androidbleu · 6 years
She follows his lead, sitting down in the chair offered to her not wanting to seem rude or impolite. Kari brings a smile to her face, setting down a small wrapped parcel onto the desk before pulling her hands back down to her lap
“I’m here for you actually! I, uhm,” Nerves get the best of her and she takes a moment to pause and recollect herself. “I’m here to thank you for your hard work on my case.” The words tumble past her lips, strained, as she’s forced to remember the fiasco that happened after the blackout. The brunette bows her head once more, in thanks and apology for all the trouble.
“I hadn’t had the opportunity to come see you.” She’d been busy-hospitalization, physical therapy which she was still attending, surveillance under friends and relatives, slowly coming back to work. It’d been hectic adjusting to everything. “But I didn’t feel comfortable not letting you know that your work was appreciated, so here I am!” // @androidbleu 
Well, mark Connor down as pleasantly surprised. In his line of work, it’s very rare for someone to thank him for his services. Then again, his usual cases aren’t missing person cases. He hasn’t even been working for a full year yet but he’s already been slapped by three different women because he revealed that their partners actually were cheating on them.
“It was no trouble at all, Miss Yagami.” He keeps still, despite how much he’d love to fidget right now. He clasps his hands together and places them on his desk so they don’t drift down to the coin in his pocket. “I’m glad you decided to take the time out of your day to pay me a visit. You seem like a very lovely girl.” Connor flashes a small smile at her.
His eyes lower to look at the small item that has been put onto his desk. “May I ask what this is?” // @crscntlight
A Surprising Visit || Connor & Kari
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androidbleu · 6 years
Zuko had been cautiously watching Connor research the De Mello gang nearly since the other had been assigned the case. Whenever there was talk of gangs or different mafia groups, it piqued his attention. Largely because he had what felt like a lifetime of knowledge seeing as he had been involved with mafia for as long as he could remember. It wasn’t by choice but his father was involved and, by default, that meant so was he as soon as he was old enough to hold a gun. It was only recently he had decided to try and get away from the lifestyle, it was how he found himself working as a double agent.
He hesitated for a moment, unsure if he should really get involved but Connor seemed frustrated and he thought that if there was anything he knew a lot about it was this. “Uh, I was wondering if you wanted some help with the case?”
Normally, Connor would stay out of Detective Yu’s way. They haven’t ever been assigned to a case together so he’s not had much of an opportunity to get to know him. He’s sure that Zuko is a charming man but their paths just haven’t really crossed. In this case, Connor is frustrated and accepting will provide him with help, and the chance to get to know his co-worker better. “I would absolutely appreciate your help.” He says with a short laugh. “I have almost nothing on the De Mello gang. It’s really killing me here.”
He reaches over and takes the case file from his desk and opens it up, showing Detective Yu the single page of information. “This is what I’m currently working with. You got anything I can add to this?” // @zukoyu​
Sketchy Situation || Connor & Zuko
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androidbleu · 6 years
Blossom took a ragged breath, trying to pull in her anger. It wasn’t any use getting angry at her co-workers but the frustration in her just made her want to scream. They’ve been at an impasse for the better half of the month and all their leads were turning dry. She couldn’t help but be frustrated. 
“Small gang, atleast 20 known operating members. Most of their handlings is under the table dealings with drugs. No known Peddler, not affliated with any of the larger gangs. If anything they try to operate trying to keep Salem’s and Slade’s noses out of it.” Those two were some of the bigger names in the streets and certainly more troublesome. // @androidbleu​
“I pass by the Bee’s Knees Jazz Club every day on my way to work and I’ve never thought twice about it,” he states, one of his hands going to hold his chin as he processes his thoughts. “The Scriven gang likes to operate inside jazz clubs when they’re the busiest so as to not draw suspicion, right?” Connor looks at Blossom for a second before he begins to pace.
