angela-cappetta · 3 years
Best City Hall NYC Wedding Photography Contact US
Do You Find city hall NYC wedding photographers or fine arts wedding photography? Wedding is the best time and best moment in whole life that make you a special and unforgettable memory. on that day if everything is according to your choice then it makes you so much happy contact us toady Angela Cappetta for making your wedding day special you can also visit on our website Angela Cappetta dot com or also follow on our social media account
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angela-cappetta · 3 years
NYC Photography Service. Angela Cappetta. Director of CAPPETTA | media is a globally recognized NYC wedding photography, video, and media company. Angela’s creative work has appeared in media as diverse as film, television, and thriving rights-managed collections like ImageSource. Cappetta’s NYC photography service shooting philosophy offers a unique blend of poignant, candid, and sometimes humorous views of the human condition. Based in New York, but traveling worldwide, Cappetta has been exhibiting at art galleries since the start of her career. Her skilled imagery has appeared in the media channels of brands like Refinery 29, Wired, The Cut, Details, Harper’s Bazaar, The New York Times Magazine, T, The London Times Magazine, Travel & Leisure, and Vogue, to name a few. Furthermore, her advertising clients include Arnold Worldwide, BBDO, Havas, Saatchi & Saatchi, and Fallon. She is an NYFW veteran. Let’s shoot.
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angela-cappetta · 3 years
NYC Photography Service. Angela Cappetta. Director of CAPPETTA | media is a globally recognized NYC
wedding photography, video, and media company. Angela’s creative work has appeared in media as diverse as film, television, and thriving rights-managed collections like ImageSource. Cappetta’s NYC photography service shooting philosophy offers a unique blend of poignant, candid, and sometimes humorous views of the human condition. Based in New York, but traveling worldwide, Cappetta has been exhibiting at art galleries since the start of her career. Her skilled imagery has appeared in the media channels of brands like Refinery 29, Wired, The Cut, Details, Harper’s Bazaar, The New York Times Magazine, T, The London Times Magazine, Travel & Leisure, and Vogue, to name a few. Furthermore, her advertising clients include Arnold Worldwide, BBDO, Havas, Saatchi & Saatchi, and Fallon. She is an NYFW veteran. Let’s shoot.
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angela-cappetta · 3 years
Contemporary Artist Series Ecka-Blaire Faulds. Today we discuss a different art modality. I’m used to interviewing painters, photographers or sculptors. But 2-d work is so much more than that. Readers, meet Ecka Blaire. Ecka is a painter based in the lower Hudson Valley region of New York. Her works on paper draw from her personal relationships and experiences to reveal intimate, contemplative moments which examine the connections among human and natural worlds. Contemporary Artist Series Ecka Blaire Q: Why oil pastel? I wonder how the stick differs from a brush for you. Contemporary Artist Series Ecka Blaire. A: The oil pastels were initially meant for studies, so that I could work smaller and with less setup than acrylics require. I quickly came to love their texture and the intimate way of working with them by using my hands directly, blending with my fingers, while also being freed of the easel to create—I often sit on the floor when working with them. They’ve since turned into one of my main media alongside acrylics and soft pastels (which are the newest to me). Which of them I use depends on the image and scale I’d like to work with, as each captures the atmosphere in unique ways.
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angela-cappetta · 3 years
City Cello. Photography. The cello. The cellist.
t is one of the most inconveniently beautiful instruments in the orchestra. So, these pictures seek out the humanistic aspects of the cello. It is the only instrument which matches the range of the human voice. It sits between the legs and body as the player strokes it, prods it, hits it, not unlike a friend or dance partner. The cello takes the notion of musicianship to a level of physicality few instruments do.
Furthermore, being a pro cellist means “hauling your ax” everywhere.
One cellist I met purchased a full fare, first class ticket, for her cello to sit with her on the plane, only to have it moved to cargo. All over the city, cellists strap to their backs and haul the hollow, fragile beasts to auditions, gigs, practices. Rostropovich said the relationship with a cello is ridiculously intimate because of the suffering it causes. He said in his best English: “Our life not so easy. Cello is heavy instrument, and our travels especially in aircraft give to us many, many difficulties. That’s why we suffer more than violin player or flute player. But because we suffer, is beautiful”.
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angela-cappetta · 3 years
Paul Cutting is a restoration carpenter based in Iowa. He possesses a wisdom that belies his youth.  “Why interview a carpenter” you may ask.  Just because Mr. Cutting uses a woodshop instead of a darkroom or painting studio doesn’t make his body of work any less documentary or artistically sound. His photography portfolio happens to be a series of historic cottages that Walker Evans would have been pleased to put in front of a lens. 📷 Church photo by Walker Evans.  Bottom photo by Paul Cutting. All of Mr. Cutting’s projects faced the bulldozer.  He restores and sometimes lives in them. Then he moves onto another.  These buildings are tiny museums. The pictures he takes of them aren’t half bad, but they leave you thirsting for more, which he probably knows.  That must be why he so fervently photographs them.
