andersonguy-blog1 · 6 years
Prāṇa is often associated with ‘breath’ as it is an inward moving energy, the word derives from Sanskrit meaning ‘life force’. Breath is the foundation to our existence, you only have to hold your breath for a minute to know how important it is to us and if we continued the deprivation into minutes we would soon be dead. Without food we can last days maybe weeks and without sleep perhaps months. So breath is the essence of what is keeping us alive.
Just like anything we do the better we perform an action the better results we get and the principal goal of healthy breathing is to better oxygenate the body. Our red blood cells need almost 90% oxygen to function properly so how do we oxygenate our bodies? Unlike what you may think it has nothing to do with increasing the volume of your breath nor has it anything to do with the frequency of your breath. I do not know the science behind why the more we breath in both intensity and frequency the less oxygen in our bodies, and I did just say less oxygen. Many of us breathe a lot more than we need too, often 18-25 breaths per minute. This over breathing means that we are experiencing a low grade form of hyperventilation, which upsets the oxygen and CO2 balance.
Prana breathing exercises are a potent tool to help acclimatise your body to tolerate higher levels of CO2, which will in turn lead to calmer breathing with fewer breaths per minute. Carbon dioxide forces the oxygen to leave the blood so it can enter into our muscles and organs and be of use. This is called the Bohr effect, after it’s Danish discoverer, Christian Bohr. The one Prana exercise that has significantly improved the quality my life i want to share with you is -
Inhale through the nose for 5 seconds Exhale through the nose for 5 seconds Hold the breath for 5 seconds and then continue again from the start.
It is best you start off doing this every day for a few minutes when you can and gradually increasing the time. Depending on what I am doing I can now usually keep this breathing exercise for most of the day excluding physical exertion. Once you have mastered this you can try increasing the durations so for example you inhale for 7 seconds, exhale for 7 seconds and pause for 7 seconds. You can then work up to the ‘one minute breath’ (inhale 20 seconds, exhale 20 seconds, pause 20 seconds.
Another fundamental aspect of breathing is to always breathe through the nose. The anatomy of the nose has been specifically designed for exchange of air, one example of this is to stimulate Nitrogen oxide, a molecule that can only be stimulated by nose breathing not mouth. Nitrogen oxide (NO) simply makes the blood vessel walls relax thereby increasing blood flow. In 2002 a research group from Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden, found that NO is formed and released in human sinuses and that blood is oxygenated 10-15% more when you breathe through the nose compared to breathing through your mouth. Breathing through your mouth also changes the shape of your teeth overtime and in turn your jaw which effects the shape of your face and how you look and it also causes halitosis. A good person to look up on YouTube about this kind of stuff is Dr Mike Mews.
Maybe in another blog I will share how breathing is directly related to the mind and when your breathing slows so does your mind 🙏🏻
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andersonguy-blog1 · 7 years
I bow to the divine in you
Or "I bow to the God within you" or "The spirit within me honours the spirit within you". We aren't talking about bowing in terms of a social gesture here, where one is more conscious of where their limbs move than their heart. Or where one fears the consequences of not. Bowing to the God within someone is something unprecedented because it involves consciousness in 'Now' (freedom from pretence) so the act is done with reverence, veneration, adoration. If one /thinks/ and subsequently /feels/ silly for bowing to another human out of kindness as opposed to conformity then it's evident of how unnatural bowing usually is. Would someone feel more stupid for bowing to a person that is homeless, how would that work, how could one feel deeply fond of someone living on the streets? I don't mean to feel sad for them I mean to feel admiration. If you catch yourself thinking how it could be possible you could love someone you don't know, who has no home, who smells and talks of absurdities then you might want to stop. The heart is not discovered through the mind it is found absent of it. You could not distress another human being if you can bow to them, they don't need to bow to you to keep your happiness for them, reciprocation is not the goal of life. The goal is not to accumulate more people to bow to us it is for us to learn how to bow to everyone. For no reason per say but for enjoyment. Such is not really a goal in the traditional sense, it's not to be found out there. Life is a joke because there are no goals there is nothing you have to become, you already are. I used the word 'namaste' to a friend on Facebook earlier because I felt deep respect for his comments. The word looks ordinary on screen but I still like to use it because it points to a feeling I can't put into words. If I could put my interpretation of namaste into words it would be - 'I feel so loving in myself, you can or you may already feel it too within you, we are the same' 'Life in itself is so beautiful that to ask the question of the meaning of life is simply nonsense' - Osho
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andersonguy-blog1 · 7 years
Black money
Money hasn't got a colour really its transparent and it is not responsible for greed and hate. Money just reflects the state of mind of the holder, if the holder is self centred the money becomes black with skulls on it and if the holder is selfless it's pink and flowery 🌸. Money is never the problem and neither is luxury, the problem is the person who uses it to become 'more' however small the way. Wether floyd beat Conor with only one hand or conor beat floyd in the first round it's not really a surprise either way, the real surprise would be to see some authenticity behind the microphones. The only genuine moment I've felt from them both throughout the whole event is went they shook hands. I saw a glimmer of love, a very faint light. I wanna see them hug each other and make out, not really. They have both made enough money any human being could ever need to have long before this fight started yet they both enjoy spitting out obscene remarks about how well they are going to personally benefit from the spectacle. It's crazy how much they seem to be respected for their childish antics and there continual fortune gloating. I say seem because it's not true respect, no one can truly respect another human being that acts for the one not for the whole. But they can truly respect another human being for whatever they do, this is contradictory il try and explain. One who respects another for what they do and say only is not respecting anything but one who respects another for who they are, for who we are, will respect them no matter what. They may be able to use their fists to great effect but their words have a sting in their tail. Would they both fight without the big pay check? Without any pay check? Would they do it just for the pure enjoyment? Maybe they would but would they rather exploit the occasion and bleed it dry? Of course. 'They conducted their selves like gentlemen' I keep seeing! Did you see any of the pre fight press conferences? I would change that word to crazymen. Make no mistake about it I respect them both and I love them too, would love to be in their company haha - I genuinely mean that. I'm not judging them either it's not a straightforward thing to be authentic. It's not easy to be loving and compassionate ha it's very easy to be foolish - it's elementary.
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andersonguy-blog1 · 7 years
Learn to love her
“Maybe you should learn to love her just like the way you want to be loved” is such a beautiful line from Ed Sheeran’s ‘Gold Rush’. Lets start with the word ‘maybe’, in other words - just a suggestion, just a little idea, an idea that may lead you to absolute bliss and a never ending kind of love you’ve been looking for all your life and mistakenly looked for in some other. You only realise no one can ever give you the love you deserve to feel every moment when you realise the love you relied upon from him or her is just a passing breeze. So many are trying to love themselves wether conscious of it or not, they are trying to learn and until one learns to be able to love another without being loved back then one cannot love another the way we all want to be loved. And in that sentence is the magic underneath it all ‘love another the way you and I want to (but don’t need) to be loved too’ what a gift to be able to give ourselves the one thing we have always looked for in somebody else.
How can you always feel love if your looking out for love to come your way? Just like the way someone watches their bank balance, is it a good month, is it a good day. If your worried about if love comes your way or not, or how much or how little love your getting or if its genuine then how can you give your pure heart to the person you truly want to show it too. Its going to be a little tainted, a little cautious, a little false if your heart is given in a safety blanket and if the blanket is mistreated then the heart is taken back. You could even say the heart wrapped in the blanket isn’t even a real one the thought of the real heart being mistreated underneath the blanket is still too much so a false heart is given, made out of plastic. And if the plastic heart gets a scratch or a burn then it’s all to easy say ‘it wasn’t my real heart anyway’. The blame comes, the heart was never given in the first place, it was just a game. No one was giving it everything because if they gave it everything they would know everything can never be lost, love still remains whatever they decide between them, how rare. Everything is always ours wether we are with someone or not.
You can’t do both at the same time you can’t give her your heart and protect it at the same time too because by doing so your are inadvertently saying ‘I love you, but your dangerous to me still’. She can do what she wants she can take your heart and throw it at the wall if she wanted but can you gently pick it back up and give it to her again whilst you kiss her on the forehead? Would you be a fool for doing so? Not if you didn’t feel a fool no, not if it felt calming, soothing even. It may seem like it goes against what you were taught in life ‘protect yourself’ but maybe it might be a worth a try to not look at love like a bit of back and forth but instead a never ending and untouchable source within you. As Osho says be spendthrift with love, don't measure it like a resource that needs to be equally matched, squander love whenever you can and be careless what comes back just love the act of doing it, love the act of loving her. Thinking about love coming your way is missing the love that is already there, its like being in paradise - blindfolded - and thinking something bad might happen when all there is in-front of you is palm trees and a turquoise sea. By being too preoccupied with looking out for ‘who loves me’ we lose touch with caring for people especially the one we spend most of our time with. How good would it to be to never be concerned with who is loving me, how rightly they are loving me, how truly? How lovely to let go of these questions indefinitely.
