anarchofascism · 7 years
It's amazing how stuff comes full circle. Paternalism is basically the same idea as this but advocated by Conservatives.
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anarchofascism · 7 years
There is such a cultural difference, look guns are unpopular here, gun control isn’t going anywhere so going on about it is useless, it’d be like trying to get rid of the Constitution in America to combat Congressional gridlock. Yes it’s tyranny of the majority but sorry practical politics are more important that hard principle right now.
So please don’t be one of the people that links freedom of expression to guns, if you do we may not be able to get it back. If certain groups (the lefty crowd) can paint this picture that freedom of expression is a gate way to gun control being loosened then the public may stop supporting it, especially if it’s painted as ‘crazy right wingers’ in America making the link. Yes, people hate guns so much here they’d give up freedom of expression to be rid of them. Seriously, just please don’t.
People in 2014: “I have free speech. It doesnt matter if what I said offended you.”
The UK in 2018:
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anarchofascism · 7 years
What would having guns have done to help this situation? I can imagine it now.
*Gov gaols someone for being ‘grossly offensive’*
*Bunch of people stat shooting up state property*
*Gov calls in a drone strike and annihilates the violent crowd*
The reason free speech hasn’t been infringed in America is because you guys have a codified constitution that give the Supreme Court the ability to strike down laws. In the UK Parliament is sovereign and we have an uncodified constitution and this make the Human Rights Act (1998) useless.
Besides the Section 127 of the Communications Act (2003), which Count Dankula was prosecuted under, was actually inherited from Section 43 of the Telecommunications Act (1984), before muh guns were banned. But you know these events are completely related. I’m not even for gun control but this is just a dumb correlation, please refrain from talking so broadly about my country in future.
People in 2014: “I have free speech. It doesnt matter if what I said offended you.”
The UK in 2018:
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anarchofascism · 7 years
But people will never have equal power as human are not equal. Some of us are stronger, more intelligent etc. and can therefore use these to exploit people, especially in a state of anarchy as there are no bodies to protect people from this.
Power corrupts. No matter who is in power, they will use that power for the benefit of themselves and others like them. Power will never be used to benefit everyone. Power will never be wielded to benefit everyone unless everyone has an equal amount of power. And the only way everyone will have an equal amount of power will be if they only have power over themselves and their own actions.
Unless everyone has equal power, power will always be used to the benefit of the people in power and never to the benefit of the people without power.
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anarchofascism · 7 years
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anarchofascism · 7 years
You cannot be a liberal and not support individualist, it’s literally the core tenant of the ideology.
Know your ideology
Watching nationalist or “Nazi” blogs support capitalism or democracy or individualism makes me sick.
You have been played as a fool, and inadvertently support the very things your labels were formed to oppose. Fascists despise individualism. We seek the death of democracy. We would destroy capitalism and global corporations. We aren’t communists, but we are closer to the socialists and traditional Marxists than you accept too. Fascism is the middle-way, the means of escaping the delusions of the Enlightenment and the French Revolution. But sadly so many seem wholly unaware of this.
I do not yet know whether such people are ignorant or stupid.
Being a liberal that figured out how being in a homogeneous society is better doesn’t mean you’re not a liberal.
Read a history book. Do some study. Educate yourself. Learn what is actually being offered rather than an attention seeking label, or a cheap means to make people think you’re a rebel.
Perhaps some posts detailing specific ideals of fascism are necessary.
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anarchofascism · 7 years
Sorry, reblogged to the wrong blog.
I think our main point of contention is means to achieve a goal. With the way capitalism is going, with automatisation and increasing production, a socialist system will probably be produced out of sheer abundance, though it’d probably be market socialism and private property will still most likely be a thing. In a couple generations, about 40-80 years, extreme poverty will most likely be eliminates, as Sub-Saharan Africa is starting to enter the take off stage. Capitalism has shown itself to be the most efficient system at producing more ‘humane’ societies and with things like UBI being tested we might see a society free of inescapable suffering, like homelessness, the welfare sealing etc.
Stopmakingliberalslookbad is literally a neo nazi, they're not worth the effort
oh yeah I’m not talking to them with the expectation of winning only pointing out how ridiculous they are, fash talking to fash and acting like they’re concerned for Venezuelans
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anarchofascism · 7 years
Humans are a very flawed being that will always put their own interests first, though there is nothing inherently wrong with this.
