angelacuna · 2 years
   One of the better things about being claimed was the fact that he could go outside whenever he pleased. He used to ration his time outside, allowing himself to breathe in the fresh air and feel whatever little bit of sunshine he could get on his skin. Now he was laid out on the grass, one leg crossed across the other while he read. He was beginning to appear more tan, his skin darkening under the sun day after day. He tucked an arm under his head, eyes still focused on the book when a shadow crossed over him. He didn’t look up at his book and simply spoke softly,
“I’m not ready for the winter.”
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angelacuna · 2 years
Why had the fae always been lying on his cot? It was kinda lonely to look at, but the vila hadn’t minded having grown up with only his family to keep him real company. So, whenever he was alone, he was never sad about it but he was surprised by those who would come to visit him. That would be a small few, to which JJ was thankful, but he’d wondered if he was starting to get too comfortable at the castle. Something he never thought he’d be. As the other offered him something to eat, the vila would sit up eyeing the man for a moment. He had not known him, but he seemed friendly enough. “Is it poisonous?” He’d somewhat tease, though in a place like this, one could never be too certain. The other seemed surprised by such a simple thing as jelly, and JJ couldn’t help the small smile on his face. “Yes, as well as almond butter and different arrays of jelly. I personally like just mint jelly and butter for breakfast–” a weird combo but it was salty and sweet, and it didn’t leave a weird taste afterwards. He’d take the sandwich, managing a small bite with a satisfying hum. “Thank you. I’m…JJ.”
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Angel shook his head, “I can take a bite of it first if you’re concerned.” He offered softly. He understood the concerns, there was a day where he wouldn’t have taken anything from someone he didn’t know. But his intentions were only good. “Almond butter?” He asked the other softly, “They make it from other nuts?” That seemed like an interesting concept, and something he would have to add to his list. “Mint jelly? What’s that?” He asked again, still fascinated by all the different foods he’d never had before this place. He nodded his head, “You’re welcome... I’m Angel.”
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angelacuna · 2 years
“It’s fine. It is over and done with. I’m happy you at least found someone you can.” Nikolas really didn’t have much else to say. His interest in claims was low since his last one had gone. Usually he kept himself busy with Calvin. “You been doing better now that you’re out of the undercroft? What hve you been doing around here?”
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Angel nodded his head, leaving the topic alone as the other wished. He knew he’d made mistakes and pushed people away that he shouldn’t have; but he couldn’t change any of that now. “I uh... I suppose so, yes--” Things were still a little awkward. “I honestly have just been keeping to my studies. Focusing on Russian.”
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angelacuna · 2 years
The master couldn’t help the smirk that tugged at the corner of his mouth as the slave actually did stop and do as he was told. Apparently he was more obedient than Hunter initially thought. “Much better. See, that wasn’t so hard, was it?” Hunter noticed the difference between the slave standing in front of him and the others, quickly figuring that the obedient slave was claimed by someone. “Who’s your master?”
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Angel choose to make no comment on the man’s observation that he could indeed behave. He was capable of it, had been essentially the perfect slave for many decades. Being with Hadrian simply meant he was able to let some of that go. Or at least-- he was trying too anyway. “Hadrian is my master, sir.”
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angelacuna · 2 years
At the man’s question, Percy glanced down to his phone with a raised eyebrow - rotating the device in his hand. A crack snaked it’s way across the screen but it didn’t seem particularly bad and when he clicked the button on the side, it still turned on and swiped when he moved his thumb. He shrugged slightly. “It’s fine. Just a crack, nothin’ I can’t live with. My own fault.” He chuckled, glancing over at the light - waiting for it turn red. 
“As long as you don’t mind me drinking water.”
Percy had known more than a few alcoholics. Himself probably one as well so when he looked back to the man, all his face held was an encouraging smile. “Yeah, o’course. The place ain’t half bad if you hold your nose.” He grinned. When the light finally shifted red, he headed for the crosswalk - stopping at the man’s side and offering his elbow. At least somewhat trying to be a gentleman. Whatever that was.
   Angel eyed the phone when it was shown, his nose wrinkling slightly. A crack didn’t seem good, though he really wasn’t the person to consult on those sort of things. After all, he was still resisting Hadrian giving him a phone. He wasn’t sure he was ready for that level of new. There were plenty of other things he’d rather get used to first.
