andiversailles1 · 12 years
Andi smiled back at Maria for the thumbs up, before turning her attention back to the teacher, Mr Ward, propping her chin on her hand as she listened, absently drawing music notes on the notes she was taking. 
When the last bell rang, Andi packed her things quickly before she followed the rush out the door, catching sight of Maria. Smile on her face, she nodded to Maria. "I don't mind history, to be honest. I'm more of a toga person myself." She grinned, pushing back her hair, as she nodded again. "Well, lunch sounds good, so yeah, sure, sounds great." She smiled again, shrugging her bag further up on her shoulder.
Open RP|
Maria tuned back and smiled giving Andi a wave and a thumbs up. When the last bell rung she grabbed her things and waited outside the door for her. 
‘Sorry.’ Maria said sheepishly. ‘I really am. So what did you think to that lesson? I’m glad with moved on from the prehistoric stuff, I can’t wait until we get to the Greeks and Romans though, kind of have a thing for the Egyptian’s too. ‘So you wanna grab some lunch first and then I’ll show you where the music room is?’ Maria asked her. 
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andiversailles1 · 12 years
Hey Carol, nice to meet you. I'm Andi, Andi Versailles. I'm kinda new too, it's nice to meet you.
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Hi, I’m Carol Danvers. I’m quite shy when I first meet you but give me a little while to settle in and you won’t be able to get me to shut up!
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andiversailles1 · 12 years
Andi caught the note out of reflex, tearing her gaze away from the textbook to peruse it curiously, grinning a little at the first sentence. She mouthed the words to herself as she read, ignoring the person beside her as she scribbled out a reply.
Sounds like a plan. And no worries, I'm used to being thrown to the wolves, happens all the time.  Yeah, I'd love to show you them. Talk to you after class?
Open RP|
Andi pulled an appropriately apologetic face, before she quickly scanned the classroom for an empty seat, finding one near the back. She walked hurriedly down the aisle, eyes on the ground before taking her seat as well, slinking down to avoid the glances as she opened her textbook, staring blankly at the content. American history was confusing her to no end. 
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andiversailles1 · 12 years
Andi turned to the new arrival, noticing that it was Natasha and she grinned in relief that she hadn't been the only one to show early. "Hey Natasha. Oh, can't you tell? Party's gotten too big to handle already, we're spilling out into the halls before its even officially begun." 
Dimly she registered the sound of the Killers and internally she was gleeful for the beat, tapping it out on her bag. "Nice music. Killers, interesting band. Good rhythm." She noted before glancing at Natasha. "So, inside with us I guess. Yeah?" 
Party | Open/Group RP.
Maria’s dad had gone out of town it was a friday again and she wondered if she was crazy for doing it, having a party after what had happened at the last one. She supposed she liked the idea of it more than the actual party and that showed in her preparation. Maria had moved everything of value into the spare room of the huge apartment and locked it. She’s put dust sheets over every inch of floor and hoped that no one would break the wide screen on the wall, this was a bad idea, she knew it was a bad idea but there was no turning back. She hooked her speakers up to the sound system but was hoping Tony brought his too, she liked his taste in music. 
Maria had put out ice and drinks but nothing to soak up the alcohol, it was bring a bottle policy as all parties were and she’d put out some soft drinks but nothing much. She pushed the sofa to the far end and brought out the extra chairs her father kept for gatherings. It was the first time she’d done something like this without his permission and she felt a little naughty. He was away for the whole weekend though so she had time to clean up afterword. She’d locked his bedroom door and her bedroom door and the keys were attached firmly too her hip. Satisfied that nothing was going to get broken, (perhaps a little disappointed that her friends were going to see the apartment like this though), that nothing was going to be ruined by alcohol or sick she turned up the volume, The Killers full blast until she heard the first knock on the door. 
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andiversailles1 · 12 years
Andi stood awkwardly at the front door to Maria's apartment, her satchel bag hiding the bottle of wine she'd managed to fish out of her dad's wine cupboards, and not entirely sure what went down at these sorts of things.
She'd gotten lost on the way over and had had to ask people for directions, which she hadn't particularly enjoyed. Luckily she'd left early from her home, so she was still a little early for the party.
She took a deep breath, composing herself, before knocking quickly, and stepping back into the hallway, chewing her lip as she adjusted the strap, feeling uncomfortable. She'd only just finished rechecking the bottle when the door opened, and she gave Maria a grin, rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly. "Hey, thanks for inviting me. I'm sorry I'm early, but I brought wine?" She pulled up the bag in indication, pulling a little face. "Can I come in?"
