anathemagus-blog · 9 years
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Booty booty booty booty, Rockin everywhere!
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anathemagus-blog · 9 years
littlewxtch said: ooc: Obvsly it’s your milkshakes
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anathemagus-blog · 9 years
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Best of Kai - 28 / ∞
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anathemagus-blog · 9 years
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It baffles me that my activity on here is very limited and borderline nonexistent and I still manage to get an abundance of followers. I really don’t understand what’s happening? How or where you people manage to find me? When all I’ve done is casually collect dust over here. Regardless, thanks? It amuses me greatly. 
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anathemagus-blog · 10 years
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poor puppy puking
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anathemagus-blog · 10 years
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anathemagus-blog · 10 years
Me, our coven, and the prison worlds thank you.
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anathemagus-blog · 10 years
'Oh my god, what is that? Is that contagious? You know what, you should probably just get out.'
       Cue his newly UNEXPLAINABLE, and INTERMINABLE        desire to   s p e w   up whatever resided  internally.
       “Aren’t you… a doctor? Fix me and I assure you I won’t         use that shiny utensil over there to   GAUGE   out your         eyeballs from their sockets.”
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anathemagus-blog · 10 years
'You seriously need to find something better than a baseball bat.'
     ” Yes well, tell me if you spot something else  around  in the         next 5 seconds that’ll touch down and be just as effective.          I’d use my hands if I could. I do opt for a more clean cut,         buuuut, unfortunately, my juice? It’s running low.” 
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anathemagus-blog · 10 years
[#littlewxtch] 'You know, sometimes I really begin to question this "friendship."'
           ” Insulting, BONBON.              And here I’d thought we were finally making progress.” 
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anathemagus-blog · 10 years
teen wolf sentence meme;;
'We're supposed to take care of each other.'
'You seriously need to find something better than a baseball bat.'
'Something's happening. I got this sudden rushing feeling, like we're running out of time.'
'I love you. I'm proud of you. I'm proud of us.'
'Are you willing to die for him?'
'Well, I shouldn't say I told you so, 'cause it's not strong enough. How about, I'm always right, and you should listen to whatever I have to say, and never disagree. Ever.'
'Mom would have believed me.'
'We're just a bunch of teenagers. We can't handle this.'
'You know, sometimes I really begin to question this "friendship."'
'Why's it starting to feel like you're Batman and I'm Robin? I don't wanna be Robin all the time!'
'We’re here to save a life, not end one.'
'Is it me or is this place getting smaller?'
'Yeah, I go through your stuff. Especially when you keep things from me.'
'Killing doesn't run in a family.'
'I want you to be honest with me. Totally and completely honest. Have you been time traveling?'
'I hate ninjas.'
'When are you people gonna start trusting me?'
'Why are you looking at me like this is my fault?'
'You're supposed to be dead.'
'You're coming back, right?'
'I could beat you unconscious and wake you when it's over.'
'Oh my god, what is that? Is that contagious? You know what, you should probably just get out.'
'I'm gonna rip your throat out. With my teeth.'
'How about this? Either you cut off my arm, or I'm gonna cut off your head.'
'We need each other. Sometimes when you need help, you turn to people you'd never expect.'
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anathemagus-blog · 10 years
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AU: Kai and Katherine meet for the first time.
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anathemagus-blog · 10 years
KHC: Liv, Luke and Jo
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If by hug, you mean  strangle  from behind …  Definitely Liv. 
Fun fact, ok right? You see.. Jo and I used to cuddle as kids. Embarrassing, I know. Not saying I’d be into it now. Actually, I’d love to carve out her heart with my hands but ya know.
Of course that then leaves  Luke  who  lucky for me  I wouldn’t have to kiss bc thanks to me and my impeccablestrength I won and he’s dead.  Too insensitive? My bad.
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anathemagus-blog · 10 years
How does it feel to feel, Kai?
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For starters ..  it’s weird and then annoying and also really inconvenient. To sum it up? I despise it.
