“If you must look back, do so forgivingly. If you must look forward, do so prayerfully. However, the wisest thing you can do is be present in the present
— Maya Angelou (via perfectquote)
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James Baldwin, For Paula on her birthday, then ‘Some Days (for Paula)’ in 'Jimmy’s Blues: Selected Poems’, Michael Joseph, London, 1983 [Collection of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, Washington, D.C. © James Baldwin Estate]
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Renee Gladman
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Every morning, therefore, at about 9.30 after breakfast each of us, as if moved by a law of unquestioned nature, went off and ‘worked’ until lunch at one. It is surprising how much one can produce in a year, whether of buns or books or pots or pictures, if one works hard and professonially for three and a half hours every day for 330 days. That was why, despite her disabilities, Virginia was able to produce so very much.
Leonard Woolf (via austinkleon)
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Jan Schoonhoven, Untitled, 1964 [The Mayor Gallery, London]
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I am going through the interview season and I will have to choose between "happiness" and "fellowship opportunities." Is it okay to go to a seemingly toxic program just for better opportunities? It's just 3 years, right? Or a big no?
NO. Huge big NO.
“Just” 3 years is a long freaking time to be unhappy.
I felt like my life and emotions had completely unraveled within 6 months of starting my previous job. By 12 months I was ready to resign and by 18 months when I did leave I thought that each day I had to stay there was a week off my life. I absolutely do not believe that I could have made it through my 3 year contract without ending up in a psych hospital.
Do NOT sacrifice happiness for prestige.
When you’re unhappy and in a toxic work environment, your performance suffers. People around you notice and it affects your reviews and test scores. That also affects your ability to get fellowships. When you’re happy you do good work and attendings can truthfully say you were an excellent resident. It’s not all about scores and name-brand residency programs.
Find your people. Find a place where you can enjoy work. Obviously residency is going to be hard anywhere and you are going to have crappy weeks and months. But having people you like around you and having a supportive work environment absolutely makes those crappy months do-able.
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Charles Gaines, Black Panther (1966), 2008 [Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, CA]
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Mary Oliver, “Don’t Hesitate.”
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Fernando Pessoa, from “Oxfordshire”, A Little Larger Than the Entire Universe: Selected Poems
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just ate some strawberries, turns out life really is worth living
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going thru phone pics and found this thing that was tacked up next to the toaster at my old job, if anyone needs some light toast eating reading material
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ON EVERYDAY - 1. “Supper” by Garrison Keillor // (2)// (3) // 4. Bonfire Opera: Poems by Danusha LamĂ©ris (2020) // (5) // 6. “The Orange” by Wendy Cope // 8. “A Good Day” by Kait Rokowski // 9. Midnight Chicken & Other Recipes Worth Living For by Ella Risbridger (2019) //
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You had hardly described our meeting in Berlin when I was already dreaming of it
we weren’t walking arm in arm, admittedly, but we were closer to each other than when people are arm in arm. Oh God, it’s difficult to describe on paper my invention for not walking arm in arm, not being conspicuous, but still walking very close to you

But wait, I’ll draw it. Walking arm in arm is like this. But we were walking like this.
Franz Kafka, Letter to Felice Bauer, February 11th/12th, 1913
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Inge Mahn
Gewendelte Treppe (spiral staircase),1988 plaster over metal construction
via: maxhetzler.com
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Antonio Maluf, Equação dos desenvolvimentos com cĂ­rculos, 1951 [Bibl.: Antonio Maluf: ‘ConstruçÔes de uma Equação’, Curated by FĂĄbio MagalhĂŁes, Galeria Frente, SĂŁo Paulo, 2016, p. 30 (pdf here, issuu here)]
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Moldy Fruit Sculptures Formed From Precious Gemstones Challenge Perceptions of Decoration and Decay
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Not everyone you lose is a loss.
Unknown (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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