anabundanceofblue · 7 months
on the mysterious family & what they get up to
before i become even more ugly or randomly die out of a heartattack or something i feel an urge to write about a mysterious family that is a constant in my life and my suffering. it never occurred to me that innocuous things like living your life in your bedroom could be a threat to your livelihood and having every moment of your life collected, documented, datarized and then weaponised against you.
you go into the world expecting people to have good intentions because it just seems so natural but then you meet a select group of people that are entirely focused on doing bad, i have no idea why this is so but it just seems to be the case. like a thrill in messing up another persons life or face for their own gain/interest. because if someone else is fatter, uglier, dumber, poorer than you then you wont feel so pathetic about your own life.
ive met maybe 2 (those who cant be named lol eyeroll) individuals who i knew in real life and i never really talked to them either way. but somehow had been involved with this family for over 10 years will little innuclous things happening which i now realise in retrospect, almost all were at the expense of my emotional, psychological and physical health. anytime i had been close to feeling good about my self and my body i would be immediately sent back into a place i didnt like or want to be.
i suffered through chronic illnesses like diabetes (short term), fungal skin, acne, allergies, yellowing of my skin, just a whole host of nasties which i now think may have had some correlation with the "source", the closer you get to the full picture the more scary/messed up it is.
my head is entirely now preoccupied with protecting itself from tissue damage because im being gassed in my own house and my brain is constantly under threat from odours and inflammatory damage, i eat healthy food and exercise (they let me use the treadmill today, normally it's shut off by some electromagnetic thingo that makes the key not work because endorphines makes you smart and we defintely cant have that). im just going round in circles trying to get these viruses out of my body because they can only use my face and my unfortunate state to capitalise off the people that are marginally associated with me, they have no alternative ways of making money because of their default status in hell and having the keen senses to exploit other peoples weaknesses and misfortunes. it's never how can we improve the situation but always, and i mean always how do i make it worse.
i never intended to have these people around me long term and ive no clue why im the chosen one but im determined to speak my truth even if i have to suffer through another 10 years of delayed pain and suffering when you can get away with "small events" that eventually add up to life threatening events like becoming too brainy that you have to die? ok?
like for e.g. the warren guy has literally been living rent free in my head for nearly a year now, because we're supposed soulmates even though he's been watching girls getting it on via cameras and social media and using this technology to have sex with them. im honeslty shooketh and he gets away with it because he has money and the time to correct the story. even though the guy is literally a creep with ego the size of sun with not much to back it up apart from that one time he accidentally coomed too hard he needed to dispose my body to get rid of the evidence (when i entered zero universe and messed up his party).
and im pretty sure the tissue damage is quite severe because im bleeding from invisible forces inside my body. like i bled almost an entire underwear full of blood because he raped another girl spiritually and i need to cover it up for him because im a virgin & all. like im literally bleeding downstairs. and my nose is now all messed up again after being healed because i need to stay ugly and deformed and weak all my life for him to sit inside to have sex with people to clear his coom brain//elliot roger tendecies to feel powerful & good about himself so that he can continue to exploit me and people who look like me. the dude does nothing all day but chant make helen ugly in my head and pressing hard on my nose so that it becomes weakned and the outside makes goes into my brain to make it all messed up.
thats not even countign the almost one year worth of funds they received from literally chanting stupid shit inside my head and threatening to bomb anyone who doesnt obey them because he has a magical penis and it'll be the end of the world if we dont coorperate. like im pretty sure he is stacked from just having been born with that critical puzzle piece and now he's ruining my life yet again after 10+ years of slow torture and degradation. every part of me has been watched since grade 8 and it's still not enough
also the dude literally sends me really creepy cryptic messges on anonymous sites/forums and it's so frequent i cant tell his typing style. he literally sent me a video about his crush on hailey bieber on youtube sometime in january in a youtube short "my girl & i" and it's hailey and justin getting ice cream in rome ??? and thats how i pieced it together because memories dont fade even if you pay enough money to universe 5 temporarily. and one time he sent me a graph with a collection of books and it's elliot rodgers manifesto lol next to a scientology book
i mostly dont give a shit about what these rich old creeps get up to but like ive lived 10+ years in a shit condition without conscious awareness and i think i deserve not to feel this way until i actually die? so yeah im going to keep writing and screaming until someone can get this old fucker off me and my head and i can live my life in peace and quiet and the family can fuck off too and stop channelling their weird voodoo magic to get people to like them and then backstab them and justify it ad infinitum
theres more interesting areas in the black universe that you can explore but i honestly cant be bothered because im so hideous all the time and im so preoccupied with not coming off as so ugly so that people will hate me all over again because a year ago that was the most traumatic event of my entire life and it all started with the ugly old loser sat around jacking off to cute instagram girls that are his daughters age and going around using women like tissues he needs to pay more compensation in my humble opinion (me included)
enough snitching for the night because i havent slept properly if you want more interesting stories about jews and their antics, keep in touch yah i said it bitch fight me in real life you little bitch
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anabundanceofblue · 7 months
new update: hymen broke and started bleeding because of family and co trying to cover up their weird leader / cult thing they have going on and power abuses typical zero universe tings
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anabundanceofblue · 8 months
1st of nov
keyboard no longer works
will be phoneposting instead
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anabundanceofblue · 8 months
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anabundanceofblue · 8 months
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anabundanceofblue · 8 months
another day another dollar
back in 2017 i had already been discovered yet the noises started to come in late november 2022, also when the whole thing exploded internationally
prior to that i had been studying my science courses at university with little to no free time for politics, never even touched a business course nor looked at market prices literally ever. if you go through my browsing history as they would have done, they would know that i had never dabbled in the finance sector until about yesterday.
