angelicherondales · 3 months
so many great bits in derry girls but I really think my favorite might be when they decide to perform a spice girls song for a talent showcase and everything leading up to it implies that it’s going to be an unmitigated disaster like everything else they do but then they get onstage and start performing and everybody’s gobsmacked because they’re all really good
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angelicherondales · 9 months
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Soulmatism if you ask me.
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angelicherondales · 10 months
how can people not be obsessed with anything? no piece of media? no tv show? no favorite character? no favorite ship? no favorite singer or band?? not even games?? how does these people live with this void in their lives?
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angelicherondales · 10 months
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my roman empire is that literally everyone was realizing katniss was in love with peeta BUT peeta and katniss 😭
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angelicherondales · 11 months
And again, I have to point out that Reggie is the unsung hero of JATP. Without him being a dumbass and responding with 'You're welcome' to Julie's emotional speech, they would have jolted out of existence.
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angelicherondales · 1 year
complain about the movie all you want, but one thing the live action did better than the original was prince eric. they gave him depth he didn’t have in the original. and it made the ariel and eric romance so much sweeter argue with the wall.
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angelicherondales · 2 years
“In truth he’s the love of my life”😭😭😭
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angelicherondales · 2 years
rewatching superstore is like yes i am a small child saying “AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN” please i need to watch these silly little people in their silly little silly store do their silly little things and fall in their silly little love and i need to feel like it’s ok taht shes with someone else and we’re going thru a rough patch because it took them years to get together and
yeah they make me believe in love
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angelicherondales · 2 years
hi hi hi happy asexual awareness week! especially to those who don't feel they fit quite right
as in. the demisexuals, the greysexuals, those who are questioning asexuality or those who identify as it but still feel unsure anyways. those who are sex positive or sex neutral. those who are sex-repulsed, or those who worry that they think they're not really ace, maybe just allo and sex-repulsed. those who think they'll grow out of it, and those who worry if they'll still identify as asexual later. those who experience intrusive thoughts, those who have other factors play into their identity, those who end up worrying about it because of these factors.
it's okay not to feel confident. it's okay to worry. just think of right now, this week. you're valid. this week is for you, too.
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angelicherondales · 2 years
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Shoutout to all the milfs and milf lovers on the asexual spectrum!
~Your favorite aegosexual milf connoisseur
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angelicherondales · 2 years
lost focus and had a consensual workplace relationship
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angelicherondales · 2 years
I have always said that the writers are the absolute worst but you have to wonder why they are so mean-spirited about Mon-El. Like, what did we ever do to them? We weren't the ones parked in their mentions cursing at them at every turn.
So Brainy tells Mon-El he's needed in the future, effectively ending his dreams of staying back and rekindling a relationship with Kara (after he and Imra break up).
When it's his turn, Brainy tells the future to screw itself and that's apparently a happy ending.
Mon-El is too busy in the future to come back for special events like Alex's wedding but apparently, Winn can. And they make it clear it's not a one-off because he doesn't plan to ever return for anything even though he can. Being separated by lead or even Legion duties made sense but now he chooses to stay away from these people who were a big part of his development "for reasons."
I connected with Mon-El because he was a funny character with heart and seeing certain factions of fans constantly maligning him, intentionally misinterpreting his actions in the worst way, mischaracterizing every single thing he did and spreading the worst lies about him was disgusting. But it was one thing for the fans to do this and another for the writers to decide to "other" him.
So the OG and new characters continue to be a part of Kara's world... all but Mon-El who is married to his Legion duties and has no room to relax and celebrate with others and as far as we can tell, doesn't even have a personal life in the future. I honestly wouldn't have minded if he had said he was happily married or they implied some kind of work-life balance for him.
I made my peace-ish with this a long time ago but I can't deny that their decision to add that line about him not planning to return "in this lifetime" was a fresh reminder that they will always treat Mon-El like a bastard child.
But seriously, he ended S3 with "if you ever need me..." then ended the show with "I have no plans to ever come back."
As this show has finally come to a close and there will never be any more new scenes, all I can say is: Mon-El, you deserved better and will always be too good for this show, writers and fandom. And thank you for introducing me to Chris Wood's comedy chops. I hope I get to see him playing a big, funny character again.
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angelicherondales · 2 years
It’s time to stop treating first dates, first kisses, and losing virginity as milestones or rites of passage that must be completed. It’s time to stop expecting these things to happen in everyone’s teen years or even in their twenties. It’s time to stop letting people call themselves “late bloomers” for getting their first kiss at 16. It’s stupid. It’s unnecessary. It’s damaging to people who for whatever reason it may be don’t have romantic prospects or don’t even want to do those things.
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angelicherondales · 2 years
it’s so refreshing coming off twitter away from all the rinas onto tumblr w my fellow portwells
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angelicherondales · 2 years
If I were to sit and say the Ricky and Gina scenes weren’t cute I would be blatently lying because they were. It was adorable. And very funny.
I am a Portwell truther, and EJ being distracted by a (very understandable and overwhelming) summer job while Gina feels slightly neglected is EXTREMELY HSM 2 Troy/Gabriella of them. So I will be here, fighting for my life, hoping for a “Gotta Go My Own Way” duet, a “Sceam” solo for EJ, and a hope that the parallels bring them back together by the end.
Also do not come to me to say EJ doesn’t care about Gina because boy brought her flowers to congratulate her because he ALWAYS shows up despite being insanely distracted and stressed out. He is trying to be everything all at once and that’s not on him!
Ok bye
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angelicherondales · 2 years
not to be sad on main but if they fuck up portwell for any reason all that initial cuteness will be soiled
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angelicherondales · 2 years
Do you ever just rewatch Whisper Box and think about how while everyone else is arguing about crash carts, and epinephrine, and supernatural vs. science, Ace is just holding Nancy’s head and neck to protect her and make sure she doesn’t hurt herself and staring at her the entire time?
Because I do.
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