angelicjewel · 6 years
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        {{ I returned to tumblr just on time to see it falling apart haha but anyway I started rping again over at @blocdstained }}
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angelicjewel · 9 years
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    Was this girl going to remain sat on the ground for the rest of the day or what? because if that was the case then she would really rather not stick around for that. Was she perhaps injured? It had sounded as though the other individual had come into contact with the post with quite some force after all seeing at the thud had been loud enough to to stand out. If this was the case, then perhaps it was better that she didn’t just walk off and from the scene leaving the other on the ground as such. Besides, they where already drawing enough attention to themselves with the other pedestrians passing by them. 
    Extending an open hand in order to offer her assistance in helping the other girl back to her feet. The sooner that this was over with the sooner that she could return back to what she was doing once more. There where still a few other items that she needed  to collect before returning to the studio after all. 
    “Come on.” She motioned as she stared down at the other. “Unless you would rather stay there...”
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She wanted to scream. Well, she did just let out a yelp of a life-time, but after the soothing tone of the idol she adored so, the injured finds not only a problem with her forehead, but her throat as well. Not a word can be sounded- she’s just starting back at the other, mouth gaping open in absolute shock. Not only was the one, the only, Utau Hoshina speaking to her, but in the rare event that they actually met, this idiot had to go and make a huge klutz of herself! Her face is just as red as the ribbons in her hair. There is no way to come back from this one is there…? Why oh why?!
– and so, as she sits there on the floor, all she can muster is a rubbing of her head and a small nod. When you think about it, what is there to say anyway? Maybe it was better that she fell silent.
…She might just say something that would embarrass herself further.
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angelicjewel · 9 years
{ your response started with this phrase "She was no stranger to (...)" and I could only this of /that/ song lol you know which one :'3 I'm the worst, I know, forgive me husbando
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    Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down        Never gonna run around and desert you            Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye                Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you ♪♫
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angelicjewel · 9 years
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    She was no stranger to the odd stare in the streets nowadays if someone where to notice her presence; this girl really did take it to another level though. She hadn't been paying too much attention to other to begin with, that was until the laud thud rang in her ears making it hard for her not too notice what had just happened. Thus drawing her attention more so to the individual that had quite blatantly not been watching where she had been going at all. In fact she almost found it difficult to believe that that had just actually happened. “You might find it more helpful if you actually watched where you where going.” She pointed out after a moments silence. 
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Is that her?! Palms sweating, heart racing, the raven haired lass is starstruck by the fact that the one and only- perhaps the idol of this idol, was there across the way. Do you go say ‘Hi’? Do you just pretend nothing’s special and act cool? Do you gush out fan girl mode like you’re doing now? Her mind raced to the point of dizziness- eventually coming to an abrupt halt due to her forehead making contact with a street lamp. The sound of the impact was perhaps as loud as the yelp of pain that cried out. Gah, who put that there?! Hopefully she didn’t see anything either…!
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angelicjewel · 9 years
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angelicjewel · 9 years
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    Eye fell closed momentarily the small smile lacing her lips more prominently now. “I bet I could keep my arms up for longer than you anyway.” She chimed with a touch more enthusiasm this time around. Truth be told she was looking forwards to this and that much was more than likely beginning to show through if nothing else. “So you have to get us candy floss as well if I do, its only fair.”
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             What kind of boyfriend would he be if he didn’t know her well enough to know she would agree and disagree on certain things. It’s what helps him with her and their relationship. He smiled at the idea, giving her hand a light squeeze, “You’ll do it to and have fun. Because I want to buy one of those ride picture.”
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angelicjewel · 9 years
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    Well that was entirely unexpected, she hadn't even noticed that she he dropped anything to begin with. A hand being brought subconsciously to her pocket to check upon the content or there for lack of thanks to the apparent hole in the bottom of it. Well great that mean that she had miss placed everything that had formally been in there if that was the case; this including her phone. Hues scanned the ground down the pathway for as far as she could see. A hand extending to take the handkerchief back from the stranger. “Yes, thanks.” She replied vaguely, more worried about where her cellphone could now be .
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“Oh, I think you may have dropped this, miss.” Bending down, the gentleman picked up a silken handkerchief. The smooth material clasp loosely in his gloved hand, he presented back to her with kind smile gracing his features. “Try and be more careful next time.”
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angelicjewel · 9 years
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    The fact that he seemed so sure about it all, despite her original disarrangements caused the inkling of a smile to tease at her lips as she stood beside the male. It really had been quite a while since she had ridden any rides like this one. “Then if we are going to do this, you have to keep you hands in the air the whole way around!” 
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             Kukai chuckled, knowing she won’t regret it at all and she so easily agreed. “Sure it is. I bet you would want to go on it again afterwards.” The taller boy got in line with her.
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angelicjewel · 9 years
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     Departing from the room that they had been set to meet in she set about heading down towards the canteen. A quick glance being paid over her shoulder to the other female as she spoke up once more. That was of course a valid point, there was no point in putting off their work much loner than necessary and seeing as neither of the two had actually heard each other voices in person. It was clear that they where going to have to start right from the beginning if they where going to be able to come up with something together that meshed both of their different singing styles and voices well enough to produce a hit single. 
