amuseadozen · 2 years
please write what you want. please pick the tiniest detail of a character and exaggerate it into a 50k fic. please don’t let canon hold you back. please write whatever you want however you want. please.
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amuseadozen · 2 years
‘Lee’ chuckles at Lizzie’s question, “I’m saying that the two of you do, or at least one of you believes that she does. Otherwise I wouldn’t have those thoughts.” She gives a small smirk to the blonde, “You both have thoughts of where it might be. All I know is that Kat,” She gave the woman a glance, “has knowledge of a very dark magic book I found while on the adventure of Blackbeard. One that has a lot of strong spells. But neither of you saw it in my collection here. You’re both smart. That book might have the answers to getting me awake.”
The figure of the youngest Salvatore shakes her head with a tiny smirk, teasing just as her wife does. “Mmm, I’m sure Lee will have a way to repay you. You’ve done more than you ever thought you could. Lizzie is an amazing young woman and part of that is because of you.”
That smirk grows at Katherine’s comment, “I never doubt what you’ll do for me or us.” ‘Lee’ sighs once more, squeezing both hands she holds, “You two can do this. Be careful who you trust. That book, from the small fragments Kat remembers…is dangerous. When you find it, only you two can use it.” The vampire looks to her wife, “There is a reason I told you, I only wanted you to see it’s pages. Who know what Bonnie could do with it if she has it or if she’s let a Mikaelson take it…”
At Katherine’s confirmation at remembering the books, ‘Lee’ nods. “You know a very specific book is missing.” It the darkest book there was in the collection. The one Lee feared would fall into the wrong hands. “You also know I would have never let anyone but you touch it. So where is it?” The vampire sounds so like herself it’s eerie. But then again she’s being pulled from nearly two centuries worth of memories, Katherine’s and Lizzie’s. While this Lee can’t flat out tell them the spells they’ll need— one to unlock the glamour/maze created to protect Lee’s body and one to actually wake Lee up— she can guide them from memories; old conversations, glimpses of books, things their current minds might not consciously remember but their subconscious’s do. “I wouldn’t have let Caroline have it. I would have made sure before they did the spells that they’d hide it away. But would Bonnie have let that happen? After years of pestering me for it, ‘just to look’?”
‘Lee’ cups Lizzie’s cheek, “You have and you’re beautiful.” She glanced at Katherine, “You know I would be so thankful you were with her this whole time. When I couldn’t be.” Again the words sound like Lee’s, it’s what both know the younger vampire would feel of their current situation. Lee had trusted Katherine with her heart, soul, and life. So the older one being with Lizzie, the little girl she’d grown so attached too and wished at times was her own, would have made Lee so happy. Her attention is brought back to Lizzie, “You saw in my eyes that night my pain. But also my unconditional love for you. You know leaving you was the hardest part of me falling asleep.” Maybe if it had just been Lizzie in this simulation she wouldn’t have said that. But after Katherine being able to see Lizzie’s memories of the two, this Lee could say that. Kat would have seen the pain and love in Lee’s eyes that night, would have recognized just how important the small blonde was to her.
‘Lee’ smirks as Lizzie confirms she still knows the combination, “I didn’t think you’d forget it.” She gently takes Lizzie’s hand while her other reaches for one of Katherine’s, “I can’t tell you that for certain. I’m just from your memories.” And like that the bubble is slightly shattered, this isn’t truly Lee. Though both probably know that. “All I can do or tell you is what you both know.” She squeezes Katherine hand, “You know about the books, about what’s missing and that power it held.” She then squeezes Lizzie’s hand, “You know that after you were born I moved in with your mom…” It almost feels wrong to call Caroline her mom, not because Lizzie doesn’t see her as such but due to the strong feelings the blonde has for the two in front of her, “that I had a safe hidden in my office. Artifacts and books locked away for not only your safety but many others.”
“It’s a place to start. You two working together, along with a few your both truly trust, can wake me up. If the book isn’t there,” She looks to Katherine, “you know I won’t give a damn if you,” A smirk so truly fitting the mischievous side of Lee appears, “have a little fun finding it.”
Truth be told, neither Katherine or Lizzie expected to get answers from Lee. This device isn’t some magical way to get answers, but it appears that the answer had been in Lizzie’s subconscious this whole time. It makes sense why Lee was able to bring it out.
“So, you’re saying Bonnie has it?” Lizzie questions. Which means they’ll have to find the other witch and Lizzie isn’t so sure that’ll be an easy task. She doesn’t even know where Bonnie is but Alaric or her mother might. 
Lee’s words make Katherine give her a small sad smile. She wishes Lee was here so that she didn’t have to look after the Gemini witch all by herself but she understands why Lee had put herself to sleep. “Well, it’s not like I had a choice.” Katherine teases.
As their hands are grabbed, Katherine laces her fingers with Lee’s and gives her hand a small squeeze while Lizzie lets Lee grab her hand. Lizzie bets that same safe is still in Lee’s office, completely untouched, she’ll have to sneak in there later.
Right, they’ll need quite a bit of help. Her sister and the Mikaelson twins might prove to be a lot of help. Maybe that’s all they need.
“Oh?” Katherine’s own lips curl up in a teasing smirk, “You know I will.”
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amuseadozen · 2 years
A sigh leaves Caroline as she runs a hand through her hair, this had been another reason Alaric had called her. The older blonde knew more about Lee’s research than anyone else—currently alive at least. She knew how to read Lee’s short hand or half written thoughts. “I know where Katherine’s grave is.” Honestly the mausoleum was gorgeous, fitting of Lee’s love for Katherine.
She picks up Lee’s notes, catching glimpses of Katherine’s own handwriting attaching notes that were new. “Lee was working on a way to bring Katherine back.” She admits, the vampire noticing they didn’t have all of Lee’s notes. It makes her pause for a second, eyes going to Lizzie. She was sure she’d put all of Lee’s work into the restricted section of the library.
“Katherine…” The name holds some worry, only the older vampire would pick up on. “Were these the only notes of hers that you found down there?” Eyes go back to the desk to see if she can spot any of Lees old/newer journals. “Nadia’s spell…” The one Katherine had used to shortly use Elena’s body, a spell Lee had deconstructed to try and alter was in a journal not there. She looks back to her daughter, praying Katherine knows where the notes are. “I put all of Lee’s things together.”
