?“ 
She shakes her head and looks back to see Amra. Confused that the Azem is gone and is replaced...well...what is part of them.
“I'm fine....Thank you Amra. This place....” She approaches the flower patch and follows carefully next to her friend and looks at the blooms lovingly. Oh how she misses the sight of these flowers. 
”This flowers...Brings back so many memories.“
Amra did not say anything, but with an understanding smile and not a single clue about what happened. As the two silently looks over the Elplis blooms and a small breeze shifts through the wood once again. In the end, both of them are always open to hang out and chat for another cup of tea. 
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amratriad · 1 year
Amra gets startled from the voice and almost dropping the herbs. Looking above to see the Ancient in shock. His ears slightly bent back and tail bristled from the random encounter of this stranger. He eventually takes a few breaths to calm down as the ears and tails readjust back into a neutral position. Wearing the robes that Hythlodaeus lend them and the smooth dark fabric fits them quite well. 
“M-My apologizes, I have quite taken a liking to this place. I think all of this nature that everyone here has been quite fascinating!” His eyes sparked with excitement with the subject of his discoveries. 
Then he tilt his head in confusion from his Aether and the mention of a name. A name that seem to rung a bell, but yet, he has no inkling of what the Ancient is talking about. 
“Chloris……I have never heard such a name.” 
Shaking his head with a frown. A bit frustrated of why he doesn’t recollect if they even seen them in his travels around Eorzea.
“Ah…” “T-Thats okay though…you really shouldn’t stray too far here… it’s dangerous”.
Their arms are crossed, gently bending down, with a smile, offering a gentle hand, “Come now… let us get to some better grounds for exploring, in exchange I’d like to know more about you…that sounds okay?” “It’s rather…not the best of places to explore, trust me…wild animals like to roam here often, and with you being so small…” “I’d rather you not get hurt”. They admit they are more curious as to whose familiar this was…but they had figured now, they had to wait to get to better safety in terms of location, “My name is Calypso and yours?”
He tilts his head in confusion from the ancient’s reply that he really has no clue who Clloris is. Yet he rather not question it further and takes the kind gesture. Taking their hand with a smile in return. 
“Of course, I would love to.” His ears twitch with excitement that he is finally meeting more people in this strange, yet wonderful world.
 It’s a shame that no one will remember him after he finish his task. 
Following Calypso through the lush lands, yet there we’re so many creations  around them. Some seems harmless enough, yet some look quite intimidating. It does not bother the Warrior of Light one bit. Looking up at them with a friendly expression.
“My name is Amra Tinuviel. It’s nice to meet you Calypso.” 
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amratriad · 2 years
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amratriad · 2 years
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For the longest time I’ve journeyed alone, not involving myself in the affairs of others. But I’ve enjoyed our time together. …When I imagine the moment we must part ways, I can’t help but be saddened. And it surprises me that I feel that way.
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amratriad · 2 years
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amratriad · 2 years
Amra was busy getting quite distracted from what Elpis has to offer. Looking through the floral and studying it as they open their journal to scribble some notes. Sure visiting this place is temporary but the opportunity to study new species of nature, the miqo'te could not pass. 
The problem is well, he did not noticed a guest that decided to drop by. 
Calypso had watched them interact with the herbs nearby, jotting down their notes busily as if gathering intel.
‘Hm…it must be a familiar gathering information upon herbs..’
They decide to make themselves known, though by announcing themselves and crouching downwards towards the visitor,
“Little one, your in a very dangerous spot for familiars..”
Their lanky form was giant, yet it was always giant to anyone nearby due to their height being unusual, even for ancient standards,
“Mm…wait a minute…your Aether looks familiar…did Chloris make you?”
Indeed, did they see fittingly a signature of green in those strings of there’s. Funny how people’s Aether read as in colors and hues. Yet to Calypso it just meant it make it easier to identify upon closer observation,
…They shook their head,
“Sorry…I won’t focus on that right now, you should probably come back with me, it’s dangerous here for a familiar like so…wild beasts sometimes like to prowl here”.
Amra gets startled from the voice and almost dropping the herbs. Looking above to see the Ancient in shock. His ears slightly bent back and tail bristled from the random encounter of this stranger. He eventually takes a few breaths to calm down as the ears and tails readjust back into a neutral position. Wearing the robes that Hythlodaeus lend them and the smooth dark fabric fits them quite well. 
“M-My apologizes, I have quite taken a liking to this place. I think all of this nature that everyone here has been quite fascinating!” His eyes sparked with excitement with the subject of his discoveries. 
Then he tilt his head in confusion from his Aether and the mention of a name. A name that seem to rung a bell, but yet, he has no inkling of what the Ancient is talking about. 
“Chloris......I have never heard such a name.” 
Shaking his head with a frown. A bit frustrated of why he doesn’t recollect if they even seen them in his travels around Eorzea.
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amratriad · 2 years
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// sup gamers I’m online here. I do need to work on my tiny ass drabble that is due tomorrow ahfksjfh but I’ll be around here replying threads and sent inbox stuff to moots. 
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amratriad · 2 years
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amratriad · 2 years
[starter for] ➤
It’s not oft Calypso goes out in the woods to pick wildflowers and explore, yet todays weather filled with sunshine and a cool breeze made it thus. Picking Daffodils and lilies their humming to themselves, taking the moment to ponder upon something, when they hear a noise,
Getting up, their tall form scraped over some berry bushes, towards the noise, seemingly behind a tree…
Amra was busy getting quite distracted from what Elpis has to offer. Looking through the floral and studying it as they open their journal to scribble some notes. Sure visiting this place is temporary but the opportunity to study new species of nature, the miqo'te could not pass. 
The problem is well, he did not noticed a guest that decided to drop by. 
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amratriad · 2 years
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// I am here, but I will be slowly drafting a drabble that I am trying to finish and eventually will share on a friend’s podcast talk! I know I owe a new starter and apologizes that I might have to drop old starters that I never got to finish but if anyone wants to rp or send imprompt messages or any plot talks just let me know!
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amratriad · 2 years
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amratriad · 2 years
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Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
written by flout; follows from aeniqmata
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amratriad · 2 years
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amratriad · 2 years
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// Amra not realizing that Calypso is Azem but they crossed paths with Amra’s Azem Chloris. Man this hurts bruh. 
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amratriad · 2 years
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// wow sup i’m motivated here finally? gosh sry if I couldn’t get threads, I had a massive burnout with Amra. But now I’m slowly trying to motivate to rp this catto again. Might be a bit spotty due to my multimuse is slowly in need of chipping drafts, but I know I owe one but of course I’m open to plot or just drop some inbox messages to moots! <3
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amratriad · 2 years
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video game scenery meme — [ 2 / 3 ] underappreciated locations
north shroud —hyrstmill
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