anatomical-lung · 1 year
The voice blared throughout the stage's speakers. It was obvious to which one was on the microphone with that enthusiastic voice of his, it could be no other than the host himself….
“CHARLEY CHADWICK!” Charley shouted, causing a slight ring in the microphone, it was quite clear that Ulysses was already getting ticked off by his voice.
In fact, it was so clear that Ulysses hadn’t even been in the room at the time, every contestant, judge, and possibly some viewers could tell.
“And where might Ulysses have been?” You may ask, well, allow me to assist you!
Round One, TVS S67
(Saskia’s entry)
Ulysses was managing to lean against a post right next to the “POCKET DIMENSION 7.6” door, with a little sticky note saying “NOIR” at the bottom, with a little handwritten smiley face on it.
He was waiting on Saskia, someone who took a long time in rooms for a simple reason; he was curious. Sometimes curiosity kills the cat, and sometimes that cat is Ulysses' mood, he probably would've just yelled at Saskia by now if he hadn't heard a creak of a door.
Saskia bursted out of the door and howled in an unintentionally exasperating and thunderous tone “IIIIIIII’MMMMM READY!”
Ulysses just looked more irate than before. Charley’s voice blasting from speakers muffled by the walls topped off with this peabrain’s idiotic and loud remarks were enough to enrage him. He needed to get RID of Saskia at least, and that's exactly what he was assigned to do.
He hadn’t bothered making small talk to Saskia, or anyone for that matter, he just opened the aforementioned door he was near and shoved the virus through it, slamming it behind it.
“O-Oh! Okay bye!” Saskia waved to the already closed door behind him.
Saskia was observing his surroundings, seeming absolutely thrilled with the bland colors and boring buildings of an average Noir setup. He was tempted to explore, he just had one problem, the only thing he knew had caused a problem here.
He had not been given a clear prompt.
He had been observing the other contestants' rounds. Some were interesting, and some he didn’t like watching, but in a lot of the rounds there had been some sort of prompt given out by Charley, or someone else. But here he had nothing.
Saskia looked down on the floor, putting a finger up to his face. He was in deep thought right now, trying to recall an incident where someone wasn't given a direct prompt.
“No prompt….What would a smart person do….Hmmnn..I actually don't know….Maybe they would do the thing they always do..which I also don’t know what that is…How about…” Saskia kept rambling to himself, it was loud enough for at least someone around the corner could hear. It was that loud Saskia had not realized someone approaching from behind, even with the loud heels that the pursuiter was wearing clicking against the ground
“Would a….”
“No they wouldn’t..”
The person had made their way over to Saskia, and had tapped him on his shoulder, making Saskia let out a surprisingly soft ‘eep’ sound as he turned around.
This person, who we could only assume was a woman, was dressed up in a tailcoat, blouse, and some tight black jeggings, topped off with some red heels and a sun-hat.
“Welcome, Welcome, a newcomer, I know you, everyone does!”
Saskia stared for a second, even for being a rando who approaches strangers himself to say hi, this felt weird, but he brightened up within seconds.
“Hihihi!!!” Saskia shook and flapped his arms a little bit, it was clear he was super excited about this, this had been the first time someone had approached him willingly that he didn't know “I’m Saskia, your name is?!?” He reached out to shake the woman's hand, but she pulled her hand away quickly. She seemed disgusted but disguised that feeling within seconds, showing a pearly smile again “I’m aware of your name, mine is not important, I only have a question, do you like doing favors, Saskia?”
“Oh, a favor! Mhm, they remind me of this guy I'm really close too cause he was the nicest person eevvveer an-'' The lady made a shooing motion with her hands and rolled her eyes, she look bored “Yeah, okay, I get it.” She started to grin again, her tone going from a mumbled annoyance to an enthusiastic glee “Yeah, Do you mind doing a favor for me?”
Saskia nodded and clenched his fists excitedly “Yeah Yeah Yeah! I'll do it! Tell me what it is! PLLEEEAASSSEEE!?”
The lady squinted her eyes “Jeez…Maybe put your guard up a little, you’d be really easy to manipulate.” She laughed and shook her head, putting her hand on her hip and motioning Saskia to follow her “C’mon, weirdo.”
He just stood there for a second, trying to comprehend what she was talking about, but after a few seconds he caught up with her, mimicking her pace in walking. “Hey! Hey! Hey! is there anything you know about this place and where we're going?” He continued to frantically look around and ask more questions. The woman clearly seemed annoyed and uncomfy by Saskia’s enthusiastic manner and how he seemed to be so thrilled by helping a stranger, but she just decided that if she didn't respond, he would eventually wound up tired of talking.
“Hellllooo! Are you there! Do you know where we are!?”
“Do you know who you are!?”
“Are you real!?”
