anarch · 28 days
lights, camera, and— ... [FRONT AND CENTER, WE'VE GOT MISS DAISY MAE IN THE SPOTLIGHT, AND MY STARS, AIN'T SHE PRETTY?] in the thickets of new york, surrounded by the fawning and freezing and flexing of fists, daisy's got plenty of suitors. even more opportunities. america's sweetheart, blessed by the heavens, gift-guilty and star-spangled ... TOO BAD SHE DOESN'T GIVE A RAT'S ASS ABOUT IT. a better man would know that she's far from married, eons away from settling down, and biting at the brim of the cage that's closed in on her, but as every newspaper loves to point out: good men are hard to find, these days. (that's why america wants you, reader! step right on up, strip down and sail out, because a war's raging on, and—) FOCUS UP, JOHNSON. plenty of time to snooze and shit-talk the state of the world, later.
words are pushed to the side in favor of a wolf-whistle, nothing but ease, and tease, and a sprinkle of flirtation, to boot. "now, ain't y'all a sight for sore eyes?" a grin stretches to ear from ear, heat-pressed curls swimming down her back. "daisy mae johnson, at your service." a faux curtsey ducks her head down, before a chuckle rumbles: belly up, and flip-flopping clear across her shoulders. a hand outstretches: FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE! "'s a pleasure."
[ STARTER. / @anarch for daisy. ]
NEW YORK HASN'T AGED but he feels a decade older, only half a year since the world exposition of tomorrow and yet, a lifetime. there's a weight to him now. it lingers behind each smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes, in the way he stands — half in shadow — around the edge of steve's orbit, not wanting to eclipse his golden light [ how can you eclipse that which is meteoric ? ]
CAPTAIN AMERICA, the country's hero. but not even he can avoid obligation when it arrives on shore, not yet untangled from the strings of propaganda despite proving his worth as a soldier. so here they are, dressed in full uniform in a hall that feels far too grand : steve and his howling commandos, waiting to wage war on an entirely different front, cameras prepped and ready. bucky wishes he was anywhere else.
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anarch · 30 days
CHOOSE YOUR PLAYER! noah roth, versus jesse pinkman: two sly-slippery-cats in a cool tank of gamin', stuffed sky high with snacks, smokes, and a few spare wins on the side. shaken, not stirred, and swing-missin' their way through life. (two peas in a pod, some might say, and any others? SHIIIIT, they don't seem to matter, now do they? they don't know the rhythms, the tempo, the rat-a-tat-tat of their drums; the sound of their sneakers upon streets that've slammed skinned knees right back beneath gravel. soil-soaked, and spittin' up blood.) so, they've got a few things in common. some wins, some losses, some low-lows and plenty of those high-hat highs ... but, you keep the beats rolling, and the credits curve a different way. no game over's, in this house.
"you're not gonna beat my high score." — @tocook.
"yo, check it." noah swings her legs across the couch, socks slick against flooring that jesse's wife, herself, wouldn't let slide with no mud-smacked stains smeared across her tile. no way, no how, and it ain't noah's house— SO IT AIN'T HER RULES. "i'll beat your high score, and i'll whoop your ass in whatever other game you got." a grin, lopsided and lazy, waves along every inch of her features. a hand throws her hat to the side, running fingers through messy curls, before arms shiver and shake dramatically. lips blow a melody right through them, raspberry flavored, and she laughs. "gotta get them nerves out, dude." her grasp shifts, grabbing the controller again. "but now? ... —you're on."
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anarch · 1 month
i was a teenage slasher, pt. 2.
dialogue prompts from i was a teenage slasher by stephen graham jones.
you really can't control it, can you?
i'm pretty hard to kill, it turns out.
whatever it was, i've beaten it.
righting wrongs with even worse wrongs: does that really make the world any better?
i need a minute.
i think i'm scared.
it shouldn't have been you who had to tell me.
i keep using _____ as an excuse.
i thought we had forever to go through it all.
do i even want to know?
tell me. pretend i'm somebody who can take it.
hate's just fear turned inside out.
doesn't make sense. doesn't mean it's not true, though.
it's not about 'want'. it's about 'have to'.
i don't make the rules. i just know them.
you always told me to find my reason, didn't you?
ghosts aren't the only ones who have to stick around for unfinished business.
were you at that party?
i just don't want to be in your way.
if it feels true, it's true enough.
don't ask questions. ever.
it was just a tv movie.
i always thought broken noses looked cooler.
you can't run from what's inside.
this isn't over yet.
____ would have wanted you to have this.
you're going to write your own ticket.
i'm not proud.
knowing someone's name gives you power over them.
you're not gonna beat my high score.
what's wrong with your shirt?
you'd put yourself between me and anything.
it's embarrassing to lose most of the day like that.
without you, nothing means anything.
none of that matters anymore.
you're going to be alright. you're going to make it.
you can't save everyone, but you don't have to kill everyone, either.
all that matters is the mission.
is that even a real name?
you'll never see me run.
i think you recognized me.
i don't make the rules, i just follow them. whether i want to or not.
you're not exactly final girl material, yourself.
everyone's going to know now.
i feel like i've missed a few years.
it's over, isn't it?
i'm seeing color again.
what i've done is unforgivable.
does it hurt?
this is where it started.
i'm already dead.
you shouldn't pay for what someone else did.
if that's not love, i guess i don't know what love is.
what could there even be to say?
you can't kill a monster with love.
there's kindness in the world. even for someone like me.
i don't blame you.
you can't change what's already happened.
this will work. it has to work.
i hate you. and i love you.
i didn't mean to do any of this to you.
you still remember. thank you.
thank you for being my friend.
we burned bright once upon a growing up, didn't we?
i've never loved anyone like i loved you. but i didn't need to.
i was lucky to know ____ for the few years i did.
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anarch · 1 month
I DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT MY BAD REPUTATION ! ... anarch, a multi-muse writing blog, as revived [aug. of 2024]. low activity, sporadic, and primarily found elsewhere. (trigger-heavy, everything will be tagged accordingly.) —CARRD.
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