the blame on me is the feeling or the instinctual in built senses they use to detect market movement, with my presence a lot of noise / signals become volatile and unreliable. i dont know for sure how consciousness or my presence is related to this but i would love to learn more to add my own truth to this, i only got into politics in 2019 after graduation. i had no time at all for extracurricular activities outside university courses
a large sum of money that was looted was primarily placed on this reason being the 'head driver' despite actually being discovered years ago at a concert i had attended sometime in high school during my psychotic episode which resulted in my current form. i dont know for sure if the two events are related but that was definitely when i felt strongest about how strange my face had began to look. i dont know how they found me or what senses can be used to discover this but im sure they work in collective and had been looking for me for years if not decades. i also think (not absolutely sure) that once someone enters universe 1, there is some kind of method of detection such that every member belonging to this group/family will know of each others presence ?
during the time of the head incident, i had been particularly fearful of actual conflict between the two countries with me being a main catalyst due to international news, the sense of fear was also capitalised on almost on a daily basis to pressure us for money, this occurred almost daily, there were posts on the little red book asking for donations and such this in the end i realise was mainly the actions of one singular person, my supposed soulmate. he also did this around the world trying to garner as much interest as possible via various means like advertising , tv programs, alluding to a spiritual figure without actually mentioning me, a lot of the postings were almost always negative and about my appearances to reduce my confidence and induce depression/fear/anger which were then also capitalised on as it reflected the country they directly wanted to loot.
the entire duration of the head incident lasted for at least 3 months which stopped somewhat when i received employment but was further tortured at my job for the most mundane things. again payment had to be made from the targeted country. and once we did receive some of the money back in the form of "heres your 20 bucks for your service" i was later faced with more offline harassment, unwanted attention, basically walking actors/actresses calling me fat / ugly and laughing in my face. because he returned some of the money back which was what he had looted in the first place by flying into my head. i dont know the exact details on how this works but i was essentially a walking shell for the team to control and exploit as freely as possible. the team (buffett and co.) continued to threats for more money and alerted their own team members which caused a domino effect looting millions in one week. most of the money had been laundered via me (starbucks), either reinvested in their own companies or given away freely as a sin offering.
also the delay of my health progress further enhanced their earnings. by deforming my face further they could extract further value via the balancing act of attempting to evenly distribute value across the two teams black vs white where a large component of the disney and co. team had to offer their loot to the other side, which propels another round of harassment to go back to the original formula. of marriage -> make a big scene -> extract value -> negative propaganda to degrade and humiliate -> further extract value.
essentially it's one person (and his family and what they represent) along with his side kick, which uses these subtle but very deadly and short term hard blows to unsuspecting and or helpless victims to take advantage of their misfortune for unearned value. this is later spread via other black members (non racial) for an enhanced and exaggerated effect to trap and isolate the victims. something like a secret weapon in another country, literally a rumour, a leaf can cause big catastrophes with the help of collective social media control, targeted victims, surveillance, monopoly (in using certain computer programs websites).
