ands-hewaslike · 7 years
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I will always have such adoration for flowers and a strange fondness for envelopes. 
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ands-hewaslike · 7 years
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Insomnia, 2013. Pillow, thread, paper, glass, glue, eyelashes.
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ands-hewaslike · 7 years
It's world mental health day ...
Start a conversation today. Raise awareness;
ADHD is a very real disorder and not just someone being ‘hyperactive' & you do not know how much OCD controls some people’s lives. Stop trivialising these disorders.
Depression is not a ‘phase’, and you cannot just ‘get over’ anxiety. Stop making people feel worse than they already do.
People with borderline personality disorder are not 'manipulative’ and people with schizophrenia are not 'out to get you’. Stop demonizing less well known mental illnesses.
Eating disorders are deadly and not to be glorified - and yes, binge eating disorder is 'a thing’ - it is not someone being 'greedy’ or 'lazy’. Stop glorifying some illnesses and stop downplaying others.
No you are not so 'bipolar’ for having mood swings, and no, she is not such an 'insomniac’ for staying up till 2 am last night , and that boy so does not look 'anorexic’. Stop using mental illnesses as adjectives.  
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ands-hewaslike · 7 years
do you have any advice on cleaning sh wounds/ keeping safe - what not to do etc?
Hello Sunshine :D
For cuts:
Apply direct pressure to the area to stop the bleeding. If the cuts are on a limb, hold it above your heart.
If the cut is wide or deep, hold the sides of the injury together
Clean the area with warm water and soap
Apply an antibiotic ointment (such as Neosporin)
Apply a sterile bandage or wrap over the area
For burns:
Cool the area with low pressure cool running water or cool cloths for several minutes. Do not use ice, oil, or butter. Burned areas are weak and may become frostbitten easily. Oil or butter will trap the heat in.
Remove all jewelry and tight fitting clothing as soon as possible - the swelling may make it hard to remove later. If clothing is stuck to your burn, do not try to pull it off.
If you wish, treat with a topical water soluble burn cream to reduce pain. After 2-3 days, you can use aloe.
Do not pop blisters
Wear loose fitting clothing while healing
Call 911:
If a cut is spurting blood in time to your heart beat, you have hit an artery. Call 911 and do not remove pressure from the area.
If the cut is deep or over a joint
If you have lost sensation in the area of injury
If you continue to bleed heavily after taking the above steps
If you can see yellow fatty tissue or underlying muscle (will look like a slab of meat)
If it is hard to hold the sides of the cut together
If something is stuck in your wound/burn (in the case of something being in your cut, hold the sides together around the object and do not attempt to remove it)
You were burned using a chemical
Helpful links:
Cutting: A Painful Addiction
Steps to self-harm Recovery
Recover Your Life: Self-Harm Support
Kids Helpline: Recover From Self Harm
As a Teen, How do I stop Cutting Myself?
Self-Harm Hotlines:
Cutting/Self Injury Hotlines
Self Harm Hotline
Cutting Resources
Lifeline: Crises Support Chat
Self-Harm Online (includes a list of chat services)
TESS (uk)
More Self-Harm Resources:
Recover Your Life.com (Self-Harm community / support)
Helpguide.org: Cutting and Self-Harm
TeensHealth: How Can I Stop Cutting?
Royal College of Psychiatrists: Self-harm
The Site: Self-Harm
WebMD: Cutting and Self-Harm: Warning Signs and Treatment
NHS: Self-Harm
Mind: Self-harm (uk)
Mayo Clinic: Self-injury / Cutting
Hope you’re taking care of yourself darling, self harming does a person NO good. Please reach out and ask someone for some help. You can recover from self harm. Please let me know if there’s anything else I can do for you. :) xx
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ands-hewaslike · 7 years
I'm relapsing and i like it.
Really?Do you really want to relapse?I want you to ask yourself again; is this really what you want?
No, you don’t want this.And you are only lying to yourself if you say that you ‘like’ relapsing. 