    “I know a room that will be available once we’re ready to use it, so we can go there. It should have everything that we need to get started?” That should hopefully suffice them for the time being until they really got going properly with the allotted list that they had been left with to scheduled in their different tasks. “Since we have an interview coming up it might help if we have something to go from.”
To sing a Duet
➳≰❀≱➳ The only other person she’s ever done a duet with prior to this was with Jae-ha and that had also been her first debut. She nodded with a soft  laugh to the other singer’s response. For yes, of course the producers would want something unique to both their vocal skills. 
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                      Browsing through the schedule, she then glances up to the blonde woman as she turns outward to leave the room. Come to think of it she was feeling hungry.. Damn diets.  ❝ Yeah sure. ❞ With a nod, she folded the schedule and followed her.  ❝ I was just thinking of what kind of song we’d be more compatible to sing together. I’ve done my share of duets but it’s always best to test waters out. Maybe after we eat we can find a booth and practice for a bit? ❞
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angelicjewel · 9 years
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    “Okay, fine.” She allowed herself to be led along quite easily despite her previous protests. “But it really better be as good as you say it is.”
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          “Now that that’s settled, let’s do it.” 
       He took her by the hand and began to walk her over to the roller coaster.
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angelicjewel · 9 years
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    “You really are weird you know.”
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          “Of course I do. No one wants to grow up fast.”
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angelicjewel · 9 years
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    “That doesn't mean that you don’t still act like one.”
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          “I thought I proved to you I wasn’t a child.”
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angelicjewel · 9 years
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     “That sounds like something that a child would say.”
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          “Why not? It’ll be fun.”
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angelicjewel · 9 years
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    “No, I’m definitely not doing that.”
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angelicjewel · 9 years
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    Having to admit that she required assistance from anyone was one thing. But when that someone happened to be a certain pinkette that was something else entirely. However with her workload piling up and with few other people that she could turn too. The only other person that she could think of at current and after a bit of prompting from her manager here she stood now. Outside the younger females household the want to simply turn around and walk away once more was something of a strong desire that burned consistently in the back of her mind. Even if she had gotten this far she could still walk away or so she though. After a brief moment of hesitation her hand lifted knuckles being brought to meet with the solid wood of the door stood in her way. 
    Impatience soon arose as she stood firmly in place arms being folded over one and other as she awaited for someone to within the household to to open the door to her. Something to which she didn't thing or rather she was hoping that wouldn't have to happen again so soon. Especially for the task that he had for the other to do for her. This specific thing was something that she would much rather do herself. But alas with the rest of the things that she had on her plate, she certainly didn't have the time to go around looking for where her brother was hiding away this time around. Seeing how this individual seemed to have a knack of stumbling upon her elder sibling there was no other option for it. 
    “I didn’t know I was either.” well that was partially a lie, she had seen it coming in all honestly, she just didn't want to have to admit that it would actually occur. Though she appreciated the fact that Ami had assisted in opening her eyes to the greater picture the youngster was not really the kind of company that she went out of her way to spend the day with. Many because of how young the other was but that was a completely different story. “No. I'm here to see you.. So put on your shoes I need to talk to you.”
{ angelicjewel }
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Waking to daylight greeting those tenderly touched by its comforting rays is an experience the average person blessed with the privilege of accessing it would doubtlessly describe as pleasant. Unless the loathsome sound of an alarm system effectively performing its duty accompanies the arrival of the invitation to abandon those vibrant realms of unconsciousness, that is. Fortunately, for a particularly fatigued youth, she is not summoned from her sleep by obligations urgently pursuing her attention. With nothing on the agenda, the chance to approach this brand new day of her own volition is now available for her to seize. The thought of being allowed to leisurely consume edible temptations prompts sock clad feet to carry the girl  to the lower level of her place of residence. However, this act is carried out in a fashion that is utterly incapable of being labeled as hasty.
              Before bare extremities can begin to apply butter to bread,               the distinct sound of knuckles colliding with wood thrice is               detected. Odd, given the fact that no one is expecting any               visitors at this hour. Nevertheless, it would be rather impolite               to simply disregard the presence of one seeking to initiate               a discussion with one of the occupants of this cozy home.               Of course, genuine confusion transforms into pure surprise               upon discovering the identity of the person waiting to cross               the threshold. As if frozen in place, nimble digits hover before               a gaping mouth attempting yet failing to release a yawn.
                   ❝ U-utau? I didn’t know you were stopping by. ❞
                                   ❝ Are you here to see Ami? ❞
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angelicjewel · 9 years
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    How irritating, this entire turn of events had only proven to annoy her thoroughly. If she didn't have her hands full with the bags she was juggling then she certainly would have given that moron a piece of her mind. But alas there was not much else that she could do about it at current, her tongue clicking against the roof of her mouth. Turning to the other individual as she heard them, her eyes fell closed, thankful that there was at least someone with sense around here. “Well he definitely needs to be taught something.” 
angelicjewel started following you
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“He just rammed right into you and didn’t say a word. Someone ought to teach guys like that a lesson.” Haruka’s lips pressed together, irritation apparent on her face.
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angelicjewel · 9 years
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Cute sibling scene between Ikuto and Utau <3
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