angelicidol-blog · 10 years
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"I wish the Crypton officials had your way of thinking, instead of giving me lectures of how Vocaloids should not be eating foods, that they aren't part of my programming, and so on! Sweets are to be enjoyed after a tough day, and if someone else is around, then the sweets will be...well even sweeter!"
[菫] —
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    “Well— it’s sort of true.. I mean, you don’t really need them. They’re sort of just something you’re supposed to enjoy, but it’s hard to enjoy them when you don’t have any around—! They really are a good thing, though. They’re just so… well, sweet!”
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angelicidol-blog · 10 years
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"Alas, death should not have taken him."
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"But straying away from feeling sorry for Len topic, what are you doing here? I really don't recall you ever coming in the Crypton building for anything. I hardly ever see default Kagamine modules, only promotional ones."
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  “ Ah the very thought makes my stomach go all        queasy, poor Len in the hands of the producers       he’s destined to die. “
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angelicidol-blog · 10 years
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"Cheer up, Len! You wouldn't want to become an old man at such a young age; that would send your fanbase into chaos and I don't think any Crypton official would want to take care of that!"
From what she read, and others have told her, Len's fanbase had a reputation of...being slightly emotional over anything concerning him. No one knew why exactly, but even Miku's fanbase wasn't as close to Len's. Well, in terms of expression and...admiration.
"Of course not. My schedule is still tentative but so far, no deaths involved. Most of the efforts are going to releases of novels-- Did you hear about the new Vocaloid novel? Halyosy announced that a novel based on your Fire Flower song will be made! Aren't you excited?!"
Rin bounced with excitement when giving the news; she seemed very excited for the development of the novel and the song. Hoping the other would feel the same excitement, she managed to make her smile even bigger than before in efforts to lessen the awkward air between them.
"Like I said most efforts--DON'T FALL!!" Hands quickly grabbed Len's lower arm, naturally Rin had a worrying expression and checked to see if he was alright. She had forgotten that her hands remained on his arm, letting go after a few seconds and with bowing in apology "I-I'm sorry! I thought you were going to fall!"
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▶ 「Y-yeah, you’re right…」
                                           The boy replied shyly and awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. Rins’ do know which ones’ are their Len, it was very strange. The Rin seemed happy for seeing him, that’s nice. All Lens’ are Len, that’s another thing correct. Should he smile now? Rin was smiling, it was proper to smile back.. right? It was just Rin after all, he didn’t have to feel anxious. The idol gave a small goofy grin at the other, although, he still felt quite awkward.
「Aha, so… wh-what’s up? A-are you going to die in the n-next song t-too?」
                   Stuffing his hands in his pockets, and shoulders still up and tight together, Len tried breaking the ‘ice’ by adding a friendly (?) phrase. 
                      He shuffled his feet a little, tilting his body to an angle until he accidentally almost fell and so he had to re-balance himself. Oh, he made things so awkward…
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angelicidol-blog · 10 years
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"I am familiar with the all of the Project DIVA Kagamine Rin modules but they aren't useful when it comes to producing songs unless it is their own and for the Project DIVA games. Though...I don't often see or interact with them; I mostly see Miku or Len whenever I go."
She hadn't thought about the other modules, not that she purposefully forgot about them. Only that they only appeared when it was regarding Project DIVA or when it came to tune ups, that was it. Miku and Len modules seemed to be rising in popularity, now being massed produced or something along the lines.
"Let's see...4 years ago would be when I started up. The first Kagamine modules were released 7 years ago though, if that helps your calculation." Thinking about it, she felt as if she became old, an old module that couldn't keep up with the advancing society. The synthesizer wondered how the first Kagamine modules.
"Then... who would know?"
The blonde shrugged, pursing her lips.  ◖ How many modules have ya’ met? I didn’t even know there was more of me-you-uh us.. ◗ The whole situation is confusing to her. The only android she’s ever known is Len, and he doesn’t even know that. This Rin is completely aware she is an android. 
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»> ◖ How old ‘r’ ya’? Like th’ start up date or somethin’. That might give ya’ a clue. ◗ She puffed out her cheeks and shrugged again. She was starting to think that there were other Crypton buildings other than the one she lived in. 
»> ◖ I never thought I’d exist as an android either, so we’re on the same page there sweetheart. ◗ The lil name calling sounds just a bit sarcastic.
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angelicidol-blog · 10 years
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"Don't underestimate me, you idiot!"
configuring voicebank ; angelicidol
"Pffff. Sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night, sweetie."
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angelicidol-blog · 10 years
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I had not planned to leave this blog for almost a month. Many events have been happening at once that I shifted my focus on them rather than here.  I haven't balanced everything out but I do plan on coming when I can, mostly during the weekends or on the weekdays towards the evening.
I am currently writing the owed replies, however I am having quite a hard time trying to understand the new Tumblr layout and coding. }
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angelicidol-blog · 10 years
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"I'm not rude! Mikuo is the rude one. I'm the nicest Vocaloid in the entire world!"
configuring voicebank ; angelicidol
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angelicidol-blog · 10 years
{ Scary Rin }:
»> ◖ Jus’ approach me like ya’ would approach anyone else. ◗
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She intertwined her fingers together, resting them on the back of her neck. The normal ever-so bored look face remained, not looking excited or happy at all to see the other. 
