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➷ If you have a Moon-Pluto aspect You probably grew up wondering why people love the same people you cant stand because you saw things in people that others didnt see. You see the little smirk someone makes when telling a lie, you notice everything.
➷ Lilith in the 9th house might go against cultural expectations. Someone I know with this placement moved in with his girlfriend without being married and a lot of his relatives shames them because he is the only one in his family whos not married.
➷ Having a strong Neptune in your chart especially Neptune in the 1st house can make it very hard to know what to wear, what to work with and how to act without getting inspiration from others. Like you might not know what clothes you like until you see someone else wearing something that you find attracive and then you go buy the same pair of pants you saw someone else with.
➷ You will be at your most powerful when you act like your chart ruler in conflict. Example:
Saturn: act calm, your cold facial expression does the intimidation for you. You dont look good screaming or fighting.
Mars: You are at your most intimidating when you are all up in someones face and when you are being straighforward letting it all out, your angryface is scary.
Venus: Your social skills and way of looking innocent is your best weapon, people will take your side anyways
Mercury: Your words!!!
➷ The best time to start to work out or diet is when Venus is transiting your 6th house. You will be more organized and driven during this transit.
➷ One thing Ive noticed with women who have Venus or Moon aspecting Neptune is that they tend to copy and idealize other women a lot and other women do the same to them.
➷ Lilith in the 2nd house are the kind of people who wont leave their food in the fridge at their job because they are so afraid of someone stealing from them.
➷ People with Venus in the 1st house tend to not only be good looking but also have a wonderful life. They are well liked and people like to be around them. They usually get what they want and find partners get jobs very easily.
➷ If you have Lilith conjunct North Node you will keep being put in situations where you have to stand up for yourself ,bring out your inner bitch & stand alone until you learn.
➷ Moon conjunct Chiron in the natal chart is a sign that family members will be the ones to cause you pain especially female family members.
➷ I was friends with someone with Scorpio Mercury and I noticed that she never wrote anything bad about anyone in our group chat or in text messages at all like the rest of us did(This was in high school) She only talked bad about people irl. She never said or did anything that anyone could prove. She was also friends with the right people and only started drama with people who were not popular. So calculating.
➷ Mars in the 9th have strong opinions and dont like when people disagree with them. They are also not the type to like you if you have different opinions and see you as a good person in spite of your opinions. If they dont like your political views they dont like you. They dont separate a person from their views. (I have this placement and im like this😂)
➷ Do you even have Lilith Square Ascendant if you never experienced a person walking out of the room because you walked in or a person refusing to go to a place if you are there
➷ If you have Moon or Venus aspecting Pluto you will get to see the worst side of women and if you have Sun or Mars aspecting Pluto you will see the worst part of men and masculinity.
➷ Chiron in the 9th house are constantly put in situations where they cant escape and feel trapped. Like trapped at a job they cant leave.
➷ With Moon in the 1st house synastry there is no getting to know eachother phase you just instantly know the other at first sight which is really good if you are about to move in with the person.
➷ People with 1st house ruler in the 2nd house wants to be seen as rich and elegant. This is the placement of people who grew up poor and then when they started making money they only dress in gucci and prada.
© 2022 Zeldas Notes
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My placements:
Leo on the Ascendant 2°
9H Sun in Aries 11°
3H Moon in Libra 21°
8H Mercury in Pisces 20°
10H Venus in Taurus 17°
4H Mars in Scorpio 10°
9H Jupiter in Aries 11°
10H Saturn in Taurus 3°
7H Uranus in Aquarius 15°
7H Neptune in Aquarius 4°
5H Pluto in Sagittarius 10°
5H Chiron in Sagittarius 3°
1H North Node in Leo 19°
9H Midheaven in Aries 23°
4H Lilith in Scorpio 22°
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Some more pages from my first astrology journal
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describe libra without using the word people pleasing?
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Have a money spell! As usual, likes charge and reblogs cast. Below is a spell for prosperity that you can cast yourself as well!
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Some of the many pages in my astrology journal !
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look at the stars look how they shine just for you.
jk the sun is conjunct my Venus rn they shine for us
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