…she hasn’t told me. That is one of Caroline’s greatest fears. Katherine’s unspoken plans, one possibly being taking Lee away. “If I agree to this, any of this, I need to know exactly what Katherine is planning to do.” Alaric had been clear, yes they’d separate them but the only way Katherine would be truly free is if they knew she wasn’t plotting something new. Revenge couldn’t be a thing. Hell, the man wasn’t even sure waking Lee up was a good idea with how her mind had been before. But Caroline believed with herself, Lizzie, and Katherine they could get their Lee back. “Otherwise, we leave Lee asleep and I call Aunt Bonnie.” Again, she knows it would take time to get Bonnie there and even longer for the Bennett witch to find a way to separate them or possibly banish Katherine to the other side.
She swallows roughly, “Putting Lee to sleep wasn’t easy.” And she’s not just talking emotionally. “I had to ask for some help, mainly because Lee refused to use a few spells she knew…they would have been dangerous, dark magic.” She almost feels sixteen again, almost. “I called Klaus.” She braces for the reaction. “I knew Freya had put them to sleep for awhile years ago, without daggers. I thought maybe a spell like that would help. However, Lee said it was too similar to the magic she already knew about.” She chews the inside of her lower lip, “Together, through me being messenger, find a way to alter a few spells together.”
“It didn’t work though,” She shivers at the memories of what happened when they tried. It wasn’t a story for Lizzie to hear. “So Lee finally agreed to a certain spell. One she found, one Bonnie wasn’t strong enough to preform on her own. Freya and Davina helped.” Again she braces for a reaction. It took three extremely powerful witches to put Lee to sleep, a sleep that was supposed to last for a century or longer. Chain magic was an amazing thing. That spell was one reason Caroline insisted the advanced magic class learned chain magic.
“After she was asleep, I wanted her safe. Hidden from anyone that might try to harm her,” she gives Lizzie, Katherine a pointed look, a hint of all the enemies the married couple had racked up. Even Katherine’s alone would be worrisome. “So I had Bonnie help me do that.” They may have used a few spells that needed Freya’s help again. “She’s not just hidden by a glamour but also a very difficult spell that makes the glamour nearly a maze, a false labyrinth. One that constantly changes and doesn’t allow anyone near. I thought Bonnie would know how to take it down when the time was right…I didn’t find out until a few years ago I was wrong.”
One of Caroline’s brows arches up at Lizzie’s sass. Yes, she knew how her daughter was and it shouldn’t come as a surprise but in this moment she’s not exactly appreciating it. “If you had told me at seven or eight that Katherine Pierce was talking to you, in your head, I would have believed you. You had no idea who that was. Lee always called her Kat around you. So yes, I would have believed you. Besides, Katherine pulling stunts like this…” The older blonde took a second so she didn’t say anything out of line— to Lizzie, not Kat. “I would have believed you even if no one else had.” She would have been shocked, just as she was today, but she wants to think she would have. It’s her daughter.
Lizzie was right, Lee had fought tooth and nail to make sure she put Katherine’s body to rest. However, it wasn’t exactly a body anymore. Katherine’s magic was strong but Caroline hasn’t exactly heard of a spell that could repair a body. Jeremy coming back had been all Bonnie. The vampire wasn’t sure how she’d done it other than she pulled him back from the other side— Katherine wasn’t on the other side or even in Hell is seemed. Caroline was the ONLY person Lee had allowed to see the older vampire’s grave. She glanced at the grimoire once more. Lee would probably be able to figure it out. She looked back to Lizzie, “Katherine’s body is somewhere safe. Lee did make sure of it, but I’m pretty sure it’s not what it was.” Honestly it was probably just bones at this point. “So I’m not sure if we can actually put her back.” Though with the way Lee had thrown herself into research for years, always once the girls were asleep, she had a feeling there might be a way.
Looking at Lizzie’s eyes she saw the shift, it wasn’t full on but the look in her eyes was enough to give away Katherine had gotten to the surface for a moment. Caroline rolls her eyes, “Well, excuse me for trying to keep it all child appropriate and not teaching things even Lee would think was too dangerous.” She wasn’t going to admit they needed a change in their teaching curriculum, not to Katherine at least. “You might not be forcing her but we both know Lizzie won’t say no.” Her daughters curiosity and desire to learn or become better than others was something the other vampire no doubt could take advantage of.
She only wants one thing. Lee.
Caroline’s chest tightens; once more she reaches for the dove necklace on her neck. She wants Lee back too. While she knows Lizzie’s words are true, it’s the after that scares her. What would Katherine scheme up next once she had her wife back? And would she take Lee away? “I know she does, she and Lee are very similar in that way.” Again all the long nights Lee spent locked in her makeshift study surrounded by books came to mind. “I’m worried about what comes after she gets Lee back. Katherine…she always has a plan and then a back up plan. It’s never that simple with her. I’m worried about what those plans are.”
Another hurdle was waking Lee up. Bonnie has sealed her in with very strong magic, even what had put her to sleep was strong, and the Bennett witch was not going to be able to just show up like she had. “Waking Lee up might also be a little difficult…” Caroline reluctantly admits, knowing the solution to it would more than likely piss Katherine off.
Her mother has a good point. Lizzie just never wanted to seem crazier than she had already seemed. It wasn’t even until recently she realized she was bipolar and that even without Katherine in her head, she would have still been bipolar.
“There’s got to be a way.” It’s probably unclear which one of them is saying that. As much as it’ll feel weird not having Katherine in her head anymore, she does want the Petrova woman to be happy, and out of her body.
Lizzie shrugs her shoulders, she’s not worried about any plans. She doubts the woman would do anything to hurt her and that means not hurting anyone at this school, so she’s sure Katherine would behave. Mostly. “If she has them, she hasn’t told me.”
Lee’s last words cause Katherine to grow worried, to bristle, Lizzie can feel it in her head and she tries to think comforting thoughts to Katherine but there’s not anything she can do to soothe her. “What do you mean, mom?”
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amuseadozen · 2 years
At Katherine’s confirmation at remembering the books, ‘Lee’ nods. “You know a very specific book is missing.” It the darkest book there was in the collection. The one Lee feared would fall into the wrong hands. “You also know I would have never let anyone but you touch it. So where is it?” The vampire sounds so like herself it’s eerie. But then again she’s being pulled from nearly two centuries worth of memories, Katherine’s and Lizzie’s. While this Lee can’t flat out tell them the spells they’ll need— one to unlock the glamour/maze created to protect Lee’s body and one to actually wake Lee up— she can guide them from memories; old conversations, glimpses of books, things their current minds might not consciously remember but their subconscious’s do. “I wouldn’t have let Caroline have it. I would have made sure before they did the spells that they’d hide it away. But would Bonnie have let that happen? After years of pestering me for it, ‘just to look’?”
