anderson-monroe · 5 years
Taylor could see the change in his expressions. The relief in his face. It was subtle at first, until she noticed the tears streaming down his face. In fact, what she had wanted to do was reach out and hug him. Reassure him that she was okay, and that everything was going to be okay, but she restrained herself. She didn’t want to add any more pressure to his life. To put anymore weight on his shoulders when it appeared she had just relieved what seemed like a lifetime of weight from him. Taylor would always love Anderson, but before her own happiness, she would put his first. She wanted to see him go on to thrive and live a successful and happy life, and now, maybe he could; even if her heart still longed for him.
“Hey, don’t apologize. Please. I can only imagine what you’ve been going through. You know…I don’t know if this helps any, but I could hear you. Early on…I remember hearing your voice. I can’t recall what you said to me, but I remember hearing it, and it’s one of the things that kept me hanging on.” Her smile was soft and warm, and she was just grateful that she was hearing his voice again, “Anabel is…grown. When I first woke up, I didn’t even recognize her…” She was slightly embarrassed, “It was hard, so incredibly hard to adjust to, and I still have to stop and catch my breath sometimes when I see her, because of how much she’s changed. I bet she’d love to see you.” Not only had Anderson lost Taylor, but he had also lost Anabel, and that hadn’t been fair either.
However, as hard as she tried not to show it, Taylor’s smile fell just a little when Anderson had confessed to the girl inside being his significant other, “You don’t have to explain it to me. I get it. I honestly didn’t know if I would make it back. There was some talk just before I woke up, about that possibility of taking me off of life support. It was scary, and I knew that if I didn’t find my way back to the land of the living that I wouldn’t get a second chance. But it wouldn’t be fair for me to expect the world to have just stopped turning, Anderson. I’ll always love you, no matter what. And if you think I’d like her, then I’m sure I would.”
Tears of her own started to force their way to the surface, but she refused to give in. Instead, Taylor figured it best if she called Anabel to come get her. The night certainly hadn’t went the way she planned it, but in this moment, she wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. She had gotten to give Anderson the peace he had long deserved, and while she hoped they would someday find their way back to each other, she wasn’t going to stand in his way of happiness and being with the person he loved, “Look, I know that if the guy I liked up and left me to talk to some strange girl, I’d be upset. So go get back in there and be with the girl who has your heart. My parents got me one of these fancy new phones that apparently went through a major change, since the last time I had a cellphone…I can give you my number, if you want. Maybe we can have coffee or something one day. Whatever adults do to meet up.” She laughed softly hoping he would say yes. She wanted to hear about his life and how things were going for him, because a friendship with her former best friend was way better than just telling him to move on without her.
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“You could hear me?” In truth, Anderson had never really known if talking to her while she was in her coma did any good. He knew the doctors recommended and that her family had encouraged it until they got the balls to force him to stop coming but nobody could really tell if it was doing any good. He was suddenly glad that he hadn’t given up on it in the early days though. “Um...I’d mostly just tell you about my day and how much I wished you could have been there with me to experience it. Sometimes I’d tell you about something Anabele did that was funny but I didn’t know if you could hear any of it and then I got afraid that if you could you’d  be upset that you were missing out.” It was good to know now that the stories had done some good though. If it kept her holding on then that was all that mattered.
“I couldn’t even imagine what it was like to wake up so long after the accident and see....everyone. How everyone and everything has changed. We don’t exactly have flying cars on the market yet but I’m pretty sure they’re coming. And we have phone apps that control our whole housing system right down to the temperature. It’s insane and probably very overwhelming.” He nods at the notion that Anabele would want to see him, Anderson bringing a hand up to run through his hair. “I think the last time I spoke to her I was drunk. I kept promising to come see her but...it was so hard and I didn’t want her to get in trouble with your parents.”