It is the disorder that likes it.Not you.
That is the reality of this illness.It takes over your whole mind. Controls your every thought.It sneaks in without you even realising, like a thief in the middle of the night, and before you know it you are too far down the path to turn back.It becomes your every move, your every thought, and your every belief.It tricks and manipulates you.  Turning the tables completely.It makes you believe things that you don’t truly believe in. It stops you from doing what you want to do.
It becomes your ‘best friend’, but it is your worst enemy.It cuts you off from the world, shrinking your life, isolating you.It makes you weaker and weaker as times go by.
You begin to forget who you really are.What you really believe in.It becomes you.It takes you over.Consumes you.And suddenly you are gone.
And what is left is only a shell.An empty shell.A shadow of the former person who stood before you when you looked in the mirror.You forget those little things that defined your character.Those sparkly earrings.Your choice of styling.The way you spoke, the way you walked.It all goes.Disappears.Gone.
And what are you left with? Nothing.
You are left with nothing.
That voice inside your head that people keep telling you that you are hearing; you can’t understand them. In your mind all you hear is YOU. It feels wrong. They don’t seem to understand. They can’t understand. They will never understand.Because the person you were, those little qwerks that made you, you, have all but disappeared. Left at the bottom of the pile of things that this illness has stripped you of.
So where does this relapse get you?
Relapsing, although it may feel comforting at the time, is going to give you nothing but take you backwards. Retreating. Disappearing into the disorder.It can’t get you to those places.It takes away everything.It destroys. 
You will not be living.You will be barely existing. 
Because I can assure you that those thoughts inside your mind right now that tell you that everything is going to be okay when you get to x are lying. It will never be enough. If you ever reach x, it will then be y, and then z…and it will never stop. It will never be enough. It will never stop wanting, asking for more. Even when it gets too much, it will still demand more from you until there is nothing left.And that’s the reality of the situation.This illness, this disorder, your ‘best friend’ in your mind right now wants you dead. And it will continue to destroy you every single day that you do not fight it.
It tells you that this relapse will help?That it will allow you to get to somewhere you want to be perhaps? That it is on your side.But I want to ask you really, where is relapsing going to get you? 
What will it ‘achieve’?
Because you know that it will not bring you happiness and life. It will instead bring you pain and hurt and darkness. But not just to you, to those around you as well.
-       You will begin to lack energy. Unable to join in.
-       You become easily irritable; small things get to you. When you can’t have your routine, the rules in your head the way you want them, you become angry.
-       Your mind gets foggy, you can’t quite remember.
-       You can wave goodbye to socialising because you won’t have time for that
-       Studying? Pfft you can forget that too, concentrating is going to be a near impossible task, focusing on a book feels like you are being asked to run a marathon. You may even have to drop out and stop studying all together.
-       Your life gets put on hold as you focus even more on the disorder.
-        Weakness begins to set in. Like a cold in winter. It knocks you for ten. But you have to continue with those rituals don’t you? Because they have to be completed so that the voice is pleased. Just to have to repeat them tomorrow, and the next day, and the next and the next….
-       Exercising, if you even have enough energy to do it that is, becomes a chore. Something you wish you didn’t have to do. It becomes a form of torture. Those lie-ins become cold winter runs, even when you feel so weak that you could drop to the floor you try to keep going because this is all you know. This is the only focus you have left. There is nothing else.
-       On that note, sleep? you can think again. Your dreams and nightmares will become consumed with the monster that terrorises your every day. You can’t escape. You will begin to sleep less and less. Constantly awake. Worrying. Planning. Trying to find out how you can get away with X or Y without anyone noticing.
-       Any sleep that you might achieve however will never feel enough. You body isn’t able to shut down out of fear of not being able to wake up. Leaving you like a zombie walking the streets.
-       I nearly forgot, it’s getting towards winter here; well you better have enough layers because the already cold weather is going to hit hard. You will never be warm enough, constantly trying to find more and more layers to wear on-top of the already borrowed jumpers from relatives or friends. Hot water-bottles and hot-packs never seem to be enough. You are constantly cold and the thought of having to go outside fills you with dread, yet that voice in your head makes you. Demands you to.