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anathemagus-blog · 10 years
               The wafting scent of early morning bacon cued                 him to the possibility that Stefan was indulging                 in a rare breakfast.    And he had ambled down                 with intentions of stealing a slice, only to direct                 his gaze upward at the stomach churning sight.
                “Unfortunately, a lock hasn’t been invented for                  obnoxious little shits; that would’ve saved us                  plenty of trouble for years now.” 
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              “I’ll pass,” he responded, grabbing a cup of coffee,                   keeping a fixated eye upon the little shit seated at                   his coffee table, in his house.     “So what? Please,                   don’t tell me you miss my company already. I’m not                   sure if I can handle an early morning confession.”
He chewed on the delicious concoction in a   nettlesome manner, opting to get back at Damon for  all  the times he had to listen as he and Bonnie bickered over trivial things. There was  no offense  to be  taken  in the  label  he were awarded. An obnoxious little shit was  precisely  what he were going for, anyway.               "Huh. How unfortunate for you. Guess that means,                you’ll have to get used to all the surprise visits." Upon disposing of his breakfast’s last bite, Kai wiped his mouth with the table cloth. Damn manners. He  r e a l l y needed to work on that.               "Good call, by the way. I hadn’t intended to share.                Ya snooze, ya lose." Rising from his seat, Kai progressed from one spot of the kitchen to another.  Thus, his short journey led him to the sink where he rudely dumped his dishes, not bothering to rinse, or wash.
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               "Actually, I’m here because I missed this house.                 HA!   No, who am I kidding?  I mean it is   b i g                 and spacious and you know…   eerily  familiar                 and not in a deja-vu sort of way  but like...     it                 carries it’s own sort of mysteries, you know?                 Yeah.. well, whatever...point is,  I sort of need a                 favor. Oh and hey   —   Where’s  this  infamous                 brother of yours that I've heard you and Bonnie                 talk so much about?  You can't blame me for being                 a little curious.    Of course,  I do hope he’s not                 nearly as pitiful as you are. Would hate to hear                 that runs in the family.”
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anathemagus-blog · 10 years
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anathemagus-blog · 10 years
Was he serious?  She couldn’t risk it, not if there was a chance for Bonnie, but she didn’t want to grovel either.
         ”Did I hurt your feelings?  Please tell me did           your daddy make you eat coconut and now           you are forever haunted.”
Not helping.  Why did the bad guys always have to have the key to e v e r y t h i n g?
         ”I don’t care if you want to help me.  I don’t like           you either.  But help Bonnie.  She’s the reason           you are here in the first place.  You o w e her.”
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Was she dense? What part of being a   psychopath  did she not understand? Feelings ; weren't really his thing. And quite frankly, he didn't possess the  capacity one often  needed  in order to have them. He lacked proper       e m p a t h y.
               Wasn't she practicing to become a doctor? Just like his                dear, ol' twin sister Josette?     Shouldn't she  recognize                these patterns?
"Now, I see why Damon has such a  powerful  interest in you. You probably help boast his   self-esteem  because  standing next to you, he appears so much smarter.         Sort of."
                Yes, he went there. -- He just insulted her intelligence.                 And then, waited a few minutes to see whether or not                 she even noticed. 
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"Ughh -- Don't make me spell it out for you. The truth is Elena, you couldn't wound me even if you tried.   In case you haven't caught on yet -- and clearly you haven't -- I don't really  f e e l things. Not in the way that you folks obviously do. Which, may I add, must totally suck. I can't  IMAGINE   what it's like to be consumed by my emotions day in and day out.  It sounds not only sickening but dreadful.
                 Anyway... I'd say you're wrong.    On account of, me                  not recalling Bonnie having that much to do with my                  return to the  homelands.    In fact,  the last thing   I                  remember was.. her refusing to help me get out and                  therefore, I had to take matters into my  own  hands.                  Of course  yeah,  without her  blood  I    probably  ...                  wouldn't be sitting here right now having this  joyful                                           {Sarcasm intended}                  conversation with you. But still. Facts are facts."
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