The silence of the lady had been nerve racking to Saskia. She was dead silent; he didn’t know what had happened to her. In fact, the only thing that filled the streets was his voice and the soft whirring of wind. This place lacked life, life was absent here.
He eventually decided to shut up, he knew he wasn’t gonna get a response, and how others had told him his voice was annoying. Apparently the wind had been the best choice of background noise.
Saskia put his head down and continued walking, staring down at the streets and counting each line he saw. He was lost in his own mind doing that.
He suddenly looked around and snapped out of it as he heard a booing laughter coming from in front of him, it had been the lady he was following.
Saskia looked up, the view above him had shown a giant building, seeming to be built like an office, actually, it probably was an office.
The woman ran up to the building and opened an electric box that was behind an ID panel next to the door. She started to sort and mess around with the wires and microcards. Saskia ruffled his own hair and the next thing he knew, the woman put two hands out to showcase the door, which had been opened by her frolicking.
“After you!” She proposed, and Saskia did exactly that while giving a thumbs up. The lady seemed annoyed, like a plan of hers had just failed, and it was all Saskia’s fault. Oh well, at least they were in!
The lady walked into the building after Saskia, and led him up to a room on the 15th floor.
The room was dark, filled with wires on the ground, powerboxes, servers and other electrical devices around, there was nothing else there.
The lady had opened her mouth to propose an idea, but before she could say anything. There was stepping coming from in the hallway that had led them here.
She grabbed Saskia by the hair and shoved him behind one of the bigger servers.
Instead of the voice she usually had, strict and mediocre, her voice has dropped down to being gentle and quiet.
“Alright. Ya see that wire over there?” She pointed over to a wire that had been broken, and the insides were exposed “The powerbox that had kept that wire in its system, it was shut down and taped away for prevention of tampering. I know viruses are known for infecting, I want you to turn it on, and then come back once you do that.”
Saskia nodded and sat down on the ground, starting to do exactly that.
She did nothing other than get a flask of water out of her pocket.
He seemed to have finished turning it on, as he got back up and the wire was sparking.
“Perfect.” She let out a soft laugh, putting a hand on her hip as she shifted and held out the water vessel, the cork now off. “For good measure, just pour this over the open wire.”
Saskia nodded once again and snatched the flask out of her hand, his touch leaving a slight shock on her hand.
The woman put her hand over her mouth and laughed as she watched him approach the wire “Jeez…I’m a genius..”
He bent down and poured the water, just like how he was instructed.
There was a lot, and the whole time Saskia was watching the soft, glowy, flow of the water. It intrigued him, to the point that he hadn’t watched the angle the glass vile was poured in, allowing some water to seep through the cracks that kept his wrist together.
He felt that weird spark in his arm and panicked, dropping the vile and allowing it to shatter in front of him and the woman's eyes, the glow from the window highlighting the glass in the dark area.
She saw him panic and instantly gripped onto his hair and dragged him back to behind the servers. She angrily grit her teeth and retorted “That will do, ya shitbag of a being.” Saskia giggled happily in response “So I did it?!”
“Yes, now you can go.” She growled, walking him to the door before shoving him out “Goodbye.”
Saskia sat outside of the door as it closed, and he chuckled once again, waving back at the door “Bye!”
In the depths of the boring, monotone city, there had been a newcomer, The one that anyone had barely known about, Kiku.
There was no reason why they weren’t known, or being interacted with, especially as they were in the more bustling parts of the city.
Oh well, guess we’ll never know.
In the meanwhile they were hiding behind a planter, which was possible due to their height of 4 '10, what were they hiding from? A fight, a fight that had literally nothing to do with them.
They had been shakily listening in, hiding.
“You loved him, and how could you KILL HIM?!” One yelled, before the other quickly snapped back,
“I-I could never! You know I have a major fear of elec-electrocution!”
“That had ALWAYS BEEN A LIE!?”
“No it isn't!”
Kiku frantically looked around, it’d be best for them to escape before this escalated, or if they got involved. So they looked around for any power lines to make sure they were in an acceptable place, and flew up and into an open building window, crawling through it.
Once they were in, they instantly fell face first onto the ground, sounding a loud thump on the ground. They laid there for a second before hearing something from above them
They instantly put their head up, their face looking worried, just to see a familiar foe from the mainplace, Saskia.
“Oh Kiku! I know you! Do you know how to get out of here, I've been walking out here for…uhm..two hours..I think?”
They just stared.
“I helped someone here, and then a few hours later, there was a crime investigation! Except there are barely any…blue people? Just people sulking!”
“They are still there! You can watch it!”
And before a response, Saskia had dragged Kiku over to where he had described.
Only a minute or two had passed before they’d found the room, the same room where Saskia had cut the wire.
There it was, some elderly guy laid out on the floor. With no signs of consciousness, or life at all for that matter.