-       Your hair will begin to fall out again. Maybe not at first but in a short amount of time it will begin to come out in clumps, your body unable to give it the nutrients it needs to be kept healthy.
-       Blue hands and fingers become the bane of your life. Try holding pens and pencils in class when you cant even feel your fingers.
-       Bright red and sniffly nose which never seems to warm up.
-       You ache because your body is breaking down any and every bit of muscle it can find. There isn’t enough energy so it has to do something doesn’t it!
-       But did you know that your heart is a muscle itself.
-       Your body is eating itself, trying its hardest to stay alive. To keep you functioning.
-       You even begin to notice hair growing over your body where it wasn’t before. It is trying to keep as warm as it can, but the only way it can do that is by giving it everything it has. It is trying to protect you. But it is far from glamorous.
-       Your clothes begin to fall off you. Hang lose.  Nothing ever feels right anymore. You can’t find anything that fits you. All your friends are excited about the winter ball that is coming up but there you are, scared of the food that would be served and the consequences that would happen if you were to dare to think about joining in. You fear the dress that you will have to wear, which will need to be brought in because there is no size in store that fits. Unless you want to go to the children’s section that is…
-       Your world gets smaller and smaller. You cut off any friendships you may have had. Refuse to see your family. You were scared of what they might think of you and if they would ‘mess up your plan’. You didn’t want to have to face the idea of going out or socialising when you could be at home planning, scheming with the monster inside your mind.  It gets so small. So lonely.
-       You begin to find it hard to even get out of bed anymore, your body aching, filling you with dread but then you remember that you have to complete your rituals. You can’t not do them. That would mean more consequences.
-       You try to stand, swing your legs over the side of your small mattress on the floor, but your legs don’t respond.
-       You fling your arm out and accidently knock over the cup from last night’s green tea. Another thing messed up. Another chore that needs to be done.
-       The lists are endless, and you begin to think of all the things you have left to do. The rules. The demands that need to be fulfilled.
-       You are so consumed by this eating disorder that you forgot that you couldn’t move.
-       Your legs not responding. Your back aching. Your head spinning. You try to call for help but then you remember; you left your housemates months ago. Moved into your one room apartment to get away from life. Hiding away. You wanted to be alone, a place where you could live out life with the disorder at your side. But what have the last months been? Hell.
-       You begin to cry, but you hardly have the energy to even do that.
-       You pick up your phone, scrolling through the endless unused numbers that still litter your address book until you find it….‘home’
-       You press the call button, someone picks up the other end but you don’t quite hear what they say.
-       You manage to pull together all the courage you can muster to choke into the headpiece; ‘I’m sorry, I need help’
-       And everything goes black.
You don’t realise all the things you used to take for granted until they have all been taken away. Darkness consumes you.Your days full of pain and torture. 
-       And you ask yourself, in midst of everything that is going on around you at the bustling busy GP surgery that your worried mother has managed to drag you to, was it worth it? Relapsing, that is? Was it really what you wanted?
-       Your mother came down as soon as the message got through to her. She arrived to find you passed out on the floor. After managing to wake you she tried to get you to have just a small something to eat or drink but you refused. You said you ‘couldn’t’ that you ‘weren’t allowed’. You were delirious. Not making much sense. So here she brought you, as soon as she could to the GP to do whatever she could.
-       Sitting there, in the uncomfortable surgery chairs, while other patients cough and splutter their colds and flu around you, you think about what has happened. You didn’t realise it at first. You thought you were doing the right thing. But the truth is that your life has been on the edge for the last few months. You have been losing the fight. Your life stopped. You have nothing left.
-       Your friends have all moved on. They’ll be graduating this summer. Some of them are even settling down with their boyfriends, planning a family. They go out every Saturday night, socialising, laughing. You see the pictures plastered all over facebook….
