anaitlovesall · 3 years
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anaitlovesall · 3 years
even if billie joe was straight (he’s not) teenagers getting offended he used the word faggot in american idiot 16 years after the fact would still be some of the goofiest discourse i have yet to see on this website. if you were young and gay in 2004 that shit rocked your world bc we were living through one of the most powerful resurgences of blind american patriotism and anti-gay evangelical bullshit of the last three decades. i dont think most of yall understand how radical that song, that album, and green day’s overall anti-bush pro-gay stance was for the time. even though we were at the cusp of bush becoming unpopular by the time it was released, american idiot saw a fairly mainstream rock band condemning not just him, but the bigoted, ignorant american culture which created him. to remove all of this context from the song and act like green day was just throwing around homophobic slurs for the hell of it is exactly why people joke nobody has reading comprehension on this website lmao. he’s not weaponizing the term; he’s using it to identify with an alternative american society.
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anaitlovesall · 3 years
When I was a (unmedicated, undiagnosed ADHD) kid, like, under 12, my room was a mess all the time. Not shocking.
I struggled keeping it clean.
I struggled getting it clean.
I would sincerely put in quite a bit of effort and be really proud of the progress I made. Then one of my parents would come check and see how I was doing.
"Well, you've still got a long way to go."
That sentence. I was like, 11 when my parents were saying that to me. It was crushing. All my pride and satisfaction with my work was completely gone. All my effort was worthless to them. All they saw what everything I didn't do.
At the age of ELEVEN, I knew that wasn't right. That wasn't fair. I swore to myself I would never invalidate someone's work like that.
Now, at 30, I catch myself thinking 'I cleaned up, but my apartment is still so messy.' and I flashback to standing in my bedroom as a child, hearing those fucking words from my parents.
'No. I wouldn't invalidate someone else's work. I'm not going to invalidate my own. I did good. I made progress.' and I'll list the things that I DID get done to myself.
You deserve credit for all the progress you make.
You deserve credit for all the work you do.
It doesn't matter how much work you have left.
What you accomplish, no matter how small, counts. Even when what you accomplished was taking a day to rest and recharge and give yourself a break.
Never let anyone invalidate your work. Not even you.
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anaitlovesall · 3 years
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anaitlovesall · 3 years
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anaitlovesall · 3 years
i still can’t believe that the incredibles is likely set in the 1960s
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anaitlovesall · 3 years
New idea for the sharing economy: You post uncomfortable phone calls you need to make and other people with no emotional attachment to the phone call make it for you
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anaitlovesall · 3 years
MHA Fic Recs
☆ Tododeku ☆
▪︎Love Bites by Gallifrey101
Uraraka giggled. “Who do you think gave Todoroki all those hickeys?”
Midoriya swallowed heavily. “I d - don’t know,” he said slowly, his tiny frame trembling. He sighed, almost remorsefully. “But I bet whoever did was banking on him wearing a scarf.”
▪︎The Morality of Body Pillows by Library_of_Gage
Somehow, Izuku's wet dreams and a Pro Hero Shouto body pillow lead to getting the actual Shouto Todoroki into his bed. He probably shouldn't question it too much.
▪︎Surviving The Todoroki's by MistyHQFics
Todoroki isn't dating Midoriya (yet) but that doesn't stop his Family from embarrassing him anytime he's around.
6 Times Todoroki's Family embarrassed him in front of Midoriya and the 1 time they had his back.
▪︎Ten Years, One Torch by surveycorpsjean
It's been four years since Izuku took an overseas villain case.
Now twenty-six, Izuku is one hundred percent, without a doubt, completely and utterly over his crush on Shouto. No problems, smooth sailing, Izuku is a new man ready to start the next chapter of his life.
▪︎Thanks for Saving Me by Esselle
"You saved my life," Todoroki says.
Izuku freezes. Then he looks up. Todoroki Shouto is staring at him, his eyes calm but wide, dust and soot all over his face. His perfect, handsome face. He's more beautiful in person than Izuku could have imagined.
"You just saved all of us," Todoroki says again. "What's your name?"
"M-Midoriya," Izuku chokes out. "Midoriya Izuku."
Todoroki nods. "Midoriya. Thank you."
Midoriya Izuku is a university sophomore, a fanboy, quirkless. On the list of things he is not: a hero.
That's why he's more surprised than anyone when he rescues Todoroki Shouto, his favorite pro hero, from a deadly villain attack. His actions fling him into the media spotlight, grabbing the attention of the entire country, including Todoroki himself. But Todoroki actually wants to get to know him past the headlines.
Izuku finds himself living a story straight out of a fairy tale, one where the mysterious, handsome prince is played by the real-life superhero he has always admired. But Izuku is convinced he's the ugly duckling, not the swan; could he ever be remarkable enough to get his happily ever after?