‘Lee’ cups Lizzie’s cheek, “You have and you’re beautiful.” She glanced at Katherine, “You know I would be so thankful you were with her this whole time. When I couldn’t be.” Again the words sound like Lee’s, it’s what both know the younger vampire would feel of their current situation. Lee had trusted Katherine with her heart, soul, and life. So the older one being with Lizzie, the little girl she’d grown so attached too and wished at times was her own, would have made Lee so happy. Her attention is brought back to Lizzie, “You saw in my eyes that night my pain. But also my unconditional love for you. You know leaving you was the hardest part of me falling asleep.” Maybe if it had just been Lizzie in this simulation she wouldn’t have said that. But after Katherine being able to see Lizzie’s memories of the two, this Lee could say that. Kat would have seen the pain and love in Lee’s eyes that night, would have recognized just how important the small blonde was to her.
‘Lee’ smirks as Lizzie confirms she still knows the combination, “I didn’t think you’d forget it.” She gently takes Lizzie’s hand while her other reaches for one of Katherine’s, “I can’t tell you that for certain. I’m just from your memories.” And like that the bubble is slightly shattered, this isn’t truly Lee. Though both probably know that. “All I can do or tell you is what you both know.” She squeezes Katherine hand, “You know about the books, about what’s missing and that power it held.” She then squeezes Lizzie’s hand, “You know that after you were born I moved in with your mom…” It almost feels wrong to call Caroline her mom, not because Lizzie doesn’t see her as such but due to the strong feelings the blonde has for the two in front of her, “that I had a safe hidden in my office. Artifacts and books locked away for not only your safety but many others.”
“It’s a place to start. You two working together, along with a few your both truly trust, can wake me up. If the book isn’t there,” She looks to Katherine, “you know I won’t give a damn if you,” A smirk so truly fitting the mischievous side of Lee appears, “have a little fun finding it.”
‘Lee’ gives Lizzie a warm smile at her words, “You know I miss you too.” Her eyes land on Katherine, the feeling of missing th brunette a reason the real Lee was asleep. But she looks back to Lizzie, “I promised you I would miss you everyday, I probably have too.” Though neither really knew the mindset Lee was sleeping in.
She leans into Katherine’s touch, just as if she was real. “Hello, my heart.” The words matching ‘Lee’ in every way. One hand goes to the vampires waist as the other grips her wrist, the warm open smile on her lips.
The smile becomes a small smirk, a glint of mischief in her eyes. “Mmm, now that is interesting. And you two are worried you won’t be able to do it? You two together are unstoppable.” Lee truly would have believed that. She had all the faith in the world in Katherine’s magic, but mixed with Lizzie’s theres nothing the two couldn’t do. “I take it Caroline explained it might be a bit trickier than you two original thought. Which means you both think I’ll have the answers, right?” She kisses Katherine’s wrist before she takes a small step back, not leaving the brunette but making it so she can give both of them her attention.
“You already went through the Blackbeard collection here at the school, but it wasn’t what you were looking for?” Though it had given them the spell to separate themselves. It wasn’t enough to undo exactly what Bonnie has done. She looked at Katherine, “Do you remember when I was organizing all we’d brought back, the books I wanted to put in our safe…ones I made sure no one else, not even Bonnie, could ever touch? What if, being Bonnie, she go into them? Do you remember why even I wouldn’t let her have the ?” They were dangerous in the wrong hands, and Bonnie had proven she wasn’t above bringing someone back from the grave. There was a book of blood magic, necromancy, deep sleep spells and death spells to creatures even as strong as Niklaus Mikealson and more. It was one Lee wanted no one to ever see, the power in that book was why Blackbeard had it locked up himself. It was the reason he had been so fears, well part of it, and why Calypso had readily agreed to send him into the other realm. Lee had been ecstatic but also very fearful of the book. Katherine was the only one set eyes on even a portion of it.
She looks to Lizzie, “And you my little curious spy,” She moved closer, reaching up to brush some hairbehind her ear,” Though you aren’t so little anymore are you?” The look in ‘Lee’s’ eye was nearly maternal, “…do you remember that night, probably a week before the night I told you I was going away,” Lee had tried to explain to a seven year old Lizzie, one of only a small handful of people she loved, that she was going away for a long while. That she loved her to the moon and back, that she’d miss her more than the little blonde would ever know, and that she would always be with her, “that you snuck into my office because you wanted just one more bedtime story with me?” The vampire always stopped what she was doing for Lizzie, no matter how deep into research or her own depression she was in. Lizziw, like Caroline and Katherine, was extremely important to her and a weak spot. “Didn’t I bribe you with an extra brownie to never ever share the combination you saw me put into that small floor safe I had hidden under my antique trunk you said looked like a pirates chest?” The chest was still in Lizzie’s childhood home that Caroline and Lee had bought together. Lee had lived there as long as Lizzie could probably remember if she tried.
Lee feels so real, Katherine notes, and it nearly makes her want to burst into tears. The only one who has ever had that effect on her is the youngest Salvatore but somehow, she keeps it together, because she feels she has too. For Lizzie. “Yes.” She breathes out the answer shakily.
They are both worried they won’t be able to do it even if Katherine’s petrova magic makes Lizzie’s a hundred times stronger. “Right. We’re hoping you have some answers.” Lizzie says with a nod of her head, smiling softly at the sight before her and Katherine finally getting a moment with her love after so long.
Katherine remembers it all, every little book. While Katherine had always been curious about them, she’d never practiced any magic from the books Lee had. Even she knows when not to mess with something. “I remember them.”
As Lee moves closer to Lizzie, Lizzie’s small smile turns into more of a saddened one. “No, I’ve grown a lot since you left.” A part of her had been angry at Lee for the longest time but since she was older now, she understand why Lee did what she did.
Realization hits her like a ton of bricks. That’s where the answer lies? “I still remember the combination to this day. You’re telling me our answers are in there?”
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amuseadozen · 2 years
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TITANIC (1997) dir. James Cameron | 1K Celebration ➤ Favorite 90s Movie as Voted by my Followers (34.6%)
It’s been 84 years, and I can still smell the fresh paint. The china had never been used. The sheets had never been slept in. Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was…
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amuseadozen · 2 years
When the water temperature changes even just slightly to colder that’s when Lee decides to get out. Her body and hair washed, the smell of burnt flesh or the fire in general no longer on her. She steps out and listens for Katherine for a moment, she’d let mind wander not even focusing on if her wife was still there or not. Hearing nothing, she sighs. She’d left, if she’d listened harder she would have picked up on the small nearly silent sounds Katherine was putting off or even smelled her scent more strongly than if Katherine had left.