“There is an event happening tonight. The Bee’s Knees managed to get a very popular musician booked for the night. The whole city is going to be there!” He remembers the large sign posted out front of the club from his trip past this morning. Rickey Gill, famous jazz musician was going to play for the club starting at 9pm tonight. “We should send a few detectives down for the night to see if they can pinch any mobsters trying to make some deals.” // @blcsscmcd​
Dry Leads || c&b
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androidbleu · 6 years
Xion offered a bright smile in return. “That won’t be necessary, I am always more than ready!” She spoke with a small salute, before shifting to a more serious expression. “It seems as though the mafia I have been investigating as of late has obtained a large shipment of alcohol and other illegal substances- a lot more than the numbers we had anticipated actually which is rather concerning. Things seem rather tense within the ranks as well lately, but I still think my identity is concealed just fine.” // @androidbleu​
Connor keeps a solemn face as he picks up a clipboard and writes down what Xion says, taking in her every word. This isn’t good. This particular gang already manages to smuggle in a huge lot of bootlegged goods, but more than they thought? He doesn’t like the sound of this. “That is rather concerning. Do you have any idea where they may be getting their shipments from?” He asks, clicking the top of his pen a couple of times. // @illusionarythespian​
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androidbleu · 6 years
“Unfortunately not, Detective Trinity. I was hoping that with your return you would bring some new information.” Connor puts the file of papers he was holding down onto his desk. “As always though, I am glad to see you return seemingly unharmed.” He gives her a slight smile. Her job is a tough one, he knows.  He has no doubt that if he were in her position he would’ve cracked a long time ago and given himself away.
Connor sits on the edge of his desk and lifts one of his legs into his lap. “Now, Detective Trinity, are you ready to give a report summary, or would you like a little bit of time first?” // @illusionarythespian
Xion kept a blank face as she stepped into the building, removing her disguises as she entered the police department. While Xion was in her element, playing up her mafia persona, she only had one true alignment, and that was with the other deputies. A double agent she was, and a good one at that she’d like to think! Thus far, no suspicion had been thrown her way toward her alias. It was insanely hard to forget sometimes who she even was when she put on her new face.  And perhaps it was one of the most beloved aspects of what she did.  “Hello! Has any new leads been found while i’ve been away?” She questioned as she made her way over to a colleague of hers.  
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androidbleu · 6 years
Sketchy Situation || Connor & Zuko
Connor sighs as he reads through what little information he has on the De Mello gang. He’d been assigned their case a couple of weeks ago and since then he’s collected next to nothing about them besides the fact that they’ve been smuggling illegal substances into the city, which was kind of a given. He has a hunch that they could be getting the drugs in by storing the crates below the decks of specific cruise ships and paying the employees on board to keep their mouths shut. He has absolutely no physical evidence of this claim, though, so he is not able to collect assets from the police to help him research this further.
He’s about ready to break one of his pencils to try and take out some of his frustrations when he notices someone standing next to his desk. “Detective Yu?” // @zukoyu
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androidbleu · 6 years
“Simmer down, Detective Utonium.” Connor placed a hand on her shoulder as he spoke. She was getting too worked up. He knew that the more frustrated she got the less focus she’d be able to give. Turning around, he gave the cork board a scan. One of the gangs there was known to frequent different jazz clubs to make their deals as none of the workers ever opened their mouths to say anything. Something in Connor’s mind clicked. “Hold on, what do you know about the Scriven gang?” He turned his head to look at Blossom, waiting for what she had to say. // @blcsscmcd
Dry Leads || c&b
A sharp, loud crack resonated through the office as Blossom slammed her hands down onto the desk in frustration. “We’re not getting anywhere,” she growled, running a hand through her short hair, glaring down at the array of papers scattered on the desk.
Behind her was a cork board, filled to the brim with locations, suspects, and a list of which gangs operated in which territories. Everyone knew that the gangs were operating and dealing, the only problem was the task force couldn’t catch them in the act. Without it, they had nothing and couldn’t incriminate them for anything. // @androidbleu
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androidbleu · 6 years
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Aesthetic: Detroit: Become Human
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androidbleu · 6 years
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Aesthetic: Connor (Detroit: Become Human)
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androidbleu · 6 years
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make a choice
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androidbleu · 6 years
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androidbleu · 6 years
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androidbleu · 6 years
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Lineart by Kanoii-chi | Coloring by me (・ω・)ノ
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androidbleu · 6 years
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androidbleu · 6 years
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Art by Akirawhat (@Akirawhat)
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androidbleu · 6 years
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family movie night
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androidbleu · 6 years
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Beanie Boy
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