amy20031-blog · 9 months
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amy20031-blog · 9 months
tagged by: @direwombat @simplegenius042 @nightbloodbix @g0dspeeed @cloudofbutterflies92 @inafieldofdaisies and @corvosattano for some uquiz goodness thank you beloveds <3
What are you doing here?
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atoning (for someone else)
You are sweet, sweet sorrow. Parting ways at an intersection, an angel's footsteps walking side by side with your own, the shadows of the past looming, looming. You are apologetic-moon-light and loiter-at-the-back-of-the-classroom and stilted-silence and rich-with-life. You are stepping-on-eggshells your way through life, be less careful. Be less careful. You make mistakes, you made mistakes, and you will make mistakes, but imagine growing from them without the wish to go back. Stop restricting yourself. Take a breath of the clean air. Stop breathing in your own secondhand smoke.
*my cain without her abel being called out once again for her murdering ways. The angel walking with her is too perfect tbh
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thriving (for yourself)
You are beautiful, and there is a light in your eyes now. There wasn't, before. You feel light and you hug people tight because you know what loss feels like. You are sunsets and throw-your-head-back-laughs and 2-am-shopping-sprees and looking-over-your-shoulder-for-ghosts-of-the-past, but you are thriving. There are fifteen things you've never checked off your to-do list and never will, but you're determined to find your way to them anyway. You are glowing and it's admirable. You crawled your way from somewhere terrible and now you stand, breathing in the sun. You are admirable, never forget.
*oh my poor babygirl finding joy in life after losing her mother and having her whole life uprooted. She's seen and done horrible things and yet rather than being stoic and cold she searches out the light in life
What does your soul look like?
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Bloody knuckles and scabbed fingers
You did something bad. You're paying the price for it each day, aren't you? You're picking at your skin and fighting everything off because of your own actions. You resent your own free will because of the harm it brings. You should lay down a while.
*ALL OF THIS! Right down to the bloody knuckles (twice over she's needed them stitched up) again it's the murder in the past that really causes all of her problems
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Where are you? Why are you hiding? What are you hiding? You're passive but there's something bubbling beneath that surface. Spit it out, be open with yourself, express your pain.
*she's hiding a metric ton of grief and abandonment issues, other than that she's perfectly fine...
tag list: @scentedcandleibex @dickytwister @jackiesarch @amalkavian @chloekistune @aceghosts @transcaster @afarcry5fromstraight @shellibisshe @unholymilf @theelderhazelnut @thedeadthree @gibson-girlboss @strafethesesinners @adelaidedrubman @harmonyowl @mccarthycormac @carlosoliveiraa @florbelles @josephseedismyfather @cassietrn @marivenah @madparadoxum @v0idbuggy @mxanigel @pathologictwo @purplehairsecretlair @fourlittleseedlings @clicheantagonist @ladyoriza @strangefable @voidika @poetikat @roofgeese @kyber-infinitygems
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amy20031-blog · 9 months
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I am a dedicated fan
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amy20031-blog · 9 months
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but I always thought you were cool
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amy20031-blog · 9 months
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amy20031-blog · 10 months
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amy20031-blog · 10 months
Jacob would love the show yellowjackets he would binge it and get so invested he would be like thank you when youre stuck in the woods you eat people these ladies get it
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amy20031-blog · 10 months
The Seeds’ favorite media headcanons 2/3 - Books
Has always been a reader, it was his only escape from reality in juvie and later on in the army
He used to read a lot to his brothers, before they were separated
Reads a lot of war and psychology non fiction
When he was homeless he would use the library bathroom and spend cold days reading
He’s a big fan of The Civil War Triology by Michael and Jeff Shaara, and is kinda jealous of the Shaara’s father/son relationship
He’s read The Art of War too many times to count and has made his siblings read it too
Jayne Eyre is another one of his favorites, though he has definitely killed to keep it a secret. He loves Janes reaction to Rochesters appearance in the end and has no qualms with keepinh your sick wife in an attic
One of the first novels he read was Lord of the Flies. He makes a point to read it once a year
Is also a big fan of A Clockwork Orange because of the movie
While had read a lot C. S. Lewis and different texts on faith and religion, after form the Project he threw all spare time in the project
The Screwtape Letters (he definitely misinterpreted it)
Was a giant fan of the Lord of the Rings, Jacob read them to him and John when they were young
Later Joseph would read it to the other kids at the orphanage it’s when he first realized how good he was at speaking in front of people
Also an avid reader, he used to spend as much time as possible in the library afterschool to avoid going home to the Duncans
Is a huge Shakespeare nerd definitely quotes his plays to make himself seem smart,Midsomer Nights Dream is his favorite
One time the Duncans called William Faulkner the devil, so of course he read all of his books and short stories - a Rose for Emily is his favorite, he kinda wants to do the same thing to the dep as Emily did to Homer
Another favorite is The Catcher In the Eye - Holden Caulfield is his favorite character
He absolutely loves the Great Gatsby, he cried at the end and loves Gatsby and Daisy as a ship
Also keeps a secret stash of trashy romance novels under his bed - he has also tried to write his own book about him and the deputy, it gets real smutty
Was never much of reader, she was always more interested in spending time outside,but still has a few favorites
Has read all the Harry Potter, Luna is her favorite charachter and will go on a long rant about why she should have been the main character
Really enjoyed reading Macbeth and Hamlet in highschool - mainly because of Ophelia and Lady Macbeth
A teacher also suggested she read I Never Promised You A Rose Garden for a book report, she really enjoyed the book but never actually wrote the report
Will raid Johns “secret” trashy romance novels and then subtly make fun of him for them (much like Joey in friends but she’s more clever ;)
Part One (movies/tv)
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amy20031-blog · 10 months
hellbent (WIP)
Author's Note: After posting homebound (link), I immediately began working on a ficlet featuring the overprotective love interest trope starring John Seed. However, I've only picked it up again this week, so I'm posting this early on WIP Wednesday.
