anastasia-orlov · 2 months
I don't know how to explain but one thing I'll always love about Nesta is her accomplishments and how she's seen in the eyes of canon vs how they genuinely don't register to her (like not in a humble way she genuinely just never thinks about)
like she's able to circumvent a high lords glamour through pure strength of will
she then treks on a 4 day round trip through wolf country in the dead of winter to go get her sister back, simply because it wasn't right she was taken when the family has only benefitted from that
this leads into ACOMAF where Feyre thinks about asking Rhysand if he can force Nesta's hand if she doesn't agree to host (daemati powers) and then questions if he could even do it to Nesta
We've got literal gods talking about some Nesta "you're the one the wind whispered about" in ACOWAR
her having the King off Hybern scared as a human simply because she pointed a finger at him
Then there's the king slaying obviously
Then at some point between ACOFAS & ACOSF she manages to deal with her terror of bathtubs through pure exposure therapy and no outside help
Then there's the weapons she made
Not being able to be contained by Rhys at the height of her power (+ him admitting that she scares)
Kelpie slaying, dread trove, pure death etc.
Then there's the mother imbuing her power into Nesta's friendship bracelets? This one was genuinely crazy
Her managing those 10,000 steps that were difficult for even the bat boys on nothing but strong thighs and spite!
This is one I hate but the IC just throwing her at any single man (Helion & Eris) in Pyrthian to get what they want and it working
Holding the pass for Gwyn & Em, murdering Briallyn, stopping time, making a deal with a soup pot, having a one on one with the mother and saving Nyx, Feyre and Rhys in one morning
Then HOFAS she's calling up the dread trove through universes and slaying the wyrm, getting Gwydion and going down as saviour of another universe
This entire moment>>>>>> "Rhys nodded without looking at the warrior, and focused all his fury on Nesta. To her credit, the female stood stiff-backed, chin high. Imperious and unbending. Ember couldn't help but admire her.
Rhysand’s violet-blue eyes guttered into pure darkness at the challenge in Nesta’s expression, her stance. A predator recognizing a worthy opponent—and unsheathing its talons. His hands curled at his sides, as if invisible claws were forming."
Then we get into Nesta's pov and her only desires are to go home to her man, hang out with Emerie & Gwyn, get her hands on a pegasus, read smutty books and eat chocolate cake 😭
I may not like how her story went but I'll always appreciate that this part of her stayed the same
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anastasia-orlov · 2 months
the arguments i have with nesta antis saying “nesta saving feyre’s life was the least she could do.” 💀 no, the least she could do was apologize but she went above and BEYOND and saved her, her mate, and her kid’s life. the ignorance of some people in this fandom i swear.
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anastasia-orlov · 2 months
My comfort character is Nesta Archeron (she has never known a day of comfort)
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anastasia-orlov · 2 months
Tiktok kinda hates me, in the last two days I got so many anti Nesta on my FYP.
And seeing at least few of them till the end got me in to thinking.
What are reasons that I love her so, so much. Like seriously people she is my “roman empire” and she is not even real. And I came to this conclusion.
Nesta might be not a “good” person in the sense of how you portray heroes in the media as a whole.
But she is without doubt the most interesting and best written character in the whole series. At least in my opinion.
There are characters who are likable or a few of them were interesting for a period of time but somehow they lost their emotions and personality along the way. They became somehow empty and hollow. And at least me myself lost the connection to them, lost the ability to feel for them.
Nesta is through the whole series someone who brings strong emotions out of me and to the story itself be it negative or positive.
She is someone who brings conflict and realness. And that I find most refreshing is. She is someone who self-reflects her own persona and one of the few characters who actually feel remorse. Her wrongdoings aren’t romanticized, there isn’t some pretty excuse for it. She did wrong things because she did wrong things, just like that.
She is gray not as “morally grey” but gray like a real human being. If you think about it we as humans are all somewhere in the gray area. I think not one of us sees himself or herself as just bad or evil person. We all have reasons for the things we do.
And Nesta is a perfect character to show that.