The sparkle in your eyes will light hers but you cannot light her eyes if your waiting for her to light yours. Anytime we want our eyes to be lit up we have empty eyes, we are a shadow of existence and we are too naive to realise it won’t ever come by reaching outwardly. To love everything about her is a state of consciousness, its a reward by the hand of fate its not a condition between you both, its not about how long you’ve been together it’s about unconditonal love and Ed is saying that it takes learning to love her, it takes something out of the ordinary to shift ones attention from me to others and show her unconditional love. A non conditional love is a birthright but that doesn’t mean its not easy to forget in modern day society.
Live tremendously beautifully when you spend your time loving, not thinking how to be loved.
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andersonguy-blog1 · 7 years
Ocean Ramsey
Is a Hawaiian free-diver who swims with great white sharks without cages. I’ve heard of this lady before but I’ve never appreciated her work so much. The reason I came across her today was because I started watching a shark film called 47 meters down and I quit on it half way through, I became disinterested in the Hollywood drama and the cliche media spin of the apex predators. Then I went on YouTube to watch shark documentaries (haha not much work going on today) but they were all the same thing, the titles had the words ‘shark attacks’ in them and the music was scary and the voice over was intense. Again I got quickly tired of these programmes they are not true representations of the beauty of these creatures they are marketing ploys and they are exploitation by small minded individuals/companies. I love sharks I love how graceful and intelligent they are so I thought I would type something where I could learn more of their nature and I came across the wonderful Ocean Ramsey. I am not saying I would free dive with a great white but it’s so easy to see why she loves doing it, it’s so tranquil and effortless it’s like a dance underwater. It’s not tourists cramming theirselves into a cage to get an experience with a shark so they can tell their friends about it its true respect. Those tourists salivate at the idea of having the dangerous selfie or the feeling like they are courageous it’s about me, me me me me mmmme. It’s not far off the kind of 'fishermen’ who catch big sharks or other predators to pose next to them cause they are 'idiots who are making up for something else’ as Ocean says. The idea of people on a boat all hyping theirselves up to get into a cage repulses me, I’d rather be with Ocean listening to the sound of the waves or on my own or with hopps if she’s reading haha. Ocean studies the behaviour of the shark she feels it’s peace (or maybe it’s aggression) and if she feels the mutual respect she simply glides into the sea and matches the sharks vibrational frequency. A shark dive would be much more inviting if your heart beat was slowly beating the same pace as when you read a book and your whole body is craving to show affection to whatever you see floating underneath you. You attract what you are, if you feel love towards anything it will eventually feel love towards you I just believe it takes a lot longer for most humans than animals because animals are experts at feeling love. No one needs to be an expert at anything or rather everyone is an expert at love really so I believe anyone could dive with a great white shark without cages if they understand what the love of self - love of all is. In an interview Ocean said she would rather be in the sea with sharks than on the road in a car, she feels the peace more in the sea and she can predict sharks, she trusts them more. It’s endearing how gently she speaks too, if you watch an interview of her you’ll see for yourself how kind she is, she radiates kindness. Why isn’t this lady one of the greatest role model for women to ever exist? Because most women prefer kim kardashian, their frequency matches hers. You need to feel beauty to appreciate beauty and Oceans beauty is whole hearted, her frequency is something completely different, she’s less interested in makeup or clothes and more interested in making friends with dolphins or saving sharks from extinction. She’d rather have sea and sand in her hair than hairspray, she feels from her heart she’s less concerned with competing with other minds. You’ll see on her Instagram she talks about yoga and a clear mind - the greatest understanding a human being could have.
It makes me smile how crazy it is that I discover such a person by my own intuition rather than seeing her in all the places she deserves to be. It’s rare to see a human being be such a good friend to nature and she’s one of the best at it and it’s typical of our society to hardly acknowledge it and instead shine the spotlight on more of 'what matters less’. Thank you Ocean for living by your heart your name is perfect for the person you are.
❤️ The man who loved seagulls
“It is good to feel, and if feeling surrounds you, then there is nothing wrong in thinking. If thinking follows feeling – beautiful; it helps. It is like a radar. It opens the way for the feeling to move on. It protects the feeling from dangers. It helps the feeling to know what is going to happen next, to plan a little. It is good! But good only as a servant. If you love, you will have a deep affinity with existence. Trees will talk to you. Birds will start coming nearer to you. Animals will not be afraid of you – there is no need. Man creates fear because of his head. With his heart he is again one with the universe. THERE WAS A MAN LIVING BY THE SEASHORE WHO LOVED SEAGULLS. EVERY MORNING HE WENT DOWN TO THE SEA TO ROAM WITH THE SEAGULLS. MORE BIRDS CAME TO HIM THAN COULD BE COUNTED IN HUNDREDS. Thousands of seagulls gathered around him. They jumped and hopped, and they flew and they danced, and they moved with him on the shore. The man was accepted by the seagulls, because feeling is everywhere accepted. That is the language of existence: feeling. Reason is the language of humanity, not of existence – a local phenomenon, not universal. Feeling is the language, the forgotten language. If you understand feeling, you understand the whole.
MORE BIRDS CAME TO HIM THAN COULD BE COUNTED IN HUNDREDS. He knew the language of feeling. It is love. Nobody is afraid of love, not even birds. And they can certainly feel more than you because they have no thinking apparatus, no disturbance of the mind. HIS FATHER SAID TO HIM ONE DAY: I HEAR THE SEAGULLS ALL COME ROAMING WITH YOU – BRING ME SOME TO PLAY WITH. Now an idea had entered the head. The man was no longer the same. Love was not there. The heart was not functioning that day. A desire had entered. He had a target now. He had come to the seashore now with a business. He was no more a friend to the seagulls – he was going to catch them – he was the enemy. NEXT DAY, WHEN HE WENT DOWN TO THE SEA, THE SEAGULLS DANCED OVER HIM AND WOULD NOT COME DOWN. The seagulls cannot understand what you are thinking in the mind but they can understand the vibes that you are creating around – and you are continuously creating vibes around you. You are a continuous broadcast of vibes, CONTINUOUS. Whatsoever happens in your heart, it is just as if someone has thrown a stone in a lake: ripples arise, and they go on and on and on – they will go to the very end, to the very shore, all around. A feeling arises in you; immediately a stone has been thrown in the lake of your being. An idea arises in you – ripples arise. They go all around. Those seagulls don’t know exactly what the father has said to the son, because they don’t understand the local language of man. They don’t know what has really happened, but deep down they still know that this man is not the same. Somebody else has come, a stranger, not the old friend. Now he has come with an idea. The idea is not known, but throughout his whole body he is now not in a letgo. He has some idea to DO, some plan, some desire. He is not the same relaxed man with whom seagulls could feel at home. And this is the secret of the whole of life: not only seagulls but happiness, meditation, ecstasy – they all come to you when you are in a total letgo, in a deeply friendly mood, in a loving attitude towards existence. When you are at the heart, they come. When you are persuading them, and you think that happiness is something like a right, that you have to pursue it, suddenly the seagulls of happiness are not descending. They will dance above your head but they will never come down to play with you, to move with you, to jump and hop! No, they will never become one with you. They will not descend into your being. Yes, happiness is a seagull. Meditation also is a seagull. Ecstasy is also a seagull. Existence understands only letgo. If you are in a letgo, you will attain. You will attain to whatsoever this existence can give you – and it can give you infinite blessings, infinite benediction. It can give you total satiety, contentment. You can become a buddha.”
