anachronostic · 10 years
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"..You are quite morbid. Do you greet everyone this way?"
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"The stabbing sort."
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anachronostic · 10 years
{ Tick. }
Zen blinks once, taken aback by that comment. Ah, of course. Not everyone came from a "modern" time period, at least from his standpoint, so he supposes this would make sense.
He looks at the device as if he's sizing up a great adversary, flipping it open. He knew of phones from his friends, but had never possessed one himself. Being locked in temporal stasis with amnesia sure did leave a guy out of the loop.
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"They are communication devices. For long distance conversations and contact." A pause. "I've yet to use one, but the procedure likely isn't too difficult...They tend to be mass-produced for ease-of-access. Does that explanation help?"
{ Tock. }
The princess has been standing in the same exact spot for exactly 15 minutes now. During all this time she’d been looking down at the object in her hands, with a confused expression. And she became even more confused when someone approached her, asking about the monomessengers.
"Oh, huh… You mean these things?” She held hers up. "I was told it was a phone but… I honestly have no idea what a phone is…” There were none were she came from after all. There was no electricity, much less devices like computers and phones.
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anachronostic · 10 years
{ Tick. }
Zen relents, only because he knows Rei won't leave the subject alone until he's finally eaten something. He doesn't typically feel all that hungry, come to think of it...but maybe that's why she's always reminding him to actually eat every once in a while.
He takes his time answering, nodding in thanks. Thinking.
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"Hold on. If the others are here, we'll find them...but something else concerns me. Where did they assign you to, Rei? These...apartments." He knows what they are to an extent. The word brings up a definition. He just doesn't remember ever being in one, unsurprisingly. Or seeing one.
{ Tock.}
Rei looks up at Zen, waiting for him to say something; anything, really. When the vendor had explained that all the food was on this Monokuma thing, she instantly felt relieved, but felt stupid at the same time. Well, all the better to have free food while they’re here. She helps herself to another batch of takoyaki and holds it out to Zen.
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"H-here."  She feels her cheeks warm up when she presents him with food, but does her best to think nothing of it. It was the best she could do at the moment to thank him for finding her and looking after her. And it looks like she won’t budge if he wanted to deny the takoyaki. "Where do you wanna go now, Zen? Should we see if everyone else is here with us?"
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anachronostic · 10 years
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"I think if you wanted to, you could use them as a weapon, sharp or not."
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"...A weapon? Of what sort?"
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anachronostic · 10 years
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"Huh?" Rei looks at Zen in confusion with the last of the takoyaki in her mouth. Usually she didn’t have money on her, especially when they were at Yasogami. Most of the time, the vendors didn’t mind she got food from the booths without paying, well, mainly because they didn’t pay attention to her in the first place. She was so used that that kind of treatment that she didn’t think twice about taking the food from the vendor."Um…" She fidgets sheepishly, pressing her index fingers together. "I don’t have money… I was so scared of being alone that the first thing I did was eat." It was the one thing that did help her keep her mind off of things until she found Zen. But, now what is she supposed to do? Rei turns to the vendor and quickly bows. "I’m sorry! I don’t have money but I promise I will find a way to pay you back! Really!" Good grief. Guilt brings her down a bit after she realizes that Zen will take responsibility for her actions nevertheless. She straightens herself up and looks at Zen then the vendor, "Sorry for causing you trouble…"
{ Tick. }
One look, and Zen knows the thought never even crossed her mind. To be fair, it had barely crossed his, but even he knows that in order to get goods and services, money must be given in exchange.
He lifts his eyes up to the dreary city sky, not really rolling them but definitely caught somewhere between exasperation and...affection. It's so very Rei, after all.
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However, they're saved from being in debt within less than a day, as the vendor explains that "Monokuma" has stated that food in the city is on him...excluding any of the high-end, actually healthy stuff. The indescribable surreality of the vendor makes him think of where they're both...from.
Thank the gods for free food. He's pretty sure Rei is going to hit the roof at this, and he supposes it's one good thing, after all. He hasn't said anything during this point, but he gives her this amused look--subtly there, presented as a lifting of one eyebrow and a soft chuckle.
{ Tock. }
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anachronostic · 10 years
{ Tick. }
Asking questions in order to extract answers from random people is not something he's fond of, but his pride is willing to bend to that, instead of carrying on and risk putting himself or Rei in danger. So it's with a somewhat resigned air that he presents his inquiry to someone who doesn't seem like the sort to mind all that much.
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"...Do you understand these 'Monomessengers'?"
He presents his to her somewhat sheepishly, and says nothing more.