The younger vampire puts on a clean pair of boxers, ignoring her compression shorts, and pulls her still wet hair, at least towel dried, up into a messy bun. Rolling her neck she digs through the nicer designer clothes to find the comfort sweats Katherine has no doubt packed for her. If she’s going to be sitting in one of those horrible plastic hospital chairs, she might as well be comfortable. Lee pulls out the not to tight but not too baggy black Nike pants, a black t-shirt that you can tell is well loved that’s also Nike, and socks. But a small smile tugs at her lips when she finds the high cut Nike ball shoes that have a brightly colored design on the side. They weren’t her wife’s favorite but Lee loved them—they were more than comfortable and broken in so they didn’t hurt. She slips them on before turning off the bathroom light then pockets her burner phone.
Just as she goes to drop the duffel bag back down on the floor of the room, her eye catches movement. Turning she sees Katherine, much more herself and Lee would be lying if she said she wasn’t just slightly surprised the woman was still there, “Oh…”
Lee hears Katherine’s question as she drops the bag onto the counter, she grips the counter tightly…nearly breaking the tile. “I would never pick someone over you.” A shuttering breath leaves her lips before she moves to turn on the water. “But you said you might leave, so what’s the damn point of staying here just to be alone? I’ve been alone for months just as you have now. I’m sick of being alone.” Lee tells her before she’s stripping down to get into the shower.
She takes her time, there’s no sense in rushing, it’s nice to have the hot water on her after the day she’s had and the argument they’d just have.
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As much as Katherine wants to leave, to tear her fangs into some pretty little thing, she is frozen in her spot at the vanity. The water hits her ears, as do Lee’s words, and Katherine still refuses to move. She will not join Lee in the shower, she doesn’t think her presence will be welcome at this very moment. It feels like the shower is taking forever and Katherine has practically nothing to do, so she’s silent, moving to brush through her hair and make herself look less Elena and more Katherine, now.
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amuseadozen · 2 years
Lee hears Katherine’s question as she drops the bag onto the counter, she grips the counter tightly…nearly breaking the tile. “I would never pick someone over you.” A shuttering breath leaves her lips before she moves to turn on the water. “But you said you might leave, so what’s the damn point of staying here just to be alone? I’ve been alone for months just as you have now. I’m sick of being alone.” Lee tells her before she’s stripping down to get into the shower.
She takes her time, there’s no sense in rushing, it’s nice to have the hot water on her after the day she’s had and the argument they’d just have.
“Then trust my judgment,” Lee locks eyes with Katherine, begging her to understand. Caroline doesn’t want Lee, the younger vampire knows this with all her heart. Not after all their conversations. Maybe in the beginning but not now. At least Lee doesn’t believe so.
Lee gives a small nod, as best she can while being pinned to the all. While she believes it, the youngest Salvatore has to wonder at times if Katherine ever fears she will leave her. If maybe the jealousy is more than someone just touching what she deems hers. Lee knows her own jealousy sometimes stems from the fear someone better for Katherine will appear. She fears one day Katherine won’t love her. It’s ridiculous she knows, they’re mates. But still, it’s there.
Like earlier a cold chill goes down her spine at Katherine’s words, for the first time in over a century once more it’s fear. Her wife is a crazy bitch. The craziest when provoked or messed with, including someone messing with Lee. Lee doesn’t want to know just how how crazy she can be. “I know.” As Katherine let’s her go, Lee rubs her neck some. It wasn’t as tight as she could have held her but it was enough to put Lee in her place. Lee fights the urge to roll her eyes, it was a warning for her brothers in a sense that she was back. But for Lee it was a different one. “It was a shitty one,” Lee mutters. Her anger still there. “I thought we’d gotten past that.”
The younger vampire is already heading toward her bag when Katherine’s words are fully processed.
I’ll either be here when you get done or I won’t.
She knew after that little scene Kat wouldn’t shower with her. But that one threat makes another growl leaves her lips as she looks over at her wife. “Go. Do whatever it is that’s so important. But if you aren’t here when I get out..I am going to sit with Caroline. Stefan wasn’t the best teacher last time and like I said, Damon will kill her.”
In a heated manner Lee picks up her duffel bag looking away from Katherine, heading to the restroom to shower. In this moment she doesn’t know if she hopes Katherine stays or goes.
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Perhaps, Lee has the right idea. Everyone leaves Katherine one way or another, whether forced away from her or taken from her. They have been together for many many years but that does not stop the self-doubt in the back of Katherine’s head that someone better will come along - someone kinder, someone without such a mean streak, or someone capable of such violent acts, even in the name of survival. Caroline is the complete opposite of her, someone so happy, so cheerful, so nice - what if that is what Lee wants?
Lee’s words cause her to freeze. She doesn’t want Lee to choose Caroline over her, it only further cements the thought that maybe one day Caroline will take Lee away from her. It is true that she does not doubt Lee’s loyalty, but sometimes she wonders if Lee feels stuck with her.
“You’d choose her over me?” She says but Lee is already gone to shower. However, she knows that Lee will hear her even over running water. It almost sounds….saddened. As if Lee had only proven her right. It stings more than Katherine cares to admit.
So she stays. She stays because if she doesn’t, Lee is going to choose someone else over her, and Katherine can not bear the thought. So, the Petrova woman settles at the vanity, staring at the mirror as she awaits her lover to be done.
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amuseadozen · 2 years
Lee kisses back down Elena’s neck, lightly swirling her tongue over the bite mark. She knows once they’re finished she’ll have to give the other brunette just enough blood to heal it otherwise the others will throw a fit. The animalistic part of her hates that, that she can’t mark Elena as hers like this in a town starting to fill with vampires. But it’s just what has to happen unfortunately.
As shorts are pulled down, Lee kicks them off somewhere into the room. Enjoying Elena’s touch for a few moments she then kisses her way down the humans body as hands push her jeans off, along with her panties. Lips kiss along her thighs before slowly lick teasing through her slit. “You taste so good.”
Lee notes the way Elena reacts to being called a good girl, “Mmm seems my babygirl likes that…” She husks in her ear. “You are my good girl, aren’t you?”
The vampire chuckles with her, “More than you know. You’ll come to learn that.”
Lee moans as Elena starts to palm her, head dropping down to the humans shoulder. Hips roll against her touch, it had been a long time since she’d been intimate like this. Even with their previous makeouts this is more. One hand balances her over the girl, the other hand moving down to undo her jeans. “If you want to stop, tell me babygirl and I will.” Once the jeans are undone Lee slips her hand down, another moan at how wet she is. “So wet for me. God I can’t wait to feel how tight you are around me…” the thought makes her hard member twitch. “Pull it out baby.”
