ananya24blog · 5 years
Nutrition Olympiad 2019-Nutrition Redefined
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Nutrition Olympiad kicked off this year as an exciting extravaganza, which was boosted by the participation of the youth. It was held on Saturday, 27th April 2019 at the Bangabandhu International Conference Centre (BICC), Agargaon, Sher-E-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka, organized by the Meeting the Undernutrition Challenge (MUCH) project, implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in collaboration with the Food Planning and Monitoring Unit (FPMU), Ministry of Food, and the BIID Foundation during Nutrition Week 2019. The event was financially supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and European Union (EU).The fundamental objective of the “Nutrition Olympiad 2019” was “To foster youth networks at national and regional levels to advocate for improvement of nutritional status for all and to find innovative ways to improve nutrition awareness and behavior especially among adolescents and youth.”  BIID Foundation and the organizing team are willing to successfully initiate this act by this spectacular event.
The event that began sharp from 8am and proceeded upto 6pm was indeed a grand event attended by very significant figures who are associated with working towards a nutritious future. The main programme(inaugural ceremony, competitions and Nutrition Club stalls) was held inside the Hall of Fame at BIIC. It was splendidly decorated and the colourful stalls on each side added to the ambience. Registration of participants and visitors were done from 8am and the speeches began at around 9am. There were present government officials and representatives from international and national organizations, civil society, private sector, academia, and media,
The first speech was delivered by M BadrulArefin, Director General of FPMU, Ministry of food. In his speech, he stated that he was satisfied to be part of this wonderful event and went on to emphasize on the significance of nutrition in our lives. The next speech was by our very own Md. Shahid Uddin Akbar, Chairman and CEO of BIID foundation. He expressed his contentment in successfully conducting this huge programme contributing to nutrition which is an essential part of life and is the key to solving crucial diseases that’s circulating around. He also states about the contributions of this foundation and the incoming collaboration projects with other organizations. Moreover, he enunciated his wish to expand nutrition club. His speech was followed by Guest of Honour, Robert D. Simpson, representative of FAO in Bangladesh, who delivered the message of importance of nutrition and how “food brings us together” and addresses the issues of malnutrition globally. After that, Special Guests H.E. RensjeTeerink, Ambassador to the EU in Bangladesh and Sadhan Chandra Majumder, Hon’ble Minister of Ministry of Foodconveyed their speeches. Succeedingly, Chief Guest Dr. Md. AbdurRazzaque, Hon’ble Minister of Ministry of Agriculture conducted the inauguration of this Olympiad.
Afterward, participants and guests, all together stood up in unison to take the Oath of Nutrition Club Member. Closing remarks were given by Chairperson ShahabuddinAhmed,Secretary, Ministry of Food.  FAO representative, Robert D. Simpson; US ambassador Earl R. Miller, officials of Jica and other important guests went around and appreciated the stalls, taking pictures with the enthusiastic participants. Ambassador Miller commented “All people should have access to a variety of safe and nutritious foods, and the knowledge that they need to make healthy diet choices. The youth participating here today are setting an example for everyone and are key to promoting good nutrition in Bangladesh.”
There were around 17 stalls of  different organizations, namely Maple Leaf International School, ULAB, Sher-e-Bangla Agriculture University, ProtivaBikashCenter,Noakhali,  Prime Asia University, Noakhali Science & Technology University, MoulanaBhashani Science and Technology University, Nutrition Club, FAO, Bangladesh Agriculture University, College of Home Economics, DPNC, Islamic University,Kushtia, INFC, Imam Gazzali Girls School and College, Joymontop High School.The participants were gleeful and each organization had put their best efforts to uphold their individual projects.The guests and participants were also served breakfast and lunch.
Selected participants competed in amusing games such as open internet challenge, healthy diet chart, food design, mini essay, cooking, street play& video nutrition messages.
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At the grand closing ceremony, winners of the various games were chosen from different organizations. BIID Foundation CEO,Md Shahid Uddin Akbar gave a speech which signified the advancements in technologies that BIID has worked on which greatly proved beneficial and is developing still to be the best and also mentioned the integration of new ICT tools including mobile based solution and social media. He also expressed his gratification in successfully conducting this huge event with the cooperation of the collaborating organizations and with the keen support of the members and officials of BIID and also by the enthusiasm of the energetic youth participants. Hon’ble State Minister of  Information and Communication Technology Division,Zunaid Ahmed Palak also delivered a convincing, motivating discourse promulgating healthy food and in proper amount.Next addressed Hon’ble Minister of MoHFW Zahid Malek and Md. Ashadul Islam, Secretary of Health Services Division, MoHFW and Qamrul Islam, MP, Hon’ble Minister, Ministry of Food. Magician Jewel Aich also delivered a few remarks.Then winners of the best stall, best nutrition club, action tree etc were awarded too. The winners chosen are- Street Play:MowlanaBhashani Science & Technology University; Diet Chart: Group A: Imam Gazzali Girls School & College, Group B: College of  Home Economics; Open Internet Challenge: Maple Leaf International School; Food Design: MowlanaBhashani Science & Technology University; Best Nutrition Club: Imam Gazzali Girls School & College; Most Innovative Nutrition Club: College of home economics; Mini Essay: Group A-Imam Gazzali Girls School and College, Group B-Maple Leaf International School, Group C- ULAB; Best Mentor:AbdulRaquib, Senior Science Teacher at Maple Leaf International School and a few more.
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The grand event came to an end smoothly. In the last few minutes, winners and participants clicked pictures on the stage with the honorable guests. Such was the extravaganza and we hope the next Nutrition Olympiad is held just as marvelously or perhaps more grandly.
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Closing ceremony; respected guests with the winners
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