Here’s the genius of his art, he gets them for free. Yes, free. Midwestern graciousness, or artists’ ingenuity?  Perhaps both. Paul Cutting Restoration Artist 📷                                               **Photo of….**📷Photo of…
1) Tell us how you acquired your first prairie house project?
I was totally amazed at what I found.  They were everywhere.  Some are still lived in– their exteriors covered in siding and the inside plastered– but most are abandoned in varying states of decay.  It’s still an incredible rush to find one for the first time.  I like the fact that the logs are almost always concealed under plaster.  It’s like unwrapping a present.
Most people are pretty reasonable and give them up. Eventually, they realize the buildings have no practical value in their current state.  I am simply given a hundred and fifty (150) year-old log house for free.
2) Was it love at first sight?
Absolutely.  I get hooked on things and have an impossible time letting go.  Back then, people moved across the continent without anything but a few possessions and their ingenuity.  The Norwegian-Americans used the full dovetail joint to connect the timbers.  This complex compound notch is damn difficult to wrap your head around let alone to fashion with a hand ax.  My corner of Iowa was settled almost exclusively by Norwegian immigrants.  Norwegians have a collective knowledge of log building that extends back a thousand years.
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angela-cappetta · 3 years
Paul Cutting is a restoration carpenter based in Iowa. He possesses a wisdom that belies his youth.  “Why interview a carpenter” you may ask.  Just because Mr. Cutting uses a woodshop instead of a darkroom or painting studio doesn’t make his body of work any less documentary or artistically sound. His photography portfolio happens to be a series of historic cottages that Walker Evans would have been pleased to put in front of a lens. 📷 Church photo by Walker Evans.  Bottom photo by Paul Cutting. All of Mr. Cutting’s projects faced the bulldozer.  He restores and sometimes lives in them. Then he moves onto another.  These buildings are tiny museums. The pictures he takes of them aren’t half bad, but they leave you thirsting for more, which he probably knows.  That must be why he so fervently photographs them.
Here’s the genius of his art, he gets them for free. Yes, free. Midwestern graciousness, or artists’ ingenuity?  Perhaps both. Paul Cutting Restoration Artist 📷                                               **Photo of….**📷Photo of…
1) Tell us how you acquired your first prairie house project?
I was totally amazed at what I found.  They were everywhere.  Some are still lived in– their exteriors covered in siding and the inside plastered– but most are abandoned in varying states of decay.  It’s still an incredible rush to find one for the first time.  I like the fact that the logs are almost always concealed under plaster.  It’s like unwrapping a present.
Most people are pretty reasonable and give them up. Eventually, they realize the buildings have no practical value in their current state.  I am simply given a hundred and fifty (150) year-old log house for free.
2) Was it love at first sight?
Absolutely.  I get hooked on things and have an impossible time letting go.  Back then, people moved across the continent without anything but a few possessions and their ingenuity.  The Norwegian-Americans used the full dovetail joint to connect the timbers.  This complex compound notch is damn difficult to wrap your head around let alone to fashion with a hand ax.  My corner of Iowa was settled almost exclusively by Norwegian immigrants.  Norwegians have a collective knowledge of log building that extends back a thousand years. 📷Photo of …
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angela-cappetta · 3 years
Paul Cutting is a restoration carpenter based in Iowa. He possesses a wisdom that belies his youth.  “Why interview a carpenter” you may ask.  Just because Mr. Cutting uses a woodshop instead of a darkroom or painting studio doesn’t make his body of work any less documentary or artistically sound. His photography portfolio happens to be a series of historic cottages that Walker Evans would have been pleased to put in front of a lens.
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angela-cappetta · 3 years
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So, I was happy to provide this update for Doctor MacMillan.  Furthermore, we had a lot of fun with the styling. Needless to say, hair and makeup were important to creating the mood. The styling helped it all sync up with what we were after: a chic, confident physician in her element.
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angela-cappetta · 3 years
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Today I am writing about the most recent shoot I did with Dr. Carlene MacMillan M.D.. So, five years ago almost to the day. We shot Carlene’s first professional doctor portraits. Carlene says: “they were a marked improvement” from the headshots done when she was on faculty at the NYU Child Study Center. “Well the power poses that NYU did for us weren’t cutting it.” She wanted something more arty, accessible and fun. After all, she and her husband had just opened their new medical office, Brooklyn Minds. In essence, their mission was to redefine how mental health care is offered.