“Yes. I’m your good girl.” Elena breathes out, breathlessly, brown doe eyes clouded over in lust as she shudders, feeling the breath hot against her ear. If you asked her if a vampire bite would cause this much arousal, she likely would have laughed before now, but damn that felt so damn good.
“I don’t want to stop.” Elena says, a little firmly to make sure Lee knows she means it, but she’s thankful to know that if she changes her mind, Lee will respect it. Not that Elena thought she wouldn’t.
Pull it out, Baby.
Cheeks flush once more but Elena gives Lee a slight nod of her head, drawing her hand back only to tug Lee’s shorts down to wrap slender fingers around her length and begin to pump her hand up and down to slowly stroke Lee.
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amuseadozen · 2 years
Mama didn’t raise a quitter but she did raise a homosexual and and an idiot
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amuseadozen · 2 years
‘Lee’ gives Lizzie a warm smile at her words, “You know I miss you too.” Her eyes land on Katherine, the feeling of missing th brunette a reason the real Lee was asleep. But she looks back to Lizzie, “I promised you I would miss you everyday, I probably have too.” Though neither really knew the mindset Lee was sleeping in.
She leans into Katherine’s touch, just as if she was real. “Hello, my heart.” The words matching ‘Lee’ in every way. One hand goes to the vampires waist as the other grips her wrist, the warm open smile on her lips.
The smile becomes a small smirk, a glint of mischief in her eyes. “Mmm, now that is interesting. And you two are worried you won’t be able to do it? You two together are unstoppable.” Lee truly would have believed that. She had all the faith in the world in Katherine’s magic, but mixed with Lizzie’s theres nothing the two couldn’t do. “I take it Caroline explained it might be a bit trickier than you two original thought. Which means you both think I’ll have the answers, right?” She kisses Katherine’s wrist before she takes a small step back, not leaving the brunette but making it so she can give both of them her attention.
“You already went through the Blackbeard collection here at the school, but it wasn’t what you were looking for?” Though it had given them the spell to separate themselves. It wasn’t enough to undo exactly what Bonnie has done. She looked at Katherine, “Do you remember when I was organizing all we’d brought back, the books I wanted to put in our safe...ones I made sure no one else, not even Bonnie, could ever touch? What if, being Bonnie, she go into them? Do you remember why even I wouldn’t let her have the ?” They were dangerous in the wrong hands, and Bonnie had proven she wasn’t above bringing someone back from the grave. There was a book of blood magic, necromancy, deep sleep spells and death spells to creatures even as strong as Niklaus Mikealson and more. It was one Lee wanted no one to ever see, the power in that book was why Blackbeard had it locked up himself. It was the reason he had been so fears, well part of it, and why Calypso had readily agreed to send him into the other realm. Lee had been ecstatic but also very fearful of the book. Katherine was the only one set eyes on even a portion of it.
She looks to Lizzie, “And you my little curious spy,” She moved closer, reaching up to brush some hairbehind her ear,” Though you aren’t so little anymore are you?” The look in ‘Lee’s’ eye was nearly maternal, “...do you remember that night, probably a week before the night I told you I was going away,” Lee had tried to explain to a seven year old Lizzie, one of only a small handful of people she loved, that she was going away for a long while. That she loved her to the moon and back, that she’d miss her more than the little blonde would ever know, and that she would always be with her, “that you snuck into my office because you wanted just one more bedtime story with me?” The vampire always stopped what she was doing for Lizzie, no matter how deep into research or her own depression she was in. Lizziw, like Caroline and Katherine, was extremely important to her and a weak spot. “Didn’t I bribe you with an extra brownie to never ever share the combination you saw me put into that small floor safe I had hidden under my antique trunk you said looked like a pirates chest?” The chest was still in Lizzie’s childhood home that Caroline and Lee had bought together. Lee had lived there as long as Lizzie could probably remember if she tried.
Closed starter @storiesung
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‘Lee’ slowly took in her surrounding; the beautiful lake, the wood that weren’t far off, and the small pier she was standing on. The boarding house—now school— sitting not too far away. Her whiskey orbs landed on Lizzie, a light smile pulled at her lips. But then her eyes landed on Katherine. The smile grew, a glint of pure happiness was there in her eyes.
“Mm, both of you are here and you wanted me instead of anyone else…what’s wrong my loves?” ‘Lee’ asks as she takes a few steps forward but know she can’t touch them. Hell, she knows she’s not real. She know she’s just a figment of both their imaginations, memories. The vampire glances down at her clothes and chuckles, “At least the two of you were able to put me in something comfortable.”
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“We missed you.” Lizzie answers for the both of them. It’s true, the main reason why they had conjured her up is because they missed her and Katherine wouldn’t let her conjure up anyone else anyway.
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Seeing her love causes Katherine’s breath to hitch in her throat. She leans forward, outstretching her hand to press it against Lee’s cheek. It’s not real, she knows that, but it feels real. She feels warm underneath her palm. “My love.” Katherine begins, a whisper on her tongue. God, she has missed Lee.
“We want to wake you up.”
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amuseadozen · 2 years
Now Niko is truly curious. She’s always attentive when it comes to Lizzie but this is a new level of curiosity. She doesn’t let go of the witch’s hand, “A protector?” From what Niko knew of the woman that wasn’t something she was. “She hasn’t harmed you right?” The question is almost hesitant, she doesn’t want to step on either one of their toes. She just wants to make sure Lizzie is okay, truly. “I don’t really know much about her except for what I’ve heard but I feel like that’s not who she truly is.”
Nikolas waits patiently as Lizzie gathers herself. Hand turned to brush her thumb over the blondes knuckles for a small comfort.
The words though have Nik’s brows shooting up. Surprise clear but not judgment as promised is on her features or in her eyes. “Katherine Pierce…is in your head?” She asks to make sure she understood correctly. “The Katherine Pierce?” The Tribred knows exactly who it is. She’s read her families history more times than once. Has heard the stories from different family members who were brave enough to speak.
Nik leads Lizzie back to her bed so they can sit. “What exactly do you mean? Like I know people can put their consciousness on another. It’s a damn strong spell. But I’ve never heard of someone sharing a body before.”
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“I know. I’d find it hard to believe too if I wasn’t living it.” She can practically see the woman rolling her eyes as Niko says ‘the’ as if there’s any other Katherine Peirce that Lizzie could possibly be talking about.
Allowing herself to be guided to her bed, Lizzie gives a single nod of her head. “That’s exactly what I mean. We share a body. Katherine let’s me keep control most of the time but she is here. She’s always been sort of like a protector.”
