amst-conners-blog ¡ 10 years
"Maybe, but at what price Jacy? I'm so white I'm probably allergic to moonlight. Do I really wanna risk my life for this?" All joking aside he nodded and shrugged, looking up at her and squinting through the glare of the sun. "Well technically, I have enough sun screen in places I can reach. So yeah. I would suppose."
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Jacy relaxed as she sense his mood softened, as she did feel genuinely bad for disturbing him. She knew the boy wasn’t one for a big beach party like this. “Maybe it’s not that bad if you get a bit of color, not that I mind how you usually look. I hope you’re wearing lots of sunscreen too.”
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amst-conners-blog ¡ 10 years
"Truer words have never been spoken" He avoided Mav's gaze until the question was brought upon him and he found himself staring into light blue eyes with a gaze so intense it was a miracle he didn't look away. "Nothing really, surprise me." He answered.
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          “Seen one. They’re overrated.” His eyes tracked the blush, up Amst’s neck, cheeks, before finally catching on those big blues. “You drinking anything I can get you?”
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amst-conners-blog ¡ 10 years
He bit her shoulder meekly in retaliation and ever so subtly laid his head down on her boobs like he owned the place, not much for pleasantries unless it's with Jade. "You shouldn't annoy me, you should treat me nice. My skin is on fire Jade, tanning is horrible and no one should try it."
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"Fuck no," she said with a chuckle, picking up the volleyball she had purposely thrown near him and throwing it back to the group of people playing. "Just wanted to annoy you, as per usual," she said nonchalantly before sitting down next to a very annoyed Amsterdam.
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amst-conners-blog ¡ 10 years
He smiled back weakly, irritation slipping out of him the moment he saw Jacy and being replaced with something else. "The only light my skin knows is lamplight. The paleness isn't just for show, y'know."
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"Sorry! Sorry Hades, I was trying to toss it back to the game." Jacy gets up from her spot, picking the ball up and throwing it back over to the game. She smiles sheepishly. "Not one for the heat?"
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amst-conners-blog ¡ 10 years
"It probably means you need a serious psychiatrist" He said with an unimpressed expression, despite the flush that spread to his face and down his neck.
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          “… never change. I don’t know what it says about my mental health that I find you adorable.”
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amst-conners-blog ¡ 10 years
"I'm adorable" he replied with a smirk, internally unfazed, but flawlessly acting as if it were the worst thought in the world. To even bear a moment of it would break him. "Please, sir. Please, don't be so ruthless with me. I'm trying the best I can~" He drawled, batting his eyes in hope of some pity he was dead sure he wasn't going to get.
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"Cute, real cute." he replied though his expression was less than amused. It bothered him since the first day of classes how easily Amst got under his skin. James paused for a second, nodding at the query. “Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m going to do. You decide not to take my class seriously enough and show up hungover then you don’t deserve to be in it.” 
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amst-conners-blog ¡ 10 years
"Well I'm glad you're finally addressing the obvious raving elephant between you and Junie." He said, smiling as he oh-so-lovingly avoided the point she was trying to get to, just like a raving ballerina elephant.
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"Gotta make sure you don’t kill off my roommate, of course," she said, clearly lying. She was aware Amsterdam would know she was lying too, but she didn’t really care for it. But knowing the boy wouldn’t let her off the hook if she didn’t actually give him something, she decided to speak up again. "I just want to address the obvious sexual tension, ogling, and dare I say: flirting that’s been going on with one of the people in that list of yours.”
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amst-conners-blog ¡ 10 years
"For anyone who isn't psychotic, sociopathic, anxious and half way normal. Sure. Grab a drink, have fun, I don't know."
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"I guess I h-haven’t missed much. Is it f-fun at least?"
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amst-conners-blog ¡ 10 years
"Sure, why the fuck not. Ready for a challenge, princess?"
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"Anybody up to toss the football around?" She asked, a ratty pigskin in her hands, ready for a challenge.
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amst-conners-blog ¡ 10 years
"Well there's music playing, people are talking and there's still some food so no, you haven't."
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"So I think I m-missed the party."
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amst-conners-blog ¡ 10 years
"San Francisco sun or not, still feels like I'm about to disintegrate any second now." Amsterdam muttered, closing his eyes for only a fraction of a second before feeling a sudden thud right next to his ear. He got up and looked around. "This volleyball yours?" He asked, irritation apparent in his eyes.
