anakin-sleepwalker · 20 days
Watching Star Wars was a mistake. For years I’ve derived so much pleasure from seeing discourse on my timeline that’s like “it’s actually a pretty good writing choice that Glimbo Knutts manipulated the imbledimbians in the force to make Darth Freeble his personal jedi froogler. It gives the original trilogy more depth” and not knowing what the fuck anybody is talking about. But now I do and it’s ruined. I understand what you freak ass dorks are saying and it isn’t fun anymore. Glimbo Knutts making Darth Freeble his jedi froogler DOES give the original trilogy more depth. This sucks man
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anakin-sleepwalker · 1 month
the force should be a little scary the way the ocean is a little scary
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anakin-sleepwalker · 1 month
the thing about luke is he wanted to be good ☝️ he wanted to be gentle and kind ☝️those weren’t innate qualities he had no matter what. when luke acted on his first instinct he was quick-tempered and stubborn. he was whiny and immature and impulsive and had a lot of anger in him. he grew up in the galaxy’s darkest hour under two blazing suns & witnessed untold violence. nothing about his life was easy or coddling or guaranteed to make him kind. but he wanted to be good and kind and gentle ☝️so when it came down to it and he needed to make impossible choices he chose love & goodness & forgiveness. ok. it wasn’t easy he wanted to die and he nearly fell to the dark side so so many times but he chose good ☝️like i can’t read another post/meta/fic that takes positivity & gentleness as his basic traits nothing else to it. we saw him struggle to chose those for three movies!!
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anakin-sleepwalker · 1 month
AITA for striking my (M43) son (M20) when he rejected me as his father?
I understand that the title might have you thinking the worst, but please hear me out.
I didn't have a relationship with my son for basically all his life. This was due to my circumstances at the time: I went through a major personal tragedy and was severely injured, to the point of being on life support. To this day I have a lot of issues with my health.
I recently reconnected with my son. I immediately invited him to meet my boss (M92), in hopes that I could set him up with a job opportunity. I feel that this is significant. As far as I know, my son has been working in menial jobs in agriculture, but then apparently chose to leave that life and - to my shock - join a criminal syndicate.
I felt as if getting a good government job would be a way to turn over a new leaf in his life, especially given his past. However, he immediately became combative. I attempted to give him some guidance in managing his emotions, but he rejected that as well.
I'm sad to say that the argument became physical. Some blows were exchanged, but in the end, I was angry enough to strike him. I immediately felt very bad, and decided to offer him the government job on the spot. He rejected me again, and chose to leave very abruptly. I haven't had any contact with him since.
Edit: Yes, I admit that to call it striking him was an understatement. To clarify, I cut off his hand.
Edit: However, I feel like it should be stated that I myself am a quadruple amputee and we have excellent healthcare.
Edit: I did not immediately identify myself as his father when we met. I think this was my mistake. I think he would have been much more receptive of my message had I done so. As it stands I only told him of our relationship after I had struck him.
Edit: My wife is not in the picture. To my knowledge she passed before his birth.
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anakin-sleepwalker · 1 month
“You were right. You were right about me. Tell your sister…you were right.”
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anakin-sleepwalker · 1 month
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I know Anakin's desilusions of grandiosity are the talk of the town, but something something Padmé dehumanization of herself as a result of so much survivor trauma and so many close death calls. She's the senator with the highest murder attempts on her, she gets assesination attempts weekly and brushes them off, and she keeps chasing for justice to the point of collition, she sees people dying around her all the time but she keeps on living and living, at some point she's flirting with death as much as Anakin does in the battlefield. And something something, Anakin, ironically, in his extreme trauma and fear of death taking the people he loves, being the only one to say "You're a person, and your name is Padmé, not queen nor senator, and you're as fragile as any other live being" Something something the irony that person that most adored her being also the one who saw her as a person Something something Anakin commiting atrocities not for a goddess, no for a politician no for royalty, for a person. Something something how contrarian it is, that Anakin sees himself as a weapon, and Padmé's extreme guilt becoming what seems like superiority.
And particularly here in this comic something something how easily Anakin can walk through that storm Padme has created, how easily he can enter into her headspace and she doesn't flinch, doesn't blink, she isn't even surprised because she expects him and he's the only one that knows and can reach her like this, they're just having a conversation, something something.