-       And here you are, more alone than you ever have been before. Lost. Confused. Consumed.
-       Out of nowhere you begin to cry again. This time you don’t seem to be able to stop it, and you vaguely see your mother turn to you, but she can’t quite bring herself to ask you the question that she most desperately wants to.
-       She is scared and worried. She sees her child before her, unrecognisable. On deaths door. She wants to ask herself what she could have done to stop this happening. She wants to take the time back and be your saviour. To stop this pain.
 But you have already asked yourself this question for months.Sleepless nights. Questions left unanswered.So now I ask you, was it worth it?Did you really want to relapse?Or was it this illness trying to control and take everything away from you? Wanting to take your life away.Did you want the lights to turn off? For life to stop?It is never right for a mother to have to bury her own child.
It was comforting at that moment in time; you thought it was the right thing to do. But all too soon it was out of your control and you were spiralling out of control.
Today you have the power to stop this from continuing.You can make your voice heard; don’t let it drown you out.
This is not how your story has to end.Reach out, speak out; there are people there to listen.Please don’t let this be the end. 
You are loved.You are worthy.And you are deserving of life.
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ands-hewaslike · 7 years
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Free Recovery E-Books: Mood Juice created downloadable PDF self-help books for anger, anxiety, bereavement, chronic pain, depression, obsessions/compulsions, panic, post traumatic stress, shyness and social phobia, sleep problems and stress. The ones I looked at are based largely on CBT. Click here to check them out.
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ands-hewaslike · 7 years
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136K notes · View notes
ands-hewaslike · 7 years
because your loved ones have not, let me say it for them. or rather, let me say it for myself, because you owe them no allegiance. i love you. you are loved like first snow and the spring rain. you are loved like mountains love sky. i don’t have to know you to say this, much like i don’t have to know the name of every dog to understand that if i was to lay eyes on it, i would smile instantly. i don’t need to know you. i know you think you are flawed or broken or that maybe there is something inside of you that is too much poison. it is okay. that lived - or maybe lives - inside of me too. that is okay. nobody blames nature when she is cruel. i still think you are awe-inspiring, because what can you be but nature’s offspring? i am proud of you. i am proud of every small kind thing you did, especially when no one was looking. i am proud of you for everything you worked for, and i do not fault you for the mistakes you made. none of us are are perfect. it’s okay. i am proud of you just the same. and i believe in you. i believe that if you want something, it should be yours. i believe that you are fighting battles beyond the ones i can see. i believe that you are strong, that you are courageous, that you are capable of winning. i believe that you hold a future in your hands that will amaze me to know. i believe that you mean so much already and you will change this world in incredible ways. we never really grow up if we don’t want, but i know that as you grow older, who you will become will inspire others. please don’t give up. i know it is hard. i know it is. but you have already come so far. one day you will look back on this moment and say “finally, the worst is over” and it will be. you will only become stronger in this storm, and one day, the clouds will clear and all will be sun. and again, because i cannot say it enough: i love you, little one.
i hope you are safe tonight. please treat yourself like how the stars treat the night. // r.i.d (via inkskinned)
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ands-hewaslike · 7 years
yeah so i got my hair done today
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ands-hewaslike · 7 years
It's world mental health day ...
Start a conversation today. Raise awareness;
ADHD is a very real disorder and not just someone being ‘hyperactive' & you do not know how much OCD controls some people’s lives. Stop trivialising these disorders.
Depression is not a ‘phase’, and you cannot just ‘get over’ anxiety. Stop making people feel worse than they already do.
People with borderline personality disorder are not ‘manipulative’ and people with schizophrenia are not 'out to get you’. Stop demonizing less well known mental illnesses.
Eating disorders are deadly and not to be glorified - and yes, binge eating disorder is 'a thing’ - it is not someone being 'greedy’ or 'lazy’. Stop glorifying some illnesses and stop downplaying others.
No you are not so 'bipolar’ for having mood swings, and no, she is not such an 'insomniac’ for staying up till 2 am last night , and that boy so does not look 'anorexic’. Stop using mental illnesses as adjectives.  