And I am sorry but even-though she is a real bitch sometimes and even tough she is absolutely not the perfect “good” person for me she is the only, reason I stayed with this series as long as I did. Like seriously THE ONLY reason.
I love her because she is the most interest in most captivating and the best written character. That’s it, that’s the reason.
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anastasia-orlov · 2 months
Nesta Archeron is for those of us with complex PTSD.
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anastasia-orlov · 2 months
the intrinsic yearning to just meet up with Nesta at the seediest tavern and be notorious for as long as we please, dancing and drinking and flirting and living down our reputations just chasing the wild night.
Nesta Archeron, u will always be the realist, rawest bitch that ever lived, i love you bby. At your worst, you were still my best.
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anastasia-orlov · 5 months
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They're really going to make me watch this show, aren't they? 😭
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anastasia-orlov · 5 months
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The Valkyries
Artist: gonzais_
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anastasia-orlov · 5 months
I realized something just now, Nesta Archeron is Doctor Who. 😂😂
House is the TARDIS, bigger on the inside, is able to comunicate telepathically and being alive.
Nesta herself is able to travel between Dimensions/Universes.
That’s my new theory.
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anastasia-orlov · 5 months
why do I see people complaining left and right aboout them cutting sokkas sexism arc but not about them completely cutting sokka out of the jet arc??? which in my humble opinion was much more important to sokkas character development overall and as a leader. sokka being the only one not blindly believing jet and his heroic act and instead trusting his instinct and revealing jets twisted morals and cruel plan that could have led to the death of a whole village full of innocent people??? no one???
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anastasia-orlov · 6 months
"But Nesta was mean!" Good for her. I think she should've been meaner actually. If you're 500+ years old and you can't handle a 20 or so year-old formerly human woman snapping back at you then you're just a loser.
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anastasia-orlov · 6 months
You know what's interesting to me? How many people seem to think that Iroh owed Azula what he gave to Zuko. As if he could have stopped Azula's spiral somehow. Azula had been out of reach of everyone since she was a very young child, and she embraced it! She was Ozai's favorite, and she was proud of that. The tragedy of Azula isn't just that she was a victim of Ozai's golden-childism, it was also that her own hubris didn't let her see that the way she operated was a problem. Zuko's saving grace, aside from being rejected by Ozai, was his natural capacity for empathy. Something that Azula didn't have (which, btw, was not necessarily a fault. A lot of people aren't born naturally empathetic. It's something many people have to learn, but Azula never even tried to learn).
With Zuko, Iroh had something to work with. Despite his anger and hardheadedness, Zuko's nature wasn't to be ruthless. Yes, Iroh was a protective, guiding presence when Zuko needed it, but the foundation was already there. Still, had Ozai decided to keep his son at his side and raise him like he raised Azula, there is little Iroh would've been able to do for either of them. Not only was Ozai their father, he was also the most powerful man in the nation. There was no getting CPS involved. There was no calling Ozai out for his abuse and favoritism. The best Iroh could've done was stay close and tried to do what he could to counteract Ozai's influence. Which, to be clear, would've probably been even less than Ursa was able to. He couldn't even stop Ozai from burning Zuko, and had he not been banished, Ozai probably would've killed him eventually. The only reason Iroh was able to help Zuko was because Ozai had thrown him away.
Another thing is that Zuko made different choices than his sister. Azula's choices are what take her from an abuse victim who needed saving to a villain whose tragic backstory won't stop her from deep frying anyone who stands in her way. One of the biggest criticisms I see of Iroh was that he said that Azula was "crazy and needed to go down", forgetting the context that she had just nearly succeeded in killing him, and that she had tried to kill Zuko just a few episodes earlier. Iroh wasn't there when she threatened her crew with death if they didn't sail their ship through dangerous waters, but the audience saw and did have that context when Iroh said that. If there was ever a chance for Azula to change, it would have to begin with her wanting to change. She had people she could've practiced empathy with. She had people who would've loved her if she gave them half a chance. She had people she could've practiced empathy with. No, she didn't choose to be Ozai's golden child, and she wasn't in any way responsible for his abuse, but she was responsible for how she treated others. Iroh had no chance of helping her because she didn't want it.