Copyright Osho, The man who loved seagulls
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andersonguy-blog1 · 7 years
A glimmer of humility
As soon as one sees that they are the cause of all their problems they turn on themselves. It’s a great albeit quick epiphany, a brief moment of peace and inspiration before a stark realisation of so called impending doom - the problem mind state continues just the object of attack changes from ‘others’ to 'me’. What a beautiful being in the process who starts too see their own self conspired deceitfulness, a caterpillar starting to grow its wings. I don’t mean someone who sees a 'weakness’ in their self and then justifies it as a one-off (just like all the other 'one-offs’) and then talks their self back into judging others I mean someone who is suddenly hit with humility. A big and unmissable slap in the face by humility is how it feels because the inner voice is still loud but for the first time the direction goes inwards and it results in a never before experienced hopefulness and new fears too. The first epiphany is seeing that one is the cause and the second epiphany to come is the realisation that one is the solution too. When enlightenment is reached it’s not because one feels like they have earned it but because they know that enlightenment cannot be earned it’s already there, it’s always been there how can you earn what you already have? You’ll notice the ones who have started to bring some more humility to their life, who have started to see through their self they will be more careful of how they speak of others. They may say things and then immediately take it back, trying to work out in their head why they would say such a thing. And then there are the ones who are fiercely opinionated without self questioning, adamant it’s others fault or life’s fault, they don’t hold back and they don’t second guess their self. They have a false confidence that appears so real that they continually deceive their self. People in this stage of evolution feel more vulnerable, they are higher on the step that can so easily lose its legs. Nearly everyone else believes they are as confident as they appear hardly anyone can see through each other hence the world we currently live in. If you believe in someone’s false persona, if you get caught up in it and you feel personally hurt because you were lied too or treated unfairly then you are caught up in your false persona too. By believing in their falseness you simultaneously believe in yours. So in fact the more someone appears 'right’ and is sure they are right, and the less they question their self or apologise or express their own inner problems the more likely they are deeper deluded and the more you believe it’s normal to be sure of your self without love and humility the more you are deluded too. Society tries so hard to re-enforce that too self doubt is wrong, it says that people should be faultless and this and that. Could I pick up a magazine or newspaper and read about how the editor may not be right, or how they got a story wrong and an update on its validity? Certainly not mainstream ones they are too important to admit they get things wrong or rather too scared to see their own fragility and inconsistency, two fundamental qualities of being human. Would I want to spend my time with most of these editors who try and catch your attention with lies and then deliver an uninteresting article just so you read it for them? Or the ones who have the opportunity to inspire by expressing forgiveness or self doubt or selflessness but instead squander it on opinions of what is acceptable and how to be it? Maybe I would spend time with them I don’t know but ultimately if I do or don’t I will enjoy it and if I don’t enjoy it I will know it’s not the person I am with or anything else either, it’s always me. Knowing this feels like I have opened a secret in a box that everyone has but maybe not everyone has opened yet. This secret is far greater than money can buy and so many wealthy individuals are living in worse misery than before they were rich because they haven’t yet seen this secret. It’s not even a regular kind of secret because the words conceal a truth that’s underneath them that’s why it may seem mysterious me saying this. Or for some fortunate few they may know exactly what I mean. But let me repeat it again, - it is the greatest insight to all of humankind to realise that no one else but me and you is responsible for our enjoyment. No one or no thing can give it to us and nothing can take it from us either only we can give ourselves joy no matter who we are with and without matter of the situation either.
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andersonguy-blog1 · 7 years
The big idea 💡
No one cares what I may tell myself I may create one day however helpful it may be, people care what I do now, what you do now. Kudos to my business partner for helping to point me in the right direction he always saw through my past obsession with having ‘the big idea’. At the time I didn’t quite know why I had to have the best idea that had to be so unique that no one else had done before. Not even Steve Jobs. It had to be so special that only someone intelligent and one of a kind could think of it. I drove myself crazy trying to find it and when I thought I had it I would talk about it like I’ve just found 10 million pounds in my head. It took me sometime to realise it was my ego that was killing all creativity and intelligence because the big idea was never about helping others it was helping myself. The amount of conversations I had with him when we were in our early twenties about the things we wanted to buy instead of the things we wanted to give back. It was probably more led by me but we would meet up to discuss business and instead discuss cars. And it’s lovely now that we are at the stage where we are making money and we could possibly buy more things we hardly discuss it, we haven’t spoke about luxuries for some time. I care much less about material things.
The word 'business’ brings to mind different ideas and views in different people. I don’t think it’s really inspiring for anyone but if you change the word to 'project’ it may be a little more uplifting for you. So instead of everyone having businesses they have projects even the PLCs. Projects care less about cut throat competition they care more about ethics and value and creativity. When I turned away from having the big idea to caring about human beings I realised how many business opportunities are everywhere. It really doesn’t matter what you do that is not what determines success. It’s how you already feel and therefore how you do it, how you care and you can only share your value when you know your already the success you’ve been trying to become. I can’t think of many business ideas right now that could offer the value of an iPhone or Uber but they started small anyway, they were both garage projects. I can think of ways where businesses could care more though -
Guitar shop - instead of a shop have a venue and do live gigs and put on free shows and demo days now and again. I’d love to go to a place for a few drinks and live music and look at guitars too.
Hairdressers - have the best coffee/tea and snacks and make the customer their favourite drink upon arrival.
Dog kennel - I used to drop my mums boyfriends dog at a place in ferndown that looked like a prison. How about a kennel that is luxurious for a dog, that has millions of toys/big comfy beds/play areas/gourmet meals. How much extra would this cost? Really?
Some people have said to me 'you know business partnerships can be precarious’ and I’m sure my business partner has heard it too. I say back to whoever that he is one of my closest if not closest friend and I love being around him. Even if he took all the money and 'screwed me over’ I still would want to love him I wouldn’t want it to change anything. Therefore there is nothing for me to lose, especially something truly valuable, only I can lose value myself no one can take it away from me or you, no one can take it away from anyone. When people talk about a partnership going sour they nearly always talk about how awful it would be if money or assets weren’t shared equally. But for me the saddest part would be the relationship drifting. Drifting over what? The friendship will always come first for me and no matter what happens I am always in control how I feel about me and how I feel about him because they are the same thing. If ever I couldn’t forgive him for anything then I would be too busy holding onto resentment, spitting my toys out. Nothing he could ever do could ever stop me appreciating him. Don’t fear business don’t fear partnerships don’t fear anything.
Ps. I can’t write as much recently as things are mad at the moment I mean I may never write like I used too but I’m sure I will, I love spending my time writing things out the norm. But the responsibility to our business (to our customers really) has exceeded expectations recently and we are just talking now about a fine balance between growing too quickly and improving the old. The more I talk about this subject the more I realise this business started years ago really and maybe the deeper the friendship has become the better we have got at it.
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andersonguy-blog1 · 7 years
The drop or the ocean
John Lennon said 'Being honest may not get you a lot of friends but it'll always get you the right ones.' This could just as well read 'being yourself may not get..'. And yes it may open doors to new levels of friendship being this way but I'm not so sure about having the 'right' friends. This suggests that there is such thing as the 'wrong' friends. Of course there are friends who can't see your value but that's not wrong of them because if they saw their own value they would see yours. What I'm pointing too is that it is no concern of ours who is our true friends and who isn't. The very act in trying to see who's 'real' and who is 'fake' is constrictive and trivial. Are you someone who looks for faults in people or can you look beyond faults? Do you care who is your friend or not or can you feel the divine in not just every human being but every moment of life? That is the difference between being someone's friend and someone's judge. It's about how you see them not how they see you. And if you can't be someone's friend first, if you can't be friends with anyone then why have a problem when someone can't be friends with anyone either. I think that's one of the most degrading things someone can ever do to their selves - figure out who of their friends is of use to them and who isn't. If you've got a problem with anyone in existence are you sure it's their problem caused or is it your problem created that you still carry with you? The idea of friendship is nearly always about what the other can do for 'me', it's rarely about what we can do for each other and it's almost never about the love of self. But friendship is only the love of self, when you are friendly towards your self, when you are truly compassionate with yourself you are friendly with all existence. And when two souls meet who love existence they fall into a friendship unknowingly without concern, without judgements, without fear. There's nothing contrived, no one chose to be friends, there are no reasons to it, life has chosen. If you say that someone or some people are doing wrong or they're false or anything else negative then how are you saying it, how are you meaning it because in that question you will know more about you than almost any other question, certainly more than any other could tell you. Are you seeing the faults in someone like you see the sky turn from blue to grey and still enjoy the show or are you seeing faults like something 'needs' to change? Like there is something wrong and like there is something not to be accepted, not to be forgiven, not to be understood or be given compassion? In this question 'how do I feel towards others' when someone upsets you, you will find out how you feel towards yourself. And what that means is that the same hate you hate in others is the same hate in yourself, you are just believing it's only in them and you feel miserable cause you really want to love them, you really want to love everyone and anyone and you can't yet, you can't heal yourself yet. Some people may read my blogs and think 'it would be great to discuss this and that with him or debate so and so'. Others may think 'he's too opinionated'. But the thing I'd love most with anyone is to enjoy whatever we are doing however ordinary. If we sit down together and sip a cup of coffee I want us to enjoy every bit of that coffee and every succulent bite of that bagel. I'm not so bothered what we say each other it matters to me more how I feel - how you feel. Do I feel godly - do you feel godly because once two people feel so graceful together they may be surprised what they talk about or what beautiful silence they experience. Surprised at what magic comes up unexpected. Where as nearly everyone in this world is trying to become more special I'm trying to become more ordinary. And I'm not talking about money, objects, relationships etc these things are less important I'm talking about being simple. The greatest feelings that life brings is found in the simplicity of just being, being present, being captivated by the moment and the next moment that comes after. Just appreciating, even something as non existent as the wind on our skin or the air moving through our body. I know that you can see the beauty in being ordinary too, you must be tired of trying to be successful. They say that the people who achieve great success are the ones that already feel successful, already feel happy, already feel grateful. These qualities are elementary you were born with these fundamental virtues. Society taught you to be more and I'm doing my best to teach you to be less and the paradox is that once you feel intrinsic you'll feel indestructible, irreversible, ineradicable, endless. When the drop becomes the ocean the drop becomes less to become more.
