andgoldhq-blog · 5 years
Unfortunately, due to the account never being sent in, CONNER/RK800 from Detroit: Become Human has been reopened.
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andgoldhq-blog · 5 years
Of course!
STAR WARS. Padme Amidala, Leia Organa, Mon Mothma, Jyn Erso, Paige Tico. MCU. Scarlet Witch, Black Widow, Valkyrie, Shuri, Gamora, Nebula. STEVEN UNIVERSE. Pearl, Garnet, Bismuth, Peridot, Lapis Lazuli, Jasper, Amethyst, Sadie Miller, Any of the Diamonds, Aquamarine, any of the other Pearls, the Off Colors. DOCTOR WHO. The Thirteenth Doctor. Yazmin Khan. Rose Tyler. Amy Pond. Jenny ( The Doctor’s Daughter ), Martha Jones, Donna Noble. TEEN WOLF. Lydia Martin, Allison Argent, Braeden, Cora Hale, Talia Hale, Laura Hale. HARRY POTTER. Hermione Granger, Minvera McGonagall. Cho Chang. Lavender Brown. Ginny Weasley. Queenie Goldstien. ORPHAN BLACK. Mrs. S, any of the LEDA Clones -- but especially Sarah Manning, Cosima Niehaus, or MK. 
Again, this is just a pick from just me, and if you would like more from a fandom above, just ask. Or, if there is another fandom(s) you’re thinking of, ask and I will give you some suggestions! But, I will be happy with whoever you pick!
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andgoldhq-blog · 5 years
mwm, please?
Hello friend! Going off the list of fandoms I gave before:
STAR WARS. Luke Skywalker, Obi Wan Kenobi, Lando Calrissian, Han Solo, Bodhi Rook, Bail Organa, Baze Malbus, Chirrut Imwe, Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader, Poe Dameron, Finn. ORPHAN BLACK. Any of the Castor clones, Tony Sawicki, Arthur Bell, Cal. MCU. Thor, Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Bucky Barnes, T’Challa, Agent Ross, Peter Parker, Bruce Banner.  HARRY POTTER. Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Either of the twins, Draco Malfoy, Newt Scamander. DOCTOR WHO. Any of the male Doctor regenerations. Any of the male Master regeneration. Ryan Sinclair. Graham O’Brien. Rory Williams. Micky Smith. TEEN WOLF. Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall, Derek Hale, Jackson Whittemore, Danny Mahealani, Liam Dunbar. 
If you would like more for a specific fandom there – or you would like some most wanted in a specific fandom I don’t have listed ( because, right now it is just me ), please let me know! Of course, I would be excited with anyone you bring in!
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andgoldhq-blog · 5 years
you should add a bit more color to the main
I can certainly do that, my friend! Thank you for the suggestion. Was there any area in specific you wanted to see some more color -- or was it just in general?
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andgoldhq-blog · 5 years
Hello again tag lurkers! We’re a brand new multifandom rpg looking for some amazing members like you to come and join us for our start! We encourage multiple characters, but you’re very welcome to just take one if you like! We have almost every character from any fandom you can think of open and ready for you to pick up! Come check out our PLOT, and if you want to help me run it, I’m looking for 2-3 co mods -- the form for that is HERE! Feel free to come poke me with your questions! 
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andgoldhq-blog · 5 years
Hey tag! I just got home from work and would love to accept some people! Come check us out! We’re a new multifandom, multimuse rpg ready to get started when you are! Check out our PLOT, and I’m still looking for 2-3 co mods to help me out, if you’re interested -- THE FORM IS HERE!
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andgoldhq-blog · 5 years
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Dear Chosen, CONNER/RK800 - you should feel honored that you have been selected to assist in the strives of saving our universes. I see that you hail from the Detroit: Become Human universe; we hope that it isn’t too different to get used to here. I had to do a double take, you almost looked like Bryan Dechart, but I was wrong. Please report to the inn-keep within 24 hours with your URL of residence, check out the WELCOME NOTE, and head on up to your room. Welcome to GLITTER AND GOLD. 
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andgoldhq-blog · 5 years
{ queued. } Evening, tag. I’m at work right now, but that shouldn’t stop you from checking us out! We’re a brand new, multifandom and multimuse roleplay and we’d love to have you! We’re going to be highly event driven, and plot driven -- I can’t wait to met everyone! Come check out our PLOT. And don’t forget I’m looking for 2-3 new co mods to help me run things! You can check out the form HERE if you’re interested in that!
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andgoldhq-blog · 5 years
mw fandoms?
Star Wars, MCU, Orphan Black, Steven Universe, DC, Harry Potter, Doctor Who, and Teen Wolf. Of course, since it’s just me right now, that’s a small list, but I’ll be happy with anyone!
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andgoldhq-blog · 5 years
would characters have any objects on them? like, wizards having wands, for example? or do they just arrive with the clothes on their backs?
I’m going to say yes -- but within reason. Don’t go super crazy -- it makes sense for a wizard to have a wand, or a jedi to have a lightsaber. But it wouldn’t be too believable for someone to have a massive backpack full of nearly half their belongings. Make sense?
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andgoldhq-blog · 5 years
Hey, tag! I finally just got home. I’m too exhausted to get anything queued up at the moment -- but I will definitely be more around now that the holidays are winding down. If you want to help me run things around here, I am looking for 2-3 new co mods ; the form is HERE. Otherwise, take a look at our PLOT! I would love to hear from you, and I will be around and alive tomorrow!
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andgoldhq-blog · 5 years
do the characters know they're in the house to help save the universe? is there any indication when they arrive of what they're supposed to do? sorry if that doesn't make sense! i just want to clarify they haven't lost their memories or anything!
It definitely makes sense! I should’ve included it in the plot itself – and, once I’m not busy with holiday things, I’ll append it a little to include it. They do know that they are here to help “save” the universes, and all characters do have their memories in tact! If you’ve seen our ad, that is basically what the characters receive upon arrival in the form of a letter in their rooms. I will go ahead and place the “letter” itself in the welcome page, since that is the first thing accepted members will see. Thanks for the question!
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andgoldhq-blog · 5 years
so, are animated FC permeated?
Hello anon! Animated characters are allowed, but I do ask that you use an IRL faceclaim for the character.Please let me know if you would like help picking a FC for a specific character!
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andgoldhq-blog · 5 years
Happy Holidays, tag! I will be around a little today while I’m at work -- so I can definitely answer your questions if you happen to be around today! Otherwise, I will pick back up my activity a bit more after the holidays. Come and check us out! We’re a brand new, semi appless multifandom roleplay -- PLOT IS HERE! And, we’re still looking for 2-3 co mods, and if that interests you, you can peek HERE for the form.
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andgoldhq-blog · 5 years
Happy Holidays! I’ve been absent most of the day for family/friends stuff -- and I’ll likely be fleeting tomorrow as well; so excuse my spottiness. It should clear up after the holidays. But, please come check us out! We’re a brand new, multifandom rpg accepting almost any character! We’re also in search of 2-3 co mods to help me run things around here. The form for that is HERE, or the PLOT is here if you’d like to check that out!
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andgoldhq-blog · 5 years
Hey, tag lurkers! I’m still around at work for a few hours more if you wanted to come and take a look at us! We’re a brand, shiny new multifandom that encourages multiple characters, but you’re free to just snag one. We have nearly every character you can think of open - so come take them before someone else does! FULL PLOT is here! I’m also hunting two to three new co mods, if you’re interested in that, the form is HERE!
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andgoldhq-blog · 5 years
Hello again, guys! Still waiting on that ad blog to show up in the tags, but I have some graphics made I like a lot. Work is super slow, so I would definitely like something to work on! We’re a new multifandom rpg looking for both members, and hunting for 2-3 co mods to help me run it! Check out our PLOT, nearly every character you can think of is available to be played -- and you can pick up FOUR at the same time! If you’re interested in being a co mod, the form is HERE. 
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