Stopmakingliberalslookbad is literally a neo nazi, they're not worth the effort
oh yeah I’m not talking to them with the expectation of winning only pointing out how ridiculous they are, fash talking to fash and acting like they’re concerned for Venezuelans
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anarchofascism · 7 years
Serious question, who isn’t an opportunist? Who wouldn’t take advantage of circumstances to advance their desired policy? You’re telling me that if you saw a chance to start a successful revolution, given you’re a revolutionary (socialist presumably), you wouldn’t tale it
Stopmakingliberalslookbad is literally a neo nazi, they're not worth the effort
oh yeah I’m not talking to them with the expectation of winning only pointing out how ridiculous they are, fash talking to fash and acting like they’re concerned for Venezuelans
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anarchofascism · 7 years
So we shouldn’t listen to people living there on how the system is going? How does disagreeing with socialism make someone a fascists? Most people don’t want socialism so are most people fascists?
Also, how do you justify being a Leninist? Every one of his policies failed.
Venezuela will most likely collapse this year, considering in Christmas there was a blackout, the food problem continues to get worse, and a whole plethora of terrible things, so, do you think that when the day comes, Tumblr will finally stop championing socialism as the be-all, end-all political "system" to "fix america"? (Because let's be real, it's always about america)
Ugh, how awful. Stay safe.
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anarchofascism · 7 years
Reblog this if you are genuinely open to political dialogue with people you disagree with. This doesn’t exclude any single political group by the way. It doesn’t exclude SJWs, anti SJWs, liberals, conservatives, moderates, liberal feminists, radical feminists, anti feminists, men’s rights activists, alt righters, etc.. Basically, reblog if you are willing to have a conversation with people regardless of what your previously conceived opinions of them may be. (It’s important to note that having a conversation doesn’t mean you have to ultimately agree on anything. It just means hearing exactly what that person believes and why they believe it and explaining what you believe and why you believe that. It’s a conversation. It doesn’t have to be a debate). If you don’t want to have a conversation with people, that’s fine. This post is only for the people who do. 
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anarchofascism · 7 years
When you’re having an argument with a fascist:
But then a communist enters the scene:
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anarchofascism · 7 years
Leftists: Fascists shouldn’t be allowed to speak freely as violence is instilled into their rhetoric and ideology. Remember, it’s not free speech if they advocate violence.
Also Leftists: Class war until communism! Kill the bourgeoisie! Anyone who opposes liberation is a class traitor and deserves everything they get.
Seriously you guys are massive hypocrites.
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anarchofascism · 7 years
Liberalism is, traditionally, a right wing ideology, classical liberalism is basically right-wing libertarianism. It was only with the sheer horrors of Laissez-faire capitalism that liberalism swung left and not even that far left. Modern liberalism is the left wing liberalism and, at the extremes, get very close to democratic socialism but still is at most a centre left ideology as it still believes put equality of opportunity first and, even with the extremes of Rawls, believes that inequality of outcome to be just. The idea that you have to be left wing to be a liberal is just dumb.
Yup espousing traditionally right wing views totally makes you a liberal 😂 that goes to show how far right the political spectrum has swung in the last 30 years
Name one traditionally right wing view that I’ve espoused.
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anarchofascism · 7 years
“Fascism is definitely and absolutely opposed to the doctrines of liberalism, both in the political and economic sphere.” - Benito Mussolini, 1935.
NEVER forget that BOTH liberal and conservative are capable of fascism
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anarchofascism · 7 years
State capitalism was a term that Lenin did use for his New Economic Policy after the failure of his other, more socialist policies. State capitalism was abandoned but a few year later under Stalin for a planned economy, which is a form of socialism. These regimes were in fact socialist, also state capitalism is an oxymoron.
The reason why liberals often mistake socialism & communism with specific horrors of capitalism is because their only reference are state-capitalist regimes that cloaked themselves under the name of socialism & communism.
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anarchofascism · 7 years
I mean you are right, socialists are objectively worse than fascists. Also far-right does not equal fascists, the Nazis were quite centrist in terms of economic outlook.
I live in Britain so I can’t speak for the continent but the far-right aren’t really that much of a problem here. There was the Jo Cox murder sure but that killed one person and was the only one. UKIP has pretty much collapsed so that leaves the Conservatives as the main right wing party but they have almost always been, except under Thatcher, One Nation Conservatives. The most fascist thing about the British public I supposes is the growing resentment of Islamism but, you know, it is currently the most dangerous ideology in the UK at the moment.
it’s umm really sad watching liberal centrists try to conflate socialists and the far right. fascists and white supremacists are tearing europe and america apart and yet these ummm.. liberal cowards have to always be like socialists are bad too!! as if that’s not ridiculous and also objectively untrue
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