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ands-hewaslike · 7 years
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Clear your mind here
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ands-hewaslike · 7 years
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802K notes · View notes
ands-hewaslike · 7 years
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Hello, everyone! Someone asked me to make this masterpost, and i agreed instantly: taking care of your mental (and physical) health is extremely important, and I want you guys to have a great study experience. My chat and ask box are always open and it would be no problem to help if any of you are having problems! ❤️
Managing Stress 
How to not panic before a exam
Stress tips
Guided relaxation
Studying while mentally ill
Studying with an eating disorder
Study with ADHD
Study tips for students with ADHD
Study with OCD
How to concentrate
Stress relievers
How to meditate
Sleep better
Self help tips
Self care reminders
More useful masterposts:
Help masterpost
Study masterpost
Exams masterpost
Basically everything
Anxiety Masterpost
Self love masterpost
Self care masterpost
Mental health resource masterpost
Recovery resources
Mental Illness and others
Motivate yourself!!
ways to motivate yourself
tips on how to stay motivated
motivational quotes masterpost
motivational quotes
how to increase motivation
100 reasons to study
For your body:
Exam foods
Stay healthy!
Brain power foods
Exam nutrition tips
17 Power Snacks For Studying
how to get up in the morning
how to get ready for the day
feeling down?
This is sand
Virtual relaxation room
coping skills and distractions
ED recovery
8K notes · View notes
ands-hewaslike · 7 years
Executive dysfunction life hack
Instead of telling yourself, “I should get up,” or “I should do this,”
Ask yourself, “When will I get up?” or “When will I be ready to do this?”
Instead of trying to order yourself to feel the signal to do something, which your brain is manifestly bad at, listen to yourself with compassionate curiosity and be ready to receive the signal to move when it comes.
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ands-hewaslike · 7 years
If you have someone who is suicidal in your household
If you have someone who is suicidal in your household please don’t go on a silent angry rampage, hands fumbling to lock kitchen draws, hunting for the bathroom cabinet key, tipping mattresses over -                                           they’re suicidal, not stupid, not invalid, and no matter how hard you try you can never stop a moving train. You cannot move the danger away but you can move them away from danger that is their thoughts.
(so) If you have someone who is suicidal in your household talk. to. THEM. Don’t have hushed conversations with your friend, and your partner and every available person … apart from them. No really, saying the word ‘suicide’ isn’t going to drive them over the edge;                                                 Conversations stop suicide, they don’t jumpstart it, do not for one moment think that it will ‘blow over’ just ‘give it time’ no. no. no.
If you have someone who is suicidal in your household understand that they feel helpless but you are not. Understand that sometimes, you, alone, cannot fix them with “I love you”s and “it’ll be okay”s.                                                       Know that sometimes, asking for outside help is the only way forward, that’s okay; you have not failed them, they have not failed themselves. Take some time out. Regroup.
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ands-hewaslike · 7 years
Today I talk about some signs to notice when we need to seek professional help. Although I believe we should reach out for support whenever we need it (no need to meet any requirements) many of you were curious about when we know our mental health has reached a critical level. So here are my 4 tips/signs that you need to reach out: 1. Does it bother you most days? 2. Does it impair your ability to function? Does it make it harder to get out of bed or get to school? Maybe you aren’t able to interact with your friends like you used to. Whatever impairment you feel, please reach out for help. 3. Do you find yourself being overly emotional in situations that don’t call for it? I do this one a lot! This is my sign that I need to get back into therapy. 4. Did you answer yes to any of these? Please reach out for help asap! WEBSITE http://www.katimorton.com TWITTER http://www.twitter.com/katimorton FACEBOOK http://www.facebook.com/katimorton1 TUMBLR http://www.katimorton.tumblr.com PINTEREST http://www.pinterest.com/katimorton1
Subtitle videos if you know English or any other languages! You can help people who are either hearing impaired or non native English speaking. By doing this, you are helping others and strengthening our community.
