ancientcanopiess · 3 months
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deity guide: lady taweret 𓃯
a guide to associations, such as colours, crystals, acts... and general knowledge !
please msg me if anything is wrong/outdated !
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goddess of fertility, children, women, childbirth and the home, she's often associated with roles of family and motherhood as a whole. depicted as a hippopotamus with feline hands and/or a crocodile tail (also often with her breasts showing or holding a sa symbol), she's a similar deity to ipet, reret and hedjet.
she is also referred to as a protector of women, both during pregnancy and not, and as a household protector.
family 𓃯
father: n/a (possibly ra or osiris) mother: n/a (possibly isis) siblings: none consort: bes (in some myths set(h)) children: n/a (in some myths amun-ra)
associations 𓃯
crystals: rose quartz, moonstone, carnelian, jade, lapis, amazonite, amethyst, malachite, hematite, red jasper, turquoise, unakite, tourmaline
plants: lotus, papyrus, myrtle, acacia, hibiscus, mint, basil, frankincense, myrrh, anise, coriander, aloe vera, dandelions
animals: hippos, crocodiles
colours: green, red, blue, turquoise, gold, pink, white
other symbols: the sa (𓎃), the eye of ra, northern sky (and possibly the northern lights), milk
any of these would make good offerings for an altar !! (friday may be a good day to associate with her for rituals/offerings, as it symbolises love which may link to her motherly attributes)
acts of devotion 𓃯
as she represents motherhood, children, childbirth, fertility, protection, family and the home, here are some suggestions for acts of devotion...
take care of some of your pets! devote a whole day to looking after them, feeding them/brushing them/taking them for walks or to play...
devote a whole day to hanging out with some family members! could be a sibling, cousin, anyone you feel comfy with, really! (or hey, even a close friend could work)
you could try to look after one of your toys/plushies if you'd like? like set up a little tea-party or something haha
spend some time cleaning up your house, or you could offer to clean one of your family member's rooms
donate to a women's group of s/a survivors, domestic violence survivors ect! support women!!! (donate to women or just PEOPLE IN PALESTINE!!!!!!!)
babysit? if that's something you don't do, maybe if you're comfy you could start doing that as a part time job of some sort?
(i struggled with ideas for this, so lmk if you have any suggestions!)
sources 𓃯
feel free to browse these to find more info !
Taweret - weebly.com
Taweret - Wikipedia
Taweret: - Glencairn Museum
Taweret - cam.ac.uk
Taweret - Ancient Egypt Online
let me know if you have any more and i'll add them!
taglist 𓃯
msg me if u want to be added!! <33 @ancientcanopiess @arlxisbxried @likeadeadbattery
(NOTE: i am so so so sorry for being innactive, i've ben super burnt-out recently and been trying to focus on my irl friends and stuff due to it being school holidays! i'll attempt to post more, though i am trying to change how practically chronically online i am ghrejsjafgeuy)
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ancientcanopiess · 3 months
i was having a really bad afternoon and suddenly the idea to pray to Bes popped up in my mind so i sat down to pray and the immediate comfort that washed over me was so reassuring and it felt so good i feel so loved by my deities omfg
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ancientcanopiess · 3 months
reblog if you’d like one of these in your inbox
- ask me things you want to know about me
- why you follow me
- what’s on your mind/what you’re thinking about
- a compliment
- make me choose between two things
- ask for advice
- tell me a secret
- things you associate me with
- anything!!!!
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ancientcanopiess · 3 months
this helps so much yall omff
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deity guide: lord geb 𓁏
a guide to associations, such as colours, crystals, acts... and general knowledge !
please msg me if anything is wrong/outdated !
