anarchoventism · 2 months
working on a full big intro post but for now hi im kris (they/he), im in my early 20s and i am too invested in genshin impact characters and lore so im here. stuff i focus on is khaenri'ah lore, the shades, the sovereigns, the abyss, mondstadt lore, liyue lore, family relationships (like albedo & klee, kaeya & diluc, the raidens, venti & istaroth, adepti family stuff, mond rebellion fam, beidou & kazuha & xinyan, collei and her dads, house of hearth fam, etc etc. not all of these i see as completely healthy familial relationships but that should go hand in hand with understanding characterization and grey morality and etc etc blah blah. Media Literacy thumbs up!), platonic relationships (too many to list), some ships (am very attached to xvn, beigguang, ganqing, eimiko, yantao, cynonari, arlebina, zhongzhu, guiping, istakoto, etc), and a lot of characters specifically. um i promote transgenderism and anarchocommunism and will block weirdos and bigots (highlighting zionists and terfs here - go explode) and proship. i pride myself on knowing more of this game's lore than a lot of its players because i don't play thr game and don't plan on playing it (or at least, ever giving mihoyo money - i am very critical of them and genshin as media however this goes for anything i like and some people easily get sinophobic abt the mihoyo bashing so pls like. be normal i guess). uhh i like a lot of other things and will probably bring them up sparingly.
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anarchoventism · 2 months
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