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amuseadozen · 2 years
One of Caroline’s brows arches up at Lizzie’s sass. Yes, she knew how her daughter was and it shouldn’t come as a surprise but in this moment she’s not exactly appreciating it. “If you had told me at seven or eight that Katherine Pierce was talking to you, in your head, I would have believed you. You had no idea who that was. Lee always called her Kat around you. So yes, I would have believed you. Besides, Katherine pulling stunts like this...” The older blonde took a second so she didn’t say anything out of line— to Lizzie, not Kat. “I would have believed you even if no one else had.” She would have been shocked, just as she was today, but she wants to think she would have. It’s her daughter.
Lizzie was right, Lee had fought tooth and nail to make sure she put Katherine’s body to rest. However, it wasn’t exactly a body anymore. Katherine’s magic was strong but Caroline hasn’t exactly heard of a spell that could repair a body. Jeremy coming back had been all Bonnie. The vampire wasn’t sure how she’d done it other than she pulled him back from the other side— Katherine wasn’t on the other side or even in Hell is seemed. Caroline was the ONLY person Lee had allowed to see the older vampire’s grave. She glanced at the grimoire once more. Lee would probably be able to figure it out. She looked back to Lizzie, “Katherine’s body is somewhere safe. Lee did make sure of it, but I’m pretty sure it’s not what it was.” Honestly it was probably just bones at this point. “So I’m not sure if we can actually put her back.” Though with the way Lee had thrown herself into research for years, always once the girls were asleep, she had a feeling there might be a way.
Looking at Lizzie’s eyes she saw the shift, it wasn’t full on but the look in her eyes was enough to give away Katherine had gotten to the surface for a moment. Caroline rolls her eyes, “Well, excuse me for trying to keep it all child appropriate and not teaching things even Lee would think was too dangerous.” She wasn’t going to admit they needed a change in their teaching curriculum, not to Katherine at least. “You might not be forcing her but we both know Lizzie won’t say no.” Her daughters curiosity and desire to learn or become better than others was something the other vampire no doubt could take advantage of.
She only wants one thing. Lee.
Caroline’s chest tightens; once more she reaches for the dove necklace on her neck. She wants Lee back too. While she knows Lizzie’s words are true, it’s the after that scares her. What would Katherine scheme up next once she had her wife back? And would she take Lee away? “I know she does, she and Lee are very similar in that way.” Again all the long nights Lee spent locked in her makeshift study surrounded by books came to mind. “I’m worried about what comes after she gets Lee back. Katherine...she always has a plan and then a back up plan. It’s never that simple with her. I’m worried about what those plans are.”
Another hurdle was waking Lee up. Bonnie has sealed her in with very strong magic, even what had put her to sleep was strong, and the Bennett witch was not going to be able to just show up like she had. “Waking Lee up might also be a little difficult...” Caroline reluctantly admits, knowing the solution to it would more than likely piss Katherine off.
Based on this old thread and ideas we came up with.
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Caroline passed the hallway in front of her daughters dorm, her mind spinning a thousand miles an hour. A headache pressed against her temples like it had been since Alaric had called that morning. This was insane, impossible almost. But with the way their lives worked, all the blonde had seen, it was actually realistic and that is what scared her the most. Katherine Pierce had been sharing her daughter’s body for the last tenish years if she was doing the math correctly.
It made sense why in Katherine’s final moments she had anchored her consciousness to Lizzie. The damn Petrova magic being stronger than any the group had ever seen, even Bonnie’s which was saying something. It explained why Lizzie had been able to do magic stronger than she should have been able to do as a Siphonor witch. Why when she had a meltdown her magic was uncontrollable and even some of Lizzie’s choices made more sense. But Katherine picking Lizzie wasn’t just for that, but the connection to the one person the three of them loved and missed.
Caroline lifted a hand to play with the silver dove necklace that rested on her chest, one she rarely if ever took off. Katherine had picked Lizzie because of Lee. Lizzie had always been Lee’s favored twin, their connection so pure it had warmed Caroline’s heart. It had given the blonde vampire hope that Lizzie could ground Lee, or help Caroline to ground her, after Katherine’s first death. It had worked for about seven years. But Lee’s demons were too strong. And when Katherine had found a way back to life, Lee was already locked away asleep. It made sense Katherine knew Lizzie might know where or at least could get Caroline to spill that answer.
But it seemed the two had waited until now to even bring Lee up…bring up the fact Katherine and Lizzie shared a body. While she was glad the truth was out it angered her as well. This whole thing was a mess, added to the mess that was becoming the school.
With a deep breath, readying herself for how this whole thing might go, Caroline stopped pacing and opened the door and stepped in. What she wasn’t expecting was Nikolas Mikealson to be sitting on the bed with Lizzie. Ric has said once he’d found out the truth he’d sent her up here to think in peace and call her. Though this was another surprise that made sense. Caroline hadn’t forgotten how Niko’s eyes had turned a bright gold the moment she’d locked eyes with Lizzie when they were little. It was just something that had been pushed back. She and Hayley had agreed to let that bond grow naturally, when the time was right they’d explain it together to the girls. Lord she hoped that time wasn’t soon now with everything currently going on with Lizzie.
“Niko,” She gave the girl a tense smile, “I need to talk to Lizzie, alone. Please.” Caroline would never be rude to the girl, she had a prickly side but the vampire knew who the girl truly was. Soft, sweet, loyal to a fault, and so so protective of her daughter. Right now though it needed to be just the mother-daughter duo.
Niko gave Lizzie’s hand one last squeeze, “Sure, Caroline.” One of the few students that could get away with that and then pressed a soft kiss to the top of Lizzie’s head and stood, “I’ll be right down the hall if you need me.” The words a whisper for just the youngest blonde, then she was gone.
As the door shut, Caroline took Lizzie in. Trying to pinpoint any part of her that screamed Katherine. “So…” Caroline met her daughter’s eyes, “do you want to explain why you never told me or anyone for that matter, Katherine had decided it would be a good idea to link herself to your body?” After years of knowing Katherine, it didn’t surprise her. Their relationship had been tense at times but toward the end they’d found common ground. Their love for Lee overpowered their own issues. Katherine had begrudgingly accepted Caroline as the best friend and platonic soulmate while Caroline had accepted Katherine as the epic true love that had a small—that was being generous— psychotic side.