Party | Open/Group RP.
Maria’s dad had gone out of town it was a friday again and she wondered if she was crazy for doing it, having a party after what had happened at the last one. She supposed she liked the idea of it more than the actual party and that showed in her preparation. Maria had moved everything of value into the spare room of the huge apartment and locked it. She’s put dust sheets over every inch of floor and hoped that no one would break the wide screen on the wall, this was a bad idea, she knew it was a bad idea but there was no turning back. She hooked her speakers up to the sound system but was hoping Tony brought his too, she liked his taste in music. 
Maria had put out ice and drinks but nothing to soak up the alcohol, it was bring a bottle policy as all parties were and she’d put out some soft drinks but nothing much. She pushed the sofa to the far end and brought out the extra chairs her father kept for gatherings. It was the first time she’d done something like this without his permission and she felt a little naughty. He was away for the whole weekend though so she had time to clean up afterword. She’d locked his bedroom door and her bedroom door and the keys were attached firmly too her hip. Satisfied that nothing was going to get broken, (perhaps a little disappointed that her friends were going to see the apartment like this though), that nothing was going to be ruined by alcohol or sick she turned up the volume, The Killers full blast until she heard the first knock on the door. 
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andiversailles1 · 12 years
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andiversailles1 · 12 years
Andi pulled an appropriately apologetic face, before she quickly scanned the classroom for an empty seat, finding one near the back. She walked hurriedly down the aisle, eyes on the ground before taking her seat as well, slinking down to avoid the glances as she opened her textbook, staring blankly at the content. American history was confusing her to no end. 
Open RP|
‘We dated, he’s an asshole a typical jock only after one thing.’ Maria sighed. ‘As for Tony he’s arrogant and cocky but he’s a decent guy really. Bruce is well,’ Maria started and corrected herself she didnt want to appear to be showing too much favour. ‘Bruce is a good guy he jus attracts a lot of trouble and he usually ends up getting those around him in trouble too.’ she smiled, ‘but it’s true they do have a habit of blowing stuff up from time to time. Mr Hardy the science teacher loves them even though he won’t admit it!’ ‘I can’t blame it all on you that’s not fair and I doubt Mr Ward will be impressed. It’s this one.’ Maria said gesturing to the door.
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andiversailles1 · 12 years
"No, I like what I play, me throwing away papers just helps me relieve my frustration." Andi replied, shifting over a little. "I've been trying to compose a song I've got stuck in my head, but it's just not coming to me." She frowned, before looking back to him. "Well, we could play something. I mean, I prefer classical, but if you wanted to start off with something, I'll just follow along." She nodded a little with a half-smile. 
Open RP|| The Music Room.
Andi slumped forward over the piano keys, her elbows causing an almighty cacophony of sound as she struggled to recapture the sudden burst of inspiration that had struck her,  trying to catch it in the blank music sheets atop the piano shelf.  Her hasty scribbling faltered briefly as she snapped her head back up to survey the music room, chewing her lip as she tapped her pen. 
After a few moments more of thought, Andi shook her head, pulling the paper away from the pile and scrunching it, habitually tossing it over her shoulders without remembering where she was, so caught up in the music she was.  Carding her fingers through her hair, she pulled a fresh piece of paper from her pile, smoothing it out over her notebook.
“Maybe in C sharp rather then D minor…” She mused, pressing her pen against the paper as she leaned against the keys , micking the noise of the notes as she wrote them. She didn’t notice the figure in the doorway until they spoke, startling her out of her thoughts as she turned to face them. “Sorry, uh, were you waiting on the room?” She queried, a little sheepish. “I can leave if you were.”
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andiversailles1 · 12 years
"Sounds like the guys back home. Wankers, the lot of them. Well, I should say most, shouldn't really judge too harshly after all on one bad experience. And Tony and Bruce sound nice, a little volatile when it comes to science, but nice."
Andi cautiously looked at the door before pulling a face. "Nah, seriously, blame me. I'm still new enough that we could probably get away with the 'lost new kid' act. Though if you've got another idea, I'm prepared to listen to that." She gave her companion a sheepish grin. 
Open RP|
'We dated, he's an asshole a typical jock only after one thing.' Maria sighed. 'As for Tony he's arrogant and cocky but he's a decent guy really. Bruce is well,' Maria started and corrected herself she didnt want to appear to be showing too much favour. 'Bruce is a good guy he jus attracts a lot of trouble and he usually ends up getting those around him in trouble too.' she smiled, 'but it's true they do have a habit of blowing stuff up from time to time. Mr Hardy the science teacher loves them even though he won't admit it!' 'I can't blame it all on you that's not fair and I doubt Mr Ward will be impressed. It's this one.' Maria said gesturing to the door.