{ Tock. }
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anachronostic · 10 years
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Alcor felt a touch of relief when his conversation partner relaxed, taking it as a sign that he was far better at socializing than he had been in the past. It was important to start things on a good note. He had seen enough television dramas to know that having awkward tension between yourself and those you were living with was a bad thing. "I have not had a chance to meet them, so that remains to be seen." He hummed thoughtfully and spared a quick glance towards the door. "However, they are either an important friend of mine or someone who coincidentally has the same name. Both are possible.”
{ Tick. }
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Mainly, Zen's unconcerned with the intricacies of social manners. He's not exactly a social butterfly himself, so he's willing to let any sort of potential awkwardness pass if he's given the same treatment.
His eyes lift up slowly to meet the other's. "I doubt it's coincidence. The odds of having the same name...and being assigned to the same place as you..." Zen makes a dismissive sound. "For your sake, I hope it's your friend. If it's all right to ask...What do you think of this situation?"
{ Tock. }
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anachronostic · 10 years
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"Ah. I meant injury to your hands or arm. Not your neck or shoulders."
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"...The spikes are not that sharp. They serve mainly to hold my cloak in place." Via clasps. Why? Who knew.
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anachronostic · 10 years
{ Tick. }
"I know, Rei." He puts a hand on her head and gently ruffles her hair, making a dismissive sound at her statement. Rei, killing anyone? Ludicrous. She doesn't even have to say it.
He can't promise he'll play nice if anyone threatens her, though.
"Well. We'll have to start thinking about money--"
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"...Wait. How did you buy that takoyaki in the first place?"
...Is he missing something? Wouldn't be the first time.
{ Tock. }
"I know, I know!" She says with a pout. There he goes, letting his concerns getting the best of him. Looks like there isn’t much she can do to at the moment, but that doesn’t mean she’s going to stop trying. "B-but even so, we won’t hurt anybody… I don’t want to kill people, Zen…" Her cheerful aura fades and she looks down at her feet. The last thing she would want is for Zen to kill someone else out of defense and if they discovered it was him, who knows what kind of fate would await him.
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She snaps out of her worry the second he mentions food. “Y-yeah!” She says, looking up at him, “I bet there’s lots and lots of things we haven’t eaten yet! Like pickled veggies or spicy mayo or even tempura!”
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anachronostic · 10 years
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"No. The barbs on it aren't positioned in a way that would make that possible."
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"Yes." Very deep response here.
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anachronostic · 10 years
{ Tick. }
When Rei gives him her answer around a mouthful of food, he grimaces, the edge of it visible just over the tip of his collar. "Yes. There's something about 'mutual killing'...I assume this city is engaged in some form of blood sport, in a way of speaking. We have to be very careful, Rei."
She takes his hand and makes a pendulum of it; like usual, all that he worries about just slides off of her, and she seems more concerned about food than anything else.
Same old Rei. He relents a little, just a bit, acknowledging her attempt to cheer him. Gloom and doom isn't what he's trying to bring, but this city has enough of it to saturate anyone.
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"Of course I'll protect you." He only blinks as she waves the takoyaki--she's so short compared to him, the food's barely up to his chin--letting out another sigh.
"Fine. We'll have to find all the restaurants worth visiting, won't we?" And there's a bit of levity back in his tone, if only just.
{ Tock. }
Same old Zen. Seeing him act so protective and rigid was enough to assure Rei that he was fine, though she did wish he could loosen up a bit. Maybe if she offers some of her food, he would cheer up! Well, if she still has some takoyaki left. “Hm…” She munches on her food as she tries to recall what little she knows of their surroundings. “That bear said something about killings, didn’t it?” That really wasn’t something pleasant to think about. She’d rather forget that all of that is going on here and try to find a way back home with Zen, but it appears that won’t be happening any time soon.
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Hoping to relax Zen, Rei slips her free hand into his and swings their arms back and forth. “I was scared but… Now that I’m with you, there’s nothing to worry about, right? Because I know that you’re going to protect me!” She perks up at Zen as she moves her takoyaki towards his face. “Do you want one? They’re very good! I know you’ll love them, Zen! Oh, but if you don’t want takoyaki, we can search for some donuts instead!”
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anachronostic · 10 years
{ Tick. }
"Al Saidak...?" Zen repeats, the name sounding strange on his tongue. He supposes he's not one to talk, since his name is merely a nickname as it is. This individual at least seems cordial, and he relaxes, his shoulders losing their tension. Beds. Right.