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an earth, land, and often also crops god, geb was first worshipped likely around the third dynasty. although it may look like a seagull, the bird atop his head is supposedly a goose of some sort. he represents the earth, ground, soil, earth as in the planet, and other nature-related things such as growing crops/plants.
sometimes he is represented as ram, bull, viper or even a crocodile. of course, you may associate similar creatures with him that are close to these.
family 𓁏
father: shu mother: tefnut siblings: nut consort: nut (in some sources tefnut) children: osiris, isis, set(h), nephthys, horus (the elder)
associations 𓁏
crystals: agate, obsidian, fossil wood, malachite, onyx, green tourmaline, peridot, jet (i'd also suggest any sort of igneous rock)
plants: sandalwood, spikenard, storax, pine (and acorns), most grasses and flowers, reeds, mugwort
animals: geese/ducks, ram/sheep, bulls, viper/snakes, crocodiles, rabbits/hares
colours: green, brown, mainly earthy tones, yellow
other symbols: barley (the drink and grain aswell), seeds, laughter, earthquakes, crop growth, nature
any of these would make good offerings for an altar !! (for which day of the week you may associate with him, i think saturday may work the best due to it's grounding nature)
acts of devotion 𓁏
as he represents the earth/ground, plants, growth, and mainly just more natural things, here are some suggestions for acts of devotion...
go outside barefoot (if safe), and focus on the feeling of the grass against your skin
meditate outside or in front of a window if you'd prefer
make some daisy chains out of flowers! i think any sort of flower should work okay for this one
if you're a therian, quads outdoors might be a good thing to devote to him!
plant some things and/or tend to a garden (this could also be done for osiris or other more agriculture-centred gods)
spend some time outside looking at the clouds, (i think it's called cloud-gazing?), also see if you can lie down on some grass and spread out in a starfish position! really try to focus on the earth
calming yoga (outdoors?)
(a lot of these are focused on more outdoorsy stuff, but if you don't have access to that, i'd suggest things like keeping a plant in your bedroom and taking care of it, or listening to forest-y sounds? - meditating to that may help you feel closer to him)
sources 𓁏
feel free to browse these to find more info !
Geb - weebly.com
Geb - Wikipedia
Geb - Study.com
Geb - egyptianmuseum.org
Geb - Britannica
Geb – Mythopedia
taglist 𓁏
msg me if u want to be added!! <33 @ancientcanopiess @arlxisbxried
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ancientcanopiess · 3 months
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deity guide: lord tutu 𓃬
a guide to associations, such as colours, crystals, acts... and general knowledge !
please msg me if anything is wrong/outdated !
an uncommonly known god or the later periods of ancient egypt, tutu was often portrayed as a man-headed lion (rather than a lion-headed man).
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sometimes he is also presented as a winged lion, and even with a crocodile body instead. originally, he was a protector of tombs, much like anubis. later on in history, however, he was recognised as a guardian of sleep and would ward off bad dreams and/or danger.
family 𓃬
father: ra mother: neith siblings: n/a consort: tapshai children: n/a
associations 𓃬
crystals: topaz, amethyst, labradorite, quartz, hematite, opalite, moonstone, lepidolite, selenite, howlite
plants: lavender, chamomile, mugwort, jasmine, valerian root, rosemary, passionflower, lotus
animals: lions (and thus, cats), sphinx, crocodile, serpent/snakes, lizards, sometimes hawks
colours: gold (and yellow), blue, red, purple, black, green
other symbols: weaponry, the moon, crowns, royalty, tombs, beds/sleep/rest
any of these would make good offerings for an altar !! (i'm not sure about days of the week specifically for this particular god, but prayers during the evening hours may be more useful!)
acts of devotion 𓃬
as he represents sleep, rest, protection and often also royalty, the afterlife, and creation, here are some suggestions for acts of devotion...
take a nice self-care nap after a long day or whenever you feel like it
nightly prayers to him for protection
meditation before bed to help get settled and calmed down for sleep
start a sleep journal to try recording your dreams and bond with him?
visualising him protecting and guarding you when going to sleep or lying in bed
create a stuffed toy/plushie of him to sleep with? (shhh i may or may not be doing this in the future for a mutual)
(i struggled with ideas for this, but mainly activities related to rest or recharge, maybe something along the lines of self-care with energy levels?)
sources 𓃬
feel free to browse these to find more infornmation!
