andyspatial3 · 4 years
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andyspatial3 · 4 years
Lighting plan
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andyspatial3 · 4 years
BYOD desk area controlled lighting
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andyspatial3 · 4 years
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Figures by 성립 | seonglib.
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andyspatial3 · 4 years
Lift for the entrance
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andyspatial3 · 4 years
Perpspective Lift in the entry to space
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andyspatial3 · 4 years
Section Plan
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andyspatial3 · 4 years
Floor plan 1:50
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andyspatial3 · 4 years
Stability structures to reinforce the space
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andyspatial3 · 4 years
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andyspatial3 · 4 years
Library of Babel and my concept
I was reading about the Library of Babel and it got me thinking about my design and concept on how I am introducing the digital aspect into the traditional library
to further expand the current library because the digital library has no limits as there is an infinite amount of information on the world wide web all with just a few click of the devices.
Basically for me I am essentially making a modern day library of babel but through the digital devices and internet. However although the digital library is a great source it cannot always be 100% correct so thats why I still emphasised keeping the idea of having books in the library as they’re often more reliable. Not only that but it holds such historical value as it has been with us for thousands of years and I do not just want to discard it like that.  Coming back to my goal which was me hoping to accomplish a progress of the current state and enhance the library experience but in a modern or futuristic sense while keeping elements of the past like books as it creates a cool duality between past and present.  Doing this would be cool as it will also educate people along the way and help them slowly adapt and accept the changes that will be happening to the library in the upcoming years (old library of babel vs Digital Library of Babel)
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andyspatial3 · 4 years
Digital age and changes to design
As we move into a digital age towards the future we see our worlds slowly turning away from books and adapting new technology other ways to capture the essence of a library. So with this in mind when desiging a library it would be a good thing to have a an idea that I must make space to accomidate all the people out there of that area. 
Following a more minimalistic approach can be benefiting for people as for one it contributes to the saving of trees. This also comes into the idea that since we are moving into a bigger space approach for BYOD and decives how do we know it will work? 
For example the Digital National library of Korea is a place that embracess the ideas of the future and made the space bookless and focussed more on the space for the people to use their devices in. This is a cool concept to consider for my work and I may take certain elements like the spacing for the BYOD program but overall I still wish to keep the experience of reading a book as no computer simulation can replicate that feeling. 
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Public Library Showroom & Agency a library that is also in Grey lynn
has moved quite far away from a traditional library as it has also been converted to a study space, studio and showroom of sorts. However, with all that going on they still keep certain books and aspects of a library in their space even though its only a small space. Why did they do this? because they had gone through a  digital technology path which saw the set up of devices in the room for people access E-books and internet information. One thing that made me feeling it strayed too far away from the library was the lack of books and a librarian as they both contribute as elements that makes up a library and them not being there was strange. I will only borrow certain aspects and elements of this in terms of spacing and areas for devices to be used as the main idea of this space has strayed too far away to be indentified as a library. 
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andyspatial3 · 4 years
Pros of my textures of my two materials
- the smooth finish will be able to be used as projection 
- will make the space look more clean appealing more to my sci-fi futuristic theme
- has strong properties that will last and is durable overtime. 
- able to be molded in the early stages to create patterns and variations in the texture of the material. 
- textures and feeling of material is smooth which will appeal to more people, and also be a good aspect to those who are wheel chair bounded as the smooth surface takes less effort for them to push themselves.
- colour properties are that its able to take on any colours you change it to and sustain it for long periods of time
- material could be very expensive 
- may feel heavy depending on the thickness of each material
- depending on where it is made could not be made in a enviromentally friendly manner. 
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andyspatial3 · 4 years
Prime acrylic:
Prime Acrylic is expected for use on entryways and boards for inside cabinetry, for example, kitchens, washrooms and furniture in private applications the material, for example, compliments woodgrains, stones and concrete or smooth finishes. Simple to clean, and less inclined to smears and marks from fingerprints They offer the most significant level of scratch and compound obstruction accessible and great toughness. 
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prime porcelin enamel 
Is strong material that is often used for multipurposes due to its superior resistance to things like, Abrasion, Acid, Corrosion, Colour fade, and fire. Not only that but the finish of this material can either be a shiny gloss or a smooth matte finish which is useful for me as I maybe want to do projection of some sorts on the materials surface in my space. This material will also be suitable for the setting of the library as there will be many people going back and fourth which will normally wear and tear certain materials down but Prime porcelin enamel will be durable and strong enough to resist things thrown at it.
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andyspatial3 · 4 years
Goal of project
In that light of consideration to my personal story, key ideas and issues I want to physically express a through the libraries design a hopeful vision of the future through a sci-fi like look with a lot of screens and spaces for people to use their digital libraries. However, I still wish to keep to the aspect of the experience of holding a book as it is an experience you cannot replicate through a screen.
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andyspatial3 · 4 years
Current issues with the space
- Spacing issue for BYOD I noticed that there was computers on the side but there wasn’t enough as the space was quite small and I thought that was strange as we are moving into a digital age and that this library doesn’t have a lot of books so why doesn’t it have more computers
- not enough devices 
- underusage of lecture hall 
- not many people coming to library due to its limited collection 
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andyspatial3 · 4 years
Key Ideas
How will I get people excited for the project?
 this project will be attempting a sci-fi like look in hopes of gravitating people towards it and simulate an experience of them being space that is an early depiction of a futuristic library.
why do I want to keep the experience of a book? 
Because to me no iPad or computer can replicate the feeling of holding a book and flipping the pages as that is something I never want to lose. Why do I want to incorporate “modern day technology” theme? 
I did this as I wanted to bring a spark back to the outdated library to build something to gravitate people to come to the space. 
what is futuristic
the involvement of modern day technology and design 
Why futuristic and why is it a good idea
Because it will gravitate people to the space as everyone is always is excited for what the future has to offer. Also I me using it in a futuristic theme will also in ways educate people and let them know that times are changing again and as the library scene will go through another change and I am trying to create a bridge to that change so people are able to become excited and accepting of that change. 
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