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andiversailles1 · 12 years
"Just blame the new kid." Andi said lightly, adjusting her bag strap. "Say that you found me floundering around the halls and took pity on the poor, misdirected teen, helped me find my way into the walls of his class. And, advice duly noted, about the guy. I'm sensing a history that probably isn't pretty." Andi gave Maria a little grimace.
"I'll do my best to keep under his radar then." She mock-saluted her, nodding a little. "Any other advice? I heard in the halls, and from Natasha, that Bruce and Tony shouldn't science when it involves blowing stuff up?" Andi queried. 
Open RP|
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andiversailles1 · 12 years
Open RP|| The Music Room.
Andi slumped forward over the piano keys, her elbows causing an almighty cacophony of sound as she struggled to recapture the sudden burst of inspiration that had struck her,  trying to catch it in the blank music sheets atop the piano shelf.  Her hasty scribbling faltered briefly as she snapped her head back up to survey the music room, chewing her lip as she tapped her pen. 
After a few moments more of thought, Andi shook her head, pulling the paper away from the pile and scrunching it, habitually tossing it over her shoulders without remembering where she was, so caught up in the music she was.  Carding her fingers through her hair, she pulled a fresh piece of paper from her pile, smoothing it out over her notebook.
"Maybe in C sharp rather then D minor…" She mused, pressing her pen against the paper as she leaned against the keys , micking the noise of the notes as she wrote them. She didn’t notice the figure in the doorway until they spoke, startling her out of her thoughts as she turned to face them. "Sorry, uh, were you waiting on the room?" She queried, a little sheepish. "I can leave if you were."
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andiversailles1 · 12 years
Likewise mate. So, Rydell sure seems nice so far. You a student too? I'm new, just moved here from Sydney.
hell-child-of-ranga-spawn started following you
Hi. I’m Marion. You are?
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andiversailles1 · 12 years
Andi, Andi Versailles, pleasure to meetcha. 
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hell-child-of-ranga-spawn started following you
Hi. I’m Marion. You are?
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andiversailles1 · 12 years
Andi studied Maria and Bruce, taking in their embarassment and the mirrored redness of the pair's faces and she furrowed her brow slightly, looking away as she started to put the pieces together. "Obernewtyn is mine." She put forth quietly, brain still processing the raw facts.
Lunchbox Treasure || Open RP
‘Oh, that’s impressive, you could cause all kinds of trouble with that.’ Maria smiled drawing up every scenarios from books and movies she can think of in her mind. ‘I’m sure there’s something more you can do with it, I mean can you imitate higher wave frequencies,’ Maria was thinking of the opera singer she’d seen smash a glass before. 
‘What, no, no of course not.’ Maria blushed furiously and bore her eyes into the table. ‘God no nothing like that, it’s erm Bruce chose it, Coulson is making us.’ Maria said as Andi sung and her cheeks reddening even more, the last thing she needed was more reminders of the other night. Or people finding out. 
‘So what’s everyone’s favourite book?’ She blurted out trying to change the subject. 
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andiversailles1 · 12 years
‘Here.’ She smiled handing her back the music. ‘What do you play?’ Maria asked with a small smile on her face, her own arms were laden with four books, none of which she needed for her next lesson. 
“I’m a pianist.” Andi answered, taking back the offered sheets with a half-smile in return, carefully adding it to the slightly crumpled pile. “Classical mostly. And I compose, but I’m not very good to be honest.” Andi turned back to her locker, stuffing the notes back in as she pulled out her textbook, turning back to the other girl. “Thanks, uh…” She struggled for a name, before pulling a pained face. “Sorry, um, you are?”
‘Oh,; Maria smiled. ‘Maria, I’m Maria Bloomsco.’ She said juggling the books in her arms and holding out a hand. ‘I’m trying to learn the piano myself, well now I’m being forced.’ Maria frowned. ‘But I’m not really a classical girl, I can appreciate the music of course, have a love for it but I prefer playing other things. I sort of sing in my spare time. Books are mostly my thing though, nearly through the whole library at the moment, might have to try and get them to get some more books, there’s never enough.’ Maria stopped realising she was babbling. ‘Sorry.’ She smiled sheepishly. ‘So what’s your next class?’ She asked her.