I swear this was the end of me, so idc if i'm rambling, this comic kept me up awake for more than one day, because the power would go out every single time i sat to work on it, damnit
i need to sleep asap, and eat, eating first probably
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anakin-sleepwalker · 1 month
They never show on screen Han finding out Luke and Leia are Vader’s children. I would pay to see that happen. Bro just got out of carbonite, the wounds are still fresh
knowing luke he probably just dropped it accidentally
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anakin-sleepwalker · 2 months
I mean, can’t Anakin just bring Luke to the world between worlds and play catch with him there?
yeah but if he did that i don't think luke would be paying much attention to him...
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anakin-sleepwalker · 2 months
You know what would be funny
Force ghost Anakin showing up and Luke, Ezra and Cal are all amazed meanwhile Ahsoka is just like sup Skyguy you gonna not try to fight me for a third time
once he's done probably trying to kill ahsoka again, maybe he can have some bonding time with Luke!
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anakin-sleepwalker · 2 months
Do u think Anakin's still into engineering in his Vader era
Like when there's a problem w his ship and his technicians are struggling to fix it does he ever show up like 'get out of the way' and start repairing the problem himself
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anakin-sleepwalker · 2 months
saw someone describe Luke Skywalker as the 'bastard son of a sith lord' and i have to say i think Darth Vader would be VERY offended by that. like how DARE you imply Padme wasn't his wife??
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anakin-sleepwalker · 3 months
Anyway ROTJ take:
- idk what EU material has to say about this but I fully believe that Jabba the Hutt can speak & understand Basic just fine and is simply choosing not to as a power move. And honestly, he's valid for that
- I also fully believe that Luke can understand huttese. Like he grew up on Tatooine in what seems to be a bilingual society. He's got to at least know some. On his visit to Jabba's palace I think he's pretending not to for his own reasons.
Conclusion: during the scenes where Luke & Jabba are communicating via interpreter they are both just pretending not to be able to understand each other and making poor Threepio act as go between
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anakin-sleepwalker · 3 months
u know something that must have happened a lot w the OT star wars trio
Luke: *insisting something that's very obviously latent force sensitivity is a 'totally normal experience' that 'happens to everyone*
Leia: *strenuously backing him up*
Han: *outnumbered and getting more & more mad about it*
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anakin-sleepwalker · 3 months
The Luke and Vader relationship is about Vader, the eldritch horror that brings death, being weak for one (1) jedi son and being willing to do anything for him.
And it's also about Luke, the eldritch horror that chooses not to be an eldritch horror, being extremely persistent about vader turning back to the light
Actually it'd be kinda funny if luke just hounded vader into coming back to the light like he just fucking pops up everywhere, in vader's dreams in rebellion propaganda in interrogation footage. He just wouldn't let vader rest. Imagine vader trudging through some swamp ass planet and luke popping up from a bush going have you heard of our lord and savior the light side of the force
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anakin-sleepwalker · 3 months
leia organa truly has one of the best bait-and-switch character introductions of all time because when you meet her she's this brave, stoic picture of elegance and justice and always knows just what to say to vader and tarkin and is clad in white like an angel and is this perfect two-dimensional archetype of pureness of heart. and then approximately half an hour later into the film she meets luke and han and she IMMEDIATELY shows her true colors as a sarcastic, bitchy control freak with a massive impulsive streak and a deep mine of hyperspecific insults. 10/10 character design i'm obsessed with her
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anakin-sleepwalker · 3 months
I think an underappreciated element of Leia's character is that even after days or weeks of ruthless interrogation interspersed with torture, she still had the presence of mind to identify a feature of the Stormtrooper who barged into her cell that she could mock.
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anakin-sleepwalker · 3 months
further Star Wars positivity post: the whole wampa sublot at the beginning of ESB doesn't add anything to the plot but it does serve to convey how close Luke, Han & Leia have all got since the previous movie; we see Han being willing to risk freezing to death to save Luke & Leia's genuine devastation when she's forced to order them locked out of the base overnight. this is all very important given that they're about the spend the rest of the movie split up into separate plot threads but w their friendship being absolutely vital to the climax.
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