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andersonguy-blog1 · 7 years
"Nobody cares about human beings, everybody cares about money"
I have no vested interest in a leader of a country, or a potential leader of any country. I will not humiliate humanity by respecting nationalism. If I were able to vote to abolish politics and 'become one' I would but this is not on the polling cards. I don't entrust in any government, maybe if Corbyn spoke of world peace and the effort in becoming one and abolishing nations (and politics), something no government has ever said, then I would listen a bit more carefully. But he has no interest in peace and unity the only reason I'd vote for him is cause he ate some strangers pringles and laughed about it. But I can't vote for him because he believes in nationalism, and I don't, nationalism is the curse of humanity and it is the reason militaries exist. Without military how can nations fight? Without separate nations why have military? Some pledges Jeremy Corbyn has suggested - tax the rich, improve NHS and housing and all the same stuff you usually hear. But some of the things I would do to abolish world famine are - - I would never buy clothes again, I'd use all the clothes I have for the rest of my life if it meant the money could be used to defeat starvation - Im okay with being taxed more to defeat starvation - I'm okay to wait a few more hours in casualty if it saves millions of children dying from lack of food - I'm okay to never own a home to abolish world famine. But just because I would do the above doesn't mean I'm necessarily going to do anything about starvation, I might but world greed is the problem not you or i individually. And when people care more about their child being able to get a university degree over a homeless child sleeping on the street in India you can see why politics is so important to so many. As stated by worldhunger.org 'Poverty is the principal cause of hunger.' There is enough food in the world to feed every single being and there is enough money to go round so before we have the privilege of cutting the costs of student debt we should look at preventing a human being from dying the worst kind of death. Not just our nation but all nations. It seems to me insane that the pledges of all the potential parties are inconsequential to the problems that exist worldwide. And it seems even more insane to segregate this piece of land into a nation because as soon as it's a nation it gives rise to the typical outlook to the problems of this world 'it's not our responsibility, we are a separate nation'. There is some truth to this - it's not our fault individually that there is famine and we are not personally responsible but we are collectively responsible and if a truly beautiful human being had the say over where money and resources went then we would have no choice but to live a little more frugally, a little less luxurious. And if it meant that we can all eat throughout then how wonderful for some, how annoying for many they lose their luxuries. A little pause in proceedings to talk about something I found earlier dating back to 701-800 years old. Even back then people were becoming identified with form/feeling superior by heritage. MOKSHA जाति नीति कुल गोत्र दूरगं
नाम रूप गुण दोष वर्जितम् |
देश काल विषया तिवर्ति यद्
ब्रह्म तत्त्वमसि भाव यात्मनि ||२५४|| Beyond caste, creed, family or lineage,
That which is without name and form, beyond merit and demerit,
That which is beyond space, time and sense-objects,
You are that, God himself; Meditate this within yourself. ||Verse 254|| — Vivekachudamani, 8th Century AD (701 to 800) Moksha has been defined not merely as absence of suffering and release from bondage to saṃsāra, various schools of Hinduism also explain the concept as presence of the state of paripurna-brahmanubhava (the experience of oneness with Brahman, the One Supreme Self), a state of knowledge, peace and bliss. The meaning of moksha in epistemological and psychological sense has been variously explained by scholars. For example, according to Deutsche, moksha is transcendental consciousness, the perfect state of being, of self-realization, of freedom and of "realizing the whole universe as the Self" And to finish, some more of Osho on the matter - "I am against nations because I don't see any need for there to be nations. Why can't the whole planet earth be one single humanity? - which would be saner, more scientific, more easily controllable. Right now things are such that you can only say we are living in an insane world. Every three months the common market in Europe is dumping so much food in the ocean... mountains of butter! Last time they had to destroy so much food that the destruction cost was two hundred million dollars - it is not the cost of the food, it is the cost of destroying it. And just nearby in Ethiopia, one thousand people were dying every day. What kind of humanity are we living in? Half of humanity is dying in poverty. Every six months, America goes on throwing billions of dollars worth of food into the ocean, but they will not give that food to Ethiopia or to India or to any other country where people are starving and dying. Nobody cares about human beings; everybody cares about money. These money-minded people cannot be called sane: that food has to be destroyed; otherwise the market prices will fall, and they don't want their prices to fall. They want their prices to remain stable, so the food has to be destroyed. If the whole world is one, things can be very simple. At one time Russia was burning wheat in its trains instead of coal because coal in Russia is costlier, and they had an overproduction of wheat. In India, people were dying because wheat was not available. Coal we have enough of, but you cannot eat coal. If the world were one, then the coal from India could go to Russia and the wheat from Russia could move towards India. There is no need to destroy mountains, exactly mountains of butter. And why did they have to destroy it? Before, they had been selling it to Libya. In Libya, butter was available at half the price of butter in Europe. The butter was coming from Europe, but they were selling it at a throw-away price, just to get rid of it. Otherwise they would have to arrange dumping it and that takes money. Just to save that money, they were giving it to Libya. But President Ronald Reagan started going insane against Libya for no reason at all, bombed the poor country, bombed Kadaffi's three houses, killed one of his daughters - for no reason at all - and pressured Europe so that all the supplies that they were giving to Libya would be stopped. Mountains of butter collected in Europe. Now you need space, cold storage... so the old butter had to be thrown into the ocean for the new butter to come in. There is no need of nations. These are the hangups of the past. And if there are no nations, there is no need for armies. Right now, seventy percent of the budget of every country goes to the military; seventy percent to the military which does nothing except left, right, left, right, polishing their guns, their shoes, their buttons - that's all they do. And all over the world, seventy percent of the budget goes to the military and whole countries have to live on thirty percent of their budget. If the nations disappear, one hundred percent of the budget is available for the whole country - because the armies are useless. Right now there is no problem of there being any war with any planet. With whom are you going to fight? So what is the need to polish your guns every day? to polish your boots, and morning and evening, left and right? All these idiots who are doing this can be put into creative work. I don't want any nations in the world. The world is one single humanity. I don't want religions in the world. Religiousness is enough, more than enough. As religions disappear, millions of monks and nuns who are just parasites.... They do nothing. With religions disappearing, all these people can be put into creative work. There is no need of monasteries, there is no need of churches, temples, mosques. All these houses of God - and there are millions of men who don't have any houses, who live their whole life on the street. The houses of God are empty - there is no God. All these houses of God can be made available to the homeless. All these monks can be put into creative work, all the armies can be put into creative work. And when there are no more nations, all dirty politics will have to disappear. Different arrangements can be made for managing the whole world - a world government based on merit, not dependent on votes. In the whole world there are thousands of universities. The world government can be left in the hands of the universities, and all the universities should choose their best people for the world government. An education minister should be a man who really understands education and who can bring new forms of education into the world. Many departments of government will have to disappear, there will be no need. For example, the defense ministry - defense against whom? The universities could choose the most meritorious people - the Nobel prize winners, the great vice- chancellors, the great artists, the painters, the poets. There could be a different kind of government which is not dependent on the vote of a sleepy humanity, of those who don't know what they are doing. And we can make this world really a Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve will not have to go back to the Garden of Eden. And one day you will hear a knock on the door - God wants to come in! Because you have managed to create a far better garden than his old one. But we can keep that garden too, as a museum piece." Osho, copyright Sermons in Stones
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andersonguy-blog1 · 7 years
One important thing
Every problem in the world would disappear if we could all sing them away. If we chose to sing instead of doing anything else we would be externalising the inner peace we've always wanted instead of fighting for the peace that never comes. A world where music is fundamental and problems are ridiculed. If we were to all sing with pure joy alongside the problems that come our away we live the harmony that we have been seeking. You may not want to sing you may just want to listen to the music, you may just want to enjoy the sound of song or the sound of silence. If you sang through burdens you may even cry, it may be overwhelming how splendid it feels to sing instead of getting caught up in a thought web. Instead of getting trapped in a knot of thought that seems impossible to untangle you stand over the other side of the shore. Your in unfamiliarity, you can feel the sand through your toes even though your house is being repossessed and none of friends like you any more. You know you want another house and you know what to do to get it but your so blissful you take in everything in the now, you are higher than anything negative. Even going down the bank to hand over the keys you make the clerks day, you say something so beautiful to her. Your so beautiful you have the selflessness to make someone smile, your grateful your alive not sad you've lost your home. Your not absorbed in your own worry, even the minds fight for survival doesn't come into your peace. There are two ways to getting a house back, one is by worry, stress and anxiety and the other is law of attraction. You either drag your heels or you skip over the flames. So there are also two ways to live, one is not yet being able to rise above problems in your head and the other is living above them. Living in the kingdom of heaven. You enter this kingdom the moment you no longer believe in your minds content. One important thing is to not be violent with your mind, don't try and stop it you will strengthen it. Love it, love how your mind conspires, love how imaginative and vast and expeditious it is, it's a very useful tool when it is subservient to you. You cannot stop thought you can only watch thought and when you create a gap your thoughts will slowly start dying of their own accord. No force is involved, absolutely no force. You have the courage to love your worst thoughts imaginable and when you love everything about you, even your darkest darkness you'll love others the same. You'll love others just as innocently, just as easy, just as openly, just as softly. You won't have to figure out why you now love people so effortlessly and you'll know why you hated them for so long.