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anaitlovesall · 3 years
personal favourite batshit pokemon theories in no particular order
the pokedex entries are as strange and hyperbolic as they are because they're written by ten year olds with no editing or oversight
the abundance of women in traditionally male dominated fields (medicine, policing) is because a large chunk of the male population was killed in a recent war. this is also why almost every player character has no father
ditto is a failed mew clone
red straight up murdered one of blue's pokemon in battle
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anaitlovesall · 3 years
Old dude came in the shop and when I said "lemme know if you have any questions" he goes "what was the name of Alexander the Great's horse," thinking he was so funny. I told him Bucephalus, and he was so disappointed. Like his whole day was hanging on beating me at trivia. He says "you're only the second person who knew that" and I said "well, probably the third if you count Alexander the Great." He left without buying anything, and did not say goodbye. I think I honestly hurt his weird little feelings! Sorry I'm a bitch, old man!
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anaitlovesall · 3 years
Head empty only Primary school Teacher!Izuku
Midoriya-sensei who helps and encourages his students so none of them ever feel like he used to. He finds out all their preferred creative outlets (writing, drawing, acting, etc) and tries to accommodate his teaching to make sure no one is left behind.
He works with children around the age where their quirks develop and each pupil is given their own notebook (which comes from Izuku's own pocket bc he's just Like That), where they can write down things about their quirk or draw pictures. Every now and then, Izuku will have a kid who never develops a quirk, but it's okay - they get a book too and they write down things more focused on positive affirmation. He knows how difficult the life of a quirkless person is; he wants to provide them with as many resources as he can while they're still young, so they have a better chance against a world that was never created to be equal.
When Parents' Evening comes around, Izuku proudly presents each of his students' notebooks*. He's worked one-on-one with each kid, adding his own notes and combining their efforts. He talks through their academic and social progress, as well as their behaviour and how they're doing with their quirks.
And if he occasionally gets into arguments with closed-minded parents who think that a quirkless person has no right to comment on their child's quirk, then Izuku schools the expression he's built through the years and holds his resolve for the sake of his students. He'll argue facts until he either proves himself capable (even though he shouldn't have to do that) or reach some sort of compromise. He'll take his emotions out at the gym later instead.
Gahhhhh just... this idea is quickly consuming my mind!
*Only with permission, because he also wants to teach his kids the importance of consent and privacy. If, for whatever reason, a child doesn't want to show their work to their parents, Izuku just gives a verbal explanation instead.
Bonus (Izuku & Fuyumi / TodoDeku):
Izuku works at the same primary school as Fuyumi and she's the only one who makes an effort to talk to him. When Izuku asks why, she tells him about her quirkless younger brother - Fuyumi's the only other teacher besides him who teaches about and punishes quirkless discrimination.
They become fast friends, so naturally she finds out about Izuku's love of heroes. Fuyumi tells him about her little brother, Shoto, the young hero already in the top 10, and Izuku's starstruck because he's seen all the footage from Shoto's fights and he's amazing! And responsible for Izuku's Bi Awakening but he doesn't mention that part.
Fast forward and Fuyumi arranges for Shoto to come to their school to give a talk on heroes. When the Head announces this to the faculty, Izuku is both excited and terrified because his second favourite hero is coming HERE?! while Izuku has to look after twenty rowdy children?
Izuku barely gets his head around it and then Shoto's in his classroom, talking in that wonderful voice. Izuku can tell the hero's feeling awkward at first, but he knows what his kids are like. By the end of the class, his stiff demeanour is gone and he's even smiling!
Even after they're dismissed, his smile doesn't fade and he looks at Izuku warmly (Fuyumi hadn't been kidding when she told Shoto how cute and kind her friend from work was).
Cue some good ol' pining and wingwoman Fuyumi-nee, and we've got ourselves a wonderful time!
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anaitlovesall · 3 years
Okay but half of ST Beyond was:
Someone, probably Leonard or Jim: Spock, no. You’re injured. Don’t do it. Spock, clutching his side: Imma gonna do it it’s only logical. Spock: [[does thing]] Spock: [[collapses in pain]] Someone, probably Leonard or Jim: DAMMIT SPOCK!
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anaitlovesall · 3 years
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I mean, sure, whatever at this point.
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anaitlovesall · 3 years
How come we don’t talk about lil baby Ensign Spock ever??
Can we talk about lil baby Ensign Spock please??
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anaitlovesall · 3 years
Instead of the sun/moon trope, how about the lightning/thunder trope
which of your otp is showy, bright and illuminating, always visible and dramatic, lights up the earth, usually looking for a fight -- not subtle at all and truthfully, not very threatening
which of your otp is subtle but also very scary, is not always visible, is always a threat, shakes the earth, and is mostly peaceful until they're not -- a subtle but ever present threat
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anaitlovesall · 3 years
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anaitlovesall · 3 years
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