    The slave offered a half smile at the joke, “I spent five decades in the Undercroft. I think I can handle the smell.” Maybe a bad joke on his part, but he found it slightly amusing. When the elbow was offered, he held a hand up. “Oh, thank you, sir. But I am sure I can manage on my own.”
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angelacuna · 2 years
“Doing well. How are you adjusting to your new life?” Being on the council Nikolas had known the man had been claimed. He knew it would happen eventually and while he was a bit disappointed he knew the other had reasons for making the choices. He wouldn’t ever hold that against him. “Your new master is good o you I presume?” 
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   For a moment, Angel felt something heavy rest on his chest. He’d made a choice when he’d denied the other; but he found himself wondering if things would have been different. Hadrian had been denied by him before too. So many good people he forsake simply because he was scared of the idea of losing them. “He is... Thank you.” He nodded his head but was deep in thought.
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   After a moment he finally spoke, “Nikolas...” he paused and then cleared his throat before continuing. “I’m sorry... for not being able to trust you.”
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angelacuna · 2 years
It was no surprise the undercroft stayed quiet in response to his question. Everyone stayed as still as possible too, evidently to try and stay out of Hunter’s sight so they didn’t catch his attention, but when the vampire caught movement out of the corner his eye, his focus honed in on whoever it was. “Excuse me, where do you think you’re goin’?” Hunter called out, slipped his hands in his jeans pockets as he watched the other’s reaction. “I think you should stay a while.”
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   Angel thought he could get away simply because of who owned him; it was a foolish thought, but still for just a moment he had allowed himself to think it. Stepping up, Angel did his best to shift more into the mindset of a slave; one he’d allowed to wash off him slowly in the past few months. He tucked his arms behind his back before speaking, “I apologize, sir. How may I assist you?”
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angelacuna · 2 years
“I’m trying.”
It wasn’t rejection and that was all Hadrian had asked for. A little piece of hope, a butterfly he could stick in a jar and place on a shelf. An acknowledgement that there was something more. That he wasn’t just another means to an end. That he wasn’t just singing for someone else’s supper. His arms tightened automatically around Angel at the admission and he had to remind himself to be gentle - that the other was fragile to compared to him. “I know you are. I know, baby…I know.” Hadrian said; voice as soft as leaves. Leaning down, he pressed a kiss to the Nephilim’s cheek - a long, lingering kiss he had meant for the other’s lips but decided against at the last second. 
He wouldn’t take. No matter what. He would not take from Angel. Not unless freely given. But even under such circumstances - as Angel was willfully offering up his own blood; Hadrian found himself pausing. The idea wasn’t a bad one but the thought of hurting Angel in that manner was a paralysis all on it’s own. “It’s not about helping or being obligated, Angel.” He said, reaching across the table and pulling the tray bearing the meal he’d prepared over. 
“It’s about…I swore to you that I would never hurt you or allow you to be hurt by anyone and I fuckin’ meant it. And…” Hadrian shifted so that Angel could have easier access to the plate in his arms. “…and that includes me. I’m…I’m not like other vampires, I don’t know if you’ve seen me when I’m…changed over but it isn’t a pretty sight. I…I’m not opposed to drinking from you, please don’t think that. It’s not that it’s just…I’m terrified of hurting you…” It felt strange to be so honest but when had liberation ever been a pleasant experience? 
Hadrian was better this way though. He knew that. He knew the forthright approach would always be his travelled path. “How about…” His voice became low, a whisper meant only for the other’s ear. “How about you eat and then…” He sighed; “And then we can try? I…I do admit the thought is fuckin’ tantalizing. Drinking from you, having you tremble beneath my hands. Feed you a few drops of my blood, kiss my way down your chest…” Nuzzling into the side of Angel’s neck, Hadrian breathed deep - fighting down the toothsome shark beneath his flesh that begged to be let free. 
“I don’t mind trying…but if I hurt you, Angel…” it was as if he could smell blood in the water. “…I’ll starve before I hurt you.” 