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andersonguy-blog1 · 7 years
Manchester ❤️
When you pray what are you actually praying for? If your praying for things to be different you'll be disheartened time and time again. There is no doubt that the recent events in Manchester is a result of the worst kind of human behaviour the world has known. I read that a young girl the age of 8 died at the scene, what comments or thoughts could possibly be said about this? If there was one way I could illustrate how I feel then if I was at the scene of the incident and I saw someone mourning then id reach out my hand to them, I'd reach out my hand to someone I don't know. In this day and age something as small and humble as this is remarkable in itself. I don't have prayers about the event certainly not in the way nearly everyone is using the word 'pray'. I'm not heartbroken either and I don't send out my thoughts to anyone I don't even know what that means to send out thoughts. 'Sending you good thoughts' - great thanks can you give me your soul instead, your unconditional love, your nonjudgemental true nature, your pure essence? Can you love me and support me however tormented I feel and whatever I may say or do as a result? Are you going to be there when this is all blown over? Sure I could think 'I hope this all heals', 'I wish you and your family the best' and you could say this is caring but it can be either. It can be something thought because one feels they should in order to be a good person or it could be thought with a beautiful witnessing presence behind it. In which case if you are the presence behind your thoughts then you know words are insignificant to being, words can't really hurt or heal either only your presence to them can heal you. So how do you possibly help someone feel this peaceful presence in their self? You either help them to go beyond words too or you hope your words will comfort them to make them feel better, to feel safe and loved. I don't want anyone to be comforted by my words I want them to know they don't need my comfort or anyone else's, I want them to know it in their very soul. The word namaste is one of the oldest symbols/gestures in existence it dates back to 3000 BC to 2000 BC it means I can see the divine in you. That is the greatest thing we could say to anyone 'I can see the divine in you' but hardly anyone knows what it means and we will probably be looked upon strangely for saying it and in a situation like this the cliche phrases that are expected from people would be more respected. 'I hope you feel better soon' - thank you but what does that mean? How can that help me when I'm in utter turmoil? Saying something that appears caring isn't really usually about the person suffering it's usually about the person saying it - they feel better for saying it, it's for them. If you truly want to help someone help them find their love, hold their hand, see through everything they throw at you, share the moment with them whatever, help them see the peace in this very moment, help them silence their destructive mind even just a little, even just for a short time. I can imagine it's very unlikely none of the families affected have anyone around them who just listens and listens and listens without adding anything not one single thing. Maybe just gets up and asks if they want a coffee or some food but then just listens and stays beautifully silent and non judgmental, there is no need to add 'I hope you feel better soon' are you truly sure this will help? That it will add value to their lives? Just feel your best around them, be a light for them. Being silent doesn't mean we can't take action either but any action we take that isn't peaceful is deviated. I'm sure the families of the victims have heard enough thoughts and opinions already, they deserve silence and peace and lightness we all do. I don't connect with the idea of being heartbroken I only want to live and love in gratitude in every single moment, there are so few moments for us to experience compared to existence. Of course the recent events are sad and if I could of prevented it I would of but no one deserves to feel heartbroken or in any pain what so ever. I see people talk about not letting it effect their lives but at the same time they exude fear and worry, I see people trying not to be effected, hopelessness is everywhere. I'm not saying this is a bad thing I'm saying it's not prayer. It may sound shocking to hear me say I'm not heartbroken but it's beautiful to live in a state of gratitude no matter what happens. 'But guy, an innocent young girl aged 8 died at the scene and your not heartbroken for her'. If I was there and the murderer said to me 'either you die or she does' then I would unquestionably give my life for her so me not feeling heartbroken is nothing to do with love. The word heartbroken means suffering and suffering is a choice. Many people uninvolved in the incident feel tormented and my compassion goes out to them as well as the families involved. Of course I'm not against anyone who is heartbroken I truly understand but I'm saying you deserve your gratefulness, always. The other part of this is the hate directed towards the deluded terrorist, I don't connect with it either. Seeing people calling someone with severe delusions and severe mental health issues a monster and vile isn't a pleasant read. This only adds fuel to the fear and it has an adverse effect too because it is likely to encourage terrorism more. When people say they are standing together I don't know what this means either - am I meant to stand with normal human beings as opposed to terrorists? Is this what this means? If it does I have no wish to be involved. I'm not saying I stand with the terrorists haha I'm saying the world doesn't need more segregation it needs silence and peace. Even if standing together meant to ALL stand against hate I still wouldn't be involved, I'm not against hate I embrace hate, I accept it. To be against hate only drives more hate and that's what events like these bring out in so many - more hate and difference. Go on Ariana grandes twitter you will see argument after argument ha who cares, drop your ego, drop your opinions. How can you pray for the world to be better and safe and loving and at the same time 'see' how beautiful this world is? You can't they conflict. One is wanting the other is gratitude. Of course it would be lovely if the world was in harmony and not in chaos but what happens around us doesn't need to change how we feel. Its not easy to connect with much from the Manchester incident, I did like seeing the peaceful crowds joining together in the city centre and Jamie Laing did share something rather endearing too. He just put up a picture of Manchester and a love heart, one of very few who didn't have anything heavy to add - what more needs to be said on the matter ❤️. Also I thought I'd share some beautiful humble words on prayer from a beautiful being - "What is prayer? Ordinarily we think prayer is asking for something, demanding, complaining: you have desires and God can help you to fulfill them. You go to God’s door to ask for something, you go as a beggar. For you prayer is begging, but prayer can never be begging; prayer can only be a thankfulness, a gratitude. But these are totally different: when you go to beg, your prayer is not the end, it is just a means. The prayer is not significant because you are praying to get something; that something is significant, not prayer. And many times you go and your desire is not fulfilled. Then you will drop praying, you will say ”Useless!” For you it is a means. Prayer can never be a means, just as love can never be a means. Love is the end: you love, not for something else; love in itself has an intrinsic value – you simply love. It is so blissful. Nothing is beyond it, there is no result to be sought through it. It is not a means to some end, it is the end. And prayer is love – you simply go and enjoy it, not asking, not begging. Prayer itself, intrinsically, is so beautiful, you feel so ecstatic and happy, that you simply go and give thanks to the divine that he allowed you to be, he allowed you to breathe, he allowed you to see – what colors! – he allowed you to listen, he allowed you to be aware. You have not earned it, this is a gift. You go to the temple with a deep thankfulness, just to give thanks: ”Whatsoever you have given me, it is too much. I never deserved it!” Do you deserve anything? Can you find that you are deserving in any way? If you were not here, could you say that some injustice had been done to you? No! All that you have got is simply a gift, it is out of the divine love. You don’t deserve it. God overflows with his love. When you understand this a quality is born in you: the quality of being grateful. Then you simply go to give him your thanks, then you simply feel gratitude. Gratitude is prayer, and it is so beautiful to feel grateful that nothing can be compared to it, there is nothing in comparison to it. Prayer is the climax of your happiness, it cannot become a means to some other end. Jesus says: AND IF YOU PRAY YOU WILL BE CONDEMNED, because your prayer will be wrong. Jesus knows well that whenever you go to the temple you will go to beg something, to ask for something. It will be a means, and if you make prayer a means, it is a sin. What is your love? because through love you can understand what happens in prayer. Do you love a person – really? Do you love, or does something else exist there? A mutual gratification? When you love a person, do you really love the person? Do you give out of your heart, or do you just exploit the other in the name of love? You use the other in the name of love. It may be sexual, it may be some other use, but you use the other. And if the other says, ”No, don’t use me!” will your love continue to be there, or will it disappear? Then you will say, ”What is the use?” If the other appreciates you, if a beautiful woman appreciates you, your ego is fulfilled. A beautiful woman looks up to you and you feel for the first time that you are a man. But if she does not appreciate you, does not look up to you, love disappears. If a beautiful man, a strong man, looks up to you as a beautiful woman, appreciates you continuously, you feel gratified because ego is fulfilled. This is mutual exploitation – you call it love. And if it creates hell there is no wonder about it; it has to create hell because love is just the name, and under the name something else is hidden. Love can never create hell, love is the very quality of heaven. If you love you are happy; your happiness will show that you are in love. But look at lovers: they don’t seem to be happy – only in the beginning when they are just planning, unknowingly, unconsciously throwing nets to catch each other; but their poetry and their romance and all their nonsense is just to catch the other. Once the fish is caught then they are unhappy, then they feel as if they are in a bondage. Each other’s ego becomes a bondage, and both try to dominate and possess each other. This love becomes condemnation. If your love is wrong your prayer cannot be right, because prayer means love to the whole – and if you have been a failure in love with an ordinary human being, how can you succeed in your love with the divine? Love is just a step towards prayer; you have to learn. If you can love a human being, you know a secret. The same key is to be used with the divine, millions of times magnified and multiplied of course. The dimension is great but the key remains the same. ’Love’ means this is the end, and there is no ego in it. When you are egoless there is love. Then you simply give without asking, without any return. You simply give because giving is so beautiful, you share because sharing is so wonderful – then there is no bargain. When there is no bargain, no ego, love flows – then you are not frozen, then you melt. This melting has to be learned because only then can you pray." Copyright Osho, The Mustard Seed.
