amypca · 3 years
Reflection On Exhibition.
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Looking back to our Leadworks exhibition, I feel that I managed and made beneficial decisions that effected the show as a whole. Although the set up phase was extremely stressful and quite nerves racking, I think that myself and the class pulled it together by making fast thinking decisions and working together to install each other’s work. On reflection, the process of installing our work allowed us to have three full days which worked in our favour and gave us time to adjust to any changes. A small issue that I had installing my own exhibition was that I had originally brought the right nails to set up on my original space (wooden wall), but then the spaces got rearranged and I found myself on the stone walls. Fortunate for me, the technicians brought all the supplies we needed for backup and provided me with the right tools to hang my work.
Opening night of our exhibition went great I would say! We welcomed the second years in with our tutors and let them browse the exhibition before introducing myself and guiding then around. As networker for this event, out of the seventy invitations that I sent out I was able to catch a few at the event and promoted the work by explaining everyone’s projects. Not only did this allow small talk but it provided a welcoming space for visitors to move around in. The refreshments / Bar ended up coming in handy, As I felt that it made the event more professional to offer our guests a complimentary drink on their arrival, especially with the heat that day! Overall, I do not think I could have asked for a better opening night / exhibition, it put a lot into perspective and let me reflect on the hard work we all put into it to make it happen. The work leading up to the opening was necessary and gave me an idea about how managing my own exhibitions after this might be produced. In future I plan to move forward with my creative work by using this final exhibition as a jump board into my professional career as it had inspired me to continue working as a creative artist for many great years to come.
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amypca · 3 years
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amypca · 3 years
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amypca · 3 years
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Artist Talk.
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amypca · 3 years
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Final Exhibition Installation
Click permalink for better quality. 
Here is the finalised outcome for our exhibition. I helped out in the making of this show by:
Painting wood black for over hanging lights.
Helping out with other exhibition set ups.
Making sure my work was perfectly measured and stable.
Unloading the van.
Loading the van back up at the end.
Sweeping / Hoovering up the floors to make sure its presentable.
Promoting the opening of the exhibition through my social medias (as pictured above)
Being networker and conversating with guests / visitors.
Overall this is brief summery of our amazing exhibition. I loved putting everything together and I felt more independent know that we alone make it happen as a cohort. I will follow up on this post in upon a reflection on exhibition. 
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amypca · 3 years
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Exhibition Set Up Day.
There are a few images from todays exhibition set up, I will continue to clear the space and make a great visual exhibition over the next few days. This is just a brief post to show a few progressing visuals until I upload the finished outcome of my exhibition. 
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amypca · 3 years
Portfolio Reviews For Future Reference.
Magnum Learn Online,
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How does it work?
How you use the hour is up to you and based on your requirements. We will brief the photographer on this in advance so they are well prepared. You will be sent a Zoom link and directions on how to join. You will then be able to share your screen to show your work; the photographer will also be able to share their screen if they have any comments on your editing and sequencing.
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World Photography Organisation.
Led by the World Photography Organisation, these 20-minute online portfolio reviews are available to any photographer who wishes to get support for their work. The applications are currently closed but you can still register your interest by filling the form below which will automatically make you eligible for any future portfolio review. 
Every photographer can read our blog post about the different questions they may have when you reflect on their own portfolio. To support photographers passionate to create individual and imaginative work, we'll be running free, online portfolio reviews. The 20-minute reviews will be led by the World Photography Organisation team and credible voices in the photographic community.
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TPG Portfolio Reviews
In addition to free Folio Friday group sessions, TPG staff are hosting monthly online portfolio reviews for emerging through to established photographers. These 20-minute, one-to-one sessions are an opportunity to share practice and receive feedback on a specific project or a wider body of work. Each session reviewer will be allocated on a rotation basis, we are sorry not to be able to offer reviewers on request.
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amypca · 3 years
Time Lapse of Exhibition / Portfolio Layout.
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amypca · 3 years
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Portfolio Review part 2.
I have officially made contact with Angel and have set a time for our meeting. The only downside is that it is now painful close to the deadline. Unfortunately, to add to this - Angel never turned up to our meeting, despite already postponing it on the day. Whilst this is very frustrating, I plan to add to my portfolio review on my own by doing some research on who may be doing portfolio reviews at the moment to move forward and progress academically.  
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amypca · 3 years
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Portfolio Review Part 1.
All Images viewable by clicking the permalink at the bottom of the post.