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angela-cappetta · 3 years
oday I am writing about the most recent shoot I did with Dr. Carlene MacMillan M.D.. So, five years ago almost to the day. We shot Carlene’s first professional doctor portraits. Carlene says: “they were a marked improvement” from the headshots done when she was on faculty at the NYU Child Study Center. “Well the power poses that NYU did for us weren’t cutting it.” She wanted something more arty, accessible and fun. After all, she and her husband had just opened their new medical office, Brooklyn Minds. In essence, their mission was to redefine how mental health care is offered. To enumerate some of the things they now offer:
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angela-cappetta · 3 years
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Today I am writing about the most recent shoot I did with Dr. Carlene MacMillan M.D.. So, five years ago almost to the day. We shot Carlene’s first professional doctor portraits. Carlene says: “they were a marked improvement” from the headshots done when she was on faculty at the NYU Child Study Center. “Well the power poses that NYU did for us weren’t cutting it.” She wanted something more arty, accessible and fun. After all, she and her husband had just opened their new medical office, Brooklyn Minds. In essence, their mission was to redefine how mental health care is offered. To enumerate some of the things they now offer:
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angela-cappetta · 3 years
Best City Hall NYC Wedding Photography Contact US
Best City Hall Nyc wedding photography photoshoot with affordable price contact us today for more information and booking https://angelacappetta.com/the-cut-a-city-hall-wedding/
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angela-cappetta · 3 years
Best City Hall NYC Wedding Photography Contact US
Do You Find city hall NYC wedding photographers or fine arts wedding photography? Wedding is the best time and best moment in whole life that make you a special and unforgettable memory. on that day if everything is according to your choice then it makes you so much happy contact us toady Angela Cappetta for making your wedding day special you can also visit on our website Angela Cappetta dot com or also follow on our social media account
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angela-cappetta · 3 years
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DSLR Portraits NYC Advertising Executive
DSLR Portraits NYC Advertising Executive Taleah Mona-Lusky
Written and shot by NYC Lifestyle Photographer Angela Cappetta
Enjoy this new portrait session of the new President of Swift.
As Taleah says “I am very passionate about the intersection of art and commerce. And, I am inspired by turning good ideas into great opportunities.” Since Taleah is beginning a new career chapter, it was time her portraits had a fresh look. “I love my last set of portraits, but my hair is longer now. It is time to update them.” That is why Taleah called me. Together with Pearl Xu of ArtXMakeup and hairstylist Ashley Morgan, we created a timeless look for Taleah that should carry her into the next phase of her life on the West Coast.
Taleah Resume Overview
Look, we are all slowly reawakening out of the pandemic. However, that doesn’t mean we can sit on our laurels. We have to grab fun opportunities to shoot when we can. We need to work with people whom we admire. And there is a lot to admire about Taleah Mona-Lusky. Important to note, this executive on the rise enjoys a membership at Chief. Says Chief’s website: “For generations, we had to do it alone — one woman at a table of men. But times change. We don’t need a seat at that table. We’re building our own.” Chief works to connect women in order to keep and move them forward into the senior executive roles across a myriad of industries.
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angela-cappetta · 3 years
📷From the carved moldings, to the Central Park rooftop view, down to the mini Junior’s chee scakes that were their wedding favors. It seems as though every single detail of this classic wedding whispered “Old, New, York.” as no other details could. Furthermore, family was the name of the game for this event. Steve and Courtney chose a blend of black and white real film wedding photography mixed with DSLR. The high end feel of the album was easy to create. Our team’s high-end, luxury wedding photography skills were let loose at this New York Athletic Club wedding. The decor of the event was in keeping with the 1920’s theme of the building. And all the carvings and wood details took center stage. Our team met Courtney and Stephen eight years before their wedding at Courtney’s best friend Amy’s wedding. We shot that one as well, you see. Funnily enough, I had a feeling when Courtney asked me to take a picture with her phone of she and Steve, that I’d be shooting their wedding someday. I am happy to report I was right.Since Courtney’s family are lifelong members of the NY Athletic Club it was the perfect selection for her wedding to Stephen.  So, these two film professionals met at work (set up by Steve’s boss). By the same token, it was a bold statement for them not to have a cinematographer covering the event, so it made the photography all that more important.New York Athletic Club Wedding Photography
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angela-cappetta · 3 years
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NYC Photography Service. Angela Cappetta. Director of CAPPETTA | media is a globally recognized NYC wedding photography, video, and media company. Angela’s creative work has appeared in media as diverse as film, television, and thriving rights-managed collections like ImageSource. Cappetta’s NYC photography service shooting philosophy offers a unique blend of poignant, candid, and sometimes humorous views of the human condition. Based in New York, but traveling worldwide, Cappetta has been exhibiting at art galleries since the start of her career. Her skilled imagery has appeared in the media channels of brands like Refinery 29, Wired, The Cut, Details, Harper’s Bazaar, The New York Times Magazine, T, The London Times Magazine, Travel & Leisure, and Vogue, to name a few. Furthermore, her advertising clients include Arnold Worldwide, BBDO, Havas, Saatchi & Saatchi, and Fallon. She is an NYFW veteran. Let’s shoot.
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