Within seconds Kiku had reacted like how everyone else in the crowd that surrounded the body did, they felt sick to their stomach.
Almost instantly Kiku tried running away, but Saskia just grabbed them by the shirt collar and dragged them back.
Kiku was using a hand to cover their eye, as Saskia just silently observed from afar.
Finally, Kiku fretted “Sas-Saskia..? Why would yo-you drag someone over to a corpse…”
“You wanted to!” Saskia replied with a beam, he’d probably have a smile right now if he had the ability to move his face.
“No I didn’t…You didn’t even let me respond…” They shuddered, their voice raising slightly…but that had brought some attention over.
One of the cops were staring at them, and that led the attention of the whole crowd over to the two.
The cop pointed and scowled “You two!”
Kiku’s eyes widened, they took that as a sign of something bad. They quickly skittered over and hid behind Saskia, possible due to the height differences.
“You two were the ones that only just recently came ‘ere! We’ve been told you two ar’ detectives by the city's gossip!”
Saskia raised an eyebrow and shook his head “Detective? Like those guys that…uhh..I dunno..” Kiku tugged Saskia’s tailcoat and then whispered something, in which Saskia giggled “Oh! Solve crimes!”
“You two were sent over here due’ to the lack of detectives and string o’ crimes…were counting on you to figure out this murder to. Our lives are on the line. Well, you’re the case solvers now.” The cop shoved a file packed with only 2 papers onto Saskia’s chest and waited until he had his grip before pulling away “This is everything we’ve got so far. Now shoo and do your jobs!”
Saskia seemed grateful for the idea, and Kiku was too scared to reply to any of these rumors, the idea wasn’t true, not one of them were detectives, but it seemed one was willing to do the job, and that led both of them here.
Oh well, they had to figure out a big problem now.
They had been led into an office that resided within another building, more specifically, an abandoned sector within the county's local sheriff office.
It had been long abandoned since the last assumed detective, who had sworn to stay a detective, went ‘missing’. At least that's what the colleagues in the sheriff department told society.
Well, now it had been no longer abandoned due to the presence of the two, just unrepaired and musty now.
Saskia sat on the chair that went to the worktable, as Kiku stood beside him, leering over him.
Their hand was on the table, hovering over a word as Saskia kept stuttering. He had been trying to pronounce the words, sounding each syllable out as if he was just learning while Kiku tried to help
“‘So ummm, There has been an A-Saas-Sin-Ation… Assassination? Of.. Kiku the names are blocked out, I don’t know what that says. It's literally just darkness, I can't read that.”
This had been going on for a good 20 minutes, and it was clear Kiku had to resort to the last thing they wanted to do. Speak up.
“Hey Saskia, I can just read it…” They inquired, their tone soft and shy.
He seemed like he didn't like the idea, but he knew it may be best, so he handed over the paper and files.
Kiku raised their voice again, though it was still gentle and oddly wispy “There had been a reported assassination of…blacked out.. Who had supposedly died of an electrocution from the Minimally Invasive Autopsy that they had performed on scene.” They inhaled deeply before continuing “The clues were minimal, the murderer might’ve been wearing gloves as there were almost no fingerprints around any of the quote on quote weapons.” and they just ended there. Passing the files back over to Saskia, in which he just stared at them.
“So..Uh…Do we go back to where we were earlier?” He asked, in which Kiku just nodded in response.
Saskia and Kiku had walked out of the facility, about to head back to the scene. The only problem is that someone had caught their eyes. Actually, it was multiple people.
Outside the sheriff's office there had been a bar to the left, and it sounded as if there had been a lot of commotion about it.
Kiku had suddenly stopped and Saskia looked towards them, a little confused about why they had stopped “Kiku? Why did you st-” but they just waved their hand as if in order to silence them, and he dropped dead silent.
“It's gonna be a shame without him around anymore, that's for sure….” One voice spoke, the other talked back
“Truly, He was a great inspiration.”
They turned back to him and requested “They are talking something about the v-victim I think. Can you just go in there and l-listen in…”
Saskia giggled and nodded “Do you wanna come with!?”
“No..thank you..” They turned their head away as Saskia walked into the bar.
Saskia slammed the bar door open and looked around. Everyone in that bar cut off their conversations, including the one about the recent death that he was there to find out if he could dig anything out of it.
He seemed to chuckle and wave before walking over to an empty table, and so forth everyone continued their conversations, including the one that Saskia was instructed to listen in to.
He put his head down on the table and just listened….closely
It had been a group of people talking about the murder, a brunette woman with a scarf, a black haired guy, and a blonde woman.