»> ◖ Yer like, an android or somethin’, right? Considerin’ you’re referrin’ to me as a human version of ya’. Wouldn’t it be the other way around? Like, me referrin’ to ya’ as a android version of me? ◗
"I think human version of Rin react differently than androids, even I have trouble approaching some Rin modules. Everyone else seems easy to approach!"
Maybe there wasn't enough information for her to process, the time wasn't considered important. Data, time, system searched for the missing coding and files regarding Kagamine Rin.
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"Eh? I didn't think of that..."
Her once excited face turned into a thinking one. Would it be the other way around? She hadn't known of humans with her exact appearance, even Crypton didn't say anything. 
"I don't know who is the first one, whether it was human or android. That seems too complex for me to figure out. This is my first time so I never thought I existed as a human! "
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angelicidol-blog · 10 years
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"Saying that strengthens my statement, Mikuo. The world can not withstand the combined idiocy of two Mikuos."
configuring voicebank ; angelicidol
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
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angelicidol-blog · 10 years
{ Silly Len }:
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▶ No. Not another Rin. Please no.  What an excited one too! His Rin never talked this way, it must be another Rin mistaking him for her Len, or… was it Ri-chan? He was never sure. There were so many Rins’ he had met compared to the number of Lens’. She seemed to be part of VOCALOID, seeing that she certainly asked if he was going to die in the next music video. Apparently not, actually. So, what was this boy supposed to reply to this Rin? Oh well, lesson learned three times, let’s not do it again, Len.
「I- I think you’ve mistaken me for another L-Len?」
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"You're so silly, Len! Len is Len, no matter what! Hey now, don't answer my questions with a question; we'll never get to the end of things!"
She was too wrapped up in her excitement to notice the other's mass confusion. Rin hadn't seen Len around in the area so seeing him made her systems fired up and bursting. After all, seeing Len made her smile! Perhaps the coding her programming acted on its own or this became a self taught reaction.
But she should probably get rid of the confusion! Don't want Len to hurt himself in his confusion!
"Don't be so confused! I know you're not my Len, that I can recognize. But you're still Len in a way! I'm still very happy!! Shouldn't anyone be happy in seeing someone?"
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angelicidol-blog · 10 years
kagalenana !!
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"Leeeeeeeeeen! I'm so glad to see your face! How are you, did you bring sweets, are you going to die in the next song, are you having fun, heeeeeey Leeeeeeeeeeeen!!"                           She was certainly excited.
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angelicidol-blog · 10 years
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"You're not as mean as he is. I don't get how Taito can be friends with an idiot. Mikuo would make a better pet, in my opinion."
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”..He’s my friend..I’m not going to make him my pet.”
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angelicidol-blog · 10 years
ismikuoaninstrument !!
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" . . . The end of the world has arrived. The world can not hold two idiots at the same place and time."
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angelicidol-blog · 10 years
redheadfuckboy !!
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"I spy Akaito! Please don't pick a fight with me; I need all my strength to be able to exact my revenge on someone. B-but after I finish my revenge, we can arm wrestle!! Or you can proclaim yourself as King."
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angelicidol-blog · 10 years
Yikes! Never had she felt intimidated, especially by something that shares her same appearance. A tiny side of her wondered if this is how the others viewed her.
Though...someone like her seemed really cool!
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"Yeah, special in a good way!! Don't take it the wrong way! This is my first time meeting a human version of myself so I don't know how to approach you..!"
»> ◖ Special? ◗ She raised an eyebrow, before rolling her eyes. She folds her arms over her chest, turning her head away. 
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»> ◖ Whatever, yea’ hi. Nice t’meet’cha. ◗ She shrugs a tiny bit.
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angelicidol-blog · 10 years
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"Maybe he died again, as he always does. At this rate, Len will become an endangered species in a few years or so."
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  “ Well I hope a lot of us are dominating the music industry—        but yeah there are quite a few of us, disregarding any Lens. “
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angelicidol-blog · 10 years
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"Miku-chan....it was only a saying...."
But come to think of it, would a sea of Mikus smell like onions? True, the scent that dominated each Miku was onion but there were some who had different scents. The Miku in front of her smelled like...chili chocolate; that was indeed an odd scent.
"But if you're in the sea, it'll be spicy onions." Well, she felt the need to add that piece of comment.  A grumpy Miku now equaled chili chocolate in the synthesizer's mind. 
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❝ Drowning in a sea of Mikus?gross I wouldn’t wanna be part of that sea, the stink of onions instead of salt comes to mind— but I digress, I’d love some. ❞ not actually, she hates sweets, most sweets anyway; the sugary milk chocolate ones that gave cholesterol problems from the first bit were her most hated, she could tolerate dark chocolate— a little bitter for her taste but it never hurt, it was kinda nice after a while, but her utmost favourite was chilli chocolate.  A strange combination of intense spice &heat mixed with cocoa, it was strange and it was fucking good. 
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