MY FREE WORKBOOKS Easy to follow at home workbooks for your mental health Self-Harm workbook http://goo.gl/N7LtwU Eating Disorder workbook http://goo.gl/DjOmkC LGTBQ workbook http://goo.gl/WG8jcZ
KATIFAQ VIDEOS Wondering if I have answered a question like yours? Search for it here: http://goo.gl/1ECSlO
MY VIDEO SCHEDULE Monday - New mental health topic video Thursday -q&a’s, guests, mental health in the news, etc
SENDING KATI STUFF PO Box 1223 Wilshire Blvd. #665 Santa Monica, CA 90403
BUSINESS INQUIRIES  [email protected]
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ands-hewaslike · 7 years
Music; The concept of ‘Blurryface’
I’m one of those nerds everyone makes fun of when they say “music saved my life.” Because it did. Can we not make fun of those people anymore? Cuz those people use music as their will to live.
The thing about music is that it’s people behind the songs – real people who experienced what you are experiencing. Does that make sense?
Let me use an example. Max Bemis of Say Anything is one of my role models. For 7 years, I’ve looked up to this man so much. He went from some lonely drug-addicted, alcoholic to a man with a wife, two daughters, and a successful career in the music industry. He hit rock bottom, got help from mental hospitals, and came out as a changed man.
I remember discovering …Is A Real Boy when I was in 9th grade. Alive With The Glory of Love played on my Pandora and I was like, “Whoah, let me check this band out,’ and holy shit, I loved them. Of course, since this was 2010, the punk/emo/whatever scene was in its last years, so everyone was moving on from that type of music. I didn’t care. I still don’t give a shit, I love all the bands who made it big from 2000 to 2009.
My favorite song off of …IARB is definitely Yellow Cat Slash Red Cat. I have plans of getting a yellow cat and red cat tattooed somewhere on my body. Again, I have no shame or care at all. To me, the lyrics describes Max as this lazy ass of a man who suffers from apathy. He sees all this small, insignificant shit going on that can easily be stopped (two cats fighting, child playing with a shotgun, etc.) and just doesn’t do anything about it. He doesn’t care about his future, what’s going on around him, or not wanting to “risk a scratch” by breaking two cats up.
Sometimes I feel that way. I find myself not caring. It’s not every day, it’s very on and off. One day I’m very motivated to get everything done and will solve insignificant problems with no strain at all, and some days it’s hard for me to even care about cleaning up or resolving an argument I’ve had with someone.
But wait, I know you’re asking: “Trey, if you relate to this nihilistic, depressing music, why does it make you feel better?” Because like I said earlier, this is a real person who knows what I’m going through writing this. I see Max’s road to recovery and I get hopeful; because although I didn’t suffer exactly like he did, I still relate to him and know if he can get better, so can I.
Brand New is also one band I look up to. Jesse Lacey writes some pretty great music on a ton of different subjects – depending on others, religion, depression, loneliness, etc.. The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me is another album I’ve listened to about 100 times in one week. Jesus Christ is my favorite off the album because I’ve had my doubts about believing in something I Don’t understand. It’s still a scary thing, because what if all of it is true? What would happen to me?
Matty Healy of The 1975 came a long way in his song writing. Their first album was “how many times can we mention underage sex, weed, coke, and money in this album?” Their newest album I Like It When You Sleep… is so well written. The improvement from self-titled to that is remarkable. Matty writes more about his thoughts and experiences and gets more emotional in his lyrics. The Ballad of Me and my Brain is definitely my favorite on the album.
I can’t write a post on music as a coping device without mentioning My Chemical Romance. Whether you had an emo phase or not, you cannot deny that MCR will forever go down in history as one of the most iconic bands of our times. The songs, fan base, and members prove it wasn’t just a band – it was a movement. When the band announced them leaving the industry, the love and support everyone showed was beautiful. The reason they did it wasn’t because they weren’t making money or “creative differences.” All four guys agreed their wasn’t anything meaningful left to write anymore, and they didn’t want to sell out and write something they didn’t care about.
