angelamikay23 · 8 years
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Where are going lil feet? #shoeselfie👟 #weekendoff #stuckinthemiddleoftrafficjam
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angelamikay23 · 8 years
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Electric fans? It's more fun in the Philippines!
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angelamikay23 · 8 years
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And we are officially out of here!!!#healthiswealth #intellibear #doubletrouble #nagbakasyonsaospital
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angelamikay23 · 10 years
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Progress is still progress no matter how small. Yesterday's a history. Today is the "present"...a gift that no one can take away from you. But how do I count my blessings? Was it measured by the money I have in the bank? Of course not. Real rich people have something that money can't buy! So I'm taking each day one step at a time. I urge you to strive for progress not for perfection!
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angelamikay23 · 11 years
He who holds Eternity knows the right time.
"which God will bring about in his own time—God, the blessed and only Ruler, the King of kings and Lord of lords, (1 Timothy 6:15 NIV)" So many times in my life I thought of the most famous phrase "the earlier, the better" to rule my desicions. I want to get a job, so I quit studying. I thought that is the right time. I was wrong. I moved from one company to the other, was able to get promotions from one position to the other but I feel that there’s still something that’s missing. So I joined another company again, and again start from scratch. But none of them can fully satisfy me. I feel like I’m losing grip of the reason why I started. Then I realized one important thing. Let’s see how a team wins a game. Let’s say we’re playing basketball. Is it a guarantee that if my team got the first point at the start of the game, my team will be the winner? Of course not. So, I asked for God’s wisdom. Wisdom on how to win this game called life. Then he gave me an answer. It feels like these words are really coming from his mouth whispered trough king Solomon, the wisest king ever.. In the book of Ecclessiates chapter 1. He said there is a time for everything. If King Solomon realizes that there is a time for everything, I would cling to God and the King of all kings, the one who is the real source of wisdom to give me the right choices and the right time to accomplish the tasks He wants me to fulfill. I hope you too can ask for His guidance. #beStrong #trustGod #inHisTime
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angelamikay23 · 11 years
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I will walk among you and be your God, and you will be my people. (Leviticus 26:12 )
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angelamikay23 · 11 years
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angelamikay23 · 11 years
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angelamikay23 · 11 years
With ALL!
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After Jesus was born, the Bible tells us that Wise Men came from the East to bow before Him and worship Him. They went to great lengths just to get a glimpse of the child and traveled a long distance for many months, following the star. When they saw Him, they were so overwhelmed. The scripture says they fell on their faces to honor and worship Him.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. That means that we should have a reverential honor and respect for Him — just like the Wise Men did. We are wise when we set everything else in life aside in order to seek Him. We are wise when we worship Him and give Him everything that we are. We are wise when we take time to honor Him. Remember, God is a rewarder of the people who diligently seek after Him. As you continue to put Him first in all you do, you’ll increase in wisdom and discernment, and you’ll move forward into the life of blessing He has in store for you.
A Prayer for Today
Father in heaven, today I choose wisdom by choosing to honor You. I put You first in my heart, my mind, my emotions and my actions. Show me Your ways that I may walk with You and acknowledge You in everything I do in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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angelamikay23 · 11 years
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Every journey start with a single step. Those who stand firm till the end will be saved. #standfirm
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angelamikay23 · 11 years
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Stages of life. When did we start thinking of wanting to grow up? As for me, I think I did when I was in first grade. I want to do what grown ups can. I want to have my own house and car, have a high paying job, and party all night till the sun is up again. But now that I'm 24, I think to myself, I am not who I wish to be by this age. And then I remember the friends I meet along the way. They've come and go. Blessings I held in my hand. They also come and go. All the plans I did, they didn't turn out the way I want them to. Then I paused for a while and think what stage I'm in now? Am I happy? Or am I going there? Happiness is..
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angelamikay23 · 12 years
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when my self respect is telling me i've got to just walk away, i just think of a lot of reasons to stay.
coffee, tea, soda and beer doesn't seem to quench the thirst i have in me. Will I just need to wait till the waters run dry? yeah ive been bruised and literally crushed but my mind keeps on thinking what ifs? instead of doing what is. 
i just learned these 3 things that made me complete today
1. Stop trying to compete against everyone else. 
2. Stop wasting time explaining yourself to others.
3. Stop overlooking the beauty of small moments.
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