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andersonguy-blog1 · 7 years
Heart over mind
What a beautiful person Theresa May is. Not only am I saying this because it's a refreshing change from what's all over my Facebook but I really mean it too. How can anyone argue with that? I mean sure they will try but they'll just argue with their self. They will come up with thoughts and ideas around politics most likely and then if that doesn't change my mind they may delve into her personal life. But my mind cannot be changed only I can rule my mind. It's hilarious that someone may even want to change my mind over this matter - why would any sane person want to change the fact someone sees beauty in another? .. because they'll gain from it or they believe they will. It's around this time of the year people are looked at as puppets, puppets with a vote. That's the key, they have the vote and that vote is valuable because it can be twisted and manipulated. I have seen some things to try and 'motivate' the non voters such as 'don't do nothing' or 'past generations have earned the right to vote don't waste it'. And this is my response 🖕🏼 haha I'm only teasing but I will remain a nonvoter despite anyone's attempt to change it. The reason I am a non voter is because I do not believe in the political system itself nor do I believe in any of the political parties. I am not apart of the game I am separate from it, i mean consciously. I don't read about politics or the news I haven't for many years. But then some will say 'you are part of it wether you like it or not, politics runs the world'. I don't place such importance on it, politics is rather insignificant to what truly matters in life. I'm attracted by peace, anything that has a peace, a natural beauty catches my eye and my heart. Do you ever see a campaign that says 'do what you choose, follow your heart, you'll get this and that regardless from us ❤️'. There will likely never be a time when this happens because politics isn't based on love it's based on fear and conformity. So what do we do then? First we find ourselves and we realise nothing ever compares, nothing ever comes close. The insatiable stressful need to change the world and then become disappointed when it doesn't is part of the problem not the party itself, not a personal problem though a collective one. I'm not a politicist I'm nothing I'm empty of anything ruling and so are you. Politics is a joke we shouldn't need to be told what to do and law is a joke because we shouldn't need to be taught right or wrong. From a young age we need to be taught how to be opinionated-less and idea-less and thoughtless or rather to be able to not hold onto them. Not to be unconsciously taught how to be dominant and controlling and demanding. I have little respect for views recently on Theresa May because they are nearly all driven by anger. If frankie Boyle said the worst and most offensive joke ever about her I'd probably laugh because I know he would sit and have a coffee with her and take the piss out of her and laugh at her, it's the motive behind it. I respect this because it has a non judgmental and forgiving quality about it. But comments, opinions or jokes from anyone that would only sit down and try and scorn her or become angry at her I can't respect and it's easy to feel it, it's easy to feel the weight behind political opinions. Its assertive to say 'Theresa you are looking out for the rich too much we prefer someone who doesn't' and dare I say with a smile and some caring words like 'but don't you smell lovely today' ha! But it's self destructive to try and belittle anyone because you only belittle yourself. She is not her views as you aren't yours and when you can see the soul in anyone you put it above whatever they think. Which means when you see the soul in you then you put it above whatever you think too. I just wanted to say that whatever or whoever you vote for or if you don't vote at all then I have no thoughts either way, you are not your vote to me your a human being with a beautiful heart capable of infinite beautiful action. Do what's best for you and you'll do what's best for us all.
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andersonguy-blog1 · 7 years
All you are is all you see
You know when you call someone something judgmental and you feel that energy that comes with it? Your pent up, ready to fight, ready to shut whoever up, ready to deal with the issue, ready to take on anything and it has to be sorted now, right now. And if it can’t be sorted now then usually most people join a group of others who are also frustrated with the same problem and hype up how much of a problem the problem is. When Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white person she didn’t get angry and go on Facebook to tell everyone and start a protest she didn’t make a problem out of it at all she simply refused the seat, assertively and independently. She had no one to back her up and she didn’t need it either because the action was fearless, it was love. Negativity is consuming and people want to be consumed by it like a moth to a UV light unaware of the electric current running through it. You know when your friend is slagging off someone else and before you know it your joining in and your as wound up as they are? You think your helping, you think your being supportive but your inciting hate and fear just like your friend is. Your disrupting each other’s peace out of the idea that you can become closer from it. If you truly want to be a loving influence then you’ll help your friend find forgiveness. It feels good for a moment to get angry, it feels natural cause the body releases adrenaline but the body is only responding to ones own stressful mind not the actual situation. So afterwards you realise your wound up and you don’t want to be, you wanted to remain care free all along, you never wanted to get involved in the first place. You wanted to sit from afar and bathe in your own peace and joy and smile to all the problems people believe in and create for themselves. And I don't mean smile sarcastically haha I mean you smile cause you can see the peace in someone despite what they might be saying. Only in this state of grace can you be a true friend to someone, you can guide them into light and not fuel their darkness. But their darkness can so easily be yours and you can find yourself saying hateful stuff you don’t mean. And then the guilt starts and if the guilt starts then that same hate you used on others will then turn on you. Hate is not biased just like love isn’t and no one else but you has the responsibility to see through you. Be aware around your friends who speak bad of anyone, be aware of their unconsciousness and be aware of the peace you want to live. The peace that is unaffected by anyone your around, anyone in any state of mind. To stop being able to be taken in by others problems then one must stop making anyone or anything into a problem. Become aware of your excitement to others problems, become aware of your deep interest in negativity. Watch how your mind wants to see the bad in things, it looks for it intensely. Watch the absurd deluded words the inner voice comes up with just watch that’s all you have to do to see the madness of them. Your watching of thoughts, your attention of them, your alertness to them is your light, the light of consciousness. Only your light can clear your mind, you can’t talk yourself into it you’ll be fooled again and again. Why are you interested in negativity? Because your ego wants to compare yourself with others and if others are doing worse than you then you can feel better about you and your life. If others are suffering more then you can thank god that you aren’t but do you think if god was real he would want your thanks? It would be an insult because you’d be thanking him for preferential treatment and God does not prefer one to another that’s the egos work. But its all a cover and you don’t have to live like it, your negativity isn’t you and you aren’t your limiting thoughts. Why do I keep talking about watching thoughts? Because I know how deceptive the ego is and how easy it can be to be fooled and I know nearly everyone will read me talking about watching thoughts and will ‘think’ it makes sense and they’ll do it some time or maybe some will think it’s pointless and it won’t help anything. There is only one road to bliss and neither I or anyone else has any say how ready you are. To start to give yourself the space you need to start watching all depends on how aware you are that 'something isn’t right’, how aware you are that you’ve suffered enough and that there is a way out.
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andersonguy-blog1 · 7 years
Life's little mysteries
I had no intention of writing tonight but then this beautiful moment just hit me and hit me again. One thing I wondered about was the mystery behind a good business idea. Now I’m no fantastic business man I just see business as fantastic yet I don’t need it in my life too, it’s a lovely accompaniment. Where as before I saw business as a race and survival and i needed to make it I didn’t run it, it ran me. Here’s my perception on how to think of a good business idea - whatever you come up with, as soon as you think it stop once the idea has come. Stop and see what’s the driving force behind it. Is it to buy yourself luxury things or to put an astonishingly smile on someone’s face? Is it to earn yourself a living or an expression of loving the life your in? Is it to make someone’s life easier or yours? It’s not just the initial idea of the business that needs this awareness it’s every idea that follows suit. There’s no need to put so much on the initial idea it really is irrelevant to making something valuable, it will evolve anyway. Just start. Every idea builds the business more for better or worse. The challenge is to stay aware of the driving force in every idea and decision because if the driving force changes from we to me then the results will reflect it. Maybe this will happen to me or us rather but there is no need to fear failure that’s just more selfishness. The best me and my business partner (and you as well) can do is to stay aware of our selflessness because selflessness is true growth. Selfishness is a ticking time bomb no matter how good it may seem to others. It’s not so much what you do, you can do anything, it’s the driving force behind it - ego or love.
Another one of life’s mysteries is that no one is right including me writing these words, I’m still not right for saying we are never right. Why does no human being have the ability to be right? Because every human has the ability to ‘be’ and if you read that sentence again you’ll notice 'be’ comes before 'right’. How can you think your right or wrong if your already neither, instead of seeing yourself as the words or the pictures or a story or a single expression or the voice see yourself as creation itself. The one that allows life to happen not the one who is a part of the play. You are the creator of the play and once you see you are everything you will realise it’s impossible to be right or wrong.