    Sometimes Angel wondered if he’d just snapped and lost it. So many years as a slave could have left him insane at this point. He was honestly surprised it hadn’t happened yet. Was Hadrian his way of explaining all of the evils he had experienced? Maybe the man had truly left two years ago and never returned. He found himself running his finger’s across one of the man’s hands, needing to memorize the lines for when he was sure they would disappear for good.
   Angel eyed the food as the other spoke, wanting to ignore it, but knowing Hadrian wasn’t likely to settle until Angel had ate something. So he reached for something simple, something easy on his stomach. He took a bite and swallowed before following the motion to do it again. Eating was almost like breathing to the slave anymore. Just to do it to survive.
    ...but it isn’t a pretty sight.
   Eyes snapped to the man’s face then, a furrow coming across his brow before he could stop it. “You don’t scare me, Hadrian.” He told the other firmly. “Seeing you like that won’t change my idea about you.” And it was said with truth. He’d seen many faces over his years in Krovs, it what’s they did that stood out.
    Then the man was seeming to agree to the idea and Angel offered a small smile. “You’ll be gentle...” he told the other, confident in his words. “And if it does hurt... if only for a moment-- I don’t care.” He would never care, not truly. “Because I want to do that for you. I want you to trust yourself around me. I want you to take what I offer because for the first time in a long time I do it as myself and not as a slave.”
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angelacuna · 2 years
   Even a month ago Angel thought that he wouldn’t have ended up here like this. If anything he would assume that the undercroft would be his home forever. Now, he was here, a few sandwiches tucked into a bag. He knew Hadrian wouldn’t miss the items he had used to make the sandwiches, simply assuming that Angel had ate more than usual.
    Though that was generally not the truth-- he still had a hard time wrapping his head around the idea of three larger meals a day. Decades of starvations had left him with habits he couldn’t quit.
   Approaching the other, he crouched down and offered a soft smile. “Would you like a sandwich?” He held one out, “It’s peanut butter and jelly. Apple jelly. Did you know they make that?” Truthfully, the slave had never had a PB&J until just recently and was fascinated with the item.
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angelacuna · 2 years
Angel had honestly been doing his best to stay inside during heat-- but he was also beginning to feel suffocated in his master’s suite. It wasn’t Hadrian’s fault, not nearly, Angel simply wasn’t used to being left without someone constantly watching him. He was trying to not worry so much about all of that, but sometimes that was easier said then done. So now he was wandering a hallway, his fingers running across the wall as he simply allowed his thoughts to settle. When someone approached, almost seeming to not notice him at all, he stepped to the side. “Good evening, sir.” He greeted with a kind smile.
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angelacuna · 2 years
   Angel hadn’t seen Nikolas in what felt like months, maybe it had been shorter-- he wasn’t sure. All he knew was that he let out a breath he had been holding when he saw the man. A man he had turned down for a claim before; a man who Angel had probably hurt at some point. He cleared his throat and offered a soft smile, “Nikolas... How are you?”
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angelacuna · 2 years
His fingers were quick as they tapped out the message to Emmett - asking if he’d be down to come hang out later that night if Percy couldn’t score a shift with Earl. But there wasn’t a way to ask if which he didn’t feel desperate. Deleting the message, he started over - getting halfway through the first sentence before sighing to himself and backspacing it away once again. Lifting his cigarette to his lips he took a heavy drag as he heard the voice call out. Stopping short of nearly walking into the other guy; Percy’s butter fingers showed off their many talents by losing their grip on his phone as well as the cigarette. 
A clatter of plastic followed before the muffled ‘shit’ under Percy’s breath as he plucked his phone from the gutter. Not wet thankfully but the screen had one long crack through it. Sighing to himself, he glanced about for his cigarette - sorrow filling him to the limit when he saw that had in fact landed in a small puddle. “Oh…god damn it.” He whispered to himself, gesturing the forlorn cigarette. “Worst part of my night.” Chuckling, he glanced at the other with a small smile. “Not your fault at all, bud. I shoulda’ been checkin’ where I was goin’.” He held up one hand in dismissive flair. 
Glancing up at the traffic light, he clicked the button once and took a few steps back - looking over the stranger. “I…I’m Percy, you goin’ anywhere in particular? Kinda late out, I’m…headin’ to the bar. If…” He shrugged; “If you…I dunno.” One day you’ll be normal enough to talk to other people. One day.