What I love most about MCR was that it wasn’t all about Gerard Way’s story. Everyone in the band had their own influences on the music and fans.
My absolute all time favorite band is Twenty One Pilots. I remember sitting in my math class senior year listening to some Pandora radio station and Holding on to You played. I saved it to check out the band later, and from then I was hooked on them. Vessel’s upbeat, schitzoid-pop tunes mixed with dark, depression lyrics was something completely new in the industry.
Self-Titled was full of so much emotion. From Implicit Demand for Proof to Isle of Flightless Birds, I can point out one part in every song that gives me this feeling of hope. Addict With a Pen is my favorite off the album, because it’s all basically having hope. While I’m not religious at all. Self-Titled’s subtle undertones of Tyler Joseph’s belief in God didn’t stop me from relating to what he sings about. What I love about it is he doesn’t leave it as a definite referral to religion. The listener can interpret it any way he or she wants.
Regional at Best is totally underrated. Tyler gets out of the sad piano music and makes music that describes him – happy, upbeat, and bright on the outside, but lonely, hurting, and depressed on the inside.
Exactly like me.
Last year when they released Blurryface, I had that album playing for at least 4 months straight. My icon for this blog is Tyler’s rendition of Blurryface. Never have I heard a band write an album on one common subject and doing well with it.
Blurryface is about Tyler (and even Josh Dun’s) struggle with this ugly, chaotic entity in their minds named ‘Blurryface.’
Blurryface isn’t something just they suffer from. We all can have a Blurryface fucking us over. It’s anxiety, stress, depression, sadness, anger, that thing we keep repressing.
Blurryface is one of my favorite concepts in any form of art.
Tyler Joseph is another one of my idols because he makes himself so vulnerable. He throws down his walls and defenses to show us we’re not fighting alone. Blurryface is him being as vulnerable as possible. It’s his story, his battle, and his conquest for everyone to hear.
Goner, the last song on the album, is my favorite. The way I listen to the song is Tyler asking for help. He admits he can’t do it alone, which is okay. Our minds can be too much for us to handle alone, sometimes we need a person to listen to us.
When I first listened to the song at 4 in the morning when the album leaked, I cried my fucking eyes out. When he got to the end of the bridge and started screaming “don’t let me be gone” and the music started getting really heavy, I felt this rush of emotions going through me, because I felt like I had someone who didn’t want me to fade away or become lonely. Even though I’ve never met any of these musicians, I still feel like they’re there for me.
I’ve basically made this post into a review for all my favorite bands and albums. The whole point I’ve been making is music is a great healing device because it’s real people who understand you. Sometimes the words we can’t speak or hear can only be delivered through music.
It’s also a great way to express your emotions – like writing.
One thing about music that I don’t understand is this division between genres. Fans in one genre tend to discriminate others for their music taste, which I will admit to doing. Music has no color or stereotype, really. Whatever lyrics you hear in a “dumb emo” song are basically the same words spoken in a hip hop or pop song. No matter the style, music is a form of writing to express yourself. If you really look, you can pull out one song from every genre that share a common subject.
Whatever you listen to, if it helps you get through a dark time or just makes your bad day better, stick to it. Don’t give it up because of some other person’s opinions.
If it’s anything, you’re making the artist happy because you’re listening and relating to his or her work.
I’ll end this post with something I found from Twenty One Pilots:
“ Basically, we are all responsible for the preservation of our personal joy; but happiness is different. Joy is not circumstantial, happiness is. You can be depressed and still have joy. You can be suicidal and still have joy. We all stop thinking and we all stop talking and we all stop sharing and we all stop creating, because by doing any of these things we quickly find out just how unhappy we are. But that’s okay. That’s normal. Don’t let the fear of unhappiness cripple your pursuit of finding what it is you believe. Since joy is found in belief, we all have to push through unhappiness to find joy. Basically. “  
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