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amst-conners-blog ¡ 10 years
"Aw well that's sweet." He said, blinking in mild surprise at himself at the fact that he actually said something positive for once. The words tasted alien and it made him a little uncomfortable to actually say, but they were out in the open so he just shrugged and kept doing his thing, only pausing momentarily to answer the teacher's question. "Forensic's major, this is just for fun. Most of the time. It helps with the whole identification thing."
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Michael nodded, pushing the cart of materials to the far corner of the room to be put away later while he helped the young man clean up his mess. “Special education and child development. We’re going over a unit on art and also the importance of using visual aids in learning so my students were working on ideas for art projects, picture books, and things like that to test out on the kids in the daycare.” he explained as he searched for another rag to use. Finding one on the opposite side of the sink he soaked with some soap and warm water. “Are you an art major or just in here on your free time?”
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amst-conners-blog ¡ 10 years
"Replace the first 'karaoke' with the word 'Hitler' and you have the two worst things in the world. Stop yourself."
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          “Karaoke! Karaoke, anyone? I’ve officially memorized Hans’ part in ‘Love is an Open’ door.”
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amst-conners-blog ¡ 10 years
"Your welcome," He responded with a smile of his own, though not as adorable (which really, reaching that caliber of cute was practically impossible). The bite from his usual demeanor softened to a nip, His hands ever so softly resting over the back of the tall stranger's. "Wanna grab something to eat?" He asked feebly, giving him a soft smirk of encouragement that felt a little bit out of place for him.
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The eye contact felt too intense for Luke. As if it was loaded with a million unexpected things that weren’t there quite literally a second ago. He would’ve looked away in another circumstance, but the fact that their faces were centimeters away from each other made it harder. So once the stranger with the striking blue eyes pecked his lips once more, it didn’t surprise him per se, but he was tense. Having never done this before kept his nerves present throughout the entire exchange and it wasn’t until he paid attention to the other’s words that his lips stretched into an honestly adorable smile. “Thanks….?” Luke responded softly — though it came out more like a question than anything else — the smile never leaving his lips. 
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amst-conners-blog ¡ 10 years
At the question he ever so subtly tugged at one of the unruly curls at the top of his head and brought it down to his face, noting that, he indeed needed a god damn hair cut. "Well, the list is short, but so far, the only people who haven't made it onto my murder list is you, Jacy and Maverick... and Junie, right. Yeah, that's about it.  Why do you ask?" He inquired, already knowing where she was going with this, but very hopefully hoping he was wrong.
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Amsterdam’s sly smirk was received with a smirk of her own before she chuckled at the boy’s crossed eyes. “You look mentally challenged,” she said offhandedly, before going back to business soon thereafter. “Anyway, who do you consider…. tolerable around campus? Other than myself, of course.”
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amst-conners-blog ¡ 10 years
He kept their foreheads flushed against each other and never once broke eye contact. Amsterdam pressed a soft kiss between every word he spoke, the embrace surprisingly a lot more intimate than he expected it to be. "Your lips are really amazing."
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Least to say: Luke was flustered. Immensely so. It was already a struggle for him to actually try and do everything his panicking brain was screaming him to do, and what his galloping heart told him to do as well. Everything seemed so blurred to him, and once he felt the brunette’s teeth bite into his lower lip, it just threw him off even more. It’s not to say he wasn’t enjoying himself though. 
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And as the kiss grew deeper, he finally seemed to have gotten the hang of it; finding a steady rhythm that was broken off too soon. Nevertheless, his eyes remained closed for longer than he intended them to, and so once the stranger’s voice reached his ears, he blinked his eyes open and licked his lips, an odd sense of tranquility governing him…. for now. Hell, “hi… ” was basically the only word he could muster.
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amst-conners-blog ¡ 10 years
Scaring people caught his attention, a thousand plans ready for just that in his mental back burner. He shook his head and shrugged though, despite his growing interest. "You mean he'd appreciate it if he had a chance to cum in me. I'm not sure, Jace. I'm the kind of person you take to a funeral to have fun, not a party. I'd end up just generally making things worse for anyone who tried to talk to me." He tried again, to show her why exactly this was a bad idea, one of his favorite past times.
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Jacy sat down onto the bed next to him, and pursed her lips. “No?” She was hardly the party type herself, preferring to be a wallflower and just watch, but Maverick was her friend. “You can show up with me, I don’t think anyone will say anything.” She smiles. “And you can hide out in one of the tents and scare people away, I’ll probably join you at some point. I know Rickie would appreciate it if you came.”
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