Why when we see something extraordinarily beautiful do hairs stand up on the back of our necks? Why does that happen? I’m sure scientists can give us a physical explanation but can they still answer the deeper question - why? No they can’t it’s unanswerable. Maybe it’s life’s way of allowing us to feel more lovely things, more lovely experiences. This type of question though will always come back to 'why are we here’, 'why are we living’ and a question like this will always be beyond a scientists reach. This is one thing they can’t box and the more they try the more narrow minded they’ll be.
The greatest mystery is that life has always existed and there never will be a time when it doesn’t. Life has always been here and just because scientists are able to trace back the birth of earth does not mean they can trace back the start of life. The start of space, the start of nothingness. There never was a start and if the space around us never started then the space in us never did either. Our consciousness is eternal it’s so ethereal it’s beyond this earth or any planet. Where does consciousness come from? Earth? Land? Air? Opening ones mind is not to be confused with thinking more and figuring things out and experimenting. And this is the last mystery I want to mention tonight as it is a Saturday night after all. Talking about the existence of the universe is a lot for any Saturday night haha. But the last mystery that fascinates me the most is when you stop thinking, when you take a complete break from it your consciousness expands, your mind opens. And when you try to figure it out more, when you do what you think you should do to become more open you become more closed.
Do you know what I would of liked to do in this post? I would of loved to add more bigger words to better describe things. This thought just came to me. Just like every thought and idea though - is it driven by ego or by love. I won’t tell you what it is actually I will, it was love this time. I wanted to create a deeper connection by putting in more meaningful words. But I could of so easily thought with my ego as in I want to look smart and clever and superior. I just wanted to say in this moment that my work is done, I’ve been aware that’s all that’s needed. I’m not going to go back and put more meaningful words in but that’s not because I don’t care it’s because I don’t do this for anyone I do it for myself. And in turn by doing it for myself I can do it for others, without doing anything for yourself first you won’t be able to do it for others. Your love, your peace, your creativity and your joy come before a n y t h i n g.
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andersonguy-blog1 · 7 years
Hurts like Heaven ❤️❤️❤️
It is not my intention to offend yet I understand its an occurrence of speaking openly. I don't get a kick out of people being hurt or confused by what I say but I certainly don't avoid the circumstances of it happening, it can lead to wonders. It would be incredible if whatever I or anyone said to anyone else was laughed at/admired/or was forgiven and I mean whatever/any-thing anyone said in any-way but it's not this way, not yet, there always has to be a problem somewhere. I don't mean there always has to be a negative or a difference I mean there always has to be a negative energy and it's always justifiable out of thinking 'I am right'. I don't think I'm right, I don't think I'm wrong I don't think about me that's the point of my writing. The reason I am going to offend is because most people on this earth believe they are right, they 'think' they are right and they are constantly looking for reassurance that they are right too. They are looking to build their self and congratulate their self and strengthen their self and naturally anyone who comes along and says their is no self 'it's a joke' is going to be opposed. 'If you are saying I'm not right then that hurts and I don't want to suffer' - but whoever believes they are right and the more often and intense they believe it too the more they will suffer, just unconsciously, unaware of the cause. If I knew of a way to become as peaceful as a Buddha without suffering first I would say so but how can you end suffering until you walk through it and see that it isn't really there for your self? Until you look through the fog and watch it disperse? Suffering is the first step but it can be a conscious suffering, it's a brave step into the unknown to experience a new way of life. Me saying this may seem to contradict with the truth that you are perfect as you are and you are so why do you need to do anything? Because do you feel your perfectness? Or do you feel restless, bored, unfulfilled, unhappy, depressed, lonely, fearful? It's no good to you if I see perfect in you, you need to see it in you. Your already suffering and you don't know why yet and to see why, to see the reason why you must go into it deeper. I am not 'for suffering' I am 'for going beyond suffering' which starts with suffering. I don't want you to suffer I'm not trying to make you suffer more I am trying to say the longer you ignore it and try to forget about it and 'live your life to the fullest' the longer it will sit on your shoulder. And the more you look for your purpose in the world the more you'll forget your worth, the worth you felt as a careless child. I enjoy being offensive or rather I enjoy being 'what society would call offensive'. I can't truly describe why I enjoy it but it's certainly enjoyable to see the false in everything you used to think was real. The things I used to think were real and gave me a bad feeling like parts of politics/school/church I now know why, they are false and the juxtaposition between now and then make me laugh so lightly, so joyously. I have no anger towards it or regret or hatred I'm just laughing that falseness is everywhere I never knew. I love the title of this blog I love the words hurts like heaven, it's a great song btw too (by Coldplay). It's like a wise saying because heaven in this instance is used to mean magnitude (magnitude of pain) yet heaven is a lovely word so it's like saying a lovely pain. The words go straight to my heart, they ignite my bones as Coldplay also sing because hurt and heaven in the same sentence is beautiful. It takes the blow out of it, it makes pain less serious, it's accepting of pain, its surrendering to its effects and when you surrender to pain you stop fighting it and you can then start letting it go of its own accord. The more you fight to stop pain the more it will fight back but if you watch it then it has nothing to fight with and it dies. 'You use your heart as a weapon' is another line in the song that makes me smile it happens all the time in relationships but a love that is used to scorn isn't a love at all.
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andersonguy-blog1 · 7 years
Life is a joke
A drunk sat alone at one end of the bar watching the well-dressed playboy smoothly talking to one woman after another. Finally he slithered over to the man: “Hey, mister, how come you get to talk to all these women?” “Well,” said the man, “I have a special technique I figured out. It works every time. Look!” They waited for a buxom redhead to walk by. “Tickle your ass with a feather?” whispered the playboy. The woman wheeled around, “What! What did you say to me?” she stormed. “Particularly nice weather,” said the man coolly “Won’t you join us for a drink?” The woman sat down and before she left the man had her phone number and a date. Then a pretty brunette came along. Again the man said, “Tickle your ass with a feather?” “I beg your pardon!” exclaimed the lady. “Particularly nice weather!” cooed the man. Charmed, the lady joined them for a while. When she left, Mr. Suave-and-Debonair said, “So you see how it works now?” “Yeah, I get it,” slobbered the drunk. “Now you try it on the next broad,” said the playboy. So when a gorgeous blonde walked in, the drunk gathered up his courage and yelled, “Hey, lady, stick a feather up your ass?” “What!” she raged. “What did you say?” “Pretty fuckin’ nice out, ain’t it?” replied the drunk.
I thought I’d start off with a joke because life is a joke, its playful. I used to think that if a joke was really offensive then it wasn’t right to laugh, it should be banished, banished to hell!! And whoever made the offensive joke should be punished, hung! But now it’s all funny, it can all be funny how wonderful. If someone makes a joke and it’s so offensive it’s not funny like joking inappropriately about 9/11 then suddenly they become the butt of their own joke. This is hilarious, why doesn’t everyone laugh at this persons stupidity? Cause their too offended, ‘this person shouldn’t of done it’, it 'shouldn’t of even entered my ears’ haha. That’s the real joke - thinking something shouldn’t happen, life happens without anyone’s say, expectations of how life (and people) should be are the real joke. Everything’s funny. If you try and think of something that isn’t funny and needs to be taken seriously you are looking for darkness and you’ll find it. Someone can say to me 'guy, that’s not funny, you shouldn’t laugh at that’ and it’ll make it even more hilarious cause it’s not true. No one can stop anyone seeing lightness - feeling lightness that’s the point of humour, making light of dark, just cause someone can’t see the light themselves doesn’t mean it’s not there. If a guy made a stupid joke about 9/11 and everyone in the room booed and tried to make him into an enemy I would like to be the one that sees through it all. I would like to take him for a drink after and say 'what the fuck dude, are you that short of material you have to have a go at people jumping off a building haha’ I’d like to genuinely laugh with him about his stupidity. I have no consideration for how I’m viewed in this scenario, it feels good to forgive, it feels delicious like ice cream. Someone who is swayed by others, someone who is offend-able is in trouble because they are not yet un-offend-able and if they are not yet unoffendable they take their self too seriously. Osho says we are all jokes onto ourselves, it’s his improvement on what the Buddha said 'we are our own light’. Osho made it more fun - we are all jokes. And when you know your a joke how can you be offended? Only a serious person is offended and needs respect. Only a serious person can’t see their ego, the very thing that gets offended. I don’t want anyone’s respect or admiration or unconditional love I want people to feel their own. People will have a problem with what I say, I offend them, they don’t know who they are yet to let me effect them in such a way. If you know your self who cares what anyone says? Your unshakeable, uneffectable, nothing anyone can do or say can effect the way you feel about yourself your feet are firmly in the Earth. I like to play on this sometimes, I enjoy seeing where love isn’t and creating a gap for true love to enter. A gap for deeper more honest communication. I don’t mean it maliciously I know people need to be awakened for their own benefit. I’m not intent on doing this, I’m not doing it for me and if someone asks me to stop il stop I don’t need to say anything to anyone. But I can’t be stopped or changed either and if someone doesn’t want me in their life because of how I am however I am then they can’t yet forgive, I hope they find forgiveness. To feel unconditional love, unconditional forgiveness for everyone is the real secret. True love isn’t selective. I was watching an interview earlier of Justin Bieber and he was asked why he doesn’t congratulate more people when he gets awards (he only says thanks to his parents and god). And he said 'if people need me to validate them then they weren’t doing it for the right reason in the first place’, how lovely. Then he walked out when he didn’t want to play a silly game the interviewer wanted to do, everyone gasped. I laughed haha, how beautiful to see someone do what they want. He may of been angry or hateful but who cares it’s great to see something different like that. If someone is offended by me they can’t love me unconditionally, they can’t love their self unconditionally. 'I love you but not when you say or do that’ aka I love you part time. This is funny, i may just keep saying stuff to remind you that you only love me part time then. You only love you part time. And if you don’t want me in your life because of it then I love you still, I love me still. It’s not a great loss but neither is no longer knowing someone who loves you unconditionally. There isn’t really much difference if either go, when you love your self unconditionally it doesn’t matter who can love you the same way or not, every human is beautiful regardless.