The whole of Holland Valley knew John Seed as a madman. You? All you knew was that he was mad. Wrath he called you, though it sounded like it suited him better. Especially during his last radio call.
“Wrath,” he screamed through the static. “Goddamit, Wrath! Where are you?”
“Language, Seed,” you shot back, not being able to see if you’ve hit your target, but hearing the words had wounded him instead. “Don’t take the Lord’s name in vain.”
“I’ll find you, girl,” his words were muffled, his mouth probably planted close enough to kiss the microphone. “Even if I have to burn down every dive bar and liquor store in this valley to draw you out, I’ll find you.”
“Thought you let me break curfew so that I could go bar hopping,” you smirked. And, while he couldn’t have seen you do so, he sure as shit heard it in your tone. “I thought you let me out so that I could indulge in my sins.”
“I did and you have,” he answered, the coolness of it making him out to be as inhuman as the receiver his voice was coming out of. “And now I’m coming to save you from yourself.” Before you could press the button to press his buttons, John Seed went completely cold as the receiver went silent.
Feeling only a little bit frustrated by his lack of fire on this chilly night, you finally dismount your bike and let it recline on the stand instead of your legs. After, you unfasten your leather jacket on your short walk to the rest stop entrance, feeling only a little bit heated. Then, taking in the neon-lit shelves and the yellow-stained floors, you cool off with the thought of a cold Coke.
The truth is that you didn’t set out to indulge in anything else besides caffeine tonight. And the lie is that you bask in the fire your wrath left in its wake. That is the lie you fed to John Seed through your shared frequency, the target you put on your back as you drove away from Holland Valley, from everyone you wouldn’t want to be in his crosshairs. And the truth was that businesses that you were a patron of were going up in flames.
So you sigh in sweet relief as the taste of the sugary drink elevated some weight off of your heavy shoulders. “Needed that,” you paid for the half-emptied bottled as soon as you made it to the counter. “Keep the change.” And you exit before the kid on the other side of it can lift his head and recognize you.
All you knew was that John Seed was mad and you wouldn’t bet a poor boy’s life on him not blowing a gasket along with the rest stop.
“That you, Deputy?”
The door slammed loudly behind you, but it’s a shouting human voice that startled you.
You shake your head frantically and walk back to your bike briskly. “Not tonight I’m not.”
The man is indignant and you can tell from the sound that comes out of his throat. Because you weren’t facing him. You couldn’t face him. Not after what happened the last time you did.
“It’s me,” you hear him hop out of the pick-up and bounce back on his boots like he’d lost his footing. “It’s Jean. But you called me Jaaawn,” he slurs like he’d forgotten how you speak. “Yes, Jaaawn. Fuck yes,” he spits your own drunken words back to you.
It’s like he’s getting the both of you shitfaced again. It’s like he’s in your face and up your shirt and in your pants again. Like you never shoved him off of you and locked him in the bathroom stall. Like the bar is still up and running and not in ruins after some Peggie recognised you stumbling out of it and gave John Seed the excuse to indulge in his wrath.
“I’d buy you a drink, buuut,” he stumbles between you and your bike. “But John made them all go BOOM.”
Jean didn’t look much like John Seed tonight, so that drink he’d bought you was strong enough to make him shape-shift before your very inebriated eyes. Though he stands at the same height and combs back the same dark hair with fingers covered in just as much ink, his eyes are more murky green than clear blue. And though he stands before you untouched by the collateral damage your indulgence has caused, you don’t hesitate to lay your hands on him and shove him to the side.
“I’m going sober,” you decline, determined to quit drinking Coke, too, and drive off.