There was no clue what they were discussing beforehand but soon after Saskia had started to pick up on their conversation
“Truly a shame…I know a few people that could be suspects though.” The man said, quickly to be met with a snapping response from the brunette “You think someone who has been a part of this community a while would KILL SOMEONE?! That’s bullshit! None of the current clues even have fingerprints, they couldn’t have been human.”
“They could’ve had gloves?” The blonde tilted her head and raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah, but if it were to be gloves, gloves would still leave a slight fingerprint, or there would be a reminiscence of gloves around here, there's no local incinerator and the day the garbage truck comes by in a few days. And the police stated that the murder happened somewhere between today or yesterday.” The black haired man sighed.
Saskia quickly decided to book it and get out of there, as there had been no other evidence that had been taboo to a point that it couldn't be reported by an autopsy from his perspective.
So he quickly walked out out of the bar, and went back over to Kiku
Saskia got back out of the bar and looked back over to where he had left Kiku. Luckily, they were still there and hadn’t been kidnapped or anything, now he had to tell them the only evidence that he had gathered.
“Ok, so, you know…No fingerprints.”
“The murderer might’ve not been human!”
Saskia let out a soft giggle, and Kiku looked around before replying once more “You know, that means we would have to narrow it down to entities that don't have fingerprints usually. That means dragons, robots, some sorts of deities.. Actually not just robots, most likely anything electric, hence the electrocution..”
That's when it hit Saskia. He looked around, feeling awkward and conscious all of the sudden. “Mhm…So…Are we gonna go back to the scene?”
Kiku sighed and nodded, so they started walking.
Saskia was stumped, so many questions were running in his head. What if he was the one that had set in up with the red haired woman, he had no fingerprints, and the woman had barely touched anything, so it couldn’t be led back to her. And if He told them the truth, he would also be arrested.
Part D
And they arrived back at the scene, Saskia looking around frantically and nervously. He seemed to have something to do with this, and that terrified him. It could've been him, it must've! It was.
His brain was flooded with ideas, maybe he had just been imagining things? Maybe Kiku did this? But they are only thirteen, they couldn't be that smart!
Questions, they all overrided any other thoughts.
As Saskia worried about the worst case, yet possible scenario. Kiku was searching around where the body had been, it was now gone with an X marked where it had been. The crime cleaners had not arrived, so it was a perfect time to investigate.
He started mumbling his thoughts out of pure stress before he was quickly cut off by them.
"Saskia, why is there spare electricity in presence?"
And there it was, Kiku being able to detect electricity due to being able to float, and this time it wasn't cause Saskia was near.
"Uhhh...Was it me?" He inquired, tilting his head.
They shook their head in response and continued looking.
Part E
A few hours had passed, and only a few clues had been collected, there was a sense of all sorts of electricity not from Saskia, Kiku or the servers, but just an underlying sense of fresh electrical activity. But that's all that was gathered, and hell, they didn't even know if that was relevant, then there had been a few spots of unknown oil for whatsoever.
But Saskia clearly knew something that Kiku didn't.
"Can we go yet..?" Saskia let out a shaky whine, he was so nervous. But for what would it be if he was nervous of something?
"I don't see why not." Kiku sighed and started to head towards the door out of the server room while Saskia stayed there for a few minutes.
No fingerprints, No weapons, some odd electrical activity, and an unknown oil spot in specific places, this was, but if you thought hard enough. It is and was right in front of our eyes.
Kiku was long gone from the place. Now Saskia was alone. He had no other option but to frame.
Saskia quickly started to rummage through the room, trying to find something to frame Kiku with. That's when he found it. A white piece of fabric. Similar to Kiku's white blouse at the time of the death.
He frantically threw it around where the body was before sitting down behind another server.
He thought..and thought...and thought.
Until he zoned out.
Part F
It must've been hours until he woke up, cause he somehow zoned out to the point it could've been mistaken as him being asleep.
Saskia shook his head, realizing where he was. It wasn't the morning, possibly the afternoon and he was still here, in the server room.
The fabric was gone. Oh dear.
He went over to the door and exited it, alongside the whole building.
The streets. Empty.
Everywhere has no signs of human life. Only the flowers and bugs, something which Saskia was used to, but this felt too eerie for him.
That's when he saw it, against the street and his foot, there was a paper.
He bent over to pick it up, and it had been a. Picture of Kiku, over the caption of "ARRESTED"
Saskia knew what he did, and he got away with it.
He stared in despair, and started to shake and cry, something, far distant from his happy personality.
This was his fault.
He won for doing something bad.
That's when it happened, he was back on the stage within seconds, practically breaking down.
"WELCOOMMEE BACK!" Charley exclaimed ecstatically "WOW, YOU DID SOOOOOO WELL!"
Saskia would've loved it, but he just couldn't, at the time.
A cheap crappy SFX of clapping played, and Saskia just...sat there.
He was good in terms of rounds. But he felt bad.
END!!!! :)
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