'It is not a question of being in love with someone, it is a question of being love’ - Osho
“Do you love me, Mulla?” whispered the girl. “Of course I do,” Mulla Nasrudin whispered back. “Will you marry me then?” she asked. “LET’S NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT?” said Nasrudin.
Mulla Nasrudin in the upper berth was awakened by a persistent tapping from below. “I am terribly cold down here. I wonder if you mind getting me a blanket,” said a lady’s voice. “I have a better idea,” the Mulla replied sleepily. “Let’s pretend we are married.” “That sounds like a lovely idea,” she giggled. “GOOD,” said Nasrudin rolling over. 'NOW GO GET YOUR OWN DAMN BLANKET.“
Mulla Nasrudin constantly irritated his friends with his eternal optimism. No matter how bad the situation, he would always say, "It could have been worse.” To cure him of this annoying habit, his friends decided to invent a situation so completely black, so dreadful, that even Nasrudin could find no hope in it. Approaching him at the club bar one day, one of them said, “Mulla, Did you hear what happened to George? He came home last night, found his wife in bed with another man, shot them both, then turned the gun on himself!” “Terrible,” said the Mulla “But it could have been worse.” “How in hell,” asked his dumbfounded friend, “could it possibly have been worse?” “Well,” said Nasrudin, “IF IT HAD HAPPENED THE NIGHT BEFORE! I WOULD BE DEAD NOW.”
Mulla Nasrudin was round at his fiancee’s home, having a serious talk with her father. “Sir, I’d like to marry your daughter,” he announced . His girl’s father looked at him. “Have you seen my wife yet?” he asked. “OH, YES SIR,” replied Nasrudin. “BUT IF YOU DON’T MIND, I WOULD STILL PREFER YOUR DAUGHTER, SIR.”
Mulla Nasrudin was in the home of his fiancee, being given the once-over by her parents. “Tell me young man,” said his potential mother-in-law, “if my daughter marries you, and I give her a substantial dowry, what have you to offer in return?” The Mulla smiled brightly. “I WILL GIVE YOU A RECEIPT,” he said.
Everything was in readiness for the marriage ceremony. The groom and the best man had arrived. But the groom, Mulla Nasrudin, was uneasy, apprehensive. “What’s worrying you, Mulla?” asked the best man. “Have you lost the ring?” “No,” answered Nasrudin with a sigh. “I HAVE GOT THE RING? BUT I HAVE LOST MY ENTHUSIASM.”
Returning from his holiday, Mulla Nasrudin asked for two weeks more in which to get married. “But you just had two weeks off,” said the boss. “Why didn’t you get married then?” “WHAT, AND RUIN MY HOLIDAY?”
It was their first quarrel. The Mulla was coming off worst until he brought his bride’s family into the argument. “Your father is an old drunkard,” he stated with venom. “Your mother is a nagger. and your brother is an idle layabout.” “Can’t you say one decent thing about my family?” she asked, sarcastically. “YES, JUST ONE,” replied Nasrudin. “THEY WERE ALL OPPOSED TO OUR MARRIAGE.”
They had been married three months, and she said, “Are you satisfied with our married life, Mulla?” “Yes,” replied Nasrudin. “I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF IT.”
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andersonguy-blog1 · 7 years
Don't believe in anything
This isn’t an order it’s simply a pointer, don’t believe anything including my writing, enjoy the freedom that comes with knowing not believing. A belief is a self created reality, knowing is universal truth. I was going to say that it takes believing in something first to then overcome the illusion of beliefs but I’m not so sure, I’m not so sure how the magic of an epiphany works. It may seem contradictory as in believe in not believing but I’m not saying that, I’m saying that you are already beyond all beliefs. I don’t want to write to inspire you to believe in me I want to write to inspire you to see through everything you choose too, all beliefs and illusions. Take the sky for example, you are lead to believe it is blue and it has clouds in it. But words are man made, mind made and if you believe the sky is simply just blue it will appear as familiar as a word you’ve heard many times before. But when you look at it without any idea of what it is you become closer to it, you connect with the truth of it. The space above us that is often a shade of blue is a mystery, calling it the sky makes it easier to reference in conversation but it’s not just the sky like you aren’t just a human being. If there is anything I would like to be involved in in my life time it is to inspire people to stop believing and become unbelievable. A human being still alive on this earth wrote something utterly astounding, it still astonishes me when I see his work. He didn’t show it to me to believe in him, for his benefit, he showed me so that I could know myself, so I no longer needed to believe in anyone including myself. I don’t need to mention his name i have spoke many times of his humility. It may seem confusing that I would choose the word belief to pick apart but a belief is simply another word for a thought, just a more stronger one. And if you honour one belief, one powerful thought, something like ‘I’m going to make it, I’m going to succeed and prove everyone wrong’ then you are busy creating your own hell too. You are identifying with a voice that isn’t you, and one day it will turn around and say 'your not going to make it, your a loser, your always going to fail’. So which one is right? Neither and it doesn’t matter, they are both the inner voice, the ego. You often hear beliefs tied with motivation which means beliefs carry a lot of weight and it’ll appear I’m going against positive attributes like motivation and performance. But I’m not going against them and I’m not trying to take beliefs away from you I’m saying life is on the other side of them, a parallel universe. And you can only inhabit one or the other, you either believe in your beliefs and others beliefs too and you have hypnotic conversations about them or you step out of it all and you know yourself, you stop getting caught up in them. When you know what they are you know what they are without thinking about what they are, you just connect with your silence it’s no longer something you need to avoid. You don’t need to avoid inner silence, thinking is nearly always a disabling activity that nearly everyone doesn’t realise they are doing. They don’t realise they fill the gaps with thought because they are addicted to it. An unconscious addiction is more destructive than a conscious one. They are so close to it though, so close to ecstasy they just 'think’ ecstasy is more they haven’t experienced it yet. Being nothing is ecstasy because a peace that can be felt anywhere, that can be taken anywhere is like turning a cobbled street on a cold day into a destination formed by bubbles of clouds that taste like candy floss.
How crazy am I? Whatever you think I am, you are whatever you see me as, your interpretation of me or you or anyone else is your own self created reality it’s not the truth just like my idea of you or me or anyone else isn’t. Our stillness is truth, our heartbeats our truth, our breathe is truth, our ability to feel snowflakes on our hands or to see a night full of stars. Who cares about the other stuff? The stuff we create in our heads? Unfortunately for many people they care a lot and they care so much they don’t even know they are ruled by it. Plagued by it. The talk of stillness and silence will seem pathetic, that’s how many people label it - pathetic. How could stillness possibly make me happy and get all the things I want? Create a gap in between your thoughts even if it’s 5 minutes and see the disease for yourself, listen to the words appear and what they want from you it’s whats stopping you getting everything you want, everything you ever need. Your calmness is there, it’s always been there.
I have been rather provocative to a certain someone recently and i don’t mean sexually haha but I’d like to talk about why I’m doing it sometime, maybe in my next post. I enjoy winding her up - a lot. Anyway I might talk more about her one day too but I know she reads my blogs cause she’s got nothing better to do with her life and I just wanted to say I respect and admire you for trying to understand what I mean sometimes. In fact I admire and respect anyone who tries to understand me or what I say sometimes. But if you ever get too tired or too confused I understand, or rather i always want to stay in this state of understanding. I love the idea of always loving the idea of seeing you and annoying you more. Or maybe the idea of being unoffendable together. And even though we are just 'friends’ ATM I have no idea what that means and I’d write your name in the sky if I could and spell it 'loser’ 😊✌🏻 even if you were with one of your other boys 😉
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