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anastasia-orlov · 6 months
A very angry and hot take
I don't care what the fandom thinks, but I've never felt sorry for Azula. And it's not because I consider her a psychopath or a monster from birth. I know that she was also a victim of abuse and an ABUSER. I keep in mind that she is also a victim but... You know what? She disgusts me. I think she deserved everything she got and even more. None of the people she hurt owes her anything. Do you even know how disgusting it sounds when you want a victim to help their abuser? I'd rather the characters that Azula hurt sent her the fuck away and didn't even dare to think about helping her. Because the victim should not help his abuser in any case, especially when the abuser does not change and continues to cause pain. It's probably great to hate Mei and Tai Lee for not allowing themselves to be manipulated and intimidated anymore. They betrayed poor Azula! Ugh. Bad, bad Ursa for punishing Azula because she treats her brother terribly! Nasty, bad Zuko! He did not try to earn the love of his father and only whined to his mother! He should realize how hard Azula worked and suffered! Why didn't he save Azula from their evil mother? I hate to see it. I never loved Azula, and by and large I didn't care about her. But her stans are real apologists for abuse who say immoral things. All they want to do is blame anyone but Azula. The poor girl is not responsible for her actions she's only fourteen! It's not a friendly reminder at all, all the characters here are children. During her mental breakdown, I was even angry that the creators wanted to make me sympathize with her. Her character and actions are disgusting and I don't feel a bit sorry for her. I repeat that I know that she is a victim and she was manipulated, but this should not justify her. I'm sorry, I can't force myself to sympathize with assholes. And I don't have to. Imagine a person might not like a villainous character. A woman can also be a villain. It's very convenient to call people who don't like such characters misogynists and abelists, because then it seems that the problem is with someone else, and not that you are an apologist for abuse. I know that I will also be accused of misogyny or something else, but I do not take into account the opinion of people like most of the Azula stans.
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anastasia-orlov · 2 years
The scene where Cassian and Nesta walk along the Sidra and they have the arguement, and Cassian uses the Shackled in reference to their Mating Bond: we get two very different responses to the initial reaction.
Nesta, so used to verbally destroying people, realises that she could shatter Cassian with her words right then and there but chooses instead to call in her Bargain. She wants to be left alone to sort through how she feels about what he said and how she can move forward knowing he said it. She wants to be left alone until she's ready or a week has passed. She knows, on some level, that he wouldn't leave her alone, so she forces him to. Showing a level of maturity she hadn't show before.
Cassian, already depicted as major dick, waits out the night then uses a loophole in Nestas Bargain to go see her. The fact that he needed to use a LOOPHOLE says he cannot accept the terms that were laid down, he doesn't respect them. He doesn't respect her boundaries or her choice to be left alone while she sorts through his words, so she can maturely respond and react.
This scene both shows the character growth Nesta was forced to have because of how poorly everyone responds every time she reacts to the energy around her, and the final tipping point of Cassians character regression.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk
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anastasia-orlov · 2 years
I don’t care what you all have to say. The Archeron sisters are for the girls that are constantly judged for making any sort of decision from a very young age. The Archeron sisters are for the girls who were shamed by family and friends for their interests and hobbies because they’re feminine and associated with weakness. The Archeron sisters are for the girls who were emotionally neglected by their family to the point where they don’t know how to interact with others or comfort their friends when they need it. The Archeron sisters are for the girls who are misunderstood and hated on for being who they are. The Archeron sisters are a safe space for the girls who were “too much drama or were too opinionated” when they were younger
It’s me
I’m an Archeron sister!!!!!!
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anastasia-orlov · 2 years
Nesta is for all those who were abused as children and struggle with self-worth, depression, and suicidal tendencies.
Nesta is for all those shunned from society because they're misunderstood.
Nesta is for all those struggling to just make it through the day.
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anastasia-orlov · 2 years
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