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anabundanceofblue · 8 months
on data mining and not letting your emotions be used against you
as any other creative, our greatest gift (our passion and emotions) can easily be exploited and used against us such that they become an obstacle rather than a useful complementary in helping us achieve our goals / dreams.
many creatives attempt to commodify or try sell their talents without first understanding the other side or more specifically your competition (the people who are designed to be capital focused or money focused -- please be aware they are very good at making money and have no inhibitions stopping them whereas creatives will have downtime for introspection, emotional recharge, spontaneity and so forth)
the ways they may target and use your emotion, with one important one being feeling already accomplished without having done the work ie. in nurturing your feeling of accomplishment while you are still sat in one place. this is done with praises, and trying to arose the feeling for when you have attained something or achieved a goal prior to its completion. we often will need to write down a goal to remind us and propel us forward, if good feelings are stimulated before goal completion your motivation and desire for goal will reduce dramatically.
depending on personal preferences (this is gathered through unwanted spying and cataloguing) they can target specific emotions, because they do not feel emotions (the best ones often do but much lower capacity and can tune in / out so that their emotions are mastered and can be used rather than be controled by your emotions), for e.g. for someone with a perfectionist personality type, your desire to do good work combined with an aversion to making a mistake will be used against you, at various stages of your development / on your journey, there will be reminders of every flaw and mistake you have ever made to arose these negative feelings / black holes essentially that rob you of your emotions / energy (a large component of our working capacity) and your time. your intrinsic value is then reduced when your focus is directed at negativity and your inadequacies while your true talents / gifts become unhoned and left to sit.
another one would be feelings of goodwill and love. for example the red light green light game, essentially green light to backstabbing you is when you feel the greatest amount of love, tranquility, forgiveness and softness for another person. this is the perfect time to strike depending on what their interests are, whether to evoke pity (they broke your face but it's because you were rude to them at the time), guilt etc.
another difference between normal people and the other people are our focus. their difference is a laser sharp focus on capital and only capital, all other variables can be excused and made light relative to capital acquisition. we spend maybe 2 hours doing creative work, take a break to receive inspiration from nature, exercising our bodies, socialising with friends watching tv and other creatives, this creative process involves observing, down time, absorbing other peoples work and then distilling into a new product, because they lack the skill to create something new, they are equipped with a laser focus on destroying. or identifying weaknesses and targeting the other. this is where the 'boringness' comes in as a part of their personalities, they dont have any passions but capital, depending on current market situations, they made target various groups.
at all times there is a constant theme of 'observation', detection of emotional changes (from anger to pity) and your various emotional / climatic states and how to best capitalise on that -- the system is very timing based and less long term, big picture based, so a lot of mistakes can happen which is where the gaslighting or editing comes in handy.
theres also a theme of overlaying your emotions or insecurities on top of important messages. so that your emotional triggers can essentially cause a blindspot. if you have watched the gorilla walking across the basketball court without being noticed, this is similar in a way where heightened/strong emotional responses (recorded from previous 'testing') can hide valuable clues to your next goal post. the strongest emotions evoked will contain the most valuable thing.
all in all as a creative your first step is mastering your emotions, this requires time experience discipline. do not attempt anything beyond this as all the other things like capital knowledge and business information can quickly be learned (this is something like fluid intelligence vs crystallised intelligence), everything that can be possessed from the other side is freely acquirable whereas emotions and our natural creative gift is not.
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anabundanceofblue · 8 months
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concentrate in my mind for more starbucks u lil beta bitch
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anabundanceofblue · 8 months
imagine being even more useless than me lol
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anabundanceofblue · 8 months
tfw you go all in on low (green) and then your entire worldview shatters
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anabundanceofblue · 8 months
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anabundanceofblue · 8 months
you should give their money back dude
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The Depth of Oil Wells
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anabundanceofblue · 8 months
ways to decrease the true value of something by adjusting the price or give out incorrect information concerning the product
ways to decrease the true value of something in using perspectivism & social value (what other people personally regards as important or valuable); to someone who appreciates art and beauty, you can easily do this by lowering someone else's or something else's value by making them ugly or appear ugly , to someone who appreciates status you can easily do this with advertising which humiliates the subject and lowers their status and in effect the product they represent, to lower something with value entirely you can do this with market fluctuations, in using borrowed money to buy and sell as giant conglomerates & have pricing plastered on important websites to generate public interest / hype while withholding valuable information concerning the true nature of the product whereby the public is made to believe one thing while the opposite is actually true. this contradiction is an opportunity to profit. buy low sell high etc. another example is high risk 'gambling' where essentially something like a war or heightened paranoia about an event can trigger enormous profits simply because people will react with their money in a predictable way whereas those without the typical emotional responses will have the advantage of knowing when to utilize it. like betting even higher.
the advantages of being emotionally stunted is super helpful in terms of detecting emotional responses in others and what other people want, their likes/dislikes and when to take advantage of their emotions
again without the burden of emotions, faster reflexes can be utilised to detect slight movements in emotions, for e.g. pity when you see a picture and is associated with an event/person, the 'pity' which is detected is immediately utilised by an adjacent / succeeding offence which the user has previously done to offset the memory links and refreshes the slate essentially to allow for future use. the trust bond / trust relation between one individual to another is also not absolute, it can shift and vary depending on the time and severity of event.
