angelexoplanet-blog · 6 years
Grindelwald versus Voldemort
Recently, the hot release of Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald sparked a heated debate among Harry Potter fans all over the world on whether Voldemort or Grindelwald is at the top of the Dark Lord list. Unlike Lord Voldemort—the archenemy of Harry Potter—who is an angry brute, Gellert Grindelwald, the Dark wizard who, on a list of "Most Dangerous Dark Wizards of All Time", is much more lethal. Compared with Voldemort, Grindelwald is more majestic, mysterious, and attractive. Hence he is able through sheer charisma and ability to inspire, hypnotize, and carry the crowd, and take the world to a darker place.
Firstly, in terms of the appearance, Voldemort has no hair, no nose, and uneven teeth. His whole outfit is a ragged black cloak. Grindelwald, instead, still has good taste in middle age. He has a cool hairstyle, and he always shows up as a well-dressed gentleman. This sharp contrast even reflects on their followers. Grindelwald, who is a presentable man himself, teaches his followers to be elegant and exquisite. While whoever is with Voldemort or is forced to be with him becomes degenerated. Even the gracious pure-blood nobleman Lucius Malfoy becomes sloppy after influenced by Voldemort. Proofs can also be found on their fanatics. Vinda Rosier, Grindelwald's loyal right-hand follower, is a graceful beauty. Voldemort’s biggest fan—Bellatrix Lestrange, however, is an insane, paranoid lunatic.
There are also huge gaps in their manners. In terms of the “residences”, Grindelwald chooses a classical, elegant flat, while Voldemort latches onto the back of Professor Quirrell's head. When they need to convene a meeting, Grindelwald makes his black signal all over the city, which is very spectacular. Voldemort, however, lights his green “fireworks” in some dark corners. When in battles, Grindelwald use powerful magic for large-scale attacks. While Voldemort engages in single-target attacks with a wand which is not really belong to him. Even Grindelwald’s symbol is better than Voldemort. Grindelwald’s symbol is more simple and elegant than Voldemor’s, which facilitates the spread of his concepts.
Grindelwald is also outshines Voldemort in his choice of archenemy. Grindelwald’s old foe is Albus Dumbledore, the greatest wizard of their times. While Voldemort’s archenemy is a teenage student—Harry Potter, who defeated him at the first time even as an infant.
The superiority of Grindelwald over Voldemort doesn’t end in the appearance, taste, manner, and grace, Grindelwald also beats its counterpart in terms of the competence as a Dark Lord. Voldemort is basically a thug. If you disagree with him, he’d just kill you on the spot. The scary thing about Grindelwald is that if you disagree with him, within five minutes he’ll have you agreeing with him. He is incredibly charming and convincing. As a villain, Voldemort is so extreme, so vile and cruel and powerful, but he doesn't understand emotions so he isn't able to manipulate people by using it. By contrast, Grindelwald understands and knows what to do. He can easily win people over to the dark side with soft words, a gentle touch and a deceptively calm demeanor.
Most of Voldemort's followers follow him in fear. Very few willingly follow him. Unlike Voldemort who looks like a pampered child desperate for attention, Grindelwald is a master manipulator. He gains power and followers not with violence and intimidation but by cunningly manipulating them into thinking his ideas and ways are the right ones for wizards. That’s why when Voldemort first revived few followers showed up. If you ask any wizard outside Britain and they'll tell you they've never heard of him. Grindelwald, however, has the world on its knees. He uses the phrase "for the greater good" as an excuse for the atrocities he committed in his reign of terror. Thus makes Voldemort just a killer while Grindelwald a politician who has deeper political views.
Well-mannered, charismatic, convincing, manipulative, and calculated, Grindelwald eclipses Voldemort in every respect. He is a more pernicious and modern threat, who manipulates impressionable followers, the media and prominent politicians. Given the above, Grindelwald deserves the title as the Top Dark Lord over Voldemort.
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angelexoplanet-blog · 6 years
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