Tutu - weebly.com
Tutu - Wikipedia
Tutu - wordpress.com
let me know if you have any other source suggestions and i'll add them!!
taglist 𓃬
msg me if u want to be added!! <33 @ancientcanopiess @arlxisbxried
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ancientcanopiess · 3 months
i want to get into Witchcraft as a way to honor Djehuty tbh
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ancientcanopiess · 3 months
i want to get into Witchcraft as a way to honor Djehuty tbh
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ancientcanopiess · 3 months
went star gazing with my friend on vacation as a devotional act to Djehuty.
Dua Thoth!!!!
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ancientcanopiess · 3 months
Dua Djehuty, great god of wisdom,
Who won light from the moon
For the children of Nut.
Oh beloved of Ma'at, Lord of Laws,
May your ka be filled
And your spirit be pleased with these words:
Venerable Ibis, scribe of the divine book,
Be welcome in your seat of honor this day
And take pleasure in the offerings
Made in your great name.
Dua Djehuty!
Dua Djehuty!
Dua Djehuty!
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ancientcanopiess · 3 months
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probably the smallest travel altar you’ve ever seen. i needed to improvise lol i’m leaving for my class trip tomorrow
lavender, crystal + and pretty stone i found for Geb and a candle!
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ancientcanopiess · 3 months
i’d also like to add onto this since more has came into mind. if i think thoughts that i wouldn’t usually, like something that’s so spontaneous i can’t even believe i would think that, i like to think that’s also my deities! like last night, i was talking to Nut at a lit candle, venting a bit to Her and then this really *a lot* thought came into mind that “I’m proud of you.” like, as if it was written in bold inside my head, i dunno.
i like to think that was also Her.
if i may ask, with your latest post (the one talking about how deities were helping you during a meltdown), what was it like?
was it that you could imagine them there, or did you actually feel their presence? if so, what kind of feelings or vibed did they give off?
- 🫚
Hello!! ^^ my experience with feeling deities has always been… doubtable i’d say. It’s like i can feel them, a touch that’s not really there, a presence that’s not really present. like that feeling when you get when someone is watching you but more pleasant.
some people may not agree with the presence being my deities but i’d like to believe it, as it helps me feel better. and at the end of the day, what do they know? everyone experiences their connection to their deities in different ways!
I hope this helps <3
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ancientcanopiess · 3 months
if i may ask, with your latest post (the one talking about how deities were helping you during a meltdown), what was it like?
was it that you could imagine them there, or did you actually feel their presence? if so, what kind of feelings or vibed did they give off?
- 🫚
Hello!! ^^ my experience with feeling deities has always been… doubtable i’d say. It’s like i can feel them, a touch that’s not really there, a presence that’s not really present. like that feeling when you get when someone is watching you but more pleasant.
some people may not agree with the presence being my deities but i’d like to believe it, as it helps me feel better. and at the end of the day, what do they know? everyone experiences their connection to their deities in different ways!
I hope this helps <3
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ancientcanopiess · 3 months
Me being covered in grass after mowing the lawn with a shitty pushmower for 2 hours: ah this must be what Geb feels like
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ancientcanopiess · 3 months
started sculpting as a devotional act to khnum!! ^__^
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ancientcanopiess · 3 months
Your deities care. You do not go left unseen or unheard. It will be ok. May your deities hold your hand through your most difficult moments and remind you always of your strength and resilience. 🧡
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ancientcanopiess · 4 months
Oh, mighty Falcon, God of Kingship, the sky, and protection,
I call upon your highness for your help in desperate need,
Please protect me of any ill-willed forces that are unseen.
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ancientcanopiess · 4 months
Hermes: Do you think the younger, new generation know they are playing The Game?
Athena: No, I think thats archaic now
Hermes: .... So the generations have failed to instruct their offspring on the importance of The Game? Society has failed???
Athena: *sigh* No, society has moved on. Don't let this bother you.
Zeus: Why did you speak of it! I just lost The Game!!!
Athena: Dad, we are literally Gods, we do not play The Game
The Fates: Everyone is playing The Game
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