I wanna end me
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You’re the reason why I smile.
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Mood 🙆🏼‍♀️
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Essere magre non è sinonimo di bellezza. Ricordatevelo. “Se devi farmi un complimento fallo al mio cervello” -Christina yang
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I love you.
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Someone once told me, "The opposite of love is fear." At first, I couldn't understand them because I fear fires and hurricanes but I don't love those things. But then they asked me, "What's something you're scared of losing?" I said, "Him." Then they said, "You love him don't you?" Then I understood and I said, "That's the reason why I don't want to lose him."
Alexa evangelista
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There’s a story behind every person, a reason why they are the way they are. So think about that before you judge someone.
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Prenditi cura di lui, proprio come avrei fatto io. Amalo e proteggilo. Ma soprattutto goditelo.
Angelo insaziabile
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Grey’s anatomy
Ho paura.
Ho paura per quanto ti voglio, eppure eccomi qui che ti voglio ad ogni costo.
E se ho paura significa che ho qualcosa da perdere, giusto?
E io non voglio perderti.
-Meredith grey
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I’ll be with you from dusk till dawn. 🌙
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Quanto è dannatamente bella la natura.
An excerpt from the 2006 National Geographic documentary ‘Eye Of The Leopard‘ captures the extraordinary moment when a leopard’s maternal instinct outweighed her predatory nature.
A 2-year-old leopard cub named Legadema had just made her first kill — a baboon — when a baby emerged from the dead animal’s pelt. Unexpectedly, Legadema ignored her meal, gently carried the baby to the safety of a tree, and began to care for the newborn.
“Several times, the baby baboon fell out of the tree,” filmmaker Dereck Joubert said, according to the Daily Mail. “Each time, Legadema raced down to pick her up before the hyenas descended, and carried her back up to safety. The baboon clearly thought of Legadema as a surrogate mother. For several hours, they nestled in the tree.”
Unfortunately, without sustenance from its mother, the baby baboon did not survive the night, but Legadema’s protection likely spared it from some worse fate. (Source)
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Follow me guys
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Citazioni mie
Quando leggete -angeloinsaziabile sono citazioni mie personali, create, ideate e scritte da me. Taggatemi se ne usufruite.
Tutti i diritti sono riservati. 🚫
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Shawty, bite me in the middle of the night, kiss my heart e touch my soul.
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