with high severity you can wait a bit longer for the emotions to cool down and memory to fade, on top of high level gas lighting such as the aforementioned offend -> trigger happy / pitiful emotions -> clear previous offense by either minimizing event (making it humorous or justifying it in someway like stacking it on top of something the accused has done recently negatively for e.g. one time i liked a comment on facebook about the leaked nudes of actresses way back in grade 10 or so about them not taking nudes or something i dont recall the details therefore my own private photos sent to one singular person deserve to be exposed; they have a really strange way of "teaching you a lesson" like a warped form of karma but with motive and 100% involves money -- the way of making money is basically make you look bad and extract your value through force, intimidation, fake news / propaganda, like okay i regret saying it? can i have my life back? ), essentially events and actions can also be catalogued in such as way such the time is not a linear formation but continuous interchange of new event -> new responses -> old event -> new responses. the constant shifting between old events and new emotional responses (human emotions and goodwill is an endless pit which can and will be taken advantaged of) leaves a lot of room for adjustment and rehashing.
although this technique is often not very viable in real life because there is a face attached to the person doing the offense, it's generally better as a group of people witnessing the event
as you can see with a singular head viewing on top of untapped & unlimited access to anonymity and online tampering creates unlimited time for shifting and editing events and perceived truth. often the emotions triggered at the time of event occurrence is entirely blanked due to the highly abstract nature of an 'emotion'.
imagine an event such as viewing a loved one die, this intensity of emotion can be triggered again and again, those who do not understand or comprehend or event felt a loved one die is unable to empathize with the victim & once upon reflection you begin to type about the pain of losing a loved one, words are inadequate in describing this sort of emotion. also depending on the subject the emotional levels experienced are also variable. not even has the same level of emotional intensity, and not everyone feels the same sort of emotions towards something as other people so the only only subjective experience someone feels is the emotion they feel.
in capitalising on this subjectivity, offenders can get away with very severe offences without any evidence to back it up simply because emotions are fleeting, abstract and without any tangible form. however the psychological damages & financial damages may be much more severe than a broken leg or lost life.
in using these more subtle forms to subjugate your victim, you are sitting at an enormous advantage, with no moral inhibitions , untapped advertisement (both online & offline with no legal repercussions) , targetted solely at a singular subject who is then associated with a money bank you can see how dangerous this is. on top of the soul binding phenomenon whereby you can activate the other persons thoughts, memories, emotions and even speech, to essentially control them entirely.
there is also an aspect of memory clearance which i will write about next where you can have your mind cleared and feel positive emotions depsite trauma,
so you have most of the world divided into racial groups, like segmented united groups trying to improve their quality of life through doing normal activities like agriculture, trade, maintaining good international relations and then you have companies / conglomerates multiple wealthy & intelligent men with stature erected simply to game the 'singular' head with the intent to cause as much emotional damage as possible, never giving the chance to exit , propped up alive with artifical feelings of peace and calmness every 2 days interspersed with sleep deprivation, electromagnetic waves (im assuming? to cause deafness) -- this lasted 7 hours at one time), harassment (i have people following me around with their babies because i watched some anime i found on 4chan one time), calling me ugly & fat, making fun of my already established insecurity, sitting inside my head (thanks again buffet) to make it spin and tilt in certain directions where the noise/static is at the most severe which can then be scapegoated onto me (and people who look like me).
do you see how one paragragh cant even begin to articulate what 1 year of emotional and psychological trauma can do ? you can say yeah i sat there and cried almost everyday because theyre stalking me through my house and sitting inside my head so i cant sleep and making jokes about weeding the plants but is that all?
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anabundanceofblue · 8 months
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Follow me.
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anabundanceofblue · 8 months
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𝗑 - 𝗑 / 𝗑 - 𝗑 🍂
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anabundanceofblue · 8 months
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anabundanceofblue · 8 months
on selective memory and goal acquisition
in choosing your memories and experiences and placing them in a place where you are constantly reminded of the event can cause a magnifying effect when you want to achieve a desired goal.
for e.g. an insignificant event can have drastic & lasting emotional impact on you which may act as a constant motivator that drives you forward.
in rehashing it again and again strengths the memory & association which becomes permanent and raw. in this way you are not distracted / sidelined by distractions and can focus solely on your goal (money, power, preservation of your state etc).
a false memory can also trigger such an event if you generate enough emotional response at the time of event acquisition, this can also be artificially / self induced to allow future discipline & goal direction.
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