anarkuki · 2 months
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Cyrulik abstynent, jedyny prawilny wampir
Moje wyobrażenie tej postaci różni się od wersji growej, natomiast czuje się wystarczająco zdrowo na umyśle, aby nie próbować designować postaci. ZWŁASZCZA, ŻE W KSIĄŻKE PÓŹNIEJ JEST WSPOMNIANE, ŻE GERALT ZAKŁADA JEGO KAPELUSZ WDYM REGIS MA KAPELUSZ, OD KIEDY CZEMU NIKT MI NIE POWIEDZIAŁ lubie kapelusze REGIS Reference, bc it was study at first but well Regis from "Witcher" by Andrzej Sapkowski, tho it's game design from "Witcher 3: Dziki Gon", bc i can't design chracters thank you
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anarkuki · 3 months
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That was to be expected, I intentionally create a tumble sexyman aura for myself
ok haven’t done this in a while BUT
take this quiz
and see what part of the fandom would like you if you were a fictional character then add what you got! (in text form or picture form. either or)
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^ my result
uhhh get tagged @cosmozzzz @lighthouseas @hazmatazz @verashalurks @elizabethaftonfanpage and @sorry-i-panicked anyone else can interact and no pressure to do this :D! have fun
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anarkuki · 4 months
Baldur's gate 3 fandom be like:
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anarkuki · 4 months
necromancy is slutty and cool
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anarkuki · 4 months
dwarf rave: one guy chants while everyone else rhythmically stomps their iron boots. by the end, the whole club is knee deep in rubble
elf rave: 19 hours of thrashing, acid tripping, and interpretive dancing to calm ambient music and forest sounds
orc rave: everyone stoically nods their head to the loudest and bassiest beats the realm has ever heard
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anarkuki · 4 months
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anarkuki · 4 months
Percy Jackson but Hestia has a cabin. that is where the unclaimed go because she goddess of home and family. Demigods get claimed faster because when they show up Hestia glares at her siblings, nieces and nephews untill they claim them.
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anarkuki · 4 months
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help!! is any one of you a psychic!?!?!
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anarkuki · 4 months
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Some of you guys need to see and understand this
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anarkuki · 4 months
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anarkuki · 4 months
that scene in tlo where thalia tells percy he can't start feeling sorry for luke bc luke made his choices. and thalia reveals that the reason they couldn't make it to camp in time for all of them to make it to camp was bc luke kept picking fights. and annabeth never saw this as wrong bc luke was her hero. so thalia had to pick up the pieces. and percy thinking both that luke was put in a cruel position and that luke was putting others in a cruel position. and percy is the only character who understood both sides of luke bc annabeth sees only the best of him and thalia sees only the worst. and that's why percy is the prophecy kid and the one who gives luke the knife. bc annabeth had spent the entire series essentially giving luke the knife when he didn't deserve it. and thalia was never going to give luke the knife. but percy is the only one who can see exactly when luke deserves the knife.
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anarkuki · 4 months
My love language is drawing you as a my little pony character
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anarkuki · 4 months
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fakt ze on nosi pierścień na tej ultra grubej skórzanej rękawicy. obawiam się ze nic go nie powstrzyma przed serwowaniem
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anarkuki · 4 months
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anarkuki · 4 months
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Wintertale Advent Calendar Day 8: A soft-hearted donkey.
Just a nice friend that will let you ride on her back for a little bit on our journey.:)
(And now we have another tile done.:D)
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anarkuki · 4 months
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anarkuki · 4 months
For some reason I’m still seeing people being racist about the Disney+ PJO show, so if you’re out there hating on Leah for being a black Annabeth, here’s what you need to realize:
A big part of Annabeth’s character is how she felt she was never taken seriously because of the way she looked. In the books, it was specifically because she was blonde, and blondes were seen as dumb.
Well, that stereotype is much less common today, and most blondes aren’t really looked down upon. But you know who is? People of color. Especially young black girls. Leah’s Annabeth will still have to deal with prejudice because of how she looks.
Annabeth’s key trait wasn’t her hair color, it was how she proved to be the best despite how others judged her. It just so happens that her skin color is now what causes her to be judged.
I think Leah is perfect to play Annabeth in today’s world. Just how young blonde girls used to be empowered by book Annabeth, I know Leah’s Annabeth will teach young black girls that they can be everything she is.
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