“Or better yet, why you two decided this outlandish plan was the only way to go and refused to cooperate any other way?” Caroline’s arms crossed over her chest, “Separating you two, when we don’t physically have Katherine’s body, is dangerous. I don’t even think Bonnie would have a spell that could do this.” Freya might, but that is a name she isn’t going to bring up at the moment. Blue eyes landed on the stack of Lee’s old journals, notes written in Lizzie’s and surprisingly Katherine’s handwriting were visible. But what caught her attention was a grimoire she knew had come from when Lee had found a way to Blackbeard Treasure. “Really, Katherine?!” She pointed at the book, “The only way she could have gotten that is if you took Lizzie into the restricted section and used your magic to unlock that collection.” It has taken years for Caroline to agree to adding those books in, they were dangerous—Lee had them locked in a safe, sealed with Katherine’s magic for a reason. But Ric had convinced her they could help the school, the higher level students. Not that they had a witch thong enough to teach that level or even a lore expert Caroline would trust to do so. Which is something Lizzie had brought up in the discussion with Ric as well.
Caroline strode over, grabbing the notes. Again she was surprised when she saw some in Lee’s old handwriting, she’d researched a spell like this before…she sighed. “This is insane.” She looked back at Lizzie. “Waking Aunt Lee up to help with all this crazy is something I can agree with. Something I have thought of since the moment this started. She would probably love all of this, as twisted as that sounds.” But then again Lizzie probably knows all of that already; Lizzie’s own relationship with Lee, Katherine, and the journals the blonde had hoarded since the day Caroline had put them into the school’s collection.and yes, she still called Lee their Aunt. The sleeping vampire deserved that title more than anyone else she knew. Lee had turned her hi,sanity back on for the twins, for her even when they’d figured out Caroline was pregnant. Out of everyone Lee had been there the most; every late night craving, every appointment, and then everything foe the girls as well. Their bond making certain people question if Caroline was the new fixation but the blonde had known the truth. “But bringing Katherine back as well, truly worries me.” It also made sense the only way to get Lee back, the true Lee was to do this; bring Katherine back as well.
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Katherine has never once tried to hurt her. Honestly, Lizzie thinks she’s not as bad as people have made her out to be. All the stories of Katherine Peirce makes her out to be this bad person. Well, except for Lee’s stories. She talks with such love of her wife.
The door opens and Lizzie turns to look at the person who intruded on her conversation with Niko. She’s about to say something mean when eyes fall on Caroline and she realizes her mother must have something important to say if she’s kicking Niko out of her room.
Lizzie dreaded this. While she isn’t sure if it’s her dread or Katherine’s, this was bound to come up sooner or later. Turning her attention back to Niko, she gives the tribrid a small smile. “I’ll see you later.” And once Niko was gone, her attention turns back to Caroline.
Ah, right down to business then. Lizzie arches an eyebrow at her mother. “Oh, I’m sorry, how exactly was I supposed to explain Katherine Pierce was in my head? Besides, I was a kid, it wasn’t like any of you would believe me.” Or so Lizzie thinks and Katherine had convinced her it was a bad idea to say anything.
“We can find Katherine’s body! It’s not like Lee just let her die and tossed her to the side. Katherine has to have a body somewhere.” She doubts Katherine would want to be in any other body than her own so first order of business is finding her body.
“Oh, please. You all could be teaching so much better magic than the ridiculous magic you have here. Besides, I’m not forcing the little witch to learn anything.” Ah, there is Katherine speaking - that is still weird even after all this time.
“Why does bringing Katherine back worry you? She only wants one thing. Lee.”
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amuseadozen · 2 years
“Then trust my judgment,” Lee locks eyes with Katherine, begging her to understand. Caroline doesn’t want Lee, the younger vampire knows this with all her heart. Not after all their conversations. Maybe in the beginning but not now. At least Lee doesn’t believe so.
Lee gives a small nod, as best she can while being pinned to the all. While she believes it, the youngest Salvatore has to wonder at times if Katherine ever fears she will leave her. If maybe the jealousy is more than someone just touching what she deems hers. Lee knows her own jealousy sometimes stems from the fear someone better for Katherine will appear. She fears one day Katherine won’t love her. It’s ridiculous she knows, they’re mates. But still, it’s there.
Like earlier a cold chill goes down her spine at Katherine’s words, for the first time in over a century once more it’s fear. Her wife is a crazy bitch. The craziest when provoked or messed with, including someone messing with Lee. Lee doesn’t want to know just how how crazy she can be. “I know.” As Katherine let’s her go, Lee rubs her neck some. It wasn’t as tight as she could have held her but it was enough to put Lee in her place. Lee fights the urge to roll her eyes, it was a warning for her brothers in a sense that she was back. But for Lee it was a different one. “It was a shitty one,” Lee mutters. Her anger still there. “I thought we’d gotten past that.”
The younger vampire is already heading toward her bag when Katherine’s words are fully processed.
I’ll either be here when you get done or I won’t.
She knew after that little scene Kat wouldn’t shower with her. But that one threat makes another growl leaves her lips as she looks over at her wife. “Go. Do whatever it is that’s so important. But if you aren’t here when I get out..I am going to sit with Caroline. Stefan wasn’t the best teacher last time and like I said, Damon will kill her.”
In a heated manner Lee picks up her duffel bag looking away from Katherine, heading to the restroom to shower. In this moment she doesn’t know if she hopes Katherine stays or goes.
“She shouldn’t have been!” Lee argues back. This is truly just Katherine’s jealous rage showing its head.
Lee hisses as she is pinned to the wall, her emotions so strong. She knows Katherine could hold her tighter, could crack her skin but she doesn’t. But the rage is clear in both of them. “It is platonic! I swear to you!” Katherine might have seen things but she didn’t truly know. Caroline was simply comforting her. “My mind was a mess at the parade, you saw that! I know you did. She was simply trying to ground me. Something you couldn’t do!” Lee struggles against her hold but not st full strength. “She does care. God damnit Katherine. Look into my mind! I am sorry that the way she is bothers you. I will be more cautious about it but I promise you it’s not what you think.” Lee finally goes limp against the way. Eyes teary but none fall. “I am yours. Truly and completely my heart. Please…this is all I’m asking you.”
At the comment of Caroline being a bitch Lee smirks, “Seems I have a way of drawing in the crazy bitches.” It’s a tease that she shouldn’t make but she does.
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“I don’t need to look into your mind, my love. It is not you that I do not trust.” Looking into Lee’s mind will do nothing but anger her further and Katherine does not truly want to take her anger out on her wife. She could never truly hurt the woman but Katherine does impulsive things when she’s pissed off. 
“I have never doubted your love or loyalty to me.” But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t doubt Caroline. She’s sure the blonde will make a move eventually, it’s only a matter of time and Katherine will not have Caroline all over someone who belongs to her.