The talk of them possibly taking her off of life support sent a jolt through him. Would they have even told him if they had done such a thing? And the possibility that she could have been gone at that moment instead of standing in front of him was a little overwhelming. It was almost like he would have lost her all over again and that thought made it very hard for him to consider walking away and back into that club. “They didn’t...mention that. I guess all that matters is that you’re here and awake.” He tries to give her a light smile but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes as she talks about the girl who supposedly had his heart. Was that even true? He cared for Remy a lot and yes she had been the one girl to pull him out of his despair and make him start seeing someone exclusively again but Taylor had been the love of his life. Seeing her standing in front of him made him realize that she most likely still was with every emotion imaginable coursing through him. “A smart phone.” He laughed softly, pulling out his own from his back pocket. “They’re pretty crazy, right? But yea, I’d love to get your number so we can catch up.”
As soon as the numbers were exchanged though screams from inside the club had him whipping his head in that direction. Something wasn’t right. Crashing noises from inside was the only other indication of that until hoards of people started to flood out of the front doors in a panic. “What the hell?” Realization dawned on him that Remy, Reid and Hadley were in that building and that coupled with people screaming about some sort of monster had his feet moving. He was clawing at the crowd to try and get inside, screaming that he worked for the fire department so they needed to get out of his way, but it was no use. People kept spilling out into the street, some even injured at this point, and he couldn’t get through to try and get to the people he had arrived here with.
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anderson-monroe · 5 years
Taylor knew coming to a party probably hadn’t been the best idea for her recovery. Loud noises and flashing lights were something that still didn’t sit well with her even after several months. It hadn’t been much of a worry to Taylor, but her parents feared the worst. Taylor had just been grateful to still be a functioning human being. To be able to walk again and do things on her own and, for the most part, take care of herself. To most it was little insignificant things, but to her it was like climbing Mt. Everest.
Seeing Anderson glance back into the club, before he led her to the exit, had Taylor curious. She had seen the girl he had been dancing with, and it made her wonder if he had finally found someone. And while it somewhat tore at her heart, Taylor was also happy for him if that was the case. He, of all people, had deserved happiness, and no matter how much Taylor loved Anderson, she could only wish him the best.
With the air hitting her in the face, she found relief in the stillness surrounding them, aside from the interstate noise and occasional car passing by. Now, able to focus, she turned her attention fully to her ex-boyfriend, “I’m so sorry they did that too you, Anderson. You know none of this was your fault, right? It was an accident…” She was sad for him and all the guilt he must have been feeling over the years, “And, I’m doing okay. Just two months ago I finally started walking again, on my own, without anything or anyone assisting me. Me and Anabel celebrated with cheesecake.” A soft laugh escaped her lips. “But what about you? How’ve you been? Was that your girlfriend I pulled you away from? If so, please tell her I’m sorry.”
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‘You know none of this was your fault, right?’ The words tore through him the instant they left her lips, the validation he had needed from the one person he could never get it from lifting a weight from his shoulders that he had forgotten he’d been carrying. He felt so light all of a sudden that he was afraid he would float away at any second. Tears pricked at his eyes and he did everything he could to will them away but it was no use. Suddenly he was crying in the middle of a busy Nashville street with his ex-girlfriend, who he had thought would never be with him again, staring directly at him. He couldn’t help it though. So many times over the years Anderson had tried to tell himself that he did everything he could to save Taylor that day but he had never truly believed it. It was a big reason as to why he drank so much, it was why he had chosen his career, and now here she was alive and well and telling him that he never even had to put himself through all of that. Now, he wasn’t going to kid himself, there would still always be a part of him that believed he could have done something more to help her, but the burden was now less than he could have ever imagined.
“I’m so happy that you’re okay...and walking around. Look at you...” He had to choke the words out but once they were out in the open he reached up to wipe the tears that had fallen. “I’m so sorry, I can’t believe I’m crying right now but you...being here is just amazing.” He had to get a grip on himself. Anderson took a few moments for some deep breaths and wiped the rest of his tears away, trying to will himself to stop. Could anyone really blame him, though. Years of pent up emotion was pouring out of him right now but somehow he had managed to stop the flow from his eyes. “How is Anabele, by the way? God, I haven’t seen her since she was a kid. I’m sure she’s ecstatic that you’re awake.”
