amylight95 · 4 years
Posting another mitsuboru drawing after a long time.
Mitsuki activating the seninka to save Boruto. Thanks Pierrot for making that mental image come true TuT
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amylight95 · 4 years
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MitsuBoru moment episode #159
Boruto was so worried and Mitsuki looked very cute resting on Boruto's back 🥺💙💛
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amylight95 · 4 years
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MitsuBoru in episode 6 🥺
"This moment"
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amylight95 · 4 years
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Celebrating episode 5 because Boruto and Mitsuki meets each other, I love this episode, there is so much content from those two 💙💛
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amylight95 · 4 years
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I'd just like to comment that I like to draw Boruto and Mitsuki without their ninja headbands 🤭
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in episode 4 Boruto said it would be cool to summon snakes, eventually he will summon a powerful snake and mitsuki is his best friend ~ ah yes, and I like to remember when the Mitsuki snake curled up in Boruto, that was so cute 💕
Tomorrow they will re-broadcast episode 5 of Boruto, when Boruto and Mitsuki know each other 🥺💕 I also take the opportunity to say that I already drew something of them for episode 5, in those days I did not draw so it would be like making up for lost time, I can't wait! 🥰
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amylight95 · 4 years
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I love to appreciate the evolution of Mitsuki's admiration for Boruto 😍
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amylight95 · 4 years
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Sometimes I forget that I have tumblr too 😅
But I confess that it is my favorite of those that I have drawn, I want to continue drawing more things of Mitsuki's senninka
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amylight95 · 4 years
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Happy new year and thank you very much for your support!
I will continue to support Mitsuboru in 2020 too! 🐍🌕🔩
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amylight95 · 5 years
I'm happy to draw mitsuki with the senninka mode for the first time, I would like to see Boruto's reaction and that they fight together
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As always, I like to draw the mitsuboru in soft mode, calm with each other
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And finally, I made a redraw of an old drawing from last year to test my skills, now I see that I need to add more lights (?) but I'm glad to continue learning ^^
I will continue drawing mitsuboru almost recurrently until mitsuki returns to the anime (? I miss him, the mitsuboru moments I can wait, but I miss mitsuki's character a lot.
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amylight95 · 5 years
MitsuBoru festival 🎐🎆
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MitsuBoru soft 💕💕
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amylight95 · 5 years
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Some mitsuboru tension
We all know that Mitsuki is the Boruto protector
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And we finish with something soft.
Have your dose of mitsuboru ^^
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amylight95 · 5 years
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Too fuchsia, violet and blue, right?
I'm joking xD
The first image corresponds to the Shiden that confirmed that both managed to handle it. It's great to see them using the sixth's technique.
And the second image corresponds to ED 6, it has so much content mitsuboru <3
I love to remember this ^^
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amylight95 · 5 years
Obviously Mitsuki's feelings towards Boruto are very much mentioned in the anime (especially the episode 105)
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"If you get too close to the sun, you burn"
However ... the sun is also the one who illuminates the moon of darkness (manga concept)
I wonder how Mitsuki will learn to face this, because these "feelings" get stronger every time ...
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More MitsuBoru...
I want to see them calm with the company of each other.
Simply that.
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amylight95 · 5 years
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I remembered the event of Boruto's dream in episode 81. The scene of the hand taken was prolonged ^^
I would like to see their hands together later, but at least they came a little closer.
I also took the opportunity to experiment with other colors. I liked the results <3
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And with regard to this, I wanted to experiment with a comic. A sun so bright, right?
Later I want to make a longer and well-crafted one.
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amylight95 · 5 years
This is a disclaimer, but honestly I'm scared!
I can not complain about the content of Juugo's arc, however, I am very disturbed by the idea of ​​discarding Mitsuki. Because mitsuki is closely related to the elements of the plot, the curse seal, Taka and they mentioned Orochimaru a lot. I'm afraid they made Mitsuki go after Konohamaru to get him out of the plot. Because the summaries of the new episodes do not mention anything about Mitsuki.
I hope I'm wrong. Because there were cases like the arc of the school trip and the chocho's arc, that Mitsuki's participation was unexpected.
But I am afraid that you will waste the opportunity to at least explain to us the theme of the seal that has Mitsuki in your heart.
My only hope is that at least Boruto and Suigetsu are immobilized with Tosaka, Sarada and Karin have a battle and Sumire with her companions have another battle. And Juugo is a time bomb. It only remains to know what will happen to Mitsuki, at least I want to know if it will help.
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amylight95 · 5 years
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I wanted to make a "omake" mitsuboru. I never did these things.
Above all ... because I'm not from drawing "romantic" things. It's funny for me to imagine Boruto acting "natural" (he always wants to look cool)
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After all... he's the strawberry boy.
Finish... ^^
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amylight95 · 5 years
borumitsu - boruto trying to discover mitsuki's likes/interests going thru like food, hoobies n stuff
Word count: 1,970
Blue eyes flickered, as they watched Mitsuki. The boy had always been shrouded in this unsolvable mystery. One that, Boruto was sure he could connect the dots to. Unfortunately, the more he watched him, the less clues on how to connecting them were being dropped.