“Oh, sweetheart. You know I’m far more of a crazy bitch than Caroline will ever be.” Letting Lee go, she takes a step back and away from her. “If I wanted to prevent you from having a friendship, I would have killed her for good. This was a warning.” Another step back to turn around and head for the liquor. She needs a drink or she’s going to tear into the next pretty little thing she comes across. 
“Go. Take your shower. I’ll either be here when you get done or I won’t.” And so far, she’s leaning towards going to find something to eat.
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amuseadozen · 2 years
“Why do we close our eyes when we pray, when we cry, when we kiss, when we dream; because the most beautiful things in our life are not seen but felt only by the heart.”
— Unknown
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amuseadozen · 2 years
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New Muse
Name: Alexandra O’Neill
Nicknames: Alex, Xan, Xandra, Al, Major, Cyclops(military), Reaper (military), Night Fall (military).
Alias: Nightfall
Birthday: September 18th, 1984
Age: 9-39
Hometown: Dublin, Ohio
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Gender: Presents as Female (can be intersexual)
Pronouns: She/They
Sexuality: Lesbian
Occupation: Major in the Army’s Special Forces aka Black Ops, S.H.I.E.L.D Agent, Avenger.
Faceclaim: Kristen Stewart
Eye Color: Green/Hazel depending on mood
Hair Color: Brown to Bleach Blonde back to Brown
Height: 5’7’’
Build: Slim but athletic with defined muscles from being in the military for years.
Piercings (only wears when she is on leave): both ear lobes (one on the left but three on the right), left orbital, left forward helix, right eyebrow, septum.
Tattoos: tbd
Style: Masculine (Would wear a suit over a dress), Tomboy/Punk (Ripped jeans, dark wash. Leather jackets, band tees, or cut off tees. Combat boots or converse)
+: Has a big heart, is loyal, would do anything for a civilian stranger, loves to be playful and joke around when the time is right. Easy going and adventurous.
-: Can hold a grudge, can be cynical, 90% of the time is pessimistic, and can have a temper that rivals Bruce’s/Hulk’s. Can easily shut down when angry or push people away.
+\-: Can compartmentalize the job of a special forces officer, sarcastic, protective even when she doesn’t have to be. Almost always thinks things through before she acts unless it deals with a loved one then she just acts.
`Mental Status`
- Silently suffers from PTSD both from her childhood and from being overseas, bouts of depression.
- Can seemingly be an open individual but trust has to be gained and can easily be lost with her—depending on the person.
-Faceclaim: Colin Firth
-Name: Jack O’Neill
-Short Bio: Army man through and through until his honorable discharge from the Army with a Purple Heart, used to be a friendly and outgoing man. After his discharge and handicap which left him in a wheelchair for life, Jack was no longer that friendly man. He became a gambler and a drinker, also verbally and mentally abusive to his family from his anger and pain at the way his lift turned out.
-Faceclaim: Lili Taylor
-Name: Addison O’Neill
-Short Bio: A loving and patient mother/wife. She simply worked to pass the time once her kids were old enough and distract herself when Jack was deployed. But once he came home, Addison worked two jobs (One at a local diner and the other at a small grocery store in town) to keep food on the table, the lights on, and clothing on her children’s backs. She tried to keep Jack’s ire on herself as much as possible but refused to leave the man she’d been married to since she was legally able to do so, he was her high school sweetheart.
Older Brother:
-Faceclaim: Chase Crawford
-Name: Chase O’Neill
-Short Bio: Someone who couldn’t wait until he graduated to get away from his home and out into the world, not wanting to be near his abusive father and timid mother any longer. While he cared about his younger siblings his focus was always on himself. High School quarterback and top of his class academically, trying to get whatever scholarship he could get to run as far away. He ended up going to college on the opposite side of the country, rarely coming home for holidays and after a few years stopped calling. He became a high up in a law firm which eventually added O’Neill to their title.
Older Sister:
-Name: Jessica O’Neill
-Short Bio: As the middle child it was almost easy for Jessica to never be home growing up, choosing to be out with friends running the streets until the early hours of the morning. She wasn’t the smartest book wise of the siblings but she was definitely the smartest when it came to common sense and being the people person much like their mother. Just like their brother, she couldn’t wait to graduate to get away from their father. But unlike Chase, Jessica’s love for their mother and Alexandra kept her from being completely selfish with her future plans. Jessica was more often than not Alexandra’s comfort person and the one who always showed the younger girl unconditional love. When she graduated, barely too many low grades and skipped classes, she went only a state away to a community college and always came back on holidays or Alexandra’s birthday. Weekly phone calls did dwindle down to monthly, especially once she met her future husband. She married at the young age of twenty one and had her first child at twenty three. Her husband made and makes enough as a banker (who came from a better off family than her own) so Jessica could be a stay at home mom. She may or may not have cried more than Addison when Alexandra joined the Army and she’s always the one to send letters and care packages. Jessica also convinced her husband to move back to Dublin once Alexandra was gone so she could be there for her mother more.
`1995 Forward`
When Nat leaves, Alexandra just kind of shuts down. Home life gets worse because Chase is on the other side of the country and Jessica is nearly out the door for her own college experience. Alexandra focuses solely on school, pushing away any remaining friends that were left and now that Nat is gone, some bullying takes place. Alexandra gets her first bouts of depression, her person is gone—while Jessica is close it’s not the same. So depression at home and school.
On one long bike ride around town to avoid going home Alexandra ends up finding an old rundown gym, the owner is ex-military like her father—has some damage mentally from being overseas but not like her dad. After coming around several times after school to watch and be away from home, the owner offers Alexandra a job of helping clean up around the place. He can tell the kid is running from something but never pries. There is where Alexandra’s interest in fighting starts; boxing, wrestling, anything that passes through. After she shows up with a black eye and roughed up clothes, the owner and a few of the fighters that know her decide to take her under their wing and teach her. Though they make her promise to never cross the line of protecting herself and using her knowledge to seriously hurt someone.
Junior year of high school Alexandra takes the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB), she scores above average by a few points. Senior year she scores even higher, which leads to a recruiter talking to her, then her parents. Her father couldn’t give a damn but her mother doesn’t want her to do it. Jessica, who hates the idea, decides to be supportive. Alexandra graduates and enlists in the Army. She quickly climbs ranks until she falls into the special forces, aka black ops.
S.H.I.E.L.D. takes notice but neither Coulson or Fury himself can convince her to join...yet.
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amuseadozen · 2 years
lookin for my twin flame. hmu if we’ve meet 1000s of years ago & have hung out every subsequent lifetime since. missing you
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amuseadozen · 2 years
“Life is like a game of whist. I don’t enjoy the game much; but I like to play my cards well, and see what will be the end of it.”
— George Eliot
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