   For a moment Angel wish he’d had his cigarettes with him; perhaps then he could offer the other something to help apologize with the way he had disturbed the other in someway. But he still wasn’t sure he should ask Hadrian for something that was toxic like that, so instead he tried to push out a pack for as long as he could. There were parts of him that didn’t want to explore his vices or faults too much.
   It was too much of a risk.
    “Is your... phone alright?” He asked softly. The technology was still a mystery to him. He’d never had one before and then never bothered to try after he became a slave. Though from what he’d seen, water and phones didn’t generally mix.
   Angel hesitated for a moment, not sure if he should go before he slowly nodded. “As long as you don’t mind me drinking water.” He told the other softly. He’d made promises, promises he was planning on keeping.
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angelacuna · 2 years
“A long time ago, back when I was first captured, I learned from the other slaves.” He said, going back to the bag and hitting it a few times, one after the other in fluid motion. “Eventually I was trained properly when I was taken for the fight rings. A vampire taught me what I know now.” He shrugged, he learned the rest of it in the actual fights. From the ones he won, but mostly from the ones he’d lost. It was a part of his life that he was slowly coming around to facing, no longer did he feel the need to hide from his past. Not when he had people to go to when it got to be too much. “It’s wasted now, don’t fight anyone these days, unless they decide to open up some ring.” He chuckled darkly at that, they would and make it more horrible than the ones he was forced to go through. “Do you want to try?”
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That was interesting to Angel if only it showed the many different experiences that so many of the slaves had experienced. He’d been scared when he first came, barely a man-- he wouldn’t have thought to raise his hands to anyone. “I’ve never fought.” He told the man. Even before he was a slave, he’d never gotten into a fight. It simply wasn’t in his blood. “I’m not sure I’d be... any good at all of that.”
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angelacuna · 2 years
  “Thank you.”
It hung in the air between them. A pretty typical response to someone doing something for another by all regards but it still set Hadrian’s jaw, his tiredness perhaps adding to his irritation. He shook his head. “I don’t want you to thank me like that.” He said, his voice soft - quiet in a way that seemed strange when the sound came from such an imposing figure. “It wasn’t an imposition. I liked making something for you. I don’t want you to thank me like I did something I shouldn’t have done for you. Like it was something you don’t deserve. Let me…” He sighed.; “Let me take care of you, Angel.” It wasn’t frustration. It was different, too soft for frustration. You know what it is. You’re pleading with him. Hadrian closed his eyes to his own thoughts. He was beginning to sound like his mother. 
When Angel started to clear away his work, Hadrian looked up - his brows furrowing together. “It’s fine. It’s your space too…” Reaching out, he snagged one of the papers off the top of a stack - giving it a once over while Angel put everything else. When the Nephilim sat down in his lap and leaned into him - Hadrian was still looking over the page but he immediately set it aside; wrapping his arms around the smaller man with a sigh of relief. “I didn’t know it was Russian you’re trying to learn…” He whispered, kissing the top of the other’s head - his arms cradling Angel against his chest. “I can teach you…or help, if you’d like.” It was a small offer but made genuinely. 
“You can feed…”
It was a like a drop of blood in the water. Hadrian looked to his claim, swallowing a knot at the back of his throat and shook his head very slowly. “Thank you but…” He clucked his tongue against the inside of his cheek; “It would hurt you…I don’t have fangs, baby. I have shark’s teeth. I…” He was getting so very tired of sighing yet it seemed he couldn’t quite keep his breath in his body after the length of the day. “…I didn’t claim you for you to feed me. For you to do things for me. I claimed you because I…” Why hadn’t he said it yet? Where was the point in denial? In skirting around the subject. Hadrian wasn’t a politician. He was forthright. He was a blunt object. 
“You know I love you.”, His voice became a whisper; “I don’t need to explain it, do I? You know how much I love you…” Placing his chin atop the other’s head, his hold around Angel’s ribs tightened just enough to be firm. “You know how much…” 
   Angel looked to the piece of paper where his handwriting was scrawled small and neat across the page. Years of practice, years of study-- showed in each stroke. It was all he had. Something to focus on. He didn’t mind Hadrian looking over what he had been working on; he had no reason to hide it from the other. It had been made clear that he could have his books and write as much as he pleased. It was almost relieving to use a real pen again, instead of the small pencils he could hide in his socks.