He sighed, releasing a cloud of frustration in the winter air. “It would be too easy to ask, wouldn’t it?”
“Ask what?” Mitsuki responded quickly. The whole concept of people ‘talking to themselves’ was not quite something he comprehended yet. Any question asked deserved an answer or a follow up question. He blinked his yellow orbs curiously, awaiting for a response.
Boruto shifted on the bench, unable to tell if it was the wind nipping at his fingertips or the kind way Mitsuki responded that gave him goosebumps. “Nothing.” He blew it off, popping a french fry in his mouth.
The burger that rested in Mitsuki’s hand still only had one bite taken out of it. Which was in Boruto’s brain, ‘Insane, because who doesn’t like hamburgers?’ That bugged him.
The blue haired boy shrugged. Such an action made Boruto cut his eyes at him. Mitsuki just shrugged. He believed full-heartedly, in Boruto’s word. He always believed in Boruto’s words. That also bugged him.
It seemed that no matter how much he thought about it, Mitsuki pinned himself on Boruto. But at the same time, Boruto assumed that couldn’t be right. There was more to Mitsuki….There had to be more to Mitsuki.
Reaching into the shared container of fries, Boruto grabbed another one. This time instead of bringing it to his mouth, he brought it to Mitsuki’s. The boy raised an eyebrow, cautiously. His eyes stared into ocean blue ones, with confusion.
“You like fries, right?” Boruto spoke lowly, the greasy potato in his hand sagged. He poked the fry at Mitsuki’s pale cheek.
Mitsuki mirrored his questioned, “Well you like fries, right?” It was hard to tell if this sacrament or legit because Boruto had eaten half of the fries all by himself. Leaning forward, he took the fry from Boruto’s hand. “You eat it.” He changed up and pressed it to Boruto’s lips.
Unnamed emotions flashed across Boruto’s face. He appeared baffled by the sudden change of script. Hastily, he turned his head away. “I offered to share fries with you because, I thought you liked fries.”
“I do.” Mitsuki clarified, “I also like you thinking about me, Boruto.” He took the fry and placed it in his mouth. The salty slightly crunchy fry, he chewed slowly. Thoughtfully, minding how his friend might react if he scarfed it all down.
Boruto slowly drifted his pupils over in the corner of his socket, to catch sight of Mitsuki’s jaws at work. Doubt riddled his mind, as to why Mitsuki was acting all hesitant. It made him start thinking again.
Mitsuki was a draped in so much mystery, yet it was so comforting in his own special way. It drove Boruto’s ambition to discover more.
“I think of all my friends.” Boruto retorted in a matter-of-fact manner. “Thinking shows consideration and care for someone.” He blushed lightly, taking note of how Mitsuki ate a french fry all by himself. “It’s no big deal.” Fully turning his head, he watched the boy swallow.
“It’s big to me.” Mitsuki said bluntly. A new edge had embedded itself in this point, as he focused around it. “It’s a big deal.” This mattered to him.
Boruto inhaled shakily, “To you?” This was always intriguing, hearing what perked an actual reaction from Mitsuki. But the boy knew, he was skating on thin ice now. Once, Mitsuki cracked open there would be no way to return to the surface of a regular conversation.
“I want….” Shyness stole his voice away briefly. Mitsuki’s blank face changing into one of happiness.
“You want what?” Boruto’s ear twitched, yearning for the truth. He carelessly began naming off stuff he knew Mitsuki liked, “More friends? More adventure? More potato chips? More…” Helplessly, he hit a dead end. He held up three fingers, wiggling them to try and comprehend more of the open ended statement. “More spicy burgers?” He recalled the little burger, that only had one bite taken out of it. “I really thought you liked that. The last time, we got them as a group, you were the only one who didn’t freak out at the flavor.” His eyes melted into disappointment as he saw his friend’s lips were still locked tight.
Mitsuki pierced his lips, in deep thought. He observed Boruto, each sporadic action and frantic gesture, he did to prompt a reaction. But his last sentence was despair ridden and almost tormented. He wanted nothing more than to relieve his friend of such a burden. But he didn’t know how.
“Ya know…?” Boruto started grasping at anything to keep the conversation going. He pointed to himself, rambling, “I really like hamburgers, but it’s cool if you don’t. I also like training and hanging with my friends!”
Reluctantly, Mitsuki agreed. “I like hanging out with my friend’s too.” He nodded his head vigorously, blue locks bouncing. He wanted to channel more energy into Boruto, inspire him to be happy the best he could.
Bright blue eyes marveled at yellow. “But when we hang out, I also want to do stuff that…” Boruto grabbed the hamburger from Mitsuki’s hands, “You want to do! I want to know what you like!” A friendly smile slid on his lips.
Feeling his sunshine’s eyes on him, made Mitsuki cast his gaze to the ground. The dirt beneath their feet, just seemed to insignificant sometimes. It could any other substance below them. Would it matter? Would anyone care if the dirt was gravel, or wood chips? No one would really care long as it still did the job. Long as it covered the ground, no one would really care.