As seen above I have reached out to Mohini as I could not seem to reach Angel. I have emailed him twince but have not heard anything back unfortunately. I plan to move forward by sending out another email to him with a time and a date to establish a time for a zoom or google meet video meeting.  
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amypca · 3 years
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Finalised Artist Statement. 
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amypca · 3 years
Moving Image / Artist Video.
This is my Artist Video Produced on Shotcut, A software used for video editing. After looking into some other artist videos I found that it looked more professional to sit slightly of camera and look past it - as if being interviewed by another person. I wanted to make this video a short but descriptive moving image of my projects core theme whilst also explain my own background and my attachment to the theme on deforestation. This video also includes a range of forest visuals in which I went out and collected for the purpose of this video as a form of descriptive speaking. I feel that this video came out great and I love that I can now visually explain my work to my audience and engage with them on that level. 
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amypca · 3 years
Moving Image / Artist Video.
Here is my finished artist video produced on the video editing software shortcut. Overall, I love how this had turned out as it represents myself with my background growing up, providing my connection to the theme on deforestation and also a connection to the viewer through conceptual messages. I used a range of different videos that were shot over the course of 2 two weeks to gather a collection of editing material. I chose to edit myself talking at the beginning and also at the end as I have researched into other artist videos and found that this works best. Looking past the camera helped the outcome of the video feel like I was being interviewed and in turn let it look more professional and in sync with the rest of my classmates videos. Overall, I love the outcome of this moving image and feel that it perfectly describes my projects aims, goals and visual narrative. 
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amypca · 3 years
Artist Video Research: 11 Artists Interview.
Avant-garde filmmaker and poet Jonas Mekas (b. 1922 in Lithuania) got his first still camera the very same week that the Russian tanks began rolling in, and his first picture was thus of Russian tanks – until a lieutenant took his camera and smashed it. Swiss video artist Pipilotti Rist (b. 1962) really just wanted to get hold of a free ticket for a film festival when she submitted her video ‘I’m Not The Girl Who Misses Much’ (1986), which she now considers “the only good work I ever did.” American visual artist George Condo (b. 1957) reflects on his first set of oil paints, while it was the gift of paper and pastels on his 22nd birthday, that made German artist Jonathan Meese (b.1970) realize his true calling. British painter Cecily Brown (b. 1969) nurtured an early fascination of “scary” art: “I had sneak looks at it, like you might look at Playboy”, just as German painter Gerhard Richter (b. 1932) was attracted by art’s capacity for uncertainty, perplexity – and coincidence. American writer Paul Auster (b. 1947) tells the story of how striking out on an autograph from a legendary baseball player led him to become a writer.
“Try to do something on the right scale – something that you can do yourself.” From the beginning, American multimedia artist Laurie Anderson (b. 1947) wanted to keep things simple, which has allowed her to try out different things. At the age of 14, performance artist Marina Abramović (b. 1946 in Belgrade) received her first painting lesson: the teacher created an explosion by setting fire to the painting, and this experience is at the root of her understanding of performance art as being about the process, not the result. South African artist William Kentridge (b. 1955) failed at painting, acting and filmmaking, but rediscovered everything again at the age of 30, when he accepted that he was indeed an artist with all that he wanted to include in that term. Finally, Syrian poet Adonis (b. 1930) shares how he presented the president with a poem he had written in his honour, and how this poem made such an impression on the president that he granted him a wish – that of going to school: ”That’s how I got to go to school with a poem. And that’s why I feel that I was born for poetry.”
All interviews by Kasper Bech Dyg, Christian Lund and Anders Kold, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, except Adonis who was interviewed by Hanna Ziadeh.
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amypca · 3 years
Forest Therapy Photobook.
Here is my finished product of my work titles ‘Forest Therapy’ in the form of a photobook. I made this flipbook online using the original PDF from my InDesign version. This was made for a smoother experience when looking through my book and creates a way for my viewer to interact with the pages - feeling much more real. Please Enjoy!
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amypca · 3 years
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Draw up of my Exhibition at Leadworks
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amypca · 3 years
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Leadworks / Visiting The Space.
It was amazing to finally see our exhibition space today and get an idea about our final degree show. I feel that now we are in the final stages of our course and I can control my exhibition totally independently. I feel the space add character to our work and Plymouth is a great place for it!  This brief visit allowed me to take measurements for my space and think about framing ideas. As I want my work to be at an A3 size with three prints. I am going to have a think about my exhibition and think it will be best to make a wall plan of how my work is going to hang! 
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