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"It doesn't matter to me, but...thank you." He investigates the beds anyway, arms folded. "Do you know who the third roommate is?"
{ Tock. }
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There were many aspects of living in an apartment the Septentrione was looking forward to. Certainly, the best way to gain an understanding of human culture was by living together with humans. He didn’t have any need for one, but the idea of having a “home” was enjoyable.  "It is a pleasure to meet you, Zen. You may refer to me as Al Saidak. I hope we are able to foster a positive relationship in our time together."The young man seemed pleasant enough. Perhaps Alcor would have found him intimidating, were he anyone else. Instead, he’s quaint. There were bound to be conflicts, but what problem couldn’t be solved over a cup of coffee. "You may choose which bed you would like first, as our third roommate has yet to arrive."
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anachronostic · 10 years
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"Hurt myself...? On my choker?" It's a collar, Zen.
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"That is quite the jewelry. Do you ever hurt yourself with it by accident?"
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anachronostic · 10 years
Really, the worst person to ask.
          ❝ Why would I pay attention to that? I’m not a detective. The ‘how’ isn’t really my business. ❞
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          ❝ Murder’s murder. You kill someone, and they die. Does the ‘how’ matter? ❞
{ Tick. }
Zen's indifferent to the tone. He doesn't expect much from this city's people, honestly.
"...You don't say."
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"Learning how to defend yourself...it involves anticipating methods of attack. Expecting everything is impossible, but to prepare for nothing is folly."
{ Tock. }
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anachronostic · 10 years
{ Tick. }
Zen stands mostly immobile as Rei gives him a great big hug, closing his eyes and sighing with relief. She seems to be okay, and she's cramming food into her mouth like usual, which furthers emphasizes that her physical state is sound.
That grin implies the same for her mental state as well. Sound. That's good.
He brings her closer with one arm and allows her to embrace him for a while longer.
"Of course I found you." Was there ever any doubt on that matter? Zen scans the crowds over Rei's shoulder, his stance turning tenser by the moment. It's just his protective nature speaking, maybe, but the city is doing nothing but stimulating this part of him into overdrive. Regardless, he answers her question.
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"It's a city, Rei. I'm certain there's plenty of food around." He lets go now and offers her a small smile, before assuming his usual stoic stare. "This place...How much do you understand of the current situation?"
He folds his arms, watching her with apparent impassiveness. 
{ Tock. }
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Rei couldn’t bear being alone, having to fend for herself in this mysterious city. After hearing on how things worked here, Rei fled as fast as she could and ended up getting lost in the process. Time seemed to have dragged on as Rei stood by herself, trembling with fear. “Z-Zen… Where are you? H-help me…” What should she do now? Zen was no where in sight and she couldn’t protect herself, yet she knew she couldn’t just stand out here and be an easy target for those who wish to do harm onto others.Slowly, Rei began to take small steps and began to swiftly walk through the streets. She ignores everyone around her as she pushes on, searching for the her companion. It wasn’t until something familiar had caught her eye that put a halt on her progress. She looks over at the takoyaki stand set up a few feet away from where she stood and in the next moment, she runs towards it. Any evidence of doom and gloom that once plagued her disperses when she starts to place her order. "Ah! What kinds do you have? Do you have any Ponzu or Goma-dare Taokoyaki? What about Vinegared Dashi?" The moment the vendor hands her the food, Rei grabs them and doesn’t hesitate to start chowing down. "Mmm! Delicious!" She continues to eat until she hears a voice speak from behind her. "Eek!" She jumps back and her takoyaki fly off the plate, but manage to fall back inside perfectly. "Z-Zen!" Rei quickly embraces him while hanging on to the takoyaki in her hand. "You found me! I’m so glad… It’s scary here, but I was able to find a takoyaki stand! Do you think there’s other food around here?"
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anachronostic · 10 years
{ Tick. }
"You. I have a question, if you don't mind."
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"Can you tell me about the natures of the murders that occur here?" There's really no point in plotting how to prevent anything if he doesn't know the common methods first.
{ Tock. }
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anachronostic · 10 years
{ Tick. }
The idea of having an apartment and roommates is...baffling, to say the least. It makes his skin crawl that he has to have any sort of distance between himself and Rei in such a dangerous place, but the latter seems less concerned about everything, so long as they're together.
He supposes she's the calmer of the pair sometimes, in certain ways.
Zen greets his roommate with a slight nod as he investigates the somewhat shabby place, his cloak tailing behind him.
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"You're...staying here as well, aren't you? My name is Zen. Hopefully we won't have any problems."
{ Tock. }
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