“Least you could do is moan my name,” he spits. “My real name. While I'm fingerin’ your pussy. That was me, bitch, not John fuckin’ Seed.”
The whole of Holland Valley knew John Seed had eyes and ears everywhere. All you knew was that Jean’s slurred speech had summoned him and the empty rest stop you’d pulled into is now crawling by his cavalry.
“Oh, my God,” Jean tries and fails to find his footing and stumbles backwards into your bike. “Oh, my fuckin’ God,” he turns around and takes you in, eyes filled with fear. “Don’t let him kill me, deputy. Please don’t let him kill me.”
Your voice is steady as you instruct him to get inside, even as your heart is rattling the cage that is your chest. And your body shields the entrance, even if your soul threatens to make its escape. But you won’t let it or yourself get away. And you won’t leave another trail of fire in your wake.
“Wrath,” he calls you, but this sin burns brighter in his words than they ever did in yours. And he hops out of the van in a hurry, already heaving like he’d been chasing you on foot through the Valley. “How many more lives have to go up in flames before you’re satiated?”
“None,” you raise your hands in front of you, adding more distance between the Reaper and the two lives. “Not a single one. I’m done.” Then, you stretch your arms above your head. “I’m done, okay?”
You were far from done, far from having your eyelids ripped open, the furthest you can be from amazing grace. And his big brother would’ve called you blind still, but you needed him to see you as enlightened right now.
What your blind eyes do see is something strange in John Seeds eyes, something which resembled a comforting warmth and not a punishing fire. Through the dark knight and under the electric lightbulb, you saw his clear blue eyes. You are far away from repentance, but are close enough to forgiveness.
“It’s suffocating, isn’t it?” His voice is horse like he’s been shouting, and your throat dries like he is right. “Your wrath has set the world on fire and you’re the only one left to breathe in the ashes.”
The little air left between the two of you is enough for you to exhale: “Yes.”
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amy20031-blog · 10 months
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amy20031-blog · 10 months
Evangeline & Joseph
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Yet another piece @redreart blessed me with of Evangeline and Joseph! I will never get over your talent, my friend! Thank you so much! 🥰 If you're considering getting a piece done by her, I HIGHLY recommend it!
Link to full photo 😏 Evangeline & Joseph 💛
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amy20031-blog · 10 months
my dealer: got some straight gas 🔥😛 this strain is called “eden’s gate” 😳 you’ll be zonked out of your gourd💯
me: yeah whatever. i don’t feel shit
5 minutes later: dude i swear i just heard the voice of god in my head
my buddy jerome pacing: joseph seed is lying to us
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amy20031-blog · 10 months
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The Seed Siblings will keep me in the Far Cry 5 fandom for a long, long, long time ☺️ reblog if you agree? 😁
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amy20031-blog · 10 months
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John Seed tattoo details
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amy20031-blog · 10 months
Far Cry 5 memes
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Got lost in the memes sauce. Hopefully none of these have been done before!
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amy20031-blog · 10 months
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Far Cry 5 (2018)
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amy20031-blog · 10 months
Boredom Killed the Mouse
Pairing: John Seed x Deputy!reader
Word Count: 776
Warnings: Slight Violence
Summary: The Deputy’s boredom leads them to do mischievous things. Unfortunately, they become very clumsy at the worst of times.
A/N: My brother provided me with a sentence prompt. I hear a quick set of footsteps and the rattle of a candlestick. I changed it up a bit, but it’s still mostly the same. Hope ya’ll enjoy! :D
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You were screwed now.
Not only was a capture party after you, but John Seed, himself, was chasing after you.
Why you ask?
Well…You somehow managed to make a huge scratch across the side of John’s plane, Affirmation. You didn’t mean too! You were bored and all you wanted to do was have a bit of fun. You had decided to just….sneak around on John’s ranch.
It was going fine until you thought one of the guards saw you. You had ducked into the window of John’s airplane hanger. You weren’t watching where you were going, too busy watching the guard, and you fell back over the railing of the balcony.
Your backpack as well as the barrel of your shotgun scraped all the way across the metal as you slipped and fell onto the fighter plane. It made a horrible screech as you went tumbling to the ground next to the plane.
You weren’t hurt, but Oh God, the plane had been. A thick, silver scratch trailed from the top of the plane all the way to where you had fallen off.
Everything went even further downhill after that. The guards had heard you and sounded the alarms. One of them came bursting through the door, he saw the damage and instantly radioed John. You had tried to shoot him but it was too late. He told John everything.
After you blasted the peggie, you hear a very angry John Seed yell through your radio.
“I will get you myself, Deputy!”
You burst out of the door of the hanger and take off down the airstrip, bliss bullets and arrows whizzing by your head.
Well, you liked to live on the edge, right?
Keep reading
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