Mitsuki didn’t want to feel like some insignificant dirt. But he did sometimes… he knew he could easily be replaced. So someone wanting to know more about him…
“I don’t know what to tell you.” Mitsuki confessed, his little eyebrows knitting together.
“Well let’s start here,” Boruto tossed the burger into the trash can. “From now on, you be yourself.” His smile grew on his face, as a resounding ‘thud’ of the burger hitting the can rang out.
Mitsuki’s eyes shifted from the trash can, to Boruto, then back to the trash can, only to land on Boruto again. Words didn’t hit his tongue in any way to verbalize his predicament. All he could was repeat, “I don’t know what to tell you.” as if a broken record.
“Come on it’s not too hard.” Boruto gave a thumbs up at the face written in concern. A new bubbly hope stealing his vocal cords, “I know for a fact, Mitsuki likes his friends, he likes training, he likes french fries, he likes randomly popping out from nowhere.”
These so called, ‘facts’ slightly bothered Mitsuki. He titled his head to the side, “How do you know I like that stuff?”
Boruto scoffed, “I watch you.” That should have been obvious. “When you’re around your friends you can usually pick up on stuff like that.” A pouty look crossed his face, as he took another fry and poked it hastily at Mitsuki’s cheek. “But you’re an exception! You spend too much time trying to imitate me. You make it really hard for me to tell your likes and interest!”
“So you don’t know for sure if I like any of that stuff…?”
“Well, only you can declare what you officially like.”
“What if I don’t know?”
“Just choose stuff until you discover something you like.”
There was a bit of confusion encasing him again. A rumbling sensation in his soul, that was steadily being comforted but also separated him from the current event. Mitsuki looked so lost, so vacant, a shell of himself. “Sometimes, I wonder if my choices are really my own.” His voice was velvety soft as he spoke, sad, somber, tender with concern. “If my likes or interest are really my own.”
Boruto shared Mitsuki’s grief for a few seconds. He could sense his uneasiness just based off how withdrawn he seemed to be. He figured Mitsuki looked in mirrors now and questioned his very existence. There were no true words to comfort, something deep and thought provoking as that.
All the blond could do was uttered, “Well, you’re yourself.” Reassuringly, he placed a hand on Mitsuki’s shoulder. He gave him a friendly squeeze of admiration. “You think for yourself. You do what you want for yourself. Everything you do is because you want to, right?”
Mitsuki bit his bottom lip, anxiously. Stiffly, he nodded, so far everything Boruto said checked out factually.
“So what, somebody made you?” Boruto shrugged carelessly, “They didn’t make who you are, you make yourself.” He concluded, blue eyes blazing with compassion for Mitsuki.
The boy raised his pale hands up, “I make who I am.” Mitsuki uttered. He looked from his hands to Boruto, almost as if this was some dream.
Pretty blond locks bounced, as Boruto jutted his chin upwards with pride. “There is no one who can say what you like or dislike, because they’re not you.” He bragged, “They can only do what I do, watch, observe and assume. Only you have the final say.”
This time with more confidence, Mitsuki said, “I make who I am.” He ate the fry from Boruto’s hand.
“Yup!” Boruto agreed, “And I plan to unravel, who Mitsuki is!” He felt his heart swell up with joy from seeing Mitsuki steadily coming out of his reserved shell.
Mitsuki’s eyes beamed at Boruto. He stood up, with a new found enthusiasm. “Then you’ll help me, discover all I like?”
“You know it!” Boruto declared. It was an unofficial statement of, “I’ll always be there when you need me from now on. I won’t let any of my friend’s get so distant from me again. Especially you Mitsuki.” Helpfully, he offered. “We can start with little things. Like….” His eyes landed on the fast food bag loaded with condiments. “How about ketchup?” Boruto offered, trying to discover if Mitsuki liked that.
Mitsuki shook his head.
Boruto’s glee fell slightly, “No ketchup?”
“Tomato not being a vegetable makes me uncomfortable. I don’t know what to classify ketchup as,” Mitsuki tapped on his chin. “So no ketchup.” He smiled a bit. It was one of those rare to see smiles. A nice little moment, as he looked at Boruto endearingly. “But, I did discover something I know that I like today.”
“Huh..?” Boruto’s eyes shifted over to gaze into Mitsuki’s. “What?” He jumped off the bench, grabbing the soggy fast food bag. “What is that supposed to mean?”
Mitsuki let out a little hum. “Well I knew I liked who did it before,” He took a few steps as if completely enlightened by sunshine. “But now I know I like it.”
“How is this supposed to help me, uncover your mysteries?!” Boruto complained, “You’re talking all funny again!”
Mitsuki blinked at him, then poked his finger against Boruto’s cheek. “I like your smile.”
Boruto’s felt his face heat up, as he stood there looking like a homeless puppy. He reconsidered, his previous assumption. Mitsuki was still a mystery, but the dots were less confusing now. The dots seemed like they were connecting to reveal a huge heart, based off the clues dropped. But Boruto couldn’t be sure of that just yet…
Boruto smiled, “Well then, if you want me to smile to more, from now on all you have to do is ask.”
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