if i needed more motivation to abandon this blog as well, the asks i’ve gotten in the past couple days are it 
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Imagine if pride disk horse was about accessibility for disabled LGBT people instead of Gays Going Ultra Conservative.
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[This fundraiser is to help our dear friend Mohammed Abu Matar to rebuild Tashkeel3D; a key manufacturer of 3D-printed medical equipment in Gaza that was destroyed by Israeli Occupation Forces during this week's attack on Gaza. Tashkeel3D is where Gaza's first 3D printer was built, where medical devices have been manufactured for years and led the opensource culture was in Gaza.
Tashkeel3D is the original Gaza affiliate of the Canada-based Glia Project, an organization founded by ER doctor Tarek Loubani which works with regional partners to develop and produce low-cost and open-source 3D-printed medical equipment. Among other tools, Tashkeel3D has developed 3D-printed tourniquets: compression devices used to limit bleeding. They were threatened with bombing previously by the Israeli Occupation Forces. While no specific reason was given, they were producing tourniquets to support Gaza's medical system at the time, which was likely what brought them to attention.
The destruction severely hampers efforts to produce 3D printed tourniquets. Tashkeel3D's offices effectively represent half of Gaza's 3D printing capacity.
All proceeds will go to Mohammed to help him rebuild Tashkeel3D. We ask that you please donate any amount that you possibly can and that you share this link with your network.]
Please reblog and donate if you can!!
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I wish people understood you can’t consistently be pro-piracy but also be against pirating from “small” or “indie” content creators (tf does that even mean anyway). Either you are for universal free access to media or you’re not.
I understand that there’s this cultural notion that it would be depriving someone of income but 1. copying isn’t stealing, you’re not taking a limited resource, you’re creating more of it regardless of the legality. 2. if someone can’t afford to pay for something, if they don’t pirate it they’re not going to buy it either so no income anyway. 3. I'm gonna be honest, I can’t afford shit. if it weren’t for piracy I would not be able to read books, or watch films, or have access to any media that’s outside of the extremely constrained media provided freely where I live. I would never have learned english or any other language. my knowledge of politics would probably be very different. and that’s important, because I think a lot of the people who make this argument have good intentions but don’t really understand how limiting piracy to “only big corps” means condemning those who can’t afford paying for entertainment to a very narrow scope of opinions and worldviews, not to mention propaganda.
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re: reclaiming monstrosity as empowering and taking it back from the radfems, have you ever read or listened to susan stryker's my words to victor frankenstein above the village of chamounix: performing transgender rage ? it's very much on the theme of reclaiming monstrosity and i love it and it makes me go insane every time i revisit it, seems like something you might like. it's on youtube as audio but googling it looks like there's pdfs out there too
I have not read/listened to it but I remember seeing it quoted. I found it on yt so i'll listen to it, it seems to be very relevant to what I meant so thank you for the rec
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this pride month, let’s remember the real gay agenda
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that is to say, your perception of what constitutes “sexual” and/or “inappropriate” behaviour is 100% culturally informed so using it to police queer people is silly and will never be consistent, proven by the way everyone involved in this discourse has a different definition of what is “too much” for pride.
this whole kink at pride discourse rearing its head again just makes it obvious gringos would faint if they ever came to brazil. imagine all these people throwing a fit over a leather harness if they ever set foot here during carnaval lmfao
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this whole kink at pride discourse rearing its head again just makes it obvious gringos would faint if they ever came to brazil. imagine all these people throwing a fit over a leather harness if they ever set foot here during carnaval lmfao
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miss rowling... you SHOULDN’T have....
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LITERALLY some of you don’t fucking know what “disposable income is” like i cannot stress ENOUGH that someone who was able to get animal crossing on day 1 of launch or a ps5 preorder that is still only working minimum wage job and/or cannot pay their rent on a monthly basis is NOT your enemy bruv they are NOT “the rich” like PLEASE cement that in your head. 
