anchorartspace · 11 years
July 5 – 28   
Nancy Johnson, Scott Kolbo, Ben Moreau, Tip Toland    
The work in this show is done by four artists using very different media, but who all use themselves as subject.  But these are not self-portraits in the traditional sense.   In this work, personal identity is submerged and larger themes explored. Curated by Natalie Niblack 
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anchorartspace · 11 years
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June 16, 1-5pm
"Drawing the Air" with Margaret Davidson.
Find out more about this workshop opportunity on our website: HERE
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anchorartspace · 11 years
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"the harmony of silence", curated by Jasmine Valandani
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anchorartspace · 11 years
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Timea Tihanyi, "That which moves another and is moved by another, in ceasing to move ceases also to live...", porcelain, plaster, polystyrene, 2013
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anchorartspace · 11 years
May 3 - June 16
Reception May 3, 6-9pm
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anchorartspace · 11 years
Artist Trust and Anchor welcome new MONA Director. April 25th. 5-7pm.
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anchorartspace · 11 years
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Portrait Busts with Sue Roberts, $50
Saturday, April 27th, 1-5pm
This 4 hour hands on workshop is for beginning and experienced artists. Sue will demonstrate building a 10″ portrait bust out of clay using slab and coil techniques. She will guide students in creating their own portrait using gesture and facial expression to tell a story through their own personal and cultural experiences.
Completed sculptures will be bisque fired and ready to be picked up at Anchor two weeks after the workshop.
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anchorartspace · 11 years
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CD ART RELEASE!  You don't have to be an artist to make great art. Put your ideas in, on or around a CD case in any media.  Return the finished cases with your name and title by 5pm on April 12 to Anchor Art Space. Every case turned in will be part of a week long exhibition and on April 20th will be sold with all proceeds going to support more great programming at Anchor!
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anchorartspace · 12 years
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Standing room only at NIkki McClure's book talk and signing.
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anchorartspace · 12 years
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Saturday, April 6, 1-5pm – Free Mini-Comic Workshop for Girls (age 8-16) with Geneviève Castrée
Anchor Art space, 216 Commercial Ave, Anacortes, Wa 98221
In one afternoon, young artists will be encouraged to make a small book featuring their own original story. Tips on how to come up with ideas and inspire storytelling will be given. There will also be information on how to reproduce these books so they can be shared with friends and family.
Geneviève Castrée is a professional cartoonist/illustrator born in Québec City currently living in Anacortes. Her work has been published in several languages and displayed across Europe, North America, Australia and Japan. Geneviève firmly believes that art is not that hard to make and that anyone can do it. She hopes to encourage young creative minds.
For more information, visit www.anchorartsspace.org 
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anchorartspace · 12 years
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Detail of Nadia Moss, Untitled, dirt and ink on paper, 2012.
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anchorartspace · 12 years
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"Ours" March 1 - April 14
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anchorartspace · 12 years
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Ghosts Artists Talk is February 24 at 2pm.  
Mark your calendar!
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anchorartspace · 12 years
GHOSTS focuses less on the traditional icons of haunting, and instead explores the reason we see ghosts and the strength of memory.  Particularly, memories that become so strong that they deeply imprint on our unconscious.  Experiencing a particular smell or sound and being transported, even just for a moment, to a completely different time and place. Walking into a room, seeing your grandfather sitting in his favorite chair, and the next second he is gone.  Did you really see him?  Does it matter?  
In a way, ghosts and memories are fantasies.  We can escape to them and become the best versions of ourselves. They can be edited to make winters colder, oceans bluer, and jokes funnier. The desire to retain and venerate our memories is something at once both extremely personal and universal. 
Bill Finger’s highly contrasted photos of forlorn landscapes are in actuality intimate displays, dioramas made predominately of dollhouse props.  By using dollhouse props, the artist brings us back to the world of our youth and to familiar, yet anonymous places.
The subtly in Joe Rudko’s nameless, faceless figures can belong to anyone at any time.  Their idyllic quality speaks to a universality of experience that if we can’t recall, we wish we could.  They conjure a “simpler time”, which may or may not have ever existed.
That wish, or fantasy, of a past place or era can also be seen in the work of Justin Colt Beckman.  Beckman manipulates found photographs to include his own face.  While at first they may seem disjointed, they speak to a desire to create our own legend and remember ourselves in the best possible way.
Using personal experience, Ford Gilbreath draws not only the on memory of his deceased mother, but also the importance of her memories.  Margaret Makes Art, considers how we think about and recreate the past. 
Michelle Alexis Newman also explores the idea of memories’ personal nature.  In this case, a story retains its power, despite being retold a hundred times, through the personal connection between the characters and the storyteller.
The video work of Forrest Perrine reaches into the universal human experience by looking at how removing a moment from its context affects how the memory is viewed.  People become shadows, appearing and disappearing as they pass by the window.
GHOSTS is a very personal show.  I’ve spent a number of years familiarizing and developing a relationship with my own ghosts and in doing so have developed an intimate understanding of the power of memory. This show is dedicated to the loved ones I have lost over the years, who have shaped my value of moments.
Caitlin Argyle
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anchorartspace · 12 years
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Ghosts opens this Friday, February 1st, 6-9p.   See you there!
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anchorartspace · 12 years
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Ghosts artist Justin Colt Beckman, "Bear"
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anchorartspace · 12 years
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"Ghosts" artist Bill Finger, "Shed"
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