The mention of his girlfriend brought him crashing back to reality. His old girlfriend was out of her coma and he was with someone else without him even telling Remy about Taylor. Biting the inside of his lip, he turned to look back at the club before bringing his hand up to run through his hair. “Shit...she’s going to kill me for just leaving her like that.” His eyes flit back to Taylor before he gives the girl an unsure smile, not really comprehending how to go about this. “I just...never thought I’d see you again, you know? I love you, I just....” He stopped himself, closing his eyes as soon as he heard the mistake. “Loved...I loved you. It’s just been so long and your parents hate me and...she’s a really good person. I think you would like her.”
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anderson-monroe · 5 years
Realizing Anderson was actually standing in front of her at that very moment had left Taylor speechless. She hadn’t been allowed to see him. Her parents had made sure of that. Telling her lies that he didn’t want to see her, when in fact, she knew the truth, that they had blamed him for her accident. She had Anabel to thank for that little bit of information. But aside from not calling, Taylor had been focusing on her recovery. She had badly wanted her freedom more than anything, and unfortunately, it had meant putting Anderson on the back-burner at least for the time being. Of course, twelve years had been a long time to hope someone she loved in high school would still love her considering she was practically a breathing corpse.
“Um, a couple of months ago…Anabel told me that our parents wouldn’t let you see me…And I just needed to focus on getting better…” It was the truth. She wasn’t really down for lying, since so many people had lied to her in order to spare her any pain. “I never thought I would see you again, honestly, all things considering…” The loud music and noises from the other party guests were making it hard for her to concentrate as she felt a headache start to come on, “Can we…can we go somewhere else…just to talk. The noise in here is…” She furrowed her brow, but let her eyes remain on Anderson.
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“Your parents...” He wasn’t even sure if Taylor had heard him and for a moment he hoped she hadn’t. The spite he held when the words left his lips was enough for even him to be surprised at himself but he really couldn’t help that feeling towards them. They had been the whole reason he’d stopped coming to see Taylor, the reason he’d started to believe he was responsible for the whole accident, hell he would even say they were the reason he’d started drinking so heavily and pushing women away like they were virus he would catch if he were around them for too long. He hated them but he didn’t want to express those feelings to her. There was enough for her to worry about without adding the war between him and the people her raised her. 
“Oh, yea, of course. I’m sure the music is too loud for you.” With one more glance towards the place he and Remy had just been dancing in hopes that she had returned, Anderson started to lead Taylor out of the club where the cold air hit him like a ton of bricks. It had been stuffy in the club with so many people and now he felt like he was going to freeze. “Um...Anabel is correct in case you were wondering. I would have still been visiting if they would have allowed me but the hospital staff got involved and every time they saw me I was escorted out. Are you...how are you feeling?”
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anderson-monroe · 5 years
The moment Anderson knew he was looking Taylor dead in the eye emotions that he had buried deep down years ago started to climb their way to the surface. He couldn’t believe everything he had been repressing and he honestly wished that he could keep it all buried as anger, complete despair, and confusion among other things started to surface again. He couldn’t believe nobody had called him when she woke up. He couldn’t understand why at least Taylor herself hadn’t called him to let him know. Thoughts were swirling in his mind and then he realized how selfish he was being in that moment. Swallowing down everything he could Anderson looks her in the eye and tries but fails to smile at her. “When did you....when did you wake up? Why didn’t anyone call?”
The sounds of the Halloween party were lost to him, the people roaming around were no longer on his mind, all Anderson could focus on was the former love of his left who he had thought was long gone. Remy briefly crossed his mind and he found himself looking around to the spot on the dance floor where they previously were only to find her gone. He’d probably have some explaining to do pretty soon but right he needed to know what the hell was going on.
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anderson-monroe · 5 years
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