   The slave offered a kind smile, knowing that there were still things they didn’t always see the same perspective on. Angel had long ago settled himself to the idea of being lesser than everyone else. Hadrian was kind; kinder than most in this place. “I wouldn’t mind the help.” He told the man softly, accepting that offer.
   The slave listened to the man as he spoke, trying his best to not feel rejected when the man didn’t seem willing to take what he offered. Anyone else would have taken-- he could only wonder why the other didn’t? He swallowed at the word. Love. The concept felt foreign, like something drank when you were a small child that you could not name.
    “I’m sorry...” He found himself whispering. “I’m sorry I can’t...” He took in a deep breath. “I’m trying.” He said then. He wished that he wasn’t as broken as he was; that he was somehow capable of giving his feelings away freely and without fear. “I don’t mind.. helping you-- I don’t do it out of obligation.” Truthfully, he wasn’t prone to offering his blood as he just assumed they’d take.
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angelacuna · 2 years
The blonde master smirked at the other and gave a little shrug when he said that he was a slave and that he would always be one. “Who knows, you may find a way to get your freedom.” Now the chances of that were small, pretty much impossible but they weren’t zero. “The heart always wants to be free, maybe you’ll get that.”
Angel had never dared to hope for more than a peaceful death when the time came. He supposed a part of him was curious of the world, wondering what it looked like beyond this place and the small town he had grown up in. He looked at the other then and let out a soft sigh, “It’s easier to not hope.” He told the man softly, “Because then maybe you won’t get hurt.”
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angelacuna · 2 years
Working out was a foreign concept to Angel, he’d never had to before he was taken-- the farm work keeping him fairly in shape. But with Hadrian forcing him to eat regular meals again he had found himself putting on a little weight. Nothing to worry about, at least now-- but somehow Angel worried that if he let it go then Hadrian wouldn’t possibly want him around still. So now he was in the gym, watching others and trying to figure out what he was supposed to do. When one of them called him out, he cleared his throat-- “Sorry... I just...” He shook his head, his words escaping. “Where’d you learn to fight?” He settled on.
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Time out of the suite wasn’t something he did very often these days, things had gotten pretty comfortable now that the three of them had gotten closer. One of his favorite haunts was the gym, a great place for him to let off some steam while keeping up with his physique. One of the few things he had any control over, which is to say not that surprising given his status at the castle. Even while claimed, and all that Caspian has done for him it still wasn’t exactly like it had been before. Right now he was stationed at a punching bag, doing some hits, nothing too difficult or strenuous for the moment. Just enjoying the time to himself while he could before the place got crowded, and it did often get crowded as the day went on. After taking a swing, he stopped, reached for his water bottle when he noticed someone had been watching. For a moment he just stared at them but then went to grab his bottle anyways. “Enjoying yourself?” He’d say, calling out to the onlooker, wondering just what they were doing or if they were simply just watching. 
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angelacuna · 2 years
It wasn’t usual for a claimed slave to spend the amount of time in the undercroft as he did, but he found himself gravitating to the space that Hadrian occupied. His presence was comforting and reminded him that for once he didn’t have to pretend to be something for all of the people who frequented the castle. He could just exist, his focus on one man.
When the other entered, Angel swallowed a little roughly and tucked away, the boy he ended up next to was terrified and Angel couldn’t bring himself to soothe the other like he so often did with the slaves. Uncomfortable, he was on the move again, avoiding the eyes of the other the entire time.
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Ever since his return to the castle after going away to deal with some family matters, Hunter realised that it had been quite a while since he’d actually gone down to the undercroft to look at the selection of slaves available. He had to wonder if the choice had improved since the last time he’d been down to take a look.
After finishing up a drink that he’d poured himself, Hunter made his way down to the undercroft. As usual, once he got there, things got slightly quieter as he walked slowly so he could take in the sights, most slaves stopping whatever they were doing to see who it was. “Evening, boys,” Hunter called out, dark eyes glancing around the room. “Looking for someone to keep me company tonight. Any takers?”
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