“It’s nice to meet you, Maria.” Andi replied, giving the girl’s hand a firm shake as she adjusted her textbook in her grip. “Well, I think I’ve got history, but the way you guys have got your timetables structured, I can’t really be sure.” The blonde grimaced, raking her free hand through loose hair, pushing it back off her face. “I’ve never really tried my hand at singing… I mean I’ve mimicked but I’ve never done it with my own voice.” She mused, before shaking her head, hand moving to rub at her head sheepishly. “Sorry, too long without human conversation that wasn’t my dad.”
‘Yeah but mimicking must be pretty cool, I tried to mimic the whole trees of green thing, has my dad in stitches, sorry, well, as for class, yeah I have history too.’ Maria smiled. ‘I can show you the way if you want?’ She paused for a minute as they began to walk and looked at her counterpart. 
‘How come no human conversation other than your dad?’ Maria asked. ‘Mind you I’m not better, my dad and I have Harvey but yeah that’s, by the by.’ Maria added.
"It has its moments, admittedly, where it its pretty awesome, the mimicing." Andi noted before flushing at the second question. "I haven't exactly made many friends since I moved over here. You're the first person I've really spoken to outside of class that isn't m dad." She laughed humorlessly, following the other girl with a grimace, carding her fingers through her hair. "We are so late...."
Open RP|
Maria was making her way to class, the busted eye from Stark’s Party was all but healed now, but her mind was on other things as she walked along. Many different things. She heard the crash and looked over to see the new girl. 
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andiversailles1 · 12 years
Andi looked thoughtful for a moment, recalling both moments in the films. and she grinned at Maria, voice raising in pitch to match the American girl’s voice, mimicking it completely as she responded. “No, I guess its not. Thank you for that, maybe I should be a voice actor or something when I grow up? Or I could use it as distractions in undercover missions. Hmmm.” The blonde tapped her chin, absently dropping the other girl’s voice as she continued speaking. “I dunno… Anyways, what song are the two of you doing, song-wise? Sappy love duet? You’d think that people would’ve had enough of silly love songs.” She teased, voice taking on the timbre of Paul Mcartney’s from when he’d sung the song.
Lunchbox Treasure || Open RP
Bruce looked at Natasha and furrowed his brow before he rolled his eyes, ‘Oh, yeah? well, fine, maybe I changed my mind and don’t wanna be a normal brother anyway’ he smiled and looked down. He looked back up and listened to Maria his eyes starting to flash back and forth, he knew they were when she looked away and so he looked down himself. He sighed and kept his eyes closed a few moments before he looked back up. ‘So Natasha, you play anything?’ he asked turning towards Natasha again, ‘You know we can change songs if you’d like?’ he offered Maria before taking a sip of his water and leaning against the table letting his hair fall in his eyes. 
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andiversailles1 · 12 years
"It's nice to meet you, Maria." Andi replied, giving the girl's hand a firm shake as she adjusted her textbook in her grip. "Well, I think I've got history, but the way you guys have got your timetables structured, I can't really be sure." The blonde grimaced, raking her free hand through loose hair, pushing it back off her face. "I've never really tried my hand at singing... I mean I've mimicked but I've never done it with my own voice." She mused, before shaking her head, hand moving to rub at her head sheepishly. "Sorry, too long without human conversation that wasn't my dad."
Open RP|
It was the fourth time that Andi had been unable to get to her locker in the week since she’d started at Rydell Schermer Hill High, and she rolled her eyes in exasperation at the couple with a sigh. Brilliant. Just brilliant. She was going to be late again if the pair currently swapping spit in front of her locker didn’t move on. She coughed awkwardly, trying to catch their attention and finally her efforts were rewarded when they drew away, finally summoned by the last warning bell which Andi was starting to become very familiar with.
Drumming her fingers against her jumper-clad arm, the blonde teen hastily stepped up to her locker, fumbling to get the combination right, a detail she only remembered by the sound of the clicks. “Nine, twenty-seven, thirteen, one.” She murmured, and was rewarded with the soft sound of the lock opening, quickly tugging the door open to search through the tangled mess of books, music sheets and notepads for her history textbook, cursing colourfully as a few sheets of composed music fell, scattering into the near-deserted halls.
Unfortunately for her, someone was still near enough to her to notice, and as she grabbed desperately for her music, unwilling to share she scrambled . “Sorry, sorry.” She mumbled, sheets crumpling slightly from her death grip, biting her lip as she glanced hastily up at them. “Didn’t mean to do that, sorry. Well, obviously, but, uh-” She cut her accented Australian drawl off, standing with the sheets clutched to her chest, bag loosely over her shoulder.
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