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can you define woman please
one who be shopping
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Hello all!
It’s that time again. It’s solidarity commissions time.
What are these art drives? How do they work?
Here’s what they are: you send or private-message or ask-send me a digital receipt (@soul-hammer). I also have a protonmail ([email protected]), if you’re reading these posts but don’t have a tumblr account.
In return, you will get a sketch. I’ll send you the sketch privately and post it in this thread; there’s research to suggest that if people see you doing something, they’ll be more likely to do it along with you. It’ll foster a sense of community as well! I won’t put your name on it if you’d rather remain anonymous.
Where do I donate?
This time around, we’re donating to Palestinian aid organizations.
You can choose from ANY options in this thread and I’ll honor your receipt.
Here are a few places that stuck out to me (in case that thread gets deleted)-
Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund- Just what it says. Aid for Palestinian kids.
UPA Connect- United Palestinian Appeal. All kinds of aid.
Medical Aid for Palestine- Again, just what it says.
Mrs. Najah’s Kitchen- Food aid.
I prefer direct giving to families, but if you are afraid of sketchy individuals taking advantage of your kindness, that’s understandable. Again, literally any of those linked places in the twitter thread are fine.
How much do I donate?
As much as you feel like! The more you give, the better the art I’ll feel obligated to do in return. Last drive I think most people donated amounts between $5 and $10. One generous soul donated $30, so I gave her like three sketches.
So I just send you a screenshot of my donation and I get art?
Yep. And everyone can benefit from your kindness; I’ll share the art here and the people of Palestine will get life-saving aid.
What kind of art can I expect to get?
Here is the last sketch drive (Texas aid). Check the reblogs for examples of art.
Here was the first drive (for people facing police brutality), where people ‘paid’ for each page of a premade comic to be released. I probably won’t do anything nearly so involved this time, but if you want a for-realsies >10 page fully colored fully digitally edited full personal pan pizza comic, it’ll be like $300.
I’ll at the very least do pencils. $10 gets you at least inks. $15 gets you inks and colors. Anything more and you get bells, whistles, backgrounds, the works.
Most of these sketches are informal and Not Very Polished. The important thing is the donation; the sketch is added motivation.
What kind of art is cool to request?
I recommend not asking for anything you’d feel uncomfortable having others see. As I said, this is going to be publicly-posted, even if the requester can choose to be anonymous.
Don’t ask for fashy shit. I reserve the right to refuse to draw something. Use your best judgment. If you ask for something I feel uncomfortable doing, I’ll ask you for another option. That said, I’m very down to draw most things.
I hate your art and you can’t draw. How much can I pay you not to draw?
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Except it’s $500. For $500 in donations, I will stop this drive. If you give Palestinians $500, I’ll post a photo of me pretending to cut off my drawin hand and that’s it.
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Aliens: Wow you guys sure are completely normal and not at all indescribably horny.
NASA *beating the alien fuckers with a broom*: Yep. Just a completely normal species. no inappropriate lusting for extraterrestrial booty here, no sir. 
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Para mi clase de historia estadounidense (ahí vivo desgraciadamente😔) estoy escribiendo una historia corta de operación cóndor. Mis dos personajes son un anarchista en Argentina y un espía soviético que le está compartiendo todos los secretos de la CIA. Y son gay :) no es muy realista pero como es el proyecto final el maestro nos pidió que hagamos una obra creativa que le enseñe algo de la historia estadounidense que no sabía antes. Y no sabía que E.E.U.U. le dio lana a fascistas en sur america y que la CIA colaboro en la matanza de más de 50000 sur americanos así que no importa si mis personajes son un poco gay y también mal escritos lol. Después de todo, es una clase de prepa estadounidense y ya se acaba pronto el año escolar.
@cacadejo @anarchotroublemakerism @los-ninos-rojos
tienen que ver esto
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‘third world nationalism’ is to imperialism what ‘more female CEOs’ is to the patriarchy.
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