andialcares · 4 years
“The Significant of Print, Media and New Media”
In today’s digital age if we are talking about print media or primary print media outlets it is about newspapers and magazines. Television and radio are the primary broadcast media with all online advertising referred to as digital media. Collectively, these media categories form what are commonly referred to as traditional advertising media. From the beginning the three types of media that was namely: Print Media, Broadcast Media and New Media is means of exchanging information through series and also it is help our existence through acquisition of information because as we can see now we are adopting the digital age and its functions. Lastly, the impact of these types is very quite alarming through communication that we use the media to find out news, learn new things, and entertain ourselves. With the advance in technology, we can choose the type of media we want to use, no matter the time or place.
Print Media's best feature is the aged will benefit more from this, if they just wanted to read the news in the form of paper. Or it is just the only way to know or be informed by what's happening because they outgrew it. Or maybe, us, teenagers, millennials are feeling nostalgic wanted to know some stuff that is in the newspaper, magazine or whatsoever, we cannot deny the fact that newspaper is one of the best source. Broadcast media, also one of the best source of informations because whenever something is happening they can go wherever that place may be, report live, interviews people live. They also have this type of drama that allows us to imagine what we want just by listening through it, because sometimes watching drama and listening to them makes us think that it doesn't suit well, maybe the background, the artist, the mood they're trying to surpass to the viewers. And then, there's us, who are born in the information age, wherein we outgrew the New Media, we were used to it. We get the informations from the social media, spread the information through social media, make information through social media. We are able to seek information, search information just by using our cellphones, or just watching television. All of them has it's own best features, in it's own ways.
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andialcares · 4 years
“Understanding the Relevance of Information Literacy in the midst of Social Era”
We are in this era whereas technology became an enormous impact in our life. Information literate is emerging in this modern age and people should be information literate in order not to be fool easily on whatever he/she seeing in the worldwide web. Since information became emerging through any parts of media platform. It is extensive that information literacy is such important because just by searching or browsing in the internet, it allows you to a acquire a huge amount of information in Just a minutes.. In Today's world of emerging technology- information literacy delineate essential role in information which is to spread or to disseminate an information especially in this midst of the social era because of it has a significant role towards people and able them to understand the importance of being well knowledgeable in Information Literacy. Through understanding of Information literacy it able to help you to locate , evaluate ,and being incisive in every information that you get. And it is actually will give you a help in the future career or paths that you will go -might be in the workplace, business and in the field of academics. We are very lucky to be labelled as millennials not because of the word "millennials" because we are given a golden opportunity or privileged to have this technology and we can search and explore many things that have vast contribution in our communication . It is indeed that our knowledge for being information literate would help to scrutinize such deep information and to deepen our minds and be a critical thinker in the field of media communication .
Information literacy empowers people in all walks of life to promote problem solving approaches and thinking skills- asking questions and finding information. Information literacy is a set of abilities it is a basic human right in a digital world and promotes social inclusion in all nations. In Today's modern world we're lucky for having this what we could the technological innovation. Technology information literacy is the economic function through which new technologies are introduced into production and consumption. It has played a key role in facilitating radically improved standards of living. An information literate individual is able to evaluate information and its sources critically it is easy for him/her to identify different types of media and the messages they are sending because they have the ability to analyze what is being presented and that is the advantages of being literate one. Information literacy has a big impact and effect to those people who are able to literate something. It helps people to enhance the quality of education with information literacy you can be more responsible with the information that you see everywhere you go. In this era we are fortunate because wherein high tech and high quality of those things that is demand and needed. Being literate fosters our ability to understand, explain and refine our ideas to others and ourselves it allows us to understand our lives. Information literate individual with their strong analytical and critical thinking are capable to go beyond surface because they are able to understand things that is outside the box. Overall, information